• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen June 6th


A guy who did pony stuff at one point.


Everypony knows of Celestia, the benevolent ruler of Equestria and bringer of the sun. However, things weren't always so peaceful and easy going for the princess. This is the tale of Celestia, and her past.

This was a NaPoWriMo submission, and at 12:00AM October 1st, 23,498 words had been typed. I will continue working on it and updating it. Also, at this point, it's so non-canon it hurts.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 11 )

I liked it, a good origin story. The pace was nice and relaxed, you describe the world they inhabit quite well. Perhaps the weakest element of the story was dialogue which occasionally felt a little stilted, that said it is a minor complaint. I must mention, waiting to have Luna, and to a lesser extent Celestia, until so late in their "life" was rather cruel(albeit unintentional) of Rhapsody and Sonance. Have them a few hundred years earlier would've spared their daughters some pain. I wonder if that encounter with the substance in the cave has already begun Luna's corruption(by merely being in contact) or if that'll happen in another encounter, it would help explain why she knew offensive magic. Keep writing, though I don't know what I'd like to read more of first, this or the 63rd Rune!

Author Interviewer

So non-canon, but SO AWESOME.

i rather liked this, not that original a concept but pretty nicely executed.

Where else have you seen this that makes it not original? I'm fairly curious now.


There are actually quite a few Celestia/Luna/Discord origin stories around. One you could check out could be genisis.
Regardless it isn't about originality (well to some extents, originality should be present) it's about how you execute it.

Oh, okay, now here's the real question. Is the concept of the story (a Celestia origin) the unoriginal part, or are the things in the story the unoriginal part? If it's just the concept that's unoriginal, then I'm fine with that.


nah you're not really copying anyone i can think of, but creation stories are everywhere. Thats more of what i meant.

This need to continue

Eeyup, it is nicely written:pinkiehappy:

I will continue working on it and updating it.


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