• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 4,374 Views, 57 Comments

Soft Kitty - Sam Cole

Twilight impersonates Opal to prank Rarity, but problems arise

  • ...

PT 1 of 3: Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur

Soft Kitty
By Sam Cole
Chapter 1: Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur.

War. War never changes. War is always vile, evil, sin that drives ponies to their absolute worst. Even more so if this war is not one of missiles and sword, or blood and steel. But instead cream pies and embarrassing photos. Yes dear ponies, the dreaded war of Pranks.

“Spike! I need that one book!” Twilight screamed as she stormed into the library. “This is unacceptable! It’s intolerable! It’s a downright disgrace!”

“Twilight, what’s wrong?” Spike asked as he skidded around the corner, fear written all over his face.

“Rarity just pranked me again!” Twilight shot back, and calmed the dragon thusly.

“Oh thank Luna. I thought it was something serious.”

“Spike! She posted a personal ad for me!” Twilight protested. “I can’t even walk through town anymore!”

“So what are you gonna do about it?” Spike asked innocently as he stifled a laugh.

“I was just reading about a new spell last week. Wednesday, 10:42 am. Find that book Spike,” Twilight ordered, till she saw Spike’s look of confusion. “Ugh, it’s on the book rota list. Just check back, then find it on the shelves and bring it to me please.”

“Sure thing Twilight,” Spike muttered as he walked away. “What’s the spell anyways?”

“A spell that lets me mind swap with any non pony creature,” Twilight explained. “I’m going to get a little payback.”

“Really, Twilight? Revenge? Isn’t that a big misuse of your talents?”

“Oh just a little one. Beside, Celestia says I don’t play around enough. All work and no play, right?”

“Makes Jack a dull colt, yeah yeah.” Spike relented. “But you promise this is just for a practical joke?”

“I promise. I’m going to mind swap with Opal, then take something from Rarity’s. Something she is bound to miss, and hide it outside. Then I’ll go over there and give the item back, letting her know I can mess with her at anytime. It’s foalproof.” Twilight smiled as she sat down at her desk.

“And all of this because Rainbow started a prank war again,” Spike chuckled, but he let it slide. He took more joy in watching Twilight attempt practical jokes than anything else of late. She was so bad at it, yet she kept trying. So he did what any assistant worth his weight would do right now, and stole the book from Owlowiscious as the feathery friend tried to deliver it. “Here ya go Twilight! Evolutionary Index of Animalia Arcanulos.”

“Ah, thank you Spike.” Twilight smiled as she set down a glass of water and a pill on her desk. “Now, sleeping pill...” Twilight said as she slipped the pill down and drank the water.

“What’s that for?” Spike asked.

“I don’t want Opal to freak out in my body now! She might get me hurt,” Twilight said as she read the spell and focused her power. “Now, visualize your swap partner, and-” With that, Twilight slumped forward as a bright flash filled the room. When Spike’s vision returned, he found Twilight curled up like Opal, snoring gently and almost purring.

“Huh, I guess it works...”

A cat growled as she unfurled, stretching her form that had just gotten comfortable. I should have know the damned cat would be sleeping! Just great, now I’m sleepy too...

But Twilight’s nap would have to wait. She only had about fourteen minutes to complete her task before the spell automatically reverted. So she had to find something to hide. Something small enough for a cat to move, but important enough to be missed.

Something like the reading glasses Twi-Kitty just found would be perfect, actually. Twilight hopped effortlessly onto the desk, marveling at her new feline agility and prowess.

So this is why they sleep all day? Being this much fun just to move around must be tiring.

Twilight was inches from the glasses when she heard a new sound in the room. The mare she was there to exact revenge upon, as it were. Twilight froze, forgetting for a second that she was not herself but a cat, and a welcome one in this home at that. Rarity saw her and ran up to the cat, tears streaming down freely as Twilight’s revenge melted into concern. War would have to wait.

“O-O-Opal! Oh goddess, Opal!” Rarity cried as she picked up the cat and hugged her gently. Twilight was used to seeing Rarity cry, but never like this. This was so personal, so... genuine. “I miss her so much! I-I-I never got to say goodbye!”

Twilight had no clue what she was talking about. She didn’t need to. Rarity was heartbroken, and that was enough for this friend. She butted Rarity’s chin with her head as Twi-Kitty began to cuddle with Rarity, providing the only comfort a cat can.

