• Published 15th May 2012
  • 16,994 Views, 222 Comments

Dawn of a new Day - Furor

Rainbow Dash regains a wing for once

  • ...

Chapter 6

Twilight and Rainbow Dash had spent the time until evening in the library's bedroom, lying on the bed, cuddling, kissing, telling each other secrets about themselves and simply wallowing in the pleasure of their partner's company with Twilight's favorite music playing in the background. Right now Dash was lying on top of Twilight, forelegs wrapped around the purple neck, and staring intently into her indigo eyes, while Twilight's forelegs went around Dash's body, her hooves meeting over her wings.

“How do you think the others will react?” Dash asked.

“Hm. Well, I know Rarity won't have a problem with us.”

Dash laughed shortly. “Yeah. I went to her for advice before I came here.”

“You did?” Twilight asked with a grin. “You actually asked for advice. What would Rainbow Dash have needed help with?”

Dash narrowed her eyes. “Ha ha. But that's what she asked me, too.”

“Well, what did she tell you?”

“Hehe. She actually told me that I should kiss you as soon as you opened the door.” Twilight began to giggle under Dash. “A big, long, sloppy kiss, she said.” Both ponies broke into laughter.

“So that's why you kept staring at my mouth!” Twilight exclaimed and resumed her giggling.

“Hehe. Yeah. I wasn't exactly subtle, was I?”

“Not in the slightest. I've never seen you so nervous.”

“Probably because I've never been so nervous.”

“Aww. But you are so adorable when you're insecure.” Twilight lowered her hoof and rubbed Dash's cheek with it.

“You know, you're the only pony I'll ever let me call that.”

“Really? Well then, I'll have to make good use of that, won't I?”

“Don't overdo it,” warned Dash and gave Twilight a quick kiss. “But what I actually meant was how they'll react when they find out that we're …” Dash's voice trailed off.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “That we're … what?”

“Fillyfoolers,” Dash nearly forced out. “Shouldn't that be an issue?”

Twilight's eyes widened a little. “I don't know. Should it?”

“I don't know,” Dash repeated. “I mean I've been teased in flight school after I got my cutie mark and when I lived in Cloudsdale for some time, but not really since I moved here.”

Twilight smiled up at her new girlfriend. “Come here,” she said softly and pulled Dash's head down into a long kiss and felt Dash's body become weaker over hers. “See?” she asked, after pulling her lips away, while Dash was regarding her with a dreamy smile. “Did that feel wrong?” Dash slowly shook her head. “You can't argue against nature, Rainbow.” She pulled Dash around so that they we're both lying on their sides and gave her another short kiss. “I love you and that's all that should matter.”

The smile on Dash's face got wider. “Uhm, what was that?”

“I said I love you, Rainbow,” Twilight repeated also with a wide smile and gave the pegasus another kiss.

Dash's expression changed into a grin. “I'm sorry, can you repeat that?”

Twilight now pressed her lips forcefully against Dash's. “I love you,” she whispered and gave her another kiss. “I love you.” Another, this one next to Dash's mouth. She pressed her chest against Dash's and could feel the blue mare's heartbeat rising. “I love you.” Another on the cheek, heating up the cyan face. “I love you.” A kiss next to the eye, and Dash pulling in a ragged breath. “I love you.” Her last kiss, this one under the ear, causing Dash's wings to tremble shortly. “I'll always love you,” she whispered directly into Dash's ear. Her wings closed around Twilight’s body and the pegasus pulled her back to eye level and into a tight embrace.

“You know,” Dash said quietly into the unicorn's mane, “I can't shake the feeling that you might love me.”

Twilight began giggling and nuzzled Dash's cheek before looking into her rose eyes again. “Those were for all the times I didn't say it. All the times I've been to scared and afraid of what might happen.”

“Wow. This has really been nagging on you, hasn't it?” Twilight closed her eyes and nodded sadly in response. “Do you … wanna talk about it?”

Twilight slowly shook her head, smiling. “No,” she said and opened her eyes. “Right now I only want happy thoughts. We can talk about it later if you want.”

“Happy thoughts, huh? I think I can do that.” Twilight looked at her expectantly with raised eyebrows. “Hey, what's blue and smells like red paint?”

Twilight began giggling softly. “That's not what I meant,” she said and gave Dash's shoulder a bump with her hoof.

“Oh, come on. What's blue and smells like red paint?” Dash insisted.

Twilight sighed. “I don't know?”

“Blue paint.”

