• Member Since 24th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 5th


Though I'm not new when it comes to writing fanfiction, I know I'm far from perfect. Hopefully as I try my hand at writing the many MLP fics I have in my head, I'll get much better at it.


Sequel to my previous Dragon Age crossover Ponies and Grey Wardens: The Equestrian Age.

Years after Equestria was visited by the strange, bipedal creatures, their stay there has yet to be forgotten. But now, a dark force from both the world of the Grey Wardens and that of the ponies meet, creating a threat that will ravage all in its path.

With both of their lands at risk, the people of both worlds must come together once again. Reunions will be had and new bonds will be created. But with a powerful enemy that none are prepared to face, will the heroes of Ferelden and ponies of Equestria be able to stop it? And what will be lost in the attempt?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 41 )

Hello again all! Icecane here, bringing you the sequel to my last Dragon Age story! (As I said up top)

I do hope everyone's as excited as I am about it. We'll be seeing faces both old and new, setting of to grand destinations as the growing conflict of the story commences. Already, I'd say we're off to a good start. Yup... Says a lot when you kill off a character in the first chapter... *cough* :scootangel:

I'm also sorry for the long wait. Compared to my little notice that I was working on this, and to when this is actually posted. There's just been a ton of things keeping me from it, as well as stuff that'll still be a bit of a cluster to get through. But, I've gotten this chapter done and hope it'll get every wanting more. And as you'd notice, I did change the title a bit as what I previous added. Just thought it'd be better off this way.

And if you're a new reader stumbling onto this story, please read the previous one. It isn't THAT bad and it'll help get into this one! :twilightsmile:

Oh man I can't wait for more! Thanks for making a sequel! :pinkiehappy:

:D So happy, been waiting for this for a while. :) Can't wait for the next chapter. :pinkiegasp:

Neat sequel.

Have an invisible sandwich!

A sequel? Kermit what do we think about this?

A sequel? :pinkiegasp:

FECK YES!!! :flutterrage:



I'm so excited for this sequel!

Fav'd but gonna read later....I have a feeling I would go nuts if I read and finish the first chapter immediately

Well, as you can all see, this story is lacking a certain detail about our studious mare. She's wingless, flightless, as in not a princess. I guess it's obvious enough to anyone who saw the character pictures on the front of the story, but still.

Though this story does take place beyond that point, years after the first Dragon Age fic as a matter of fact, it never happens in this... "context".

The main reason for this is simply I'm not really sure what I'd do with "Princess" Twilight. We've yet to really see how she acts in the show, how characters now interact and such. Say if Season 4 was already out by now, I'd have something to go off of, but I figured this would just be easier. Though, I do believe that there is a comic that was released that features Twilight as a princess, I've never been one to look into those sort of things.

I'm sure many of you readers saw my reaction before from reading the previous story. As I tried to delete it in my outrage, only to have it post a new chapter for some reason. (I'm still looking into that by the way.) Really, I still don't really have a problem with Alicorn Twilight, save for the fact that there was no reason for it...

Really, I can't be the only one on that boat. There was nothing. No actual reasoning behind Twilight becoming a princess. It was just BAM you're a princess. They didn't even bring Discord into the mix for Celestia's sake! Who else was certain that he'd show up in the finale? So they ruined their best villain for no reason and made their main character a princess for no reason... just... ugh...

But eh, hopefully season 4 will make me feel better about it. But if one of the first episodes isn't about Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight to fly, I'll be SO disappointed. :facehoof:

And yes, this chapter is a bit slow. But that's to be expected as a new story is coming along. But no worries, things will be getting much more intense soon! :pinkiecrazy:

I am pumped up and ready for the next chap. I look forward to what will happen when the others discover Twilight in there world. Heh, Sigrun and Velanna will probably love Twilight (I hope), and please please let Zevran be alive. My favorite assassin dead, is a horrifying thought.

The day I begin a new playthrough of Origins, the second chapter comes forth! Good so far, hope it isn't long before chapter 3.


I can't tell you how much I think I may love you for your thoughts on Alicorn Twilight. I thought I was the only one.

Yes, there's pretty much nothing you can do with Alicorn Twilight. Any attempt to use her makes her seem jarring, as you're right... there was no reason behind it and it was an awkward introduction all around and that tends to bleed into how she ends up portrayed in stories using her. Furthermore, any attempt to use her in any context other than a political fish-out-of-water story either results in her seeming incredibly OP and Sueish, or incredibly contrived and incompetent (more often the latter). Well, unless you're writing a "HORRORS OF IMMORTALITY" story, but honestly, that angsty trash was old even before Twi became an Alicorn.

To date, I don't think there's been a comic with Alicorn Twi, though. At least not yet (and to be frank, I hope that there never is and that the comic series goes the Transformers G1 route and says it's an alternate universe from the show. If anything that's almost been suggested already given the geographical differences between the map shown in the comics and the 'canon' map of Equestria.). You MAY be thinking of the print book "The Crystal Heart Spell," which from what I've heard isn't very good.

IMHO, You made the right choice, man.

