• Published 10th Jul 2013
  • 1,767 Views, 41 Comments

Snapple Pie - RavensDagger

Some think that love is complicated. Others fall in and out of it with ease. Snails does a lot of falling, and he’s far from complicated. Apple Bloom learns that complicated things are easy to fall for.

  • ...

First Comes Love...

They were in love.

Not the wild, passionate love of youth, but the calm and knowing pillar of certainty. As their tails intertwined and they shared overt glances, they knew that they both felt the same way, and that little could change the simple fact that they were together.

The ponies they crossed paid them little heed, save for the jealous glances given to them by the lonely, or the occasional wispy smiles of the old as nostalgia coursed through worn veins.

The tree house that was their destination loomed above them, the gnarled branches swaying lightly in the mid-afternoon wind as ten thousand leaves rattled about, flashing green on the edge of their vision. A sign dangled above the doorway, proudly proclaiming the building to be the Ponyville Library, a familiar sight to the two lovebirds.

He let go of her, bounding ahead with his lanky limbs until he reached the door and opened it, allowing her in as any true gentlecolt would. Lowering her head, the young mare slid into the entrance, the bow adorning the back of her head rubbing against the wooden frame.

“Hello?” the mare asked, her voice echoing about the hollow structure until the bindings of a thousand books swallowed it up. “We’re here. And Ah think we’re on time.”

“I’m sure that she’ll be here... she’s the one that asked us to come, after all,” the stallion said as he stepped in. His eyes gently coasted across the room in search of a particular pony.

Out from the upper rooms came Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn popping her head out of a doorway to look down at the couple before grinning from ear to ear. “You’re early!” she said, stepping out with an excited bounce.

As the librarian practically tumbled down the stairs followed by a floating pile of spreadsheets and loose pages, the couple made their way to the centre of the room. Shafts of light poured out from the skylights above, illuminating wide swaths of the room while motes of dust fluttered in the disturbed air.

They settled around the table in the centre, Twilight on one side with her complement of paper and the couple opposite her, their stools jammed as close together as they could make them. “Okay,” she said as she glanced at an old wall-mounted clock. “You both know how important this is for my research into the magic of friendship, so I’ll spare you some of the more... gruesome details. All I need you to do is to tell me each other’s stories.” Across the first page of her pile, she wrote: Project Sentry Flashing .

The young mare nodded. “So I tell ya how we met ‘n’ all that, then Snails tells ya the same from his side o’ the story? Sounds simple enough.”

Twilight brushed a lock of her mane away from her eyes. “Well, it’s not quite that simple. Instead, I’d like it if you told the story of one another. Apple Bloom, you tell me what Snails did, and Snails tells me what Apple Bloom did.”

The farmfilly scowled at Twilight, then huffed and crossed her forelegs over one another. “Ah knew Applejack was sendin’ us into some sorta trouble.” She turned, facing the taller pony by her side. As she did so, her glare faded into obscurity. “Still wanna do this?”

Snail paused, a hoof slowly rising to his chin to tap it. “It’s... going to help Miss Sparkle. And I get to sit beside you for a long time and listen to your voice,” Snails replied, a suggestive smile creeping along his visage. “How about you start? Ladies first?”

Apple Bloom looked to Twilight for support and found only an eager look of anticipation. The librarian was hunched over her clipboard with pen in hoof. “Oh, al’right, fine. Ah guess Ah’ll start from somewhere in the beginnin’....’”

Ah remember it like it was yesterday.

Ya walked outta the schoolhouse with Snips by yer side. The rounder colt was bouncin’ as he went down the steps and took in deep breaths of the afternoon’s air. “Ahh, this is what freedom tastes like!” he exclaimed.

Miss Cheerilee, who was standin’ right beside me, shot Snips a quick glare before passin’ you a sheet o’ paper covered in scribbles. The line slowed fer a moment as you stared at the page and let yer eyes wander across the surface. Fer a moment, Ah saw the same look Miss Sparkle usually has when she’s about ta do somethin’ smart, then it was gone, replaced by yer usual smile.

