• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th


Trixie and Twilight are best ponies! (Diamond Tiara is best filly :D )


The Great and Powerful Trixie receives a visit from her future self. Well, of course she does, being the most talented magician in all of Equestria... However, her future self dies before her eyes, telling Trixie that she has only four days left to live...

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 61 )


Well. THAT came up quick!

Interested, faved, tracked and so on.

Lets see where this goes!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Yukito story. Insta-fave. Have this song as thanks.

Since Twilight was the only unicorn to study and cast the time-travel spell, Trixie will must meet with her nemesis eventually before this tale is over.

I wonder how badly Twilight is freaking out right now... having tangled with Sombra once already? :twilightoops:

Sombra huh? Damn... Not bad...

And yeah, either she goes and learns it a few second before she kicks it or she meets Twilight.

~Skeeter The Lurker

PM this to the parasprite. He loves Lightning.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Somehow, I get the feeling that something bad's going to happen.

Also, I've only just realized that the Pie sisters have their own icon. How did I miss that?


Only added recently (possibly even today), along with Sunset Shimmer tag.


I have a sinking feeling that not only did the evil crystal shatter.. ALL the crystals shattered, all the way back to the Crystal Kingdom.
This is bad... very very bad. :twilightoops:

So Trixie is trapped in the loop. Damn.


Unless she sends herself back... to one of the princesses. They have the power to use a quick healing spell so she won't perish while Trixie can get the information them without the delay in the previous loop.

And does Trixie really know her future self dies for certain? Did she stop to take a pulse or check any vitals?


She doesn't know where any of the Princesses were located four days ago, and even if she did know she probably feels that she doesn't have long enough to explain the situation to them.

As for knowing her future self died, it's mentioned in the prologue near the end that she placed a hoof to her future self's neck and felt no pulse.

Daaaaaaamn. All's well that ends well, yeah?

I WILL be rereading this... Nicely done.

~Skeeter the Lurker

After all that, I was expecting a sad ending. But then you had to give us that twist for a happy ending. You wonderful bastard.

Now I want an alternate ending..


Was gonna be a sad enging originally. They were meeting up to visit Trixie's grave, but then they my mind rebelled against me ^_^;;


I actually think a sad ending would have more effect.

:rainbowhuh: Okay, now that's a way to grab attention.

Hmm, real sympathetic of you, Cadance. She's gonna die in a few days and you pull that sort of horse apples on her? :ajbemused:

Well, congrats. you made Sombra about 100% more badass than in the show. ;)

So... is there another fic i should read to get the backstory on Trixie, Inkie and the rest?


I could be mistaken but 99.9% of the time, at least one can be found sitting at the throne in Canterlot listening to the boring nobles whine over this or that.


Or they're out having tea with the denizens of Ponyville, or out watching the leaves fall, or out helping little children get over their fears of the dark, or out... basically just out, really.


Or having a romp with Big Mac...:raritywink:

Another fine Trixie story. :yay:

For my headcanon, chapter 7's ending is the official one.
Ending it like that really rocks my world. :trixieshiftright:

I should be commenting about the fact that Future Trixie just died right in front of Present Trixie's eyes...

But the only thing on my mind is whether or not this is in continuity with "Trixie's New Life In The Crystal Empire".

How is it possible to change the future anyway? Trixie died. Her friends in the future must have grieved. Does that just simply disappear? This was a great story. I`m a bit sad that you never had Inkie end up with Trixie, but this didn`t have the romance tag so I shouldn`t be surprised. Love this!

A Sombra that can do more than just say 'crysssstalsss'!? Blasphemy!
Kudos on making a character with some potential into an actual villain.

Lightning Dust-Honesty
Apple Fritter-Generousity

Not 100% sure yet on the other two but if I had to guess I'd stick Inkie with kindness and Vinyl with loyalty. That's just a personality guess, could be opposite.

Well I am a sucker for a happy ending so, I loved it. However I demand more TrixexInkie, in fact you created a lot with this story that i'd like to see more of. I mean.......if that's ok........:yay:

Trixie has the best friends. Seriously, this group felt tons more natural than most other stories, and those usually have the Elements and the trek to the Everfree Castle to help forge the friendships. These? Five ponies who just genuinely like Trixie for who she is. I find it curious that each of them have some kind of connection to one of the Mane 6 (with the exception of Feathermay, I guess). I wondered for a bit if Trixie was gathering her own Elements. Actually, I'm glad it didn't turn out that way.

