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Trixie has successfully accomplished her mission, and the crimes of the corrupt nobles in Equestrian's government have been laid bare for all to see. Princess Luna has castigated the nobles and put an end to their depravities, and Trixie wants nothing more than to return home and begin the victory celebrations. No sooner has she returned, though, than one of her friends reminds her that one of Luna's ponies has broken her rules and gotten away with it -- Trixie herself. Forced to confront her actions, Trixie realizes that she has little choice but to confess to her teacher, mentor, and friend. Can Trixie go through with it? And, if so, will this revelation destroy their relationship... or will the magic of friendship allow for them to bond even more strongly than before? Lunaverse story, taking place immediately after RainbowDoubleDash's At the Grand Galloping Gala.

Thanks to Blackbelt, who co-authored this story.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 80 )

This needs to be Lunaverse canon. I don't care. It needs to be canon.

Go Pinkie, Go Pinkie. Your the best pony.

Interesting look at the slippery slope and if power innately corrupts.

One tiny fault

"Bluei's my friend!

So Pinkie is actually the power behind the throne of Equestria, I can dig that.

Wow, this is really heavy stuff and really good stuff as well. All sorts of responsibility things going down.

The only change I'd make would be Luna being slightly more tired and resigned in the second chapter than angry. I don't see it being a huge surprise to her than Trixie is corrupt.

Still an outstanding story.

I hate to say it, but I have to afgree with RK, this should be canon,if only because the Pinkie/Blueblood thing works so very well, and it does deal with the fact that Trixie was just doing the exact same thing that the others had. SHe just had not been cought.

Once again we see that Pinkie is significantly smarter than we give her credit for. And she may actually be able to redeem her Bluey. (Wonder what will work better on his decisions - a royal edict, or a Pinkie Promise?)

The curse of the protagonist-centered morality is hard to avoid, and often difficult to spot creeping up on you. It's so very easy to assume that the ends justify the means. Or that immoral things don't count if you do it to the bad guys. Or that you're allowed to do a few bad things as long as you balance it out with good things. (AKA any game with a karma meter ever.)

I do agree with TnT, tired resignation could have worked better. It depends on how you see Luna thinking of Trixie after she made some friends. Up until she went to Ponyville, Trixie was quite a bit of a disappointment (not a lost cause, but making her Representative was cleary a last-ditch effort), and that is not entirely her own fault - Luna would have blamed herself for not being a better teacher. Her behavior afterwards has clearly changed for the better, but Luna can't completely neglect the risk of backsliding. I can much better see Luna disappointed that her student failed rather than angry.

All in all an interesting story, and a good reminder of that particular authorial pitfall. A bitter lesson for Trixie, but as another fictional character once pointed out, medicine is supposed to taste bad.

Comment posted by wolfstorm56 deleted Jun 30th, 2013

This really muddles and muddies an ending for a story that I don't think RDD liked either. Can't say I like the ending here better then the ending in the original piece.


I despise the slippery slope and the person who invented the phrase

Anyone this obsessed with technicalities deserves failures and in personality is guaranteed to be as useless as Luna could be in the Lunaverse

This stuff is stupid and self defeating, and the whole most ponies start out doing something for the greater good and sink into corruption is from a pony who has no clue into other ponies heads

and the fact is sometimes protaganists have to get away with stuff is the only way to stop the bad guys from getting away with shit.


Trixie is not corrupt. No more than Twilight was abusive for throwing her friends down and forcing a mind altering spell on them against Discord

Great fic. I really enjoyed this read.


she did it once for no personal gain, that is not as corrupt as the Night Court

Oh, come on. Kiss and make up you two. (Blueblood and Trixie :)

I can understand the children not understanding, but do the other Elements understand what Luna did? They made the ultimate choice to go along with Trixie out of their own free will. Lyra and Raindrops must have had some serious soul searching going on at the time, considering what they represent.

But who are they mad at? Luna? Trixie? The system itself? The fact that they thought it was over, but it really wasn't?

Maybe they don't have a right to be mad at anypony at all... if the only other way was letting sleeping dogs lie, they don't have to be proud of what they did, but stand by their reason for doing it.

Darn gray and gray morality.

And Pinkie Pie, if more ponies shared your innocence, the world would be happier. Maybe not better, but definitely happier.

2801941: I'm glad you like it!

