• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 3,535 Views, 89 Comments

What happens in Vegas... stays in Equestria - Pinkies Imagination

A drunk man finds his way onto the streets and finds a strange blue coin. He keeps it for good luck, but being the way he is, decides to use it on a slot machine.

  • ...

One Way Ticket

Chapter 2: One way ticket

>> Current Perspective: Luna <<

I groaned as I sat up in the small crater that surrounded me but felt resistance as I tried to straighten myself up. As I looked down what I saw scared the living moonlight out of me. Laying sprawled out across the ground and me was a creature I have never before witnessed in my unnaturally long lifespan. The creature seemed to be covered in what I had to guess was some kind of clothing. It sported blue colored attire that seemed to be made of a material similar to denim and a jacket that felt very strange against my fur. The creature also donned another piece of dark clothing made of a strange material unfamiliar to me.

Before I had the chance to inspect the creature in greater detail, I felt it become restless and shuffle around as it stood up, albeit shakily, and looked down at me with a look of shock.

>> Current Perspective: Terry <<

As I stood up from the ground I tried to catch my balance as I reached out for anything to support me. Upon finding nothing I took in a deep breath and let out a large sigh while I ran my hand through my rough, jet black hair. After shaking my head a few times I noticed I had the worst. Fucking. Headache in the history of the universe. I was about to let out a groan before I look down at what I had been laying on.

Below me sat what looked to be a large crater that meant I must have either fell asleep during a bomb disposal, or I fell from the damn sky. Either one seemed likely at this moment. But what really caught my attention, was the sky blue horse like.... thing, that seemed to be in the center of the crater. At first I thought to myself how could this horse have caused this much destruction. But my mind was cut short when something I DID NOT EXPECT happened.

"Excuse me, but.... what are you?" The horse questioned me as my eyes shot open, the migraine temporarily forgotten.

"HOLY SHIT IT SPOKE!" I yelled as my hands flew up in surprise as I took a step back.

As I stepped back I had my foot snag on something and I fell flat on my ass as the horse stood up as a pair of wings stretched while it ran to my side. I noticed the horse also had a long horn sticking out the top of it's head which all boiled down to one possibility.

"I drank myself into a coma...." I said as my hand made contact with my face producing a loud SLAP, "I was always told it woudl happen one day but I never believed them, NOPE NOT ME I WOULD NEVER OVER DRINK! I WOULD BE FINE I SAID! IT WOULD BE FUN I SAID!" I yelled at myself as I lay on my back, clutching my pounding head as I rolled back and forth. "No no no no... WAKE ME UP SOMEONE!"

I felt something brush against me as I peeked open an eye and saw the pony sitting next to me with a caring look, at least I think it was caring, as it looked down at me. We sat in silence as I continued to be plagued by the pounding of what felt like a jackhammer making it's way through my head, until finally the horse spoke..... again.

"Our name is Princess Luna, what is thy name?" The feminine horse asked me as she tilted her head a bit.

"M-my n-name is T-Terry...." I replied taking in a deep breath and calming myself, "And I have one question.... WHERE THE FUCK AM I?" I yelled out as the creature recoiled in slight shock.

"Why... you're in the land of Equestria of course!" She spoke with a wide smile before she had a moment of realization and looked up to the stars, "Oh but... you're not from around here.... are you?" She finished looking down at me with a growing amount of curiosity.

I looked up at her with a, 'YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY?' Look as he looked at the apparent 'princess'.

"Well what do YOU think?" I said loudly as I stumbled to my feet. "In the past minute and a half I have," I began as I brought my fingers up and began counting, "Apparently CRASHED into the ground whilst NOT DIEING and causing a massive crater, I've met a TALKING HORSE who is ALSO a fucking princess...." I said as I counted two before being interrupted.


I looked up at her in slight confusion, "...What?"

"We are a pony, not a horse." She stated matter of factually.

I waved my hand dismissively, "Whatever pish posh.... anyway..." I continued, clearing my throat and holding the fingers back up starting at two, "I feel like a wolverine is trying to make its way through my skull, also did I mention I fucking CRASHED HERE? I DON'T KNOW! MY HEAD HURTS!"

Luna made her way quickly to me and reluctantly draped her wing around my shoulder as I looked to her noticing her teal eyes and translucent mane that sparkled with what looked like thousands of stars and galaxies. I was temporarily entranced by her before a pounding in the back of my head brought me back to the present.

"It's quite alright, we shall help you find a place to rest while you regain thy strength." She spoke with a motherly voice.

'The pony.... is giving me a place to stay.... while I have a hangover....' I thought to myself as I slowly turned back to the eyes of the pony.

"Heh... hehe...." I gave a few chuckles before my eyes quickly closed as I felt the floor rush to meet my face, no doubt adding more pain to my already terrible day.

Author's Note:

After a LONG FUCKING TIME this story is BACK!

If you all wanted some idea of what he is wearing, he has a white shirt with some grey stripes on it that run from his shoulder across his chest. He wears a black leather jacket that was undone exposing the under shirt. Along with that he has a pair of jeans on that are navy blue.


Comments ( 19 )

:pinkiecrazy: IT'S ALIVE!!!!!1!!!!!

4915809 YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

4915809 IM SO HAPPY I LOVE YOU IF YOUR A GUY NO HOMO!!!!!!!!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

4916267 THANKS I LOVE YOU TOO NO HOMO :pinkiesad2::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiesad2:

:fluttercry: its back and more interesting but need more :pinkiesad2:

4916642 Don't worry, there is more to come

4916647 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy, yay

So you're rewriting it? Dope...

4918535 .....rewriting it? wat? no.... i only have 2 chapters

this story is back alive? I hope there's more to come.

4918550 oh sorry just reminded me of this http://www.fimfiction.net/story/161713/a-night-to-remember before I read yours my bad.

I feel like i'm going to be the only asshole here. But the reaction is a bit cliche... with the yelling everything. Even if you were hungover you wouldn't yell everything just the 'who are you where am i why the fuck are you a horse?'

Otherwise i like how luna's like
"yup, you did that. Yes you crashed into the ground. Yes i'm a pony. Can we go back to my castle now it's fucking cold out here."

5358945 Idk about you but I would still freak out... probably cause I saw ponies but whatever....

Also Luna's old, very old, she's probably seen stranger things :twilightsmile:

5776684 If i saw a talking pony and didn't know about MLP i'd probably poke it first and then turn around and say "nope" and walk away

5358945 And to anybody who's hating on this comment, i look forward to this story updating, i look forward to what this guy churns out and i have fav'd it and liked it, so haters go hate somewhere else, i have a right to my opinion

CONTINUE THIS STORY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage:

6678804 OKAY! :fluttershbad:

Anyway all these stories will be updated soon, I'm about to finish my first semester of college.

Pretty cool kingdom hearts picture/cover of the story

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