“Oh Opal! You do understand! I’m just so- so- Oh goddess! I miss her-” Rarity sobbed, stroking Twi-Kitty behind the ears as she sat down with her, but Twilight’s vision began to tunnel, her hearing shrinking back into her normal ranges.

No! Rarity! But it was too late, and Twilight was returning to herself fast. She had at least gotten to curl up, so the sleeping cat shouldn’t be too disturbed. Right now, Rarity needed the company.

“Damn it!” Twilight swore as she resumed her body, the very one racked with sleep aids. She focused her magic on an old trick of hers, pushing the drugs influence from her body. “Ha! And the Princess said pharmaceutical spells were a waste of a Sunday afternoon!”

“Twilight?” Spike asked gingerly. “You stopped purring and snoring, so I figured you were back.”

“Yeah, but I have to get to Rarity’s now!” Twilight declared standing tall.

“No joke goes unfinished?” Spike chuckled.

“Not exactly. Something’s up over there, and I think Rarity needs me right now,” Twilight nodded. “I think she needs us.”


A tentative hoof met wood in a rapid assault, as the sound resonated through the white mare’s abode. “Rarity? It’s Twilight and Spike!”

The door flew open to a nightmare of the formerly beautiful tenant. Rarity’s face was crossed with ruined mascara and smeared eyeshadow, but she didn’t care. She just stood there, trying not to sob. “Wh-What brings you over?”

“I just had a feeling you needed some company-” Twilight began, and soon was silenced as Rarity fell forward to them and took both dragon and mare into a hug. “Hey, it’s okay Rarity. Tell us what happened.”

“I-Inside,” Rarity stammered as she lead them inside and shut the door, just to collapse against it on the spot afterwards. Twilight swept Rarity into a hug as she gently reassured the mare.

“What’s wrong Rares?”

“It-its my grandma. She’s- She’s-”

“It’s okay Rarity. I get the idea,” Twilight whispered as Spike hugged Rarity too. “Your grandma Rhinestone?”


“She meant the world to you. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“She hadn’t been doing too well lately. I was going out to Foalida next week to see her, but now... I never got to say goodbye. In my last letter, I said I refused to say it in print, and she would just have to wait till I got there.”

“I’m sure she would have loved that Rares,” Twilight whispered to her crying friend.

“I loved her so much! She taught me everything I know about sewing!” Rarity cried harder, in a most unladylike fashion to boot.

“I thought sewing was your special talent?” Spike asked as he backed up, finding his spot for hugs too awkward to maintain for long.

“No dear, my talent is the Gem Finder Spell. More accurately, I can find the hidden beauty of anything, whether stone, or wood, or even pony, and help bring it out for all the world too see. I do this with my ensembles, but that is only one way.” Rarity smiled for the first time since the pair had come over.

“Wow, that’s really neat Rarity,” Twilight whispered for her friend, awestruck by her complexity that Twilight had failed to notice till now.

“My grandma told me that. I thought it meant I was a fashion designer actually, but Gam Gam sat me down and explained what I was not seeing. I was looking at the world selfishly, but she taught me to see those that need a kind hoof. Need...”

“Some generosity...” Twilight muttered. “She’s the reason you would learn to be so humble later in life and eventually become the Element of Generosity...”

“Yes. She paved the way for the greatest friendship in my life, the one I cannot live without.”

“One?” Twilight and Spike asked, cocking their heads simultaneously to the left.

“One. You, Twilight. You're my best friend, and I cannot imagine life without you, and everything you’ve brought into my life.” Rarity smiled as she drew Spike and Twilight into a quick hug, driving home her message. “Without you, none of my other friendships would be as strong, or my memories so endearing. You brought us all together, darling.”

“Oh… Um, thanks Rares...”

“You’re quite welcome,” Rarity smiled as she tried to brush back her mane and control her ruined makeup. “Thank you, Twilight. For just being here today.”

“Hmph,” Spike snorted in laughter. “If you knew why, you wouldn’t be saying that.”

“Shut up, Spike,” Twilight smiled as she shot a glare to the dragon that would have frozen a pond solid.

“No, I already know,” Rarity laughed.

“You- you do?”

“You were here for a revenge prank,” Rarity surmised. “I have no doubt it was scathing and quite embarrassing, but I’m glad you let it go for now.”


“Seriously? ‘I had a feeling.’ That’s very transparent, even for you Twilight. But I’m glad you came. I needed to talk to somepony.”

“I’m sure you had some comfort,” Twilight ventured hazardously.

“Opal was nice all of 4 minutes. A personal best actually.”