2802007: Fixed, and glad you like it!

2802129: RDD already said (months back) that this would be put as a tie-in, and those have been generally treated as canon. (Note, for instance, that we've been saying on the boards that people can't use Applelooza because Emeral destroyed it in a tie-in fic). I totally support this being a tie-in or canon webisode; I think it works well.

2802077: If this didn't happen just after the Gala, I think Luna would more be tired and annoyed than anything. But Luna just learned that her nobles, the 243 ponies who are supposed to work with her and serve her in governing the nation, whom she has given vast power and trust to carry out their duties, think of her as somewhere between 'idiot' and 'chump.' She just found out that 243 of her closest colleagues and friends betrayed her. And now her student -- the one pony who stood up to them, the one who tried to stop them -- does the same thing. Not only does this reinforce her self-doubt issues ("Is everypony I ever befriended corrupt?!"), but the hypocricy of wrecking the corrupt nobles, then engaging in the same thing, would probably make her angry.

2802240: I love this image.

Blueblood: "Perfect. With this scheme, I'll destroy Countess Lacey Sequins and ascend to full Count! And I've guaranteed Luna will never know! Now--"
*door opens and Pinkie bounces in*
Blueblood: "What are you doing here?"
Pinkie: "Oh, I sensed somepony was about to break a pinkie promise." *goes up to him* "that wouldn't be you, would it?" *gigantic smile*
Blueblood: "Er..."

2802275: I think it resolves the PCM issue, which was the important thing to me. I wasn't able to read Crisis yet because I kept getting to a point where Trixie referred to herself as a Knight, getting angry at the hypocrisy, and quitting out. With Trixie appropriately called out for her crimes, me and people like me, who object to PCM and that sort of hypocrisy in a protagonist, can continue on.

2802285: What technicality? Extortion is against the rules. It's not like Trixie broke some obscure law in another jurisdiction or something, she violated Luna's edict. If she wants to do that, fine, but Luna isn't going to like that.
And I consider it more likely that some nobles just got drawn in to the corruption than that Luna just made 243 bad calls.
Protagonists should not need to get away with bad things in the MLP world. If they do, Luna had no business criticizing the nobles who may have also 'needed to get away with bad things.'

2802297: Thank you!

2802306: Posey did it once and for no personal gain, and that didn't help her. Max never knowingly did anything wrong, as far as we know, but he didn't stop others from doing bad things, and that was enough for him to get castigated. Trixie can't be held to a lesser standard, or her victories lose all meaning.

2802603: I think at that point they're upset with Trixie for putting them in that position. I would imagine they'll get over it fairly quickly once Trixie apologizes to them in greater detail, and points out that nothing has changed except they've used up their 'warning'. They weren't planning on breaking the law anyways, so their probation doesn't really have an impact.

And I think Court stuff is over now, at least for a while. This wraps up the last bit of corruption. From here on out, as I understand it, Corona will be the major enemy.

I agree with your points- and I also feel you're going to get some instant downvotes for your post, just because people disagree. Which shouldn't be how the voting system is used, anyhow.

Sometimes I wonder if some of what I consider double standard in the treatment of, say, Posey and Trixie is a result of our learned distrust, even disgust of politicians, which stands in juxtaposition to a romanticisation of the "rogue agent". Granted, a lot, a lot of politicians deserve our disgust- but so do many of their abovementioned counterparts...

2802698: I think that is part of it.

We're predisposed to side with Trixie for several reasons. She's the protagonist, she's likable, we've seen her get beaten around by political jerks for a while and we sympathize, she's the underdog, we hate her enemies, and so forth. I get that. I just don't think it outweighs what she's done, according to the standards that now exist in-universe. And I think that we must have consistent standards, or else Trixie isn't a hero due to her own efforts, but because we, the writers, are slanting the universe to let her get away with stuff.

Letting Trixie off the hook cheapens her actual victories. It also means that she didn't really beat the corruption in the Court; she just joined it and was better at it than the others. I don't think that's what we want, even if we like Trixie and don't want to see her cry.


Posey did one thing and then she participated in the corrupt court for 20 more years. That is a bad thing too. That counts against her. Trixie did one bad thing so that if she ever got the chance she could participate in a non-corrupt court.

