• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago

The Boss

"The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal."


John has been stolen from his world, he is depressed beyond belief. Can he pull himself out of his downward spiral or will he drink himself to death. With a bit of Help from his friends he may have a shot. Will Music and Friendship be enough though?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 34 )

Just noticed this has 1776 words and its the 4th of July. Not even trying to do that.

Wow I like this a lot :)

I'm going to be honest, I haven't read your story yet. I know it's going to be a absolutly awesome story.

Just read it, Honestly I am very interested in this story. Just by reading the first paragraph I became hooked.
There is a story similar too this story called 'Whip lash' I think a person with you skills; Knowledge, should look it up some time.

You sir have a good story here. You Should feel proud of it. :twilightsmile:

2825195 Not even trying. Hahaha. Though this chapter looks so sad. :raritycry:

I'mah we confused what did he do to piss off the other "primitives"?


Clarify what you mean


“I’m a liability Twi, you remember how the Griffons reacted. When they heard about me they wanted blood, the minotaurs have been even worse. How many times have you gone on diplomatic missions?”

I have three theories why the muties hate him. Number one the man knows how to dress. Number two hes a new form of life with knowledge of tech hundreds of years ahead of them, seen as a threat. Number three they are religious zealots who want any form of "alien" life killed, so there power cant be undermined. Oh and impressive speed withe my last comment.

>No OC tag despite being OC-centered



All in due time,


Would have one if I could add more than five characters, but I'll figure out something. Don't y'all worry.

Bravo! This is interesting. All I can ask for is for you to fix some of the minor problems regarding spelling and grammar. :twilightsmile:

For a second you caught me off guard with his 'future self' thought it was his dad.
I do understand why some one would want him,
First human, Weapon, Alien, And with the gryphons I guess would be for his meat. I don't know. I'm literally on the edge of my seat. Nice job and good luck.

....... You know what would be nice? A flashback to when he tried to commit suicide. I don't know why, but I feel like that would be interesting.

Well, I've read it so far, and I like what i see :). Bitter, miserable, and not liking where he is at. Something different from the usual norm ^_^. You have a reader sir ^_^

Im guessing they hate him because of him being different.


You sir are a mind reader. Here! Have a :rainbowkiss:

:( Right when it was getting good. It's alright man don't worry about it. This story is a piece of art, Let it flow. I would love too see more of your work.
"See ya in another story"-Windchest

fucking procrastinating bitch :flutterrage:

puuuleeeezeeeiweeezeee post another chapter :fluttercry:



Finally. I didn't expect to ever stumble over a story that actually portrayed the emotional state of a person in that kind of situation realistically (sudden obvious dream invasion aside.) Now if only it wasn't written by a lazy bum who flaked out after two chapters.


Lazy bum? Yeah, I'm a lazy bum 'cause I don't spread myself too thin when I'm writing. I have other projects and other things on my mind that take precedent over this. It will get worked on, just not soon.

No insult intended, I was just joking around. I don't know how much spare time you have and I'm not about to bitch at you about it, it's not like I pay you or anything.

When are we getting more?

The atmosphere of this story sets up in a world about happy go-lucky ponies that tend to fuck up on most things and adds a darkened theme with underlying currents of rage and depression in equal measure against a unicorn that did a serious fuck up just because she wanted to be proven right.

Its terrifying that you can do this Boss.

To think that if there were a world out there inhabited by these psionic ponies....what would happen to us if we were ripped from everything we knew only to be told it was to prove a point?

Would we fair any better than he?

Well ok then. Kinda funny with the drugs thing but it still keeps it's darker atmosphere and it starting to turn a shade lighter :D

I get the feeling there was a bit of rage here.

No worries as the Eldritch Old One of comments I can wait until even I grow too old to read clearly!

:p but seriously though, take your time and enjoy it cause there's no point in writing to please those who would hate you just to hate and beguile for their own amusement.

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