“Cats,” Spike chuckled. “Aw man, they’re a riot.”

“So what’s your plan now, Rarity?”

“I’m going to Canterlot tomorrow to refund my old ticket and get a bereavement fare. I’ll be gone for about four days to make my peace, help lay her to rest, and help my family take care of her final deeds.”

“Okay Rarity. I’ll help you pack,” Twilight nodded as she rose to her hooves.

“Not this time dear. I’m just taking a black dress for the funeral, otherwise I’m packing light. You don’t get much cargo on a bereavement fare after all.” Rarity awkwardly smiled, looking to her hooves.

“Okay. So if you’re ready to go, let’s get you cleaned up, then we’ll go out to dinner. Sound good?”

“That sounds lovely, Twilight. Thank you ever so much,” Rarity smiled. “Gam Gam would have loved you both, such wonderful friends.”

“Thank you Rarity, that means a lot. I wish we had gotten to meet her...” Twilight smiled weakly. “She sounds like an amazing pony to be proud of.”

Rarity only smiled, breaking back down into tears as she relived all of her favorite memories with the grandmother she had loved so much.

Four days passed since their friend had left home, and now as she returned home she was graced to the sight of her six closest friends all standing by to greet her as she departed the train. “Hello darlings!”

“There she is!” Applejack laughed as they all took turns hugging their friend. “We all missed ya, sugarcube.”

“Awe, you all are such wonderful friends,” Rarity said, holding back a tear. “That’s why I got you all these on my trip!”

All of her friends blushed as she magically moved a group of hats onto them all, even swapping Applejack’s out for this new hat. A new hat with writing on it?

“Careful Hooves Moving Company?” Twilight read on Pinkie’s hat.

“Ah, there you are. Miss Rarity said she had a moving company waiting,” The Conductor pony smiled as he approached the group. The smile of somepony that is about to offload so much work onto somepony else. “Here we are, car number four!”

“What is this, Rares?” Applejack hissed at her friend.

“Why Applejack, it’s all the antique furniture my Gam Gam left to me. I just couldn’t say no to taking it, it’s all I have left of her,” Rarity said, and though she meant it jokingly, Twilight could see right through her and tell how much she loved them, how much she needed it. So the lavender mare would play along, and accept Rarity’s prank for the time...

“The whole bucking Car?!” Twilight snapped when she saw all the large, heavy looking furniture that literally filled the train car.

“Please hurry miss. The train leaves in fifteen,” The conductor smiled as he ran away before being asked to help.

“Remind me to not invite Rarity to the next Prank war,” Rainbow sighed as she set out to grab the first piece, all ponies and dragon working hard and fast to clear the train and move the items to Rarity’s.

“Twilight, no more prank wars. I can’t take anymore.” Spike joked, huffing as he struggled to carry a nightstand the last few blocks.

“Me either, Spike. Me either. But first, I’m getting some payback tonight.” Twilight held this grudge all the way to Rarity’s, who when they found her was in the middle of a bout of self pity, obviously trying to hide her sorrow over her recent loss. She turned to her friends and tried to play off the prank, trying to act strong.

“Oh come now girls, you should know better.”

“Ah was gonna prank ya, but I thought better of it. Now, Ah’m reconsiderin that!” Applejack groaned as she set down the dresser she was carrying.

“You’re not the one floating half a ton of stuff over here!” Twilight grunted as she set her load down, the last pony to be freed from her forced labor. She turned to Rarity to see the mare looking a tiny bit afraid. And Twilight very nearly caved. Nearly, she was still planning on revenge at some point in time.

“Are you alright? That was a pretty big load. I hadn’t thought you would carry it, but just teleport it over...”

“Hey, what about the rest of us?” Rainbow demanded sitting down.

“I’m ever so sorry. I hadn’t expected the prank to actually be that taxing. I meant for it to prove a mild inconvenience, not back breaking labor...”

“I’m fine Rarity, thanks,” Twilight said shakily trying to find her strength. “You can make it up to us tonight with dinner.”

“About that,” Rarity frowned. “Spike, please go to my parent’s place and fetch them. I have a few of their pieces it seems.”

“Yeah, I got ya Rarity,” Spike nodded, setting out the door.

With the soft click, Rarity turned to her friends, a cautious smile on her lips. “Tonight won’t work for me. I have a date tonight.”

“Oh?” Five mares asked, leaning in. “Who is it?”