The Nobility is all inherited so unless she named a lot of new nobles recently she didn't necessarily make any bad calls. Or it was all functioning under one horrible call, that it was inevitable, that tainted the whole process

As for doing bad things, as I said Twilight had to assault her friends for the good of Equestria against Discord.

And about that scene you think is cute.promises have no legally binding force. Pinkie's body language about the consequences of breaking a Pinkie Promise has been invariably hostile. It's not likely a friendly conversation. It would be threatening or blackmailing, and by your absolute black and white morality it would also be wrong

2802790: I'm pretty sure there's nothing else Night Court-y planned until S3, except insofar as 'Blueblood stops over in Ponyville to see Pinkie and gets lost in the Everfree' or something is Night Court-y on the basis that a Courtier is in it.

(Duke Abides is similar in that regard; it's about Greengrass, but it's not a Court story since Greengrass is pretty much locked out of the Court despite still being on it at that point.)

Sorry but this fic is still WRONG and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near canon. It doesn't matter how much you try to clean up the execution when the premise itself is inherently flawed.

AtGGG was the most controversial fic in the Lunaverse, but it had a definitive ending where the heroes won, the villains lost, and the whole of the setting was made a better place for it. This fic outright vilifies Trixie for doing what needed to be done and muddies the whole narrative. It also changes her friends into the hypocrites you seem to think Trixie was. All of them willingly went along with her plan in the first place and she even said that if only of them objected then they'd find another way, but her friends supported her because as drastic a plan as it was there were no better alternative. So it makes no sense for them to chew her out after the fact.

In trying to call Trixie out, you destroy any sense of closure that AtGGG had because now instead of having dealt a crippling blow to corruption, Trixie is branded as being just as bad, making the whole cycle truly look inventible and rending the entire painful drama of the Gala pointlessly futile. I get it you don't like that fic, you made that abundantly clear in the AtGGG comments, but your attempts to "fix" a fic you never understood in the first place only makes everything worse.

And no, I don't buy into the slippery slope fallacy here. What Trixie did was not the SAME as the corrupt among courtiers, similar perhaps but not the same. For all there stated indentations of wanting to build a better Equestria, ponies like Greengrass and Fisher were only ever really in it for there own selfish goals and didn't care who they had to hurt in achieving those ends. Trixie does care though, she doesn't exploit the innocent and it's just fine to blackmail someone like Blueblood because it's the only language he speaks; he's not supposed to have a "better" side that can be appealed to.

Sometimes you just have to fight fire with fire.

You already know my views on this story and suffice to say they haven't changed since it was suggested in the BR thread; and in many ways I am a little upset, we all know how much strife and hurt feeling were caused from debating this idea last time. I'm sorry but that just seems a little disrespectful.

Suffice to say I don't agree with your arguments that what Trixie did was wrong given the circumstances and unless she did something else "corrupt" after this I don't think it was a problem, let alone one that needed to be addressed.

Trixie did one mildly corrupt thing (At worst a mean spirited prank, he could sort out within a week) to a corrupt pony; so the corruption could be removed from the court. The other nobles who were "well intentioned" did corrupt things with no real intention of fixing the corruption in the system, they simply ignored it or accepted it as normal. They could have reported it to Luna, or done something, but they didn't, I believe, that is why even the "good" ones got yelled at.

Considering Luna approved of Trixie and companies Zizaine plan her being angry at Trixie for this, now feels weird to me anyway. Honestly I found Pinkie to be a little overplayed in this story, her childish and simplistic nature as well as her over abundance of energy seemed a bit extreme, even for her.

Additionally, her having that much influence over BB and Trixie seemed odd as was her ability to make them "good" and to predict what they were going to do; all things considered I felt she was far to influential and knowledgeable given her normal canon knowledge & approach to problems and planning.

BB from what I've seen is extremely out of character, so my initial feeling om his actions and sudden change in personality in the last story have not really changed. I feel this fic and most of the cast ragging on Trixie were serving more an an author tract for a fix fic rather than themselves in a story.

To put it simply my initial review and views of the old story have not been changed by this revamp; I just found this story more upsetting than the last one; as this, to me, felt more forced and aggressive in it's message and more like you using the character to deliver your views on the Gala episode, as opposed to a story.

I also read the authors note at the end and I sincerely have to disagree with your take on SH and that in itself, it seems rather mean spirited.

