• Member Since 