“A new stallion in town named Patent Pending. I met him on the train in from Canterlot,” Rarity smiled as she clapped her hooves. “He’s a mechanical engineer.”

“Rarity, that’s great!” Fluttershy ventured.

“Ya deserve it, sug.”

“A fashion designer and machinery colt? This should be good,” Rainbow laughed.

“I’ll bake up some super special cupcakes for your date then, no problem!” Pinkie declared.

“What time?” Twilight asked, the wheels turning for her.

“At seven,” Rarity squealed.

“Oh my, it’s five after six right now. You’d better start getting ready,” Twilight smiled.

“Oh, thank you dear. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow dear!”

“Looking forward to it, Rarity!” Twilight called as she stepped outside. She knew Spike would be along shortly, and hurried home. She only had so long to get revenge after all.

Twi-Kitty roused from her sleep, rolling over to see a white mare hard at work with her make up, already dressed to the nines in a very nice cocktail dress. Twilight smiled at this, and hopped silently to the ground, sneaking up on the distracted white mare easily. With one jump, Twilight was on the table, the powder puff was in her teeth, and she was off, to Rarity’s protests.

“Opal! Stop it!” Rarity cried, giving chase. Twilight slid as she ran under the mare’s bed, hiding the puff and grabbing a similar looking puffy broach from Rarity’s hide away drawer. It only occurred to Twi-Kitty after she had the make up that the powder tasted awful, so she had to fix that. As an added bonus though, the broach she found looked just close enough to throw Rarity off for a second longer. Anything to delay her, really. Twi-Kitty bolted out just in time, between Rarity’s legs as the mare closed in, making the mare groan in anger.

“That’s it Opal! No more catnip for you!” Rarity declared, chasing Twi-Kitty all over her home, and finally into the cat’s first error. Twilight picked a room at random, but now she saw her choices were limited here. She was in Rarity’s study, and there weren’t nearly enough places to hide here. Well, enough places not filled with sharp metal bits. Twilight spotted her reprieve, and dove behind a bank of pictures. She was just starting to feel the pull of the switch when she felt herself get picked up by Rarity’s magic. Twi-kitty struck out and latched onto a picture frame, trying to bring it with her. Keep Rarity from seeing the ruse just a second longer. After all, in this game, every second Twilight could make Rarity rush would be all the sweeter in the end.

“Opal, you are in so much... Opal, are you trying to tell me something?” Twilight made out right before her cat senses diminished entirely, returning her to her own body. Twilight wondered what Rarity had meant, but it was a none issue. She had finally gotten off a successful prank!

Twilight pushed the sleeping pill from her mind as she rose and made dinner, happy with her efforts. But just as dinner was served, she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Just as I was sitting down,” Twilight chided as she opened the door, finding a very out of place looking Rarity. “Rarity? What’s going on? I thought you had a date?”

“What?” Spike cried out as he dropped something, but Twilight didn’t care. Rarity was not only crying, but wearing a hoodie over the cocktail dress and she had Opal with her. This was serious. Had Rarity figured out the prank?

“I- I did. That- that brute was an ill choice though...”

“Rarity, what happened?” Twilight inquired as one fear ebbed for another to flow into it’s void.

“You had a date?!” Spike again cried.

“Hello Spike. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was just trying to protect you honey,” Rarity sobbed. “But I made a grievous error. That- that jerk was bad news!”

“Come on in, Rares. Spike, do we have enough for Rarity as well?”

“Yeah,” Spike nodded gloomily, though he looked rather dejected.

“Opal tried to warn me, too.” Rarity said as she was lead in. “She stole my powder, and then ran away from me. When I finally caught her, she was clinging to a picture of you, Twilight.”

“Really? Me?” Twilight recoiled. She honestly had no idea she had grabbed her own picture.

“Yes. But I failed to heed her warning. When Patent showed up, Opal went to the door with me, and the brute kicked her!”

“What?” Twilight snorted. Besides the news of animal cruelty, Twilight felt a certain kinship to Opal now. It was almost certainly one sided, but she still felt it.

“I know. I was appalled! How could I even think of dating a stallion such as he!” Rarity gasped in her anguish, sinking to her flanks on the floor. Twilight wasted no time in her course of action, sweeping the mare into a hug. “I figured with what’s happened recently, I should come over here. I knew there was a reason my sweet little kitty grabbed your picture.”

“Hey, it'll be alright, Rares,” Twilight sang as she nuzzled Rarity, butting the mare’s chin softly with her head and nuzzling the mare in a rather forward manner, given the circumstances.