Storywise, the continuously rising stakes were very well played, going from "Trixie tries to find out what happened and avert her death" to "Trixie and friends save Equestria". Also, Sombra is exponentially more villainous than his canon counterpart. Shades of Giygas, as well.

Very good story. I enjoyed reading it.

Epic foreshadowing is epic.

I was crying at the end of chapter 7 - although I knew right from the start that Trixie has to die for the loop to be stable.

Sad thing is, even though I am eternally grateful for the happy ending, it seems forced. For your atonement, I demand more Trixie X Inkie.:fluttercry:

2883056 She didn't actually change the future or the past, the meeting between Future and past Trixie still took place exactly like it did before. The difference was that after the spell ran it's course she was transported back to her own time. As I understand and/or remember from the episode 'it's all about time' the spell has a fixed time limit meaning that the spell will take you back no matter what. And after she was back and without a doubt dead it was a simple matter of reviving her again. I just though about how advanced their medical technology is so much more advanced than anything else seem to be.

Also they wouldn't had much time to grieve since she was back quickly and back to life after some of their equivalent of CPR or defibrillator and blood from Inkie, she was never dead longer than that. Everything turned out exactly like it did before or after or whenever, this stuff is kinda confusing. Furthermore I think at least that time spell doesn't let you change anything, anything you try to do creates a time loop so as soon as Trixie saw her slightly older self it was decided that everything she went through was going to happen. Or as the doctor would say "it's a fixed point in time".

2804700 And to the Author I want to say that I loved this story I would very much like a continuation in this universe, but i don't really know what. A romance story between Trixie and Inkie perhaps, or another adventure story as a direct sequel where Sombra tries to take revenge, or a slice of life story that expand upon what happens to them after this story. The point is that I want it to continue on something big instead of all your unrelated other stories, don't get me wrong I like them (at least the once I have had the time to read) but I feel like it's time to aim for something bigger. But perhaps it's better to start from scratch if you do that, anyway I want to see something of epic proportions from you.

Wait a minute ...
Trixie gets the warning from her future self (who then dies) and goes off to stop Sombra.
Trixie gets hurt and goes back in time to warn herself.
Trixie gets the warning from her future self (who then dies) and goes off to stop Sombra where she will then go back in time, triggering a time loop for that specific moment.
But how did the loop get started to begin with?
In the original timeline, Trixie would have never set off to stop the events leading up to her demise because she wouldn't have encountered her future self due to Sombra's attack not yet taking place.
Meaning that the ambush on Canterlot/Crystal Empire would have successfully gone off.
So was the original Trixie still able to destroy the crystal, or did Sombra end up winning?
And how was the Trixie from that timeline able to get inside the Castle and get the time travel scroll that started the time loop in the first place?


It's best not to question it. Like how the loop started for future Twilight. In any instance of time loops like this, there's always the question of how it starts, and at there same time there really isn't an answer for it other than there just never being an 'original Trixie' or 'original timelime', which is kinda an odd concept but the only way it could possibly work.

This was STUPENDOUS! I am so horribly glad I read this! Thank you so much for your writings.

It's called a Predestination Paradox or Closed Loop.
The past can not be altered and any attempt to alter the events simply fulfil the events of the past.
Trixie was warned by her future self about her coming death, in order to escape this situation she fulfils the events that lead to her need to go back through time and warn herself again.
The loop has no point of creation nor a point where it would be broken and that is why it's called a paradox.
Wikipedia has more to say about it.


As for the story itself, I rather enjoyed it.
The epilogue itself was annoyingly short and short of details, the question of who the Everfree villain wasn't answered (as far as I could see, myself) What kind of fame Trixie gains from the adventure, an important goal as far as Trixie is concerned, wasn't addressed and I was hoping to see Trixie and Twilight meet each other again but despite that, I thought it was a rather good story.

I loved it :pinkiesmile:

Shining Armor using her magic to fend off an enraged King Sombr

:pinkiegasp: What did Sombra do to Shining Armor!?!

Well, that's a way to make a cliffhanger. Of course, whether Trixie will die or not remains to be seen since future Trixie returned to the future before having a chance to die. Still, at least future Trixie knew to shut past Trixie up quick enough to get some semblance of information out, unlike future Twilight :twilightblush:

I wonder if those animals attacking crops will come into play or not.

Why did daylight saving even have to exist? It never gave more sunlight, just the illusion of more sunlight!

This is particularly egregious when you have Celestia to raise the sun instead of physics.