Fer a moment, before walkin’ outta the school for the last time that year, ya looked over yer shoulder and at the pony right behind you: me.

With a nod and a quick turn about, you hopped outta the class as if yer stubby tail was on fire, dissapearin’ outta mah sight but still remainin’ close enough to listen to us. Ah watched you go, ignorin’ Miss Cheerilee as she hoofed me a slip that Ah grabbed absentmindedly.

“Apple Bloom!” Sweetie said, snappin’ me from mah thinkin as we both walked out. You saw me again, this time as you looked over yer short friend’s head and right at the school. “What are you going to do?” The unicorn filly broke eye contact ‘n’ looked off towards town. “It’s going to be hard to crusade this year with all the work Scootaloo and I have to do.”

“Yeah, and all the time you’re spendin’ with Feather,” Ah said, crackin’ a mean grin as she squirmed about and shoved mah shoulder. “Oh, come on, ya know Ah was just kiddin’ around. Maybe we can start early; go on a quick crusade right now? Applejack said that she won’t need me ‘til plantin’ season starts.”

She shook her head, a blush of her own splashing onto her cheeks. “No, I can’t.... We’re sorta going to go eat out tonight.”

“Oh, you ‘n’ Rarity? Or is yer family over this week?” Ah asked as the two of us began to trot together along the familiar path leadin’ t’ town. Ah caught another glimpse of you. Yer head was stooped over ‘n’ you were talkin’ ta Snips in a low whisper. He laughed.

Sweetie shook her head, mane flyin’ from side t’ side. “No, not really any of them,” she said, her forehoof climbin’ up to rub against her shin.

From afar, you watched me as Ah huffed and tried mah best to look miffed at Sweetie. “Ye’re goin’ out with Featherweight again, aren’t you?”

Before Sweetie could answer, you walked by us, a grumbling Snips half a hoof-step behind. “But Snails!” he whined. “You should come. It’s going to be fun.”

“I don’t want to,” you said, shakin’ yer head. Again you looked over yer stubby friend ‘n’ right at me, lockin’ eyes fer the briefest o’ moments before Snips screeched to a halt.

The little colt glowered at you, then huffed. “All right, fine! You can have fun on your own,” he said before beginnin’ t’ wobble away. “Try and see if any filly’s going to be nice, pfft,” he muttered under his breath.

Swipin’ a hoof t’ beat the sweat from yer brow, you looked at Snips trottin’ away and into town before sighin’, lettin’ the air whoosh outta yer lanky lungs. With that, ya scoured the schoolyard around you, reshouldered yer bags, then began headin’ off to the town as well.

“—And I thought that it would be okay, you know, since it’s public?” Sweetie Belle finished her story ‘n’ recaptured mah attention—although mah eyes did wander over your flank one last time. “Anywho, I need to see Scootaloo and then I’ll go home and wash up.” Still blushin’, the filly bit her lower lip ‘n’ stared at the sky above, a glint of sunlight catching the edge o’ her eye.

With a thump that almost made me jump outta mah hooves ‘n’ drop mah saddlebags, Scootaloo landed between us, flushed and wide-eyed from her flight. “Hey guys!”

“Scoots, you darn near gave me a heart assault,” Ah said while givin’ her the fiercest glare Ah could manage. Mah dopey grin probably didn’t help t’ make me look serious.

“Sorry, Bloom, but you’re going to watch the sky from now on, because with Rainbow’s help I’m going to be the fastest filly in Ponyville!”

Sweetie Belle giggled, the familiar ‘n’ light tones washin’ over us. “You’re not getting lessons, you’re going to be her coaching assistant.” Her giggle faded away, but her smile remained. “Scootaloo, you’re going to be picking up sweaty towels and dragging water bottles around.”