“Twilight, I appreciate the dinner invitation, but what exactly are you doing?” Rarity giggled as Twilight froze. “I’m not that kind of mare. You need to wine me as well before I’ll start cuddling on the first date.”

“Sorry!” Twilight exclaimed sitting up, blushing like a mad filly. “I- um... yeah...”

“I’m only teasing, darling. I found it quite cute,” Rarity chuckled. “And it did the job to cheer me up. You know, Twilight, you cuddle just like Opal does.”

“You- you don’t say?” Twilight stuttered, sweating despite herself. Deciding it was best to get far from the idea of letting Rarity think about Opal and Twilight together, the lavender mare struck out on an idea. “Wait, what was that you said about a date?”

“I said I was to have a date tonight, and I will. Not a romantic date, but a nice night with you and Spike here sounds just wonderful!” Rarity sang as she walked upstairs to remove her hoodie and get Opal set in for the while.

As soon as the white mare was out of earshot, Spike burst out laughing. “Oh man Twi! You’re taking on kitty cat traits!”

“Shut up, Spike. It was a one time thing. I got my prank in, so I’m happy,” Twilight smiled.

“No more Twi-Kitty?” Spike pleaded jokingly.

“Watch it, lizard lips. Now, do me a favor and hold still,” Twilight smiled while she channeled her magic around Spike, forming the dragon’s beloved tux from thin air. She magically grabbed her birthday dress from Rarity, who saw the garment lift out of Twilight’s closet and fly down to the mare, as the lavender mare put it on while she and Spike waited.

“Are you getting all dressed up for little old me?” Rarity asked as she descended the stairs.

“Well you made it look like a lot of fun to get all dressed up for the night.”

The pair settled in for a nice dinner and a great night of fun and laughs. Spike entertained with some of his dancing and shenanigans, and Twilight told the group tales of days past. All in all, it was a wonderful night, and Rarity cherished the memory of it forever. That was the night she decided she wanted to explore a new dynamic with her friend, Goddess willing.

“Rarity? Ya look like you had a great time on yer date,” Applejack smiled for the mare the next morning in the market. “By that pep in yer step, Ah’d say yer feelin keener then Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh no,” Rarity chuckled. “I simply had an amazing time last night with Twilight.”

“With Twilight?” Applejack sputtered, sure she had misheard the white unicorn.

“Yes. Patent was a complete jerk as it turns out, so I went over and had an absolutely glorious night with Twilight,” Rarity smiled as Applejack whistled.

“Ah know that look, Rares. Yer fallin for our lil Twi, ain’t ya?”

“So what if I am? Are you telling me that you of all ponies is going to be bigoted now? Granny Smith raised you better than that, Applejack dear.”

“Quite the opposite Rares. Ah’m happy ya found somepony ta make ya happy, and Ah’m willin to bet she’d like ya too, but what about Spike?”

“Don’t remind me,” Rarity groaned dropping her gaze. “To tell the truth, I don’t even know what I feel right now. I’ve been an emotional roller coaster all week, and now here I sit with a small sliver of hope, but to obtain it, I have to crush the very soul of one of my dearest friends...”

“Ah think no matter how this Twilight thing goes down, ya need to have this talk with Spike.”

“I know. And it’s not like I haven’t tried, the boy just won’t listen. But I must do it now, or heavens forbid I will only hurt the poor boy worse in the end.”

“Be strong, Rarity,” Applejack frowned as she set Rarity after the poor dragon. And it just felt so wrong. Rarity had been walking on sunshine practically when the apple prone mare stopped her. But this fate was Rarity’s as the mare found Spike and Twilight walking along in the market, buying the week's groceries.

“Twilight darling! Spike!” Rarity called, though her voice was not saved from breaking as she did.

“Oh, hey Rares. What’s up?” Twilight asked with a smile, til she saw Rarity’s dread written on her face. She knew all too well what was coming. She had seen this face the last time the group decided to have a Spike intervention about his unrequited love. Needless to say, Spike thought it was a Pinkie Pie party, and in all fairness, she had been the one to plan the intervention.

“I need to speak with Spike please, in private,” Rarity whispered as Spike struggled to hold onto a top heavy bag of produce. Twilight nodded and relieved her assistant of the bag.

“Go ahead Spike. I have enough food for tonight’s dinner. Thanks for your help.”

“Sure thing Twilight,” Spike wheezed. Normally he cared about how Rarity viewed him, and this could do serious damage to his hero image, but that bag was really heavy and it was still really early for the kid.