I know everyone is excited for a sequel. But please, watch your language! Jesus Fucking Christ! There's Kids!:rainbowwild:

Man, how can you not love Oghren?

Really hope he shows back up in Inquisition. Then again... they'd probably ruin him like they did Anders... :facehoof:

2935537 Yeah Anders did turn out rather preachy in Dragon Age 2. I'll be honest, I loved witty Anders, not preachy Anders.

I alway loved Sigrune, the dwarven casteless always seemed equal parts innocent and savage. I never really could understand how she could have those two traits since they basically contradict each other but the end result is nice.

After reading this chapter I have to say, you've captured Sigrune's character flawlessly. I can't express how much I love her parts. However I wonder about the Warden-Commander's new mission; it's only a two or three days under the surface, what Anders found either on the deep roads or in an abandoned Taig? So many questions, but I'm ever enjoying the story.

All gushing aside, another marvelous addition to the story. Good job, I didn't spy any errors on my first read through but that doesn't mean you or your editing team can take a break. XD

All in all, good job. I eagerly await the next installment.

You my friend have not disappointed can't say how much I enjoy reading this

Another chapter! :D Just in time too- I just began doing the Dwarf quests in Origins and readying up for the Deep Roads. :D

Will they meet the champion? Simple question of mine that requires a simple answer.

2935537 I doubt they can ruin Oghren, SEROUSLY they cant screw him up! all they have to do is make new lines for him and he's set I mean he cant become a emotional wreck ITS IMPOSIBLE AS LONG AS BOOZE EXISTS! :derpytongue2: (hopfuly am not pressing my luck)

I hope Zevren makes it out of that little situation you put him in alive, hes always entertained me and has always kept true to himself first and for most. :twilightsmile:

Read Ponies and Grey Wardens, go out and buy DA:O and DA2. Love the shit out of them. And then I get back from AT and see this... All of my yes:twilightsmile:

Man, it's taking far too long to get these chapters made. Ah well, so long as their made, amiright? ... :raritywink:

And we've seen a bit more of our two newbie Grey Wardens. But who are they? Will they be the stories final heroes? Saving everyone from total oblivion? Will they be the shining light in the darkness of evil? Are they just my shameless self-inserts that I've made two of to throw you off my trail?!?! :pinkiegasp:

Nah. :trollestia: But... I suppose it'll look odd when one of them eventually falls in love with one of the ponies who is coincidentally my waifu... er, I mean... What? :rainbowderp:

As far as I'm concerned these stories are canon in the Dragon Age universe...

2980881 (insert terrible bad joke here) :derpytongue2:
I am kidding of course, this is very interesting and I love character of all shapes and sizes I HOPE THOUGHLY still that dear old Zav. makes it out of the truble he got into, and find out about the happeninghof the tale you tell! :twilightsmile:

Ugh. :pinkiesick: Sorry again for the long wait everybody. There's just been a lot of stuff keeping from this. Stuff I didn't really have much say in, as well as... well... :twilightblush:

Okay, I've been a bit addicted to Rune Factory for the WII. It's strangely fun and repetitive, reminding me a lot of the first time I played Animal Crossing. (I know it's based around Harvest Moon but I'm not as into that series) I've played the PS3 one but I've yet to fully finish it since my console decided to break on me. Just need to get it working again so I can finally play some Dragon's Crown. :raritydespair:

But anyway, the game's oddly a "I can't stop playing" thing. It's so simple, yet so fun. It honestly reminds of the Dark Cloud (Chronicle) games I used to play. :pinkiecrazy: Okay, okay, I know I'm going off on some odd tangents, but that final one is actually going into something. But you won't understand until further into the story, so pay attention out there.

But anyway (again), there's also something I might as well address. As you've seen, Anders is in the story. Yes, this Anders has gone through DA2, no he did not give up his cat or "fuse" with Justice. Why? Because that was dumb. That is all. I don't care if it's technically not cannon, I'm not accepting broody/emo/always depressed Anders over Awakening Anders.

And really, is anyone saddened by this? Is anyone actually going to miss DA2 Anders? Didn't think so.

3056788 i don't think anyone will miss anything from DA2

I like your version of canon better anyway. Have a moustache:moustache:

Yaaay, next chapter...

Not much pony stuff happening at the moment, but that'll change soon enough. So don't worry.

Chrysalis you cursed insect! what have you done now?!

Changeling! Who'd of thought a changeling could command the might of the darkspawn horde?

Oh dayum! Can't wait for more.

OH SHIT, I completely forgot Chrysalis had implanted a piece of herself in the Warden when she took him.

How the hell did I not know about this until now!!!


Holy shit can you sperg out any more?


I wrote a friendly, thoughtful response to a person analyzing and criticizing a story and the decisions that the writers of a series have made. While I am displeased with the direction that the series took, I remained civil in my discourse and calm in my statements.

You made a slur against the autistic.

sooooo, is this gunna be updated? :derpyderp2:

So, is this fic dead or...? I want to read it after reading the prequel but the last update is sorta offsetting.

This was awesome. I hope one day you will finish it.

You ever going to continue this one?

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