Twilight started laughing louder than she intended and rolled onto her back and out of the pegasus' embrace. “Th-That's … s-so … s-s-stupid,” she brought out between breaths.

“Yep,” Dash said to herself and retracted her wings to the sides of her body. “Gets them every time.”

Eventually the laughing stopped and Dash shifted over to Twilight, lifted herself on top of the unicorn again and once more slung her forelegs around her neck.

“So …” Dash started and gave Twilight a short kiss. “Why do you … you know?”

Twilight released a short breath. “Why do I what?” she asked, smiling like in pure bliss.

“Love me.” Dash said with a hint of anticipation in her voice. “Why do you love me?”

“Hmm. I don't know if I can point to one reason specifically.” Twilight looked away in thought, but quickly faced Dash again. “Well, for starters, I think you're the most beautiful pony I've ever met.”

Rainbow Dash was trying her hardest to contain her laughter. “No, seriously,” she said after a while.

“I mean it,” Twilight stressed.

“How could you even compare me to somepony like Rarity?”

“Oh, you don't have to cover yourself in makeup, style your mane or wear fancy dresses to be pretty. You have a whole other kind of beauty.” Twilight saw the incredulous look on Dash's face. “Don't believe me? Okay, let's start with your hair. Other ponies' usually have just one color. They can style it, make it shine in the light, but that doesn't change a thing to me. They're still monotone and boring. Yours on the other hoof simply has every color.” She slowly ran a hoof through the perplexed Dash's mane and considered each of its hues. “It's a rolling sea of red, magenta, orange, yellow, green, cyan, deep blue, violet and purple. The way it flows in the wind, the colors mixing with one another-” she closed her eyes as if she was remembering a particular scene, “-the sunlight and even the moonlight reflecting off of it, especially when it's still slightly wet from kicking clouds.” She sighed deeply. “It's just the most marvelous display of colors I can imagine.”

Twilight opened her eyes and looked into Dash's own with excitement and adoration. “And your eyes. Oh, I could write whole books about your eyes. I could lose myself in them, just lying here and studying their depths, imagining the places they would take me. They promise adventure, excitement and the most amazing time of my life.” She stopped her monologue for a few moments in which she simply stared, absorbed, into Dash's rose colored eyes before resuming her speech. Her eyes travelled further down Dash's body, as did her hoof. “Now, your wings.”

“Uhm, my wings?” Dash asked. “But you made one of them.”

Twilight blinked, not having expected to be interrupted. She quickly looked the pegasus in the eyes. “Oh, no. I only helped regrow it. I just took care of the little details and gave shape to what was already there, under the surface-” her eyes found the new wing again, “-waiting to be released.” She slid her hoof between Dash's body and the wing tucked at its side and gently pressed against it. Dash understood the instruction and dramatically spread both of her wings to their full length, watching Twilight take a deep breath in amazement.

“They're the most magnificent set of wings I've ever seen,” she continued, her hoof smoothly tracing the limb of the newly grown wing. “I can only imagine the places you could go with them, the speeds you could reach. While I was shaping it I felt their strength and firmness. And they have to be, seeing as they're driven by powerful muscles.” Her hoof found the side of Dash's chest again and the pegasus gave her wings a waft, but not enough to lift both of them off the bed. Twilight simply chuckled and said, “you have the body of a true athlete, Rainbow.”

“Just wait until my other muscle grows back, too,” Dash said quietly, causing Twilight to lock eyes with her again. “I'm going to take you to the stars.”

Twilight smiled softly and leaned upward. “I can't wait,” she whispered into Dash's ear and gave her another kiss on the lips. She sighed and continued her monologue. “And now we come to the best part,” she said with a grin and both of her hooves grabbed the pegasus' rear, causing Dash's eyes to widen and her wings to jerk up tall in the air. “Your flank,” Twilight continued and closed her eyes. “Oh, I'm not gonna lie. I've had dreams about that flank. I feel like I could spend hours just staring at it and thinking about the things I would do if we were alone. And … well, to be completely honest I have done exactly that.” Twilight's cheeks were heating up and becoming slightly red. “Many times.”

Rainbow Dash closed her mouth and began collecting herself, blinking several times. “Uhm, we are alone,” she said with a playful smile.

