• Published 10th Jun 2013
  • 8,391 Views, 247 Comments

A Noble Cause - Sarkastik Menace

Death. All that remains on this planet are the martyrs who gave their lives to ensure the others could escape. Humanity’s greatest has fallen. 23 Billion humans died in the war, and only more would follow. The few strays on Reach were quickly f

  • ...

Fixing The Holes

“A revision. A revision is the altering of something. In writing it is to change a piece of literature for the better. In music it is to change notes or lyrics for the better. In war though, it is similar but so different. You revise a battleplan in war to kill more of the enemy and keep less of your men from dying.

But recruits, sometimes changing doesn’t mean victory. You will see the importance of knowing your plans soon enough in the simulation, but take my words as a warning. These wargames will likely reveal those among you with leadership capabilities. You will receive further briefing in the coming days, but keep your minds and bodies ready. I don’t wanna see anyone when the day comes running around the battlefield with their arm in a cast.”-Gunnery Sergeant Jonathan Yu addressing a group of twenty cadets


“Damnit. This is unacceptable!” Captain Typhoon threw a plastic cup containing pencils and pens at the wall, sitting down as he sighed in annoyance. “We can’t have the Princesses involving themselves Lieutenant!”

“Sir, with all due respect, why would that be a problem? If anything they could take this thing down like that.” The lieutenant inquired.

“You’re young, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, but there’s always a flip side when the government gets involved. If your getting helped on something you're paying for it some way or another. If Celestia gets involved I’d expect no less than five officers being demoted.”

“How do you know this, though? Not once have I heard of this.”

“Because Lieutenant, I’m proof. Where else have you seen a fifty five year old who just reached the rank of Captain a month ago?”


“Nowhere. I want to stay at this position to show that I deserve it, to show I earned this promotion. Dismissed.”

Starlight Glance walked out of the tent orderly. He had a scowl written on his face after being grilled by the superior officer, knowing Typhoon couldn’t see it.. He hated Captain Typhoon with a burning passion. He’s not concerned about me or the troops. He only cares about his rank! I don’t care what happens to him anymore. The lieutenant ranted in his head, but kept a neutral expression present.


Lightning Dust gazed down at the table, boredly stirring a cup of coffee. The mare had bags under her eyes from the hectic time she had lately. She knew she could probably go if she insisted, but there was no point to that honestly. She had nothing to do at home. Nowhere to go, and no obligations for anypony. So she sat contently in the tent, waiting. Not to mention she was just curious to figure out what would happen.

A guard opened the flaps of the tent. The guard was dressed from head to hooves in armor, and Dust couldn’t even see through the helmet. She looked up gloomily, showing a general lack of interest as she had seen at least twenty guards walk in and out of the tent. If I just mind my own business the guard will leave me alone. Dust said in her mind, going back to stirring the coffee. She didn’t like the coffee too hot anyways.

“Excuse me but are you the pegasus that escaped from the… Monster?” Daring hesitated on the last word. It still annoyed her to call Six a monster, but she didn’t want to deal with the pony’s reaction.

“Oh! Umm, yeah. That was me.” The pony was startled that the armored guard actually said something, but regained her composure. “Why you wanna know?’

“Just curious. I had a run in with it too.” That’s an understatement… Daring thought in her mind, trying to prod for details. “Though what did it do to you? I don’t necessarily understand.”

“Nothing much, honestly. I woke up with bandages on my head that I didn’t put on, and it was just, like, sleeping. Y’know? It was leaning against a tree and I just bolted out of instinct.”

Daring stayed silent for a few seconds, but wanted to know more. “Did you get hurt or anything before running into it?”

“No, Well, yeah. I’m not gonna go into detail, because,” Dust sighed, though the explorer knew it was an emotion she was used to seeing. Regret was obvious on her face, but Daring didn’t mention it. “It’s just something only I wanna deal with.”

“Yeah, I understand. But you were saying?”

“Oh, yeah. I might’ve had too much to drink, might of not, dunno. But anyway, I was flying back, and I blacked out.. It was a blurry night, ok?

