• Published 25th Jun 2013
  • 2,665 Views, 67 Comments

Fatal Corruption - Pinkies Imagination

Kassadin... A powerful member of the void... is thrown into Equesria. God only knows what he will do.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Don't look or it takes you...

Here is a better picture of Kassadin if you want to get a sense of how he looks.

Chapter 1: Don't look or it takes you...

"Hold the doors, do not let them pass!" I command to the lesser minions before me as I point.

They look at me fearfully as I spoke and nodded. They ran towards a set of wooden doors and held them. Then the banging began. As they held the door, no doubt not for much longer, I recalled memories. But I shook my head as I always come back to the same cold feeling. And that horrible memory that taints my mind.

I look up and notice cracks forming in the doors. I lift my right hand and ready my blade. I close my right fist as energy flows through my veins and my weapon brightens.

The doors cave in. Any minions who were holding the doors and did not jump back were crushed under debris and enemies storming in. I slashed forward quickly, ripping a tear in the fabric of space. And jumped in, a millisecond later I appeared in the same room only right in front of the fallen door. I had rift walked a good 30 feet.

"There is Kassadin, destroy him!" Shouts Malzahar. (Click for photo)

Malzahar is an abomination in my eyes. But what can I say. So am I. He floats about a foot of the ground. I can see the purple particles of void magic dripping off his hands and around his feet. He looked at me, and I could only stare at his eyes. His mouth was covered and he had his hood on. As I stared time seemed to slow down. I snapped back in when I finally managed to blink and look away.

All the minions who had destroyed the door began running towards me. Many of them were killed on their way by my own fighters, but most of them made it to me. Before they had a chance to react I let out a pulse from my hand, letting out a curved line of horizontal purple energy. Immediately wiping them out.

I turned towards Malzahar and noticed him wave his hands. I immediately rift walked backwards. Just as I did I saw two walls of energy enclose on where I was a moment ago. I flew forward and swiped for Malzahar. As I did he ducked to the left. I just barely missed him, glazing a bit of his hood. He turned again and cast another spell. This one opened a large circle on the floor inches away from me. I backed up quickly. Inside it I could see the infinite void.

'Is he insane? Opening such a large void portal!' I shout in my mind.

I look up to see... nothing. All minions have disappeared. No bodies. And no Malzahar. Just me. I look around and feel a cold sensation on the back of my spine. I begin to rift walk forward, and am suddenly stopped and pulled back. I feel a beam of energy around me. I painfully look behind me and see Malzahar focusing energy from his eyes. I then see his plan.

I begin to panic. I feel paralyzed however. He inches me closer and closer to the tear in space he had created. When I was just above it I looked at him one last time.

"Goodbye and Good Riddance." He spoke as he fired a blast at my face.

Everything slowed down. I could see the energy nearing me. I felt so helpless. How could I have let my defense down and get caught so easily? The energy was near my face now. I felt the absence of all heat near my face. A few inches now. No escape...



__--Perspective Change: Third Person--__ __--Location: Equestria, Ponyville, Library--__

Twilight tapped her hoof impatiently on the ground as she waited.

"Spike whats taking so long?" She shouted from the center of the library.

"Nothing! I'm coming now!" Spike shouts back.

A few moments later Spike comes running down the stairs with a book in his hands. He stops and begins to breath in quickly. Twilight yanks the book out of his grasp with her magic Just as Spike sneezed.


A green column of flame shot out as he sneezed. He rubbed his nose and opened his eyes. He looked at his hands and began to panic.

"Oh no not again! Twilight I'm so sorry!" He says as he turns to her.

"Don't worry Spike, I have the book here." She says as she waves it back and fourth with her magic.

Spike lets out a huff and wipes his head. "Whew. That was close, the last time I burned that book about stars and whatnot, it took months to find a replacement." He said waving his arms in the air for effect.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "This isn't a book about stars and whatnot... It's a-" She was cut off by Spike.

"Twilight, I was kidding, but we should really get outside. Our friends are waiting for us." He says in excitement.

Twilight and Spike open the library door and walk out. It's dark out, probably around 11:00 pm at night. The two of them walk side by side for a while not saying anything. After a few minutes of walking they begin climbing a grassy hill. Spike hops onto Twilight's back and she continues walking. As she nears the top she can make out talking.

As the two reach the top the talking stops. "Well it's about darn time!" Shouts Applejack.

Twilight's friends had set up a small area to lay down. A blanket, a picnic basket filled with candy of different sorts. The usual stuff for a picnic. Twilight walked forward and lay down on the blanket as Spike climbed off her back.

"Sorry, I just couldn't forget this book, who knows what may happen tonight. It's so strange to have shooting stars on a night like tonight. But Princess Luna said for some reason, the night has chosen tonight. And I want to know everything about anything that may happen!" She says with a large smile.

"Heh... Typical Twilight." Said Rainbow Dash.

"OH OH! LOOKIE! IT'S STARTING!" Shouts Pinkie Pie as she hops up and down.

They all run to the blanket and lay down on it. They flop onto their backs and look into the sky. As different stars streak across the sky the 7 of them watch in delight. After a few minutes they notice another shooting star. This one somewhat different. It is bright purple and is leaving a very long tail behind it. A series of gasps is heard as they all watch it streak across the sky. Twilight fixes her eyes on it.

"Oh my...." She begins. "I have never seen anything like THAT before..." She says as It continues to go across the sky.

She then notices it is traveling much slower than a normal shooting star.

"It's beautiful." Chips in Rarity.

They all nod in agreement. Except for Twilight who focuses on the star. And just before she has any chance to decide what it is. It's light goes out. And the purple trail ends.

Twilight blinks and opens her book. She lights up her horn and begins reading.

"Twilight? Can ya'll wait till this is over ta read that?" Asks Applejack.

Twilight turns to her then looks at the book. She then dismisses the light from her horn. "I'm just curious. Sorry." She said smiling.

Applejack nods. "Don't worry, it was probably a little Surprise from The Princess." She said smiling.

"Yeah... Maybe." Said Twilight as they both looked back into the sky.


Author's Note:

Let me know what you think! Comments and criticism is highly appreciated! And I hope you are all excited for chapter 2!


If you disliked it, I would appreciate it if you left a reason why in the comments so I may improve myself further as a author.