Twilight returned the smile. “Yes we are,” she said, wrapped her forelegs around her lover's neck and pressed her lips against Dash's. She rolled them both over on the side and continued the passionate kiss, stroking her mane and pushing her body against the pegasus'. Eventually they broke apart, both of them breathing somewhat heavily. Twilight slid her lower hoof under and past her neck and rested her head on her leg, while gently caressing Dash's cheek with her other hoof. “But that's just one reason and by far not the biggest,” she continued her answer. “I don't think I can even find words for how I love your personality. Not now, anyway.”

Twilight paused and saw that Rainbow Dash was about to say something, but she quickly cut her off. “But the biggest reason I have for loving you is: I simply do. I'm sorry, it's not something I can explain or analyze critically. When you're not with me I feel like there's something missing, something that needs to be there to make it all complete. I just want to be close to you, kiss you; feel your touch, your heartbeat and your breathing; hear you brag about your newest stunt or just lie here and fall asleep next to you, knowing that you'll still be there in the morning when I wake up.” Dash had a stunned look on her face. “I hope that answers your question,” she said with a chuckle.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash said. “I don't know if I can tell you how I feel like that. I mean I've been trying to think of something, anything, but-” she took a small pause in which she looked away in thought before looking at Twilight again, “-every time I try to describe you in my head, the only words I can think of are 'cool' and 'amazing'.” Dash's voice showed a hint of desperation.

“Oh, it's fine, Rainbow, really. I know talking isn't one of your strong suits,” Twilight giggled.

“But I want to tell you so badly, show how much I want to be with you-”

Twilight had put a hoof on Dash's mouth. “You don't have to. Not now. Take your time to think if you feel you need to. All I want to hear from you now is that I can trust you, that you'll be there for me just like I'll always be there for you. Can you promise me that?” She removed her hoof from Dash's mouth.

Dash gave her a determined “Yes.” Her expression left Twilight no room for doubt.

Twilight gave her a loving smile and placed her head on Dash's chest, wrapping her forelegs around her. “Thank you,” she said. It was not nighttime yet - the sun was just beginning to set - but right now there was nowhere else she wanted to be. She was finally with the filly she loved and nothing in the world could take that away from her. All she wanted to do now was to simply lie there and listen to her new lover's heartbeat until she could fall asleep.

The soft music was beginning to fill the room, both ponies listening in silence. Eventually the song changed, Twilight recognizing it immediately. “Hmmm,” she moaned, “one of my favorites.”

“I think I know that song,” Dash said. “It kinda fits our situation, doesn't it?” Twilight only hummed in agreement and began silently mouthing the lyrics.

The thoughts of yesterday forgotten,
I like the way this new skin feels.
Bring me splinters of tomorrow,
Collect the parts where I win.

“Hey, I forgot to ask,” Dash began. “What happened to Spike? Shouldn't he be here?”

“Sleepover with the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Twilight answered with a tired voice.

“Heh, wonder what they're getting into.”

Concrete breath and dust filled tears,
A one way ride to inner peace,
I never thought I'd join the others

“You know what Twilight?” Dash asked in a resolved tone.

“Hm?” came the quiet response.

“… I think I love you, too.”

Twilight shifted her body closer to her and moved her head higher up Dash's chest. “I know,” she said and closed her eyes.

Dash gave her a kiss on the head shortly behind her horn. With an idyllic smile she resumed her pondering over how she could show her affection to Twilight.

Dawn of a new day
Never looked … as good as this.


Rainbow Dash woke up early the next morning with the sun barely above the horizon. She saw that she was still holding Twilight, but they were lying on their sides with the unicorn facing away from her. It was not unusual for the flyer to wake up that early and normally she would have just drifted back to sleep, but now she tried to stay awake so she could better enjoy the sight and the feeling of holding Twilight close to her. She shifted her position slightly and draped a wing over the unicorn. Last night she had not gotten further in her search for how to express herself to Twilight.

The only new thought she had, besides 'cool' and 'amazing', was 'absolutely awesome' - not very impressive in her opinion. But seeing her wing covering the purple mare - that was when the idea hit her. She knew how fast she could forget even important things and she would have tried to find something to write it down. How hard could it be to find a pen and paper in a library, after all? But she also knew that it was important for Twilight to be there when she woke up, even if it was only today, and she did not want to risk upsetting her. So she just kept to refining the idea and repeating it in her head, not moving from her embrace of the unicorn.

Eventually Twilight woke up. She yawned and saw blue forelegs around her and felt a soft wing covering her under the blanket and the familiar sensation she had been experiencing all yesterday evening returned to her stomach. She turned around and was greeted by a beaming smile.

“Good morning,” Dash cheered and gave her a short kiss.

