• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 42 minutes ago

law abiding pony

Just a hobbyist writer with aspirations of making a career in it.



This story is a sequel to The Chaotic Touch of Harmony

It has been nearly a year since ponies and Mions appeared on Earth with humanity being divided in how to deal with both. While the ponies in the newly formed town of Trinity work to establish themselves, the rest are scattered throughout the planet while trying to find their place in the world and the Cult of the Koridost is quietly ramping up their genocidal campaign against humanity.

Will Discord’s vision of humanity’s ruin come to pass? Or will his less than direct intervention allow the planet to see a brighter tomorrow?

It is highly recommended to read the first arc because this is a direct sequel and many plot elements may be confusing without previously established context.

Again, thanks go out to Quite Quiet for his editing work.

Excellent cover art by Tulip

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 609 )

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes so much yes:pinkiehappy:
(Dancing around the room ) :pinkiehappy::trollestia:

New story is up! Except it's still the same one. I didn't really understand why you'd make an entirely new story, but I suppose the story shifted a bit from the start didn't it?

And even though you didn't ask for it.

It is highly recommended to read the first arc because this is a direct sequel and many plot elements may be confusing without previously established context.

This is a joke though, they won't understand a thing without reading the first.

Joe stood up as well and eyed her daughter’s bulging belly as she walked inside.

Alas, poor Joe, I knew your gender well. :raritydespair:

Man, I had all sorts of wisecracks, but then we met Tune's parents and I forgot it all in a sea of rage~

2906002 It seems Law Abiding have a thing for christian parents too, as both Anderson and Alexia have them. I know the US is largely a christian country, but what are the odds 3/4 parents hate their kids? :ajsleepy:

(Oddly enough if I came home like this I'm fairly sure my parents wouldn't care, it wouldn't be the strangest thing I've done.)

I know for a fact that my mother would endlessly tease me for being adorable and, ah, embracing my new gender.

I love her for that~ :heart:

My father though...eh, whatever. :unsuresweetie:

2906411 Knowing my family and our record of less-than-normal conversations I'd guess my mother's first reaction to being away for a year then coming back would be something along the lines of 'So this is what you did with your life?'.
My father would probably tell me off because I couldn't figure something better, he usually does that. :facehoof:

Huzzah-A new story to wait on updates for.


Not much a point in stripe bars either since we typically don’t wear clothes.

Stripe bars? My first thought was everyone goes there wearing stereotypical french striped shirts, but then I realized you meant strip.

Also: slightly unexpected time skipping, but I like what you did with the parents.

as soon as i saw it i was the same way

and as for the story for it self
I Love It
keep up the good work and for all the good work you put into this
Have a cookie
btw if you want all the viewers(the ones that Favorite it) from your other story just add a new chapter with the info.
I know you don't want to mess up your word count, but the Author's Note don't count (I think)
Hope to see the next one soon to


Some of these errors...beh:pinkiesick:

As for their blood relatives, that's mostly because of the species change and as a result they don't share any DNA. Conrad had to have a last name for the bureaucracy.

Also, Conrad's father didn't hate him...:trollestia: He was quite pleased with his son in the end.

Plus i'm gonig to have to stop forgetting to email you before posting.:twilightoops:


fixed. And yes, rage and feel the powa of the dark side.





I don't think the moderators allow a zero word update, but I'll just take it down in a week or so.

2906979 Last error was the best, it shows how much you really care. :unsuresweetie:

For the email, I rather expected it this time since you started a brand new story and all. Also if you didn't notice.


I care:pinkiesad2:

It just sounded different in my head when I wrote it.:twilightblush:

Great chapter! I would be interested to see how you think people would react to discord....
Well worth the wait, plz update soon!
How is the rest of the world fairing? Are ponies moving country to be with Alexia? Are governments releasing the ponies back onto earth?

YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH new story alexia's parents are a-holes but crimmy's folks are southern so I thought would be less than trilled buuuuuttttt I was wrong thay are nice folk's vary accepting not unlike a-holes of parents of alexia's hell conrad's dad was better than them he tried to sell him wtf man that is f**ktup.(hey did anyone think that violet looks a little like twilight hmmmmmm.P.S gandpa discord hell yeah plus is anyone going to make some fan-art of alexia that would be cool.

Yay for the sequel!! love everything about it.

good show my man:moustache:
a positively electric read:moustache:
:rainbowdetermined2: cloud smithing is awesome

The eightieth day of February marked the day Alexia’s herd moved into their permanent home. It was a two story house designed specifically for ponies.