Which I suppose sums up most of my feeling on this story, my original review hasn't really changed, but overall I found this story to be a rather mean spirited "fix fic" personal opinion counts for a lot but I feel you've misunderstood the Gala episode and would personally not support this becoming canon or a tie in.

I am sincerely sorry if this review comes across as rude, aggressive or as a personal attack; that really isn't what I want and I wish I could better explain myself, but i'm honestly not sure I can; this subject has been argued over a lot and nothing seems to have significantly changed in either side.

I respect you as an author and your right to your own opinions and story, but I feel it's also fair that I state my views on this story and I have. I don't personally want to argue with about this as I don't think much will come of it. I am sorry if this review seemed rude in anyway shape or form, that is not what I intended or desired.

In the end though it's RDDs choice if this becomes canon and I will agree with what he says; regardless of my personal views. Also i'm scheduled to be out for the rest of the "day" here so I probably won't respond to any replies made to this post assuming there are any, so please don't take that as rudeness on my part.


This fic outright vilifies Trixie for doing what needed to be done and muddies the whole narrative. It also changes her friends into the hypocrites you seem to think Trixie was. All of them willingly went along with her plan in the first place and she even said that if only of them objected then they'd find another way, but her friends supported her because as drastic a plan as it was there were no better alternative. So it makes no sense for them to chew her out after the fact.

They agreed to go along with the sting, which Trixie was not being called out on here (the hypocrisy, sure, but not the sting itself). That she ran by Armor first and did it legally and appropriately. What she's being called out on is extorting and pretending to poison Blueblood. She never ran that by her friends, though admittadly none of them went to Luna about it (which is why they got probated as well).

In trying to call Trixie out, you destroy any sense of closure that AtGGG had because now instead of having dealt a crippling blow to corruption, Trixie is branded as being just as bad, making the whole cycle truly look inventible and rending the entire painful drama of the Gala pointlessly futile. I get it you don't like that fic, you made that abundantly clear in the AtGGG comments, but your attempts to "fix" a fic you never understood in the first place only makes everything worse.

On the contrary. Gala ended with their still being corruption in the Court; in particular, the newest knights. This ends that. The Court is, at this point, cleansed of corruption, and everyone, from Viceroy Night Light to the recently knighted Trixie, knows better than to try it again.
What would have been futile would be Trixie poisoning Bluey, getting away with it, and thus continuing the cycle of corruption. The Court is not good as long as Trixie, now a member of the gentry, can break the rules.

And no, I don't buy into the slippery slope fallacy here. What Trixie did was not the SAME as the corrupt among courtiers, similar perhaps but not the same. For all there stated indentations of wanting to build a better Equestria, ponies like Greengrass and Fisher were only ever really in it for there own selfish goals and didn't care who they had to hurt in achieving those ends. Trixie does care though, she doesn't exploit the innocent and it's just fine to blackmail someone like Blueblood because it's the only language he speaks; he's not supposed to have a "better" side that can be appealed to.

It was against Luna's rules, which is the only similarity that matters. And it's not fine to use corruption against Blueblood anymore than it would be to use it against Trixie because of her prior misdeeds. Besides, Trixie had options, including asking Luna to point out to Blueblood that attempts to blackmail Trixie, or get revenge on her by proxy by leaking what he knows she did, is a violation of the Court ethical rules that she's now bothering to enforce.

She took the easy path, which Luna has forbidden, and so she's called on it. That's all.

2802636 princess luna seems too surprised , trixie was already caught trying to get blackmail material on a noble ( hero of oaton) , so it dosent seem so unexpected that she did it again .
I believe that what failled in the "at the grand galloping gala" was how the whole castigation was turned to mere words when luna own student was the first to break the new rules.

2802727 but trixie also turned a blind eye on corruption , she uses a law that is basically a fraud against the town relief fund ( griffin over the line) and then she conviced the inspector to that the law was necessary in the war effort against corona (where there is smoke).
it was a very unnecesary law , it just stopped rainbow dash and pinkie pie from having to pay vandalism damage and it wasnt a small amount . one of the pranks caused in damage about the income of carro top for two months.

Trixie and the Elements were not corrupt no matter how much you want to paint the heroes black and the more you claim it the worse you make yourself look

You know, upon reading your comments I'm not sure I should get into any of the other "Lunaverse" fics. I agree that the message might've been a bit heavy-handed here, but I also agree with its premise. Now I'm faced with obviously "not getting" the original story too, since the ending of that one didn't feel right to me; for similar reasons as this one explains. And if that's the case- if I'll run into parts that I find distateful (or "not getting it", as you put it) again and again and again and again- then perhaps I should just stay away from the universe altogether.