Before the pair walked away, Twilight grabbed Rarity’s shoulder, and pulled her in to whisper, “You don’t have to do this alone.”

“No Twilight, I do. But thank you, my darling.” Rarity smiled as she hugged Twilight and carried on her way home with Spike. Twilight watched them depart for a second, wrestling her mind against her morals. She knew what she could do, but the question of should she was far more important.

“I really shouldn’t... But Spike needs me.” Twilight finally reasoned with a nod of her head and a gleam in her eye.

“Spike, um... Would you care for some tea?” Rarity stuttered as she sat down opposite the small dragon.

“Sure,” Spike shrugged till the sound of a cat hissing then flopping face forward rang through the parlor.

“What the…? Opal? I swear that cat has been acting so strange lately...” Rarity muttered watching her cat bolt up and look around as if asking ‘Did anypony see that?’

“So what’s up?”

With a sigh not lost on the dragon or the cat, Rarity set out on her task. “Spike, I want you to understand what I’m doing these days. I have been feeling lonely as of late, and I am striking back into the dating world.”

“Really?” Spike shrieked with joy till he saw the white mare’s look, and all too soon he began to understand. “You, you don’t mean with me, huh?”

“No Spike. I’m sorry,” Rarity muttered as she waited to hear the dragon draw deep breaths, or the sounds of tears and heartbreak. But they never came. Rarity opened her eyes and looked now to the dragon that was stroking Opal, quietly sobbing, but looking almost at peace.

“I guess I always knew this was coming. I just didn’t want to accept it. Can I ask why?” Spike ventured as the cat purred under his scally touch.

“I could say you’re too young, but that’s not fair to a nearly immortal dragon. But alas no, I just don’t believe my heart was meant to find it’s love in your’s, my dear Spike. Perhaps another life, maybe, but not with us, a drake, and a pony...”

Spike continued to pet the cat in his lap, just silently rubbing the cat’s ears and chin. He didn’t look up for a long time, but when he finally did, he was smiling. “I want to be sad, but that’s not fair to you either. You’ve lost too much lately Rarity, it’s not right of me to lay so much guilt on you.”

“Thank yo-” Rarity began till the cat in Spike’s lap jerked hard, and fell to the floor asleep, making Rarity pause. “That’s the second time I’ve seen Opal do that! I’m sorry Spike, I have to run her over to Fluttershy’s...”

“See ya later then,” Spike nodded, glad for the excuse to be free of the now awkward home he would have given the world to be in yesterday. But now he just wanted some peace as he got up and began to walk out as the cat jerked back into action.

“Wait, Spike-” Rarity called as she watched the dragon retreat. “I have to ask you something.”

“What is it?” Spike muttered as he turned to face the mare that moments ago broke his heart.

“It’s not important,” Rarity quickly lied, with as much success as Applejack usually managed.

“Obviously it is, because you stopped me for it. So what’s up?” Spike huffed, though Rarity could hardly blame the small guy.

“I- I’ve been through alot lately, and there is one pony I feel has helped me remain whole. I think I love them, but I’m not sure. I’m going to ask them on a date Spike, but I want your permission first. This pony is incredibly close to you, So I leave this matter in your claws...”

“Rarity,” Spike groaned. “I- I don’t care. I have no right to keep you from your happiness.”

“No Spike, but I do value your opinion,” Rarity said to the dragon, making him look to her eyes at long last. “It’s not right for me to pull this on you at all, but hopefully I can make it hurt less for you this way…”

“I don’t know what to say. But I do know who you mean. So I guess all I can say is do what makes you happy, Rarity.”

“... I’m so sorry Spike. I do love you, just not the same way you love me...”

“I gotta go,” Spike muttered as he closed the door.

Twilight groaned as she rolled over, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep after her last visit, but it was to no avail. Besides the revelation that her beloved little brother was mature beyond his years, something was poking her hoof, determined to not let her use those sleeping pills after all. She lifted her head enough to see a purplish blob at her hooves.

“Thanks Twilight. That meant a lot,” Spike smiled. He held no ill will to her now. He only wished to see her happy, even if it cost him his happiness.

“Mmhm. G’ nigh Spi...” Twilight muttered as she flopped back down to sleep. Twilight slept for hours it felt, and yet seconds as well. Her body was not coping well with all the sleeping pills in hindsight. So after what felt a restless sleep, Twilight rolled out of bed, just in time to make a late lunch for her and Spike. But her lunch time dining was derailed by a knock at the door.