“Mmph! Morning,” Twilight gave her a sleepy smile,h eyes still half closed. “How long have you been awake?”

“Oh, about an hour, I guess.”

Twilight giggled and gave Dash a soft hit on the shoulder with her hoof. “You didn't have to wait for me.”

“Yeah, but I wanted to. Besides I got the most awesome idea and I just had to tell you before I forget it.”

”Oh? What is it?”

Rainbow Dash explained the idea to her. Twilight was surprised at first and then incredibly touched, but also a bit concerned. What Dash had in mind seemed oddly fitting, but still somewhat hasty to Twilight.

“Do you think you can do it?” Dash asked her.

“Sure I can do it,” Twilight said carefully. “But I might not be able to reverse it.”

“Why would I want to reverse it?”

“Doesn't that seem a little rash to you?”

Dash sighed. “Twi, I've spent the last hour thinking about it. I want this. You said yourself that I'm not that good with words, but I want to show how much I want to be with you. I want the whole world to know about it.”

Twilight now also let out a sigh before giving Dash a loving smile again. “Make it official, hm? If that's what you want then yes, we can do it.”

“Thank you!” Dash exclaimed and kissed her again before pulling her into a tight hug.

“Hehe, don't thank me yet. Let's see how it turns out first.”

“Oh, I know it's gonna be awesome.”


The group of four ponies stood at the entrance to Sugarcube Corner, chatting with each other about the letters they had received from Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

“Do you girls know why they wanted to meet us all here?” Rarity asked.

“I bet Rainbow jus' wants to show us that new wing of hers,” Applejack responded.

“But the letter mentioned a 'surprise',” Fluttershy said into her mane.

“I love surprises!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and began bouncing up and down, causing Fluttershy to emit a weak “Eep!”

“Well, I reckon we don' have to wait any longer. Here they come,” Applejack said and pointed her hoof at a pair of ponies approaching the group. “Hm. They're walkin' awfully close to each other.”

“Did Rainbow Dash just rub her cheek on Twilight's?” Rarity asked nopony in particular as a smile crept onto her lips that none of the others noticed.

“Oh, look how happy they are. They're laughing!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed.

Rarity chuckled to herself. “That looks like more than simple laughing, my dear.”

“What's that on Dashie's wing?” Pinkie Pie pointed at Rainbow Dash’s side, ignoring Rarity’s comment.

“The other one has it too,” Fluttershy said looking up.

“Hm. Could they be something like casts?” Rarity proposed.

“On both sides?” Applejack asked her with a raised eyebrow.

The two ponies finally reached the group. “Hi girls!” Twilight exclaimed brightly as she and Rainbow Dash approached.

“Heya!” Dash said and waved her hoof.

“Well you’re sure lookin' happy, sugarcube.” Applejack said with a grin. “Something good happened, I reckon?”

“You betcha!” Dash said and jumped happily up and down. “I can finally fly again!”

“Well, don't keep us waiting, dear,” Rarity said. “Show us.”

“Uhm,” Twilight started and pawed the ground, looking at Dash and then the others again. “There is something else I would like to tell you all first.”

Dash groaned beside her. “Come on, Twi. What difference does it make if we tell them or they just see it?”

A small sigh escaped Twilight. “Yeah, I guess you're right. Go on, then, show them,” she said with a smile and bumped Dash’s shoulder with her own.

“Woohoo!” Dash exclaimed, spread her wings and took to the air.

She performed a loop above the group and slowly circled them before coming to a halt, hovering over the position she had just left at Twilight's side. She was careful not to move from her current position so that they could all see the inside of her wings. The group of friends gasped audibly. There, among her usual cyan blue feathers, were also some new, purple feathers. In fact about half the feathers on both wings were the color of Twilight's coat, chosen in a seemingly random pattern. The four ponies were stunned and stared at them with open mouths; Fluttershy had sat down on the ground.

Rarity was the first of them to regain her composure. “They're beautiful,” she said quietly and regarded Dash and Twilight with a beaming smile. “So it worked?”

Dash floated to the ground next to Twilight and wrapped a wing around her, pulling her closer. “Sure did,” she said brightly.

Fluttershy was the next to say something. “So you two are …” she began.

“Sure are,” Dash exclaimed, causing Twilight to blush as she nuzzled the purple mare.

Applejack looked confused from the two ponies to a happily smiling Fluttershy. “What?” she asked and turned to a beaming Rarity. “What's happenin'? I don' get it.”