Shouldn't that be the eighth? By saying eightieth made it sound like there are 80 days in February and made me think about Discord in the PonyEarthverse.

What a great and comfortable beginning, while I'm torn between whether or not that this is a good way to introduce new people to this story series. I really enjoy your writing story especially with the time skips happening and how there are things happening at the same time as the characters thinking and gauging their responses. What I like the most is how almost every single word is ripe with detail that makes me want to read more. I also like the fact that there are less news about the cult happening and a bit more annoyed about how big-headed the upper branch doesn't that they're involved in the latest sickness. Especially with how the victims are showing the same symptoms as the cloud thing, by going berserk and everything. Anyway, I'm really sad that Alex's parents were giving her a hope spot, but then completely destroy it when Crimson talked defensively for her. I just hope her sister is just as accepting for their polygamy than her parents. Another thing, I feel that it's realistic that Alex was angry at Crimson that she wanted to have revenge on her for trying to have her explain the polygamy thing to her parents by not participating until the right moment. Although, now I'm worried about her feelings on the subject since she felt Crimson's Father being okay with the whole thing but not her own parents, so I have no idea how she feels. Is she over it now, feeling a bit of anger that Crimson's parents is more accepting, or feeling regretful that she felt that way about her herdmate... or are they mixed because she doesn't know what to feel about that now? Typing about Alex, I hope she understands that she's immortal in the ageless sense instead of immortal of the undying kind and I believe that's what Discord is warning is about. Which will probably happen at the death of one of her heardmates either by time or the Mions and I hope it's time instead.

We had expected Alexia's parents would not approve, she herself had hinted at this quite a long time ago (like, almost at the beginning). Still, poor Crimson's experience puts a real sour note on Alexia's, I was hoping the Alexander family would "adopt" her, but since she's not really making her situation obvious it is unlikely to happen. :(
Still, I like the slice of life chapters, and we only have two more reunification visits, right? Well, maybe not, Conrad has stated his position we think, and Loki... it seems it would probably not be a good situation either. Oh well.
Keep going! ;)

There's still having Alexia meeting her sister again.

I'm just wondering now if the Russian ponies, who are seemingly useless to the story will turn out to create Alexia's royal guard. They seemed very insistent that she had one, to a fault. It also seem to make some sense in their odd gender imbalance with three? male's in a group of seven.

Love the chapter, but that AN makes zero sense.


I think it's talking about the timeskip. We've jumped forwards quite a way in the first chapter, and then the second jumped again.

just outside Keesler AFB a dude was shot by a sniper? must have been the East Gate, as that's the only one with any raised thing allowing for such a thing, which is the Biloxi water tower, which is easily seen from the gate so all the guards'd have to do is look up to see the sniper

I liked the part with Beth, hope we see more points of view to come. Like that of a tourist or businessman who hasn't seen a pony passing thru Trinity, or maybe more TV or radio news, or the Mion's view on the ponies now.

I was totally rolling on the floor when I read the part about the plushies. Nobody else has made any yet? Clearly ponies didn't take off nearly as well as it has irl, though we think it might be because they're also not producing a show about it either. Oh, how divergent worlds can be sometimes.
Aside from a few ambiguous word choice errors (like the AN for one) I really liked this chapter.
Keep going! ;)

I thought Beth said she saw pony Dolls all ready around? That's ware she got the idea.


There are already pony dolls out there, and before you think its weird;

BUT there weren't apparently Alicorn dolls in the image of Alexia. :pinkiehappy: What I was referring to is the massive amount of MLP fan work created in real life, which apparently didn't see the same response in this universe.


All I will say on the 3 stallions is that they started off with 12 ponies.


I present to you the only image of the shooter known to exist.

As for how he got away, well...


You will see other view points. Don't cha worry now.


Well, making generic dolls is one thing, using a real person's image and then trying to sell it is an entirely different can of legal worms. In America anyway.

Now that you aren't hiding from me in whatever hole you crawl into when I'm not looking, why won't anyone start teaching them Equish?

Also, quoted from yourself

A safe house outside of Gubakha, Russia was home to seven humans and twelve ponies.

so I guess there isn't an imbalance at all.


Its not a hole, its a well furnished cave.

Not that hard to teach Equish when other ponies just have to read one of the books for a couple of weeks.

But for everything you've said up until this point, specifically at chapter 21 none of the others understood Conrad even after reading their own books for months. Unless that magically changed during the year time-skipped, in which at least Beth should be somewhat confused sometime of what language everyone is speaking.