“Again? If it’s another sales pony I swear to Cadence I’m gonna hurt them,” Twilight growled as she opened the door to find Rarity standing there, a determined look on her face that flickered inconsistently. “Oh, hey Rares... What’s up?”

“Twilight! Hi! What brings you here?” Rarity stammered as she stood there, her smile switching from happy to scared in the blink of an eye.

“I dunno. I live here?” Twilight muttered feebly, her normal wit and repertoire replaced by far too many sleep aides and not enough sleep to go with.

“You do live here, of course,” Rarity muttered to herself, slapping her face as she shifted from hoof to hoof nervously. “I’m sorry, this was a bad idea, I have to go.”

“Rares, wait,” Twilight said to the panicked mare. “What’s going on? Do you have something on your mind?”

“I just wanted to see if you would like to get dinner tomorrow,” Rarity blurted out, then blushed as she began to cover her tracks. “As friends I mean. Nothing more than friends. Just two friends! Having dinner. Together! Like friends!”

“Oh? Oh!,” Twilight gasped as it all became clear. So Rarity was making a move. And now the humble librarian found herself in quite an odd spot. Should she accept? Or rebuke?

Twilight chuckled as she realized this was no question at all, only an opportunity. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

“Perfect, I-” Rarity began.

“But- but before that, how about you and I go on.... go on a date? Just so you’re less nervous about us having a friendly lunch.” Twilight offered. She had, in all truth, written that line in her mind years ago, after watching Shining stumble through asking out a mare, and was happy that finally, just once, somepony put to use her brilliant line. Even if it was her.

Rarity could only gasp as she looked to the lavender mare that had just accomplished her own goals for her. “I- You- Date? Tonight?” Rarity stammered, but to Twilight’s relief, there was a smile there as well.

“How about now?” Twilight blurted out. She was eager, yes. But more over she wanted to do this before she completely lost her nerve.

“That- That sounds lovely!” Rarity smiled.

“Great, let me just tell Spike.” Twilight smiled as she turned to address the little dragon, and thus made Rarity groan. “What?”

“Twilight, are you seriously going to go on our first date in the nude?”


“No, the date will be tonight, dear. Right now, we need to go dress shopping.” Rarity stated for a matter of fact.

“Oh my Rarity, how original of you to take me dress shopping.” Twilight giggled at the offer. “I’m kidding, that sounds lovely.”

“Wonderful.” Rarity smiled in relief. She would never admit it, but she had feared for a second that Twilight’s sarcasm was the start of a refusal. There were no words for how she was to be wrong about that.

“Hmm, I do love this color, Twilight. What do you think?” Rarity asked as she examined herself in a simple cream colored sundress.

“Hehehe, this is so much fun,” Twilight muttered from behind Rarity, confusing the poor fashion prone mare and making her turn around. She found Twilight batting the white mare’s carefully coifed tail with her hoof, a silly grin on her face. Much to Twilight’s dismay, the feline side was winning out now.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” Rarity asked as evenly as she could.


“With my tail?”

“It’s just so bouncy! It’s hypnotic!” Twilight smiled.

“Twilight,” Rarity let slip in a tone one would describe as ice cutting.

“Yes?” The lavender mare asked sheepishly.

“I don’t do this on every first date, but you’ve earned it, you cute little dork.” Rarity whispered as she pulled Twilight close and planted a kiss on the waiting mare. Rarity had never kissed a mare before today, and with how good it felt to kiss this one right now, she doubted she would ever kiss another stallion. Twilight was hesitant at first, but not because it was unwelcome, and that was what shocked the mare most of all. The feel of Rarity’s alabaster lips was heavenly for the bookish mare. Twilight wanted to do so many things in her first kiss, but all she managed to do was moan and melt into Rarity’s embrace. The date was yet to start, and already Twilight was calling it a complete success. Which coincided perfectly with what her date thought of it.

So it was fortuitous that the date went off swimmingly. And the next. And the next. Twilight and Rarity quickly grew into a pattern with each other, and enjoyed every minute of it. The two had a connection deeper than anypony in town could ever remember seeing, but they didn’t care for the gossip. Not when the real story was so much better.

A pony could say the depths one would go to find out just what to get your special somepony for a spur of the moment gift, are the truest sign of your love for them. If that was the case, Twilight desperately loved Rarity, because she was willing to swap minds to find out this information. Twi-Kitty slinked through the white mare’s study, looking for any clues as what to get her. There was no occasion, Twilight just wanted to treat Rarity to something unexpected. But it was she that was in for the shock.