“Ugh, Applejack.” Rarity groaned and rubbed her forehead with her hoof. “Can't you see?” She pointed her hoof at Twilight and Dash while looking at the farmer. “They're a couple now.”

Applejack raised her eyebrows and turned her head towards them. Twilight was resting her head against Dash's while looking at her with a blush and a lowered head. Dash was wearing a winning smile as if she had just performed another sonic rainboom in front of them. “Well Ah'll be …” the farmer started as a grin appeared on her face as well. “How'd that happen?”

“Oh, I'm so happy for you Twilight,” Fluttershy said, brightly smiling at the purple unicorn. “And for you, Dash, of course,” she added.

“You know what this calls for,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and began bouncing around the group.

“Lemme guess,” Applejack chuckled. “A party?”

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! A big party with cake and music and streamers and dancing and punch and friends and candy and more friends and more candy!” She suddenly stopped, gasped and looked at Dash with big eyes. “Did your trail change color, too? Has it more purple in it now?”

Dash looked at Twilight with an irritated expression, which Twilight only returned. “Uhm, I don't know,” she said slowly and looked back at the bubbly mare.

“It's unlikely, but it could be. I don't know how your trail forms,” Twilight said with a look at Dash.

“I haven't flown fast enough yet,” Dash continued. “My muscle is still a little weak on this side.” She rubbed her side with the new wing on it.

“Well, don't overexert yourself now, darling,” Rarity said, “or you might injure something else.”

Dash waved her hoof. “Don't worry. I'll take it easy. Besides, I've got the best nurse in the world right now.” She planted a kiss on Twilight's cheek, causing her to giggle.

“I bet that's a mighty interesting story you two have to tell,” Applejack said. “Care to share it?”

Both ponies looked at each other briefly. “Sure,” Twilight said. “If we can leave out some details,” she added with a chuckle.

“Oh, but of course,” Rarity replied. “But let's not do it out here. We can have it much more comfortable inside.” Her horn glowed and the door to Sugarcube Corner opened.

Pinkie Pie bounced in first, followed by Fluttershy. When Applejack and Rarity got to the door at the same time, the farmer took a step back, smiled at Rarity and stretched out a hoof. “After you, my lady,” Applejack said.

“Oh, thank you, dear,” Rarity proclaimed somewhat surprised and gracefully trotted inside.

After Applejack entered the bakery Twilight and Rainbow Dash stopped short of the doorstep. “Phew, that could have gone worse,” Twilight said.

“Yeah,” Dash replied scratching her head. “I half expected Applejack to be … disappointed.”

“Applejack? Why?”

“Well, I've always thought she kinda … likes me.”

Twilight was laughing now. “Don't be silly, Rainbow.”

“Hey, what's that supposed to mean?”

“Don't you know? She's with Rarity.”

Dash was dumbfounded. “Rarity?” she repeated. “But … Why? How?”

“Do you remember their trip to the rodeo some time ago?”

“You're kidding me, right?” Dash asked, to which Twilight shook her head. “That was months ago! How didn't I notice anything?”

Twilight suppressed a witty answer as a voice called them from inside the building. “Are you two comin' inside now?” It was Applejack. “You better not be makin' out out there.”

“We're coming,” Twilight called inside.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie appeared at the entrance, took the new couple by their hooves and dragged them inside. “Come on, now,” she exclaimed. “You have to tell us everything.”

More laughter emanated from inside the building until the door to Sugarcube Corner closed itself with a magical shimmer.

Comments ( 157 )

I enjoyed this fic quite a bit on EqD. While not the best shipfic I've read it's very pleasant and has some unique characteristics.

You should link the comic in the description too.

Finally! Been waiting for you to upload this here. One of my favorite Twidash fics.

Awesome to see this up on Fimfiction. This was actually one of the first MLP fics I read, and it's still very high up in my TwiDash list! Thanks for the great story. :pinkiehappy:

I saw the comic on dA, but never got around to reading the actual story. This will be my chance, I guess. :)

Ah, finally one of my favorite TwiDash stories makes it over here. This is a great story, and I'd recommend it to anyone, especially if they like TwiDash.

Also, I noticed that the story is marked "incomplete". Is this an error or...?

I just did that. Thanks for reminding me.

Depending on how far back you read this story, it still wasn't as good as I wanted. Well, it still isn't. You might have enjoyed the story, but it was riddled with adjectives and LUS. I just fixed most of those before uploading it here.