“So you woke up with bandages on your head, correct?” Daring asked again, just to confirm what she knew for sure.

this ‘Dust’ Got a concussion, probably blacked out, Six bandaged her up, but that’s where it goes weird. Why would Six go to sleep? She had to of known the first thing that would happen should the pony awake was that it would bolt away. Six has no chance of catching a pegasus once its in the air either either. Daring was thinking everything through, making sure all the details were in order.

“So is that it?” Dust asked, curious as to why the guard just stopped talking.

“Yes, that’s all.” Daring replied, walking out the tent before the sea green pegasus could even catch her name. Sighing Dust went back to stirring her coffee, trying to make it swirl like a tornado.


“Twi, what are we doing here?” Pinkie Pie asked, pacing around inside of the lavender unicorn’s library boredly.

“What are we doing here?” Twilight snapped at the Pink pony. “What are we doing here?! Rainbow Dash is in the Emergency Room, Fluttershy is in a massive crying fit, Rarity has been washing her mane for two days straight, and AppleJack has been repairing her hat instead of helping!” Pinkie stopped bouncing in midair, listening to Twilight’s rant. “YOU, who fell in her own trap has the audacity to ask me what we’re doing here!?”

Pinkie, instead of her mane deflating and crying off like a little shit, decided to make a stand for herself. “I do! And might I add my genius plan was changed so I couldn’t even do it right! It was half a plan! And I come here today to help since nopony else can and you yell at me?!”

Twilight groaned and buried her face in a book. “I’m sorry for yelling at you. It’s just so stressful with all this stuff! I can’t even find a book in this entire pile that could help me with this, this thing!” Twilight motioned to the sprawling mountain of books. Pinkie put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder

“D’aww, it’s alright! I could always help you look for the little book, book-err, thingy! Yeah, that’s it.” Pinkie smiled cheekily at her friend.

“In all honesty Pinkie, I don’t think you could be able to help me look for a book in all of eternity.”

“Oh c’mon Twi, don’t you remember that one time with Nightmare Moon?”

sighing, Twilight looked at Pinkie half disinterestedly. “If you want to help find the book I need just find any book of spells relating to tranquilization.”

“Found it.” Pinkie exclaimed, hanging off a shelf lined with books.

“What?! How did you find a book relating to spells in the filly’s books section?”

“I dunno, but it’s by some guy named Anaesthesia, so it has to be right!”

Twilight knew that was the author she was looking for the last two days, but she was still enraged. There was a purple baby dragon out there that was probably laughing. Twilight would deal with him later.


Fluttershy was maintaining her composure, but she still was still in stress about the entire fight. Twilight said she needed her bear friend for dire reasons. She couldn’t turn down the book worm. She had to trust her good friend. That’s the biggest part of a friendship after all.

“So umm, Twilight, what’s my bear friend supposed to help you with again?” Fluttershy asked, still nervous about her bear. He was very calm, but bears could be very vicious if they wanted to...

“He’s just supposed to be the target of a tranquilization spell, Fluttershy. There’ll be no side effects.” Twilight nonchalantly pointed out, making some last minute adjustments to the spell.

“This is totally unrelated flutters, but why do you have a bear friend? That sounds alot like mare friend.” Pinkie’s eyes lit up, her gears coming to life as she said that “Oh my gosh! You finally have somepony on hearts and hooves day! Congra-” Pinkie was silenced as Twilight zipped up her mouth, getting the spell by a miracle from Trixie.

“Anyway Fluttershy, I double checked the spell. It’ll be fine.” Twilight pointed out, taking aim at the bear

“Did you triple check?” Fluttershy asked meekly.

“Fluttershy, be quiet. I need to concentrate.” Twilight blocked Fluttershy out. the girl was so nice but she could care so much about her animals sometimes. Inhaling as she steadied her horn, she got ready to fire. A beam of purple light raced towards the bear, transparently into it, but not going out the other side. Almost instantly Twi saw the effects. The bear looked around agitated. Seconds later the bear stifled a yawn and wobbled. Five seconds later the bear was flat on the ground, asleep.

Twilight put on a triumphant smirk. “We just found the solution to our little monster problem Pinkie.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter! I promise the next one will be very interesting :3