Sitting right on Rarity’s desk was a note left for her dad in case he stopped by to fix her sink while she was out. It was short and to the point. ‘Went to Twilight’s. Be back later. Love you Daddy!’

Bucking Hay Fries! Rarity’s heading over to my place! Twi-Kitty mentally screamed. I’m stuck here! I can’t do anything but wait! I’m all alone in Rarity’s house now with five minutes before I revert! Damn it!... Ooo, a ball of yarn!

Twilight enjoyed a couple minutes of playing with Rarity’s yarn, though she had no idea why, before she finally reverted. She was absolutely certain that she had just missed out on the mare, and was going to try and catch her before she got back home. But to her surprise, when she reverted back into her body, she felt a warm hoof laying over her, and a white mare playfully leaning in, seconds from leaving her a kiss.

“I’m sorry Twilight, did I wake you?”

“Rarity?” Twilight sleepily smiled, trying to play dumb. “I was just dreaming about you...”


“Yeah. You were the best marefriend ever.” Twilight chuckled. It was a tad cheesy, but Rarity would surely eat it up.

“Hmm. Tell me something I don’t know.” Rarity giggled.

“What brings you over?”

“I was just hoping to see you, darling. Spike said you were taking a nap, so I thought I would come up here and leave you with a little kiss for sweet dreams,” Rarity smiled. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s okay. I’m still sleepy though. Care to join me for a nap?”

“I would love too, dear.” Rarity said as Twilight made room for the white mare, being more than comfortable with her in her bed. “Sleep tight, my Darling.” Twilight didn’t reply as she sank back into the world of slumber, though now she had just one problem. How will I ever get back to sleep without Rarity here? This is just wonderful!

Over and over for the next month, Twilight would face the daily torture of not being able to spend as much time as she wished with Rarity. After all, their work lives kept them apart for eight hours a day. But every now and then, Twilight would find a way to fix that, for almost fourteen minutes at a time.

It started humbly, a little trip here, just to see her at work when Twilight couldn’t stop thinking about the mare. But low and behold, when Twilight’s mind came into that small slice of paradise, she was in for a treat. Rarity was singing while she worked, and the soft sound was rapture to the poor mare who until now knew not of this bliss she was missing.

Again and again, Twilight would come to the shop, just to see her beloved. Her… beloved…

I’m falling in love… Twilight gasped one day as she listened. No, no that’s not right. I’m already in love. In all honesty that's all that’s left to be said. I love her. She’s what I’ve been missing, and I never even knew it...

“Opal? Here kitty kitty kitty!” Rarity called out as she paced around her home one day. Opal was going to the vet again today. Lately, the poor cat had been acting so strange. First strange behavior, then randomly falling asleep. And now Opal was spending hours a day just staring at Twilight’s picture, hissing at it as if Twilight was a thief.

Rarity had twice in the last week woken up to the cat batting her horn or poking it with a claw. Every time Rarity levitated anything, the cat was there, watching like a hawk. Opal seemed to be interested in magic for some reason, and this new behavior was starting to scare Rarity. Was her cat possessed? Why was this happening? Was it the new cat food? Rarity bet it was the cat food.

A cat gently lept onto the luxurious bedspread as she sauntered over to the gently sleeping mare. Twi-Kitty smiled to herself, as this was just what she was hoping for. A chance to cuddle with Rarity, as only Opal could. Twilight was falling head over hooves for the white mare, and she reveled any chance she could get to spend time with her. It was truly magnificent. Twi-Kitty got up against the white fur and curled into a ball, purring gently as she did. Her mind was just starting to drift off to sleep when she remembered something important.

Bucking heck. I forgot a sleeping pill. Opal’s gonna freak out in my body. Oh well, if I wind up in a cast, Rarity can nurse me back to health again, Twi-kitty giggled. Let it be noted, plans like that are often riddled with danger, calling to the universe to make those responsible eat their words, and always rather publicly. Twilight had no idea the chaos a cat turned pony could cause in a library, but she was about to find out the hard way.

Meanwhile, in the Golden Oaks library, a lavender mare rose to her hooves with a smile spreading across her lips. “Finally, I am free. And now I have that fool Sparkle’s magic at my command!”

Author's Note:

The titles of this fiction and this chapter were literally the first thing to pop into my head. This has nothing to do with Big Bang Theory, only copying the song for a couple of names.