Also bwahaha, I ruined your 42 review count.

One wonders if Trixie knows that Shining Armor's sister and the mare who humiliated her are one in the same. She probably doesn't, otherwise I would expect Cadance's quarters would be a riot zone by now. I wonder how Trixie asked him out to the prom, though. "The Great and Powerful Trixie shall allow you to take her to the prom", perhaps? At least this establishes Trixie as being a bit older than Twilight Sparkle, anyways.

The fandom's run off with a Maud Pie x Trixie pairing by now, so slotting in one of Pinkie's other sisters instead who presumably also still worked on the rock farm, and making her a rational actor and foil to Trixie helps. Now if only she can work up the gumption to tell Trixie about her feelings, making her a bit of a shirking violet still.

This is going to be a real fun mess of five ponies thrown together, plus whomever we may get over the next three days!

All you need to do is present this guard to the Princess’ guards, and request the books back.

First usage of 'guard' should be 'card'.

Man, long chapters much? I saw the whole Roman numerals connection as soon as they got the stones, and then it paid off with a third of the chapter left still. Good action in this chapter, though, as we see what will probably be the final villain of this piece show up early, and with that ending, it looks like Sombra will actually get to do something that's actually worthy of being called evil and villainous.

Trixie's pretty badass, being able to see through that illusion partways through on the wall. It's about time Cadance actually does something, and beating off Sombra temporarily does the trick.

Fic count so far: one redshirt dead.

Trixie and her great escape at the beginning makes me think that she should consider adding on to her full name, something like Trixie Lulamoon Copperfield. She gets into good full form in Appleloosa with her analysis, figuring out presumably what a phalanx of court magicians took a longer time than her to figure out (while she was unconscious, in hospital, and then on the train). I'm a little bit disappointed, however, that we didn't see any of the buffalo in Appleloosa. Little Strongheart is too cute not to make a cameo!

I get the feeling she really doesn't want to be anywhere near Ponyville, I wonder why :trixieshiftleft:

Don't think I didn't catch the fact her party now numbers six with an even split between the three tribes!

I'm getting definite Lunaverse vibes from those six here, in the sense that they suffer friendship problems like the Mane 6, but it's not always sparkles and butterflies at the end of each episode, but they'll snark at one another with sarcasm and biting humour and still come out as strong friends at the end of it.

Some more exciting action, and Steven Magnet! I notice that the throwaway villain in this chapter though was so disposable that he didn't even really get a name, or even a gender (presuming it's a male), and when he takes a shadowy form you don't even give him a description of his general outline or if it's just a shadow cloud like what Sombra had.

The throwaway villain's lines at the end there make me think he was trying to take over Sombra's power, but now that he's been defeated, Sombra is going to resurface.

That's quite the signal, Trixie. It's a good thing you're a mare or else there would be overcompensation jokes galore.

It's a good thing there ISN'T any Twilight Sparkle showing up in person in this story, or else that might actually set Trixie off enough to be possessed by the mist. If only she knew about that scroll from the Starswirl the Bearded wing and who the last pony was to handle it...heck, if she did, she could rub it in in Twilight's face the next time they meet about not handling ancient scrolls properly. Getting it covered with chocolate and not putting it back in its place? Book Horse would faint if anypony else did that!

So Sombra escapes yet again, but this time with his latest plot foiled. And then poor Trixie sacrifices herself to save Equestria, condemning herself to a perpetuating time loop. Once Shiny and Cadance tell Twilight about this over dinner, Twilight will be all "Are you SURE this is the same Trixie we're talking about!?"

Shining: “I’ll recap before we head in: our job is to defeat Sombra, and destroy the Fuente de la Corrupción. To do that, Cadance will use the Crystal Heart’s power to repel him, and then we’ll use the Remedio para la Corrupción to destroy the Fuente. Questions?”

“One,” Vinyl said. “What’s with the weird names? Remeh who’s a whatsit?”

Sombrero picked up a penchant for Spanish names from his native culture, no doubt :applejackconfused:

Well, I was expecting the ending, just not sure of how the exact means would be. I mean, you're Yukito! I don't think anything I've read by you has ended up with any tragic or super-dark ending. Really the only guy that got killed in this fic on-screen was the one redshirt Royal Guard earlier.

I am slightly disappointed that we get no closure in this fic though on how Equestria hears and takes the news about Trixie basically saving them all and dying for it (though it didn't last)...and Twilight's reaction as well :twilightoops:

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