Which is a shame, since "Crisis" has been very enjoyable so far, but that's also probably the un-Lunaversiest of all the Lunaverse stories around... heh, all things considered, RDD is likely right in putting the kybosh on any further Night Court stories for the foreseeable future.

2802936: It's in the fic. Luna says "you can't do X for any reason." Trixie does X. That's... all there is to it.

Although... I'd kind of hope that now, with Gala, Gardener & Game, and After the Night all done, we can move on into the future. Tambelon is coming out soon, and with all loose ends wrapped up, and the Court corruption ended, we can move on to S2. I don't really plan on revisiting this story much, and hopefully, now that everything is done, we can all leave the Court stuff in the past and move on to the Corona arc.

Not going to argue with you on this in more. It's a waste of energy and neither of us is really on the same page anymore. You and I have long since devolved into arguing past each other, and anything else I could conceivably try to say in further pursuit of this argument would come very close to a mean-spirited personal attack, and I'd rather not ruin whatever semblance of friendship there is between us just to prove a point.

Suffice it to say though, your vision of the Lunaverse isn't something I can support or want to be in anyway part of.


Trixie wasn't part of the group who couldn't do X. She wasn't one of the ones who needed correcting.

You are wrong to condemn Trixie because Trixie did what she did to help Luna and Equestria. If this is your reward for doing the right thing, then you should never do more than your minimum duty.

As far as I'm concerned Trixie did not take the easy path, she took the only path.


The Lunaverse has had a tendency to be viewed very darkly. And it can easily be done so. The Night Court turned into a nest of vipers. And I feel like there's some authors who if confronted with murder in story they'd shrug and say that's what villains do, and if the heroes got a ticket for loitering while trying to gather evidence would insist on full force of the law put on them

2802998: She was knighted, so yes, she was part of that group.
Good motives did not help the rest of the Court, so they cannot help Trixie either.

2802978: I think I'd already indicated that, if I couldn't write this story (or I could write it but it would wind up as noncanon), I wouldn't be able to continue in the Lunaverse. I do not support Protagonist Centered Morality, and I won't write stories that will then be used to justify that. I regard PCM as bad writing and bad ethics, and I could not continue in the verse if we were going to actually adopt a policy of it.

I'm sorry you didn't like the story. But it's done, the Court stuff is over, and I for one am hopeful that, now, at last, we can all move on in preparation for Tambelon.

On one hand, I couldn't help but look like > :twilightoops: the entire time I was reading this story. I somewhat thought we had collectively put this can of worms behind us.

On the other... I really cannot disagree with it. Luna's actions and Trixie's actions at the end of ATGGG are 180 degrees at odds with one another. Either the truth comes out now, Luna gets mad at the Element Bearers and we move on, or the they keep that last little bit of blackmail secret from her for months or years, and when she finally finds out the shit hits the fan at light speed.

2802978 Riddle me this, Emeral. In your vision of the Lunaverse, how does Luna react when she finds out about the blackmail Trixie pulls the morning after the GGG? No mincing or funny details get in the way, she finds out and has to respond in some fashion. What does she do?


. Either the truth comes out now, Luna gets mad at the Element Bearers and we move on, or the they keep that last little bit of blackmail secret from her for months or years, and when she finally finds out the shit hits the fan at light speed.

This was my thinking too. I had said on the boards I was okay with the latter option, but setting aside that it would probably generate a lot more fights if we went that route (imagine if, a real-time year from now, someone writes a story in which Trixie is arrested and brought up before Luna on charges of extortion. There'd be some bad flaming), I think it also leaves things too long and lets Trixie get away with things for too long. This story gets us past the corruption, and now we can move on to S2 without that landmine waiting for us in the distance.


No other member of the court had good motives as far as I'm concerned.


it never needed to come out and Trixie would have only have gotten away with THING.

Frankly, I think this is a shame. I think in the maneverse Celestia and Twilight could be best of friends and work together for a very long time.

I think Trixie would be better off washing her hooves of the Princess and the Night Court and dedicating herself to entertainment


So... you couldn't prevent yourself from writing that?

