• Member Since 4th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2016




This story tells what happened when Vinyl Scratch, also known as Dj Pon3, went to college.

There's an excellent reading of this story, done by UBATify on youtube, heres the link: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkYCBHnyFms]

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 317 )

2797250 Thank you! I try my best, and chapter two should be out later tonight.

:scootangel: Octascratch? Or Vinylsound?

2799819 not 100% sure myself, although I'm leaning towards octastratch

2799978 Yes. Buck yes. As extra points for using a meme.

If you've favorited this, don't forget to like it. This story has been favorited more then its been liked.

2800970 I'm gonna make a character wear a fez. Next chapter, somepony will be wearing a fez.

And now some news for everyone. I may be offline for a while.

2802118 I found the picture on Ifunny, but if you found the original, that's great! Credit to him for the picture!

Well, it seems like the other couple stories I've been coauthoring on have died, so that means all my writing will be focused on this one story. And since I have no life, my dad is gone during the day, and my stepmother runs a daycare and never pays attention to me, that means I will have huge amounts of writing times!

2803317 You should link it like that on your story. Click "Edit" at the top of the page, scroll down to the "Cover Art" section, and put that URL in.
Here's the actual picture:fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/300/e/b/vinyl_and_octavia__wubs__by_austiniousi-d5j62p8.png

2805334 There is some glitch, it doesn't say "source" at the bottom when you hover over, :unsuresweetie:
Thanks anyway :pinkiehappy:!

2805364i dunno. I do everything off my iPod, and don't have access to a computer. I'll check again to make sure i saved it.

Ok, got it figured out now. I put in the URL for the image, but I didn't put it in the source box. It's now fixed.

2816378 Nothing major, just showing a little bit more of Vinyl's personality... I know, I'm taking a risk with this chapter

It's just, I'm being realistic. They're in college. And what happens in human colleges? Lots of interesting shit. This is just the beginning of the interesting shit, but the deepest it'll ever go in... That area.

2816480 :pinkiesick: Um... not sure if I'll read that chapter.

2816515 it's not too bad, although it is not vital to the story. It's more humorous then anything else, in my opinion. The only true plot point we get out of this is that right now, Octavia is a very conservative pony

The next chapter returns to how my other chapters are, a day by day thing.

2816531 :rainbowderp: Alright, I'll read.
Edit: Just did, not sure if deserves that new tag. Interesting...:moustache:

I love your fanfic but if you add more details, it would get better because I got a little bored towards the end.

2816594 I'd rather be on the safe side. And since I only know the broad strokes of the story, It might go further in the future.

2818342 Alright, I'll take that into consideration as I write the next chapter.

I am so sorry for the next chapter being delayed, everypony. My birthday came, so I was downloading a new game for my Xbox, when I used up the rest of my data plan. Long story short, I'm back, and I'm writing.

I command you to make MORE!!!:flutterrage:
if you want:scootangel:

I am really liking this story, more than I thought. Only complaint is that there are some spelling error here and there, nothing big. Dub on, my friend:moustache:friend

2903979 Command received. Ceasing all recreational activities for this day until next chapter is complete.

2904988 Yeah, I write all this off my iPod, so my big thumbs occasionally hit the wrong key, and I type so fast I don't notice.

:flutterrage:The only problem is me wanting MOAR!!
great job by the way:pinkiehappy:

2907270 Thank you! I'll write as much as possible.

Hey, If it doesn't bother you, could I maybe do a reading of this story on youtube? It would mean a lot to me. Thanks and continue to write amazing fiction:yay::moustache::yay::moustache::yay::moustache::yay::moustache:

A few spelling and grammar mistakes here and there but the story...is simply amazing.
Great work, keep it up!:twilightsmile:

2915646 Oh my god that would be AWESOME! Just put a link to the story so people can check it out in writing, and go ahead!

Moar moar moar moar moar moar MOAR! Also, I notice some mistakes in some chapters. I was wondering if yould like an editor? Hit me up with an email if so. Owenrgagnon@hotmail.com.

THIS PLEASES ME!!:flutterrage:

2919590 Sorry, I work entirely on google drive. If you have a gmail account, I'd happily share the document with you.

2924215 alright. I'm going to be away from a computer until Thursday. I'll get back to you then. Is there an email address that I can contact you at?

2924392 Lonepone13@gmail.com

I'll be going up to my dads tomorrow, where my evil stepmother resides, so I don't know how often I'll be able to check my email.

Sorry if the latest chapter isn't up to the same quality as the others. I've been having these massive migraines because I ran out of my Mountain Dew.


Sorry if the latest chapter isn't up to the same quality as the others

I still like it. Octavia and Vinyl had a conversation where they didn't try to kill each other :twilightsmile:

2924215 alright. I'll make an account as soon as possible. I'm going to be away from the Internet for a few days. 3 days max. I may actually get it back tomorrow but time will tell.

2924588 I know EXACTLY what you mean. I need Mountain Dew 24/7 to keep me alive! BTW, I am still working on doing a reading of this, But I have been busy cleaning and stuff these past few days. I will try to do at least two chapters per video, and try to to them every few days. I will try to get the first out by Friday if not sooner. They will be uploaded here: http://www.youtube.com/user/UBATify
Also, If you would like a beta-reader of sorts I offer my services.:duck::unsuresweetie::yay::moustache:

2926664 I think it would be awesome to have you as a beta reader. I'll be offline for a day or two, but if you give me your gmail I'll share the doc with you.

2926664 Take all the time you need. I wouldn't want you to rush yourself just to meet some made up deadline. Whenever you finish it is fine.

2924745 It's still clear they don't like each other, right? I don't want a bam friendship moment.

It's clear but hey, no murder in this fic :ajsmug:

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