The young pegasus mumbled under her breath, “Yeah, but it’s Rainbow’s sweat.”

“Uh-huh,” Sweetie stuck her tongue out in disgust then pretended to shudder as we laughed. “All right, girls. I have to head home. Maybe we’ll see each other tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” Ah said. “It’s a date.”

We said our goodbyes, hugged and finally began headin’ off on our ways home. Scootaloo took to the air, grunting as she flapped her little wings, and headed off to the homes above town.

Ah followed her from afar, mah attention soon turnin’ to all the things around me. Most of the other fillies and colts had gone off already, leavin’ the streets as bare as a tree in mid-winter. But it was summer, ‘n’ Ah was enjoyin’ the warm breezes ‘n’ feelin’ real good about mahself.

Outta the three of ya gathered there, you were the first ta catch sight o’ me.

Yer back was pressed against the railing of the little bridge, tufts of fur pokin’ out from between the guardrails that stopped you from fallin’ into the slushy water below. Right in front of you were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the resident bullies fresh out of class.

“Hey, I was talking to you, string-bean,” the mare said, her tail whippin’ about like a lasso, snappin’ at the air as she glared at you with a mean smile. “Don’t look away from me. This is the prettiest sight you’ll ever see... better enjoy it.”

Silver Spoon was in the bridge’s centre, movin’ back and forth behind Diamond Tiara. It looked like she was really nervous with her hooves thumping on the wooden boards. “He’s not worth our time. Look at him. He’s freakishly tall and smells like goat’s milk left outside for too long.” She stopped fer a moment, just ta glare at ya.

You stared into Diamond Tiara’s face, only breakin’ yer gaze to sneak a peek towards me as Ah shifted mah route and began headin’ to you. “Stay away,” yer eyes pleaded. But Ah moved on, undaunted by those silly bullies.

“Hey! Space-eyes. I’m over here!” Diamond Tiara barked before grabbin’ yer chin and pullin’ yer head t’ face her. “Where’s your buddy, the fat one?”

You glared back at her, blinking back in surprise as she shied away for a second. “He’s not here. And he’s not my buddy.” Squirming around like a pig stuck in the mud, you pushed away from Diamond and against the rails of the bridge. The old wood creaked loudly, the sound carryin’ over the rushing waters. “Leave me alone,” you said, this time a little afraid.

“Silver Spoon. What do we do to sniveling, stinking cowards?” Diamond asked, her wickedest grin yet cuttin’ across her ugly mug.

Her friend stopped her walkin’ and looked at ya with droopy ears, then shifted her attention to the ground. “Well, usually we give them heck, push them around and act like real jerks with them.”

Diamond Tiara paused to look over her shoulder, a frown diggin’ its way across her forehead. “Yeah, that’s exactly right,” she said. “We’re going to... um. Silver, are you okay?”

“Uh-huh,” the grey filly said. “Just get on with it?”

“Okay, if you say so.” Diamond turned back to you, her smile faltering. “Should we skip right to the part where I pummel your ugly face in?”

Ah stood near the bridge, hidden from the two tyrants by the leaves of a tall willow that allowed me t’ see ya through its shimmerin’ leaves. It weren’t any of my business that you were bein’ picked on, ‘n’ Ah had better things t’ do. Ta top it off, you were givin’ me a look like ya didn’t want me ta help to begin with. Ah turned around and started trottin’ away as you watched me leave.

“Girls, come on, let’s play nice? It’s, um, not nice to hurt others, is it?” You blinked away some early tears ‘n’ shuddered as Diamond Tiara’s full attention came t’ bear. “Did I do something wrong? Again?”

“Well, for one thing you’re alive, and ugly,” she barked at you, spittle splashin’ against yer face. “Maybe we can do something about that face of yours?”