Thank you!

One of your first huh? Thank you!

How is it that I see that gif on almost every story here?

Please do. The comic left a lot of little things out.

It's only an error if you count me as a source. I just corrected it.

Finally, my favorite TwiDash on FimFiction :twilightsmile:

I've had this account for over three months now ...

Thanks though.

...Not my kinda story, but whatever. Magic makes you act in mysterious ways...

Why, you ask? It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.

...Or is it just sleep deprivation?

yes yes; one of my first twidash's that i ever read has made its way over to fimfiction

Hey, welcome to Fimfiction.

Love this story

The question now becomes, will you ever do the extensive revision? :twilightsheepish: I for one would love to see it.

Awesome story, but a pony breaking a pinky promise, without pinkie stopping them i just ain't buying i.

Pfaha! No. You better not get your hopes up. I understand that you'd like to read it, but it would be more of a rewrite ending up about twice as long rather than making some changes. And I don't have the patience and commitment to do that.

Rarity knew the risks and gladly took them.

Twice as long?!... Now you've gotten my hopes up :pinkiesad2:
This is one of the few stories where I can feel what the characters feel, and that's a rare thing, and deserves recognition.

597004 Yeah, i could see her go though hell and high water for romance :raritywink:

:heart: the story. Twilight and Dash does make a great couple.:twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:
Just surprised that :applejackunsure::raritywink: are a couple, love to read on how that happen

Yes, the SS TwiDash practically sails itself! The RariJack was just a silly idea I threw in at the end of having written everything. I was referencing butterscotchsundae's Swayback Mountain.

Read this ages ago, but will read it again now :twilightsmile:

Aw, thank you. And I approve of your avatar.

597440 I just though I needed something original...ish, haven't seen anyone else with it so far.

I remember this one up one EqD, It's a really nice story and I was glad to have re-read it.

Thinks for tilling me about the other story, now i gonna start reading that one, Man i feel like twilight grabbing books to read. Anyhow, Keep up the good work:heart: and let the other stories that you write will be as good as this one :twilightsmile::heart::rainbowkiss:

Thank you. You can read the other two stories I've uploaded here, too. They were both written after this one. Although I haven't written anything after Dreamworlds and it'll still be a while before I start again.

I said it before and I'll say it again: excellent! Seriously wonderful writing here. There were more than a few times where I had tears in my eyes, and I never once had a hard time seeing the scene in my mind. I've been looking forward to this all day, and it couldn't have appointed me more! (Weird that you can't say that, you can disappoint, but you can't just appoint, unless you're classifying something, whatever, anyways, your story made me very happy!) Thank you so much for writing this! You've got some real talent, and I really hope you keep getting inspired to use it. Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

i absolutely love this story it is my first twidash shipfic and i am glad to say it was this one because i instantly fell in love with it keep up the good work cant wait to see future installments:yay:

I have nothing to say, other than that this fic made me laugh and DAWWWW.
One could say it's simply...

603249 Always up for up a hug!

603249 *In the voice of Professor Farnsworth* Oh my yes. *hugz*

At the end there . . . PLOT TWIST!!! AJ & Rarity!! :pinkiegasp:

This last chapter made me cry lots of happy tears :twilightsmile:

Amazing job!

Wow that story was just awesome. :twilightsmile:

If you read this story on FimFiction before then it's much more likely that that person stole my story. The original (the one that EqD linked to) is on my devaintart profile that I also linked on my profile here.

“Oh, come on. What's blue and smells like red paint?” Dash insisted.

Twilight sighed. “I don't know?”

“Blue paint.”
consider that joke stolen
also i have a hard time imaging rainbow now or understanding the last part can you put it in stupid/tired people terms

Wow that was a awesome story.:twilightsmile:

If you're talking about the feathers in her wings, then some of them are now purple and some still blue. Twilight is purple, Dash is blue. You should be able to figure the rest out for yourself. I believe in you!

Thank you!

Aww, thank you very much.

Great fic man, loved it
Also HELLS YEAH IN FLAMES (I just had to point it out)


Thank you. Were you wary of the shipping or anything specific?

Ϲпасибо большое за комплимент.
That was Russian for "Thank you very much for the compliment."

Aww... such an adorable little story.

The comic is fantastic too. I never knew I'd be so into TwiDash. It actually inspired me to draw a TwiDash picture.:heart:

Oh? Can I see it?

674724 I never actually uploaded it anywhere. I'll upload it soon and show you. :twilightsmile:

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