Also fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/331/d/6/pinkie___i_see_what_you_did_there_by_ambris-d4hh417.png

I really like this relaxing chapter hardly anything bad happened in the present save for most of the bad guys planning and making their moves. Even though Alex is obligated to say other things I wonder how come she can't use other ideas and theories that other people have made, I'm pretty sure plenty made the alien connection to the Mions' clouds in the first place. I'm glad I got to see this before I lose my internet sometime today or this week for my move. It's really been something, but I'll try to find time to read as much as I can. Still though how come she can't use the alien theory, I'm pretty sure that's kind of common, especially for a couple of survivors that didn't contact with the military.

loved this chapter!

I liked how you handled the alicorn age thing.

also go canada!

It might be good to have a foreign language teacher, to teach humans who want to learn Equish and teach foreign ponies who magically know Equish beater English.:twilightblush:


chapter 21 only stated he spoke in Equish, not that people couldn't understand him. But he did it because not everyone would understand him as only a few ponies received books.

Sides, give me time to put answers in the story. :raritydespair:

I notice you politely ignored my comment about their house, but no self-respecting architect would allow that house to be build. :unsuresweetie:

Still not happy with the language being practically shoved aside and forgotten either, but if I bug you enough you'll probably get around to it.


I never said it was one architect. The house was a collaborative effort by several volunteers who divided the effort.

Still not understanding your thing about the language being shoved aside.:rainbowhuh:

2975379 I think it's just because I got it on my mind and because it's so universally understood in the story I'm not getting answers to questions no one would think to ask. I'm probably obsessed with it by now.
Can I at least question the sanity of them if they're not even checking each others work beforehand? :rainbowhuh:

Who has a feeling that loki got a big ass gun now........OH GOD loki with a big gun were dooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd? or not.

Okay really, how is the government is supposed to keep thinking that the whole "Africa is actually being taken over by disease" plan is going to work? They should at least authorized the ponies to tell their families about the aliens as their own theories and nothing more. Because seriously, since they are ALREADY unbelievable in the first place, or rather least likely to be believed then, there should be no real harm about the ponies being able to talk about aliens to their families since they are only theories in the first place. I mean everyone must've been talking about this kind of thing ever since the attack on the capital if anything the ponies should be free to be talking about that sort of stuff with them.

Okay, now that the peaceful times is over I hope the Mions haven't found a way to detect our heroes before they even set hoof in this place.

I'm glad to see my suggestion/prediction came through, the Alexander family just bumped up three times it's original size!
We doubt the facility is meant for research on the virus (or even in enhancing it), rather it is more likely to serve as a testing lab to overcome the ponies resistance. I only hope that the team doesn't get captured, even though Alexia knows how to get around the magic-dampening field, it would still be a very bad situation.
Keep going! ;)


The alien theory is not what they are forbidden to talk about.

In real life, the media often times paints a very different picture for the public than what the government intelligence agencies know.

Its the severity of the breakdown of civilization in other parts of the world is what the media is trying to conceal, not origin theories on ponies and Mions.

I know the reason why they're diverting the truth like that but they can still at least talk about this stuff since it's closer to the truth, but as far as the government is concern about this kind of talk it should be nothing more than a conspiracy theory, so it should be okay talk about it like a conspiracy theory. Are they afraid of how they talk about and how serious on how they say their words will give them away somehow?


I'm confused as which 'they' you're referring to. The media or the ponies?

If its the media, all they do is talk conspiracies. Just not the real truth, and anyone who stumbles on that truth are just lumped in with the other theorists.

This is just how the media works, both in the story and RL.

I'm referring to the ponies not the media and as much they have good intentions on avoiding the alien theory, you have given us clear reason to believe that their families are not morons and are very curious about it.


There's no mention in the chapter that he was talking about the origins of either ponies or Mions and Joe doesn't care about that in this chapter in any way shape or form. Joe was angry because he was told to leave his house because it was no longer safe and he wanted to know why.

And because Joe knows they're with the CIA, he wouldn't buy any of the theories the media has been feeding the public. He wanted the truth about the chaos overseas and at home.

So, the first, or one of the first things I noticed about this story were the tags, Teen and Sex, respectively, I snorted at that. Teen isn't exactly in the Sex territory, and if the characters private time is 'off-screen' , so to say, then it does not need a Sex tag, if it is not.. update it to Mature, and if its something really in between, then we need a new tag system.
That's at least what I think.

“I am both happy and proud of everyone who has made Trinity the success that it is.”
Should be "have".

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