It was at that moment, as Diamond Tiara raised her hoof above yer head ‘n’ prepared herself t’ give you a good thumpin’, that ya began to give up. Snips had abandoned ya, Ah had run off to Celestia-knows-where, and now these two fillies were goin’ ta hurt ya, and for no apparent reason. Well, least you weren’t goin’ t’ embarrass yerself in front of any cute fillies, right?

“Hey! Leave ‘im alone!” Ah hollered at Diamond Tiara as mah hooves crashed down on the bridge. The entire structure shook and shivered when Ah began stompin’ towards the two fillies, tryin’ to look like Big Mac on a bad day.

You watched as Ah puffed out mah chest ‘n’ cheeks and trotted right up to Diamond Tiara, jammin’ mah face within’ a hoof-length of her own before huffin’ out all mah air in her face. “What’re ya doin’?” Ah demanded.

Diamond Tiara let a smile slip, a flash of her too-white teeth and a wisp o’ that nasty, peppermint-smellin’ breath of hers. “Well, well. Look Silver. We have two idiots for the price of one, today. How are you doing, Apple Bloom? I’ve noticed that you’re without your little gang of dimwits as well.”

Silver Spoon’s brow hopped up her forehead. “Hey, they sort of make a cute couple. Both without their friends, all alone and out of their league.”

“Outta yer league, eh? I’ll show you outside of a league!” Ah said as loud as Ah could, using the muscles that Ah got by punchin’ trees fer their apples at the farm to intimidate as best Ah could. “Leave Snails alone. He didn’t do a darn thing to ya buncha two-bit losers.”

Blinking, you took a step towards me, as if Ah was the last pony in Equestria. “Yeah, I didn’t do anything!” you said.

You walked over to mah side and stood there, a head taller than me ‘n’ tryin’ t’ look imposing.

It sorta worked.

Silver Spoon took a half-step back, not so much in fear, but more like a calculated back canter. Her hoof reached out and pressed on Diamond Tiara’s shoulder. “DT, can we just go?”

The pink filly looked over her shoulder, then back at us, bitin’ her lower lip as her choices flew past her eyes. “Fine,” she said in an undertone. Flashin’ one last glare at ya then changin’ focus ta me, she growled a warnin’: “You two won’t always be together... you’d better watch out.”

They left, side by side ‘n’ trottin’ away with their heads in the air like they owned the place. Ah was aware of ya, the brush of yer coat against mine on the narrow part of the bridge, the shallow breaths you were breathin’ as if you’d just run a marathon. Ah turned to look at ya, and you did the same, a silly smile plastered across yer face.

“Thanks,” you said. “I wasn’t expecting you to help me. It’s really nice.”

Ah shrugged, tryin’ ta ignore the blush that was warmin’ up mah face. “No problem. It was the right thing to do.”

You must’ve been wonderin’ why Ah did it. Why Ah came back and put my muzzle in trouble for a weird pony like you.

And you prob’ly didn’t notice that blush either.

Twilight nodded, the wire-rimmed glasses she had procured during the interview sliding to the tip of her muzzle before she pushed them back absently. “Very good,” she said before taking down a few more notes. “So, is that how you and Mister Snails started your romantic engagement?”

Both young ponies blushed and looked away, finding interesting things to inspect in the crevices and shadows of the library. “N-no, not really,” Snails finally answered. “It was just where we sorta met, right?” He shifted in his seat, biting his lower lip as his gaze lingered over Apple Bloom.

She swallowed and nodded. “Eeyup. Not meet-meet. ‘Cause we knew each other from school. But it’s sorta where we... met-met, if ya know what Ah mean.”

This time Twilight shook her head. “No, I don’t. But I intend to find out!” With a flourish, the unicorn set a new pile of sheets on her desk and pressed her pen near the top leftmost corner, ready to write. “I think it’s your turn, Mister Snails. Take your time and please give me all the juicy details.”

“All right. So, a few weeks after we met on the bridge...”

Author's Note:

Commisioned by Piquo Pie

Edited by:
]The Misfits

Big thank-you to Scootareader for the help with dem accents.