Hey RDD, this is why you should avoid Discord restoring Celestia's sanity, as I have been saying.

Someone will end up claiming it'd only be logical for ponies to be terrified of the crazy princess that was mind manipulated by a demon moving in with the ruler of the country after she's separated herself from her legislative body and that a war or a coup attempt or something would be inevitable and they'd demand to write it.

Wait, hold up- you say you believe that all of the hundreds of Courtiers were solely doing things for their own enrichment, all the time? And yet it is the author that has a black and white morality?


there was no reason not to expose the corruption to the Princess. So while not everyone was acting for their own enrichment they were guilty of going along with it.

Trixie did not go along with it though, she only acted to protect herself from a pony she knew to be corrupt


just finished reading through your comment to Emmeral Bookwise. You do realize you blackmailed RDD to allow this fic to be canon right? You threatened to walk away if you didn't get your way. That is blackmail.

2803239: Er, first of all, no I didn't, because I never demanded that anyone do anything. "If X, then I must leave" isn't blackmail; "If X, then I must leave, so don't do X" might be, but I never once said that. Second, that comment was made later anyway, after RDD had already made his initial ruling -- precisely because I consider it bad form to say something like that before hand. It's RDD's verse, and he decides what the canon is; he might make decisions that I can't support and so I leave, but I don't want to pressure him to do something different. I'm not even sure I made that comment on the boards, it might have been to others in a private chat -- certainly I don't recall RDD or Emeral responding to it. Third, unlike the interior of the Lunaverse, the boards aren't actually on a system where there's zero tolerance for saying things like that; certainly IAH has said he'd leave a lot of times, and nobody has punished him for it. The important thing is consistency and an avoidance of PCM; there is nothing inconsistent about saying "I can't continue if we're going to have PCM." Fourth...

Actually, no. I think it's clear at this point that there's not much point in discussing this further. But I am going to start deleting comments (on both sides) if people resort to personal attacks like this one. Debate the story if you want; let's not attack each other.

2803192 and by your own logic trixie is corrupt too.
2803263 I am not sure if it is ready for cannon , the blueblood redemption part it is a little flimsy.

2803296: He's not redeemed, though. He just says he won't be corrupt anymore, which was already true as of Gala anyway. There's nothing there saying he and Trixie can't continue their feud, it just has to be on the level now.

Now you've gone ahead and took the wind out of my sails! I was just going to ask if Blueblood would be in the right now if he decided to sent more spies after Trixie. After all, he'd only be protecting himself from a known blackmailer...

Well, see above. But honestly, I don't think we'll come to an agreement over this. The best thing now would be to politely agree to disagree. We're only going around in cricles like this; let's just stop before things get out of hand.

I wish you best of luck!

2803312: Well, that'd certainly be another way to take the story ("see, Trixie? If it's okay for you, it must be okay for me too! Let's continue our battle!"), but i think it's best if we just end the Court corruption stuff for now.

Oh, heavens no! That was just a hypothetical! I wouldn't be surprised if RDD reached through the screen to strangle me if I honestly tried to get folks to write that!

No no, the Court has done its work, the Court can leave.


I think you underestimate how clear you made your feelings on the subject in previous situations, and how much RDD wants to keep everyone together on this.

Frankly I wish you had never created Greengrass and this whole thing would have never been necessary


that is like saying that you have to be on guard around someone because every time you punch them in the face they insist on punching you back.

Not my fav Luniverse fic but still very enjoyable. I love the moral of owning up to your wrong doings and making right yours wrongs. There seems to be a lot of details left out, such as how this fully effected Trixes' friends and what not. Never the less, this was a good read and I like the continuation of Pinkie and Blueblood possible being a thing now

2803418: I considered it, but based on all that's happened over the past few days in universe, I think she'd be pretty upset.

Is it weird that I remember really disagreeing with considering Trixie's actions wrong as Gala was finishing up, yet now I really loved reading this story? I guess my opinion changed or something.

Don't even try to pretend that saying "I can't stay here if X" isn't functionally the same as "I will leave if X doesn't change." Certainly it isn't any different on my end of the Internet.

Even worse, I have to pick between Emeral and you. Wonderful. That fills me with joy.

Let me just say this. The picture your using for this fic? Is not appropriate for this fic. It does not fit the tone at all.

I wondered if that last encounter with Blueblood was going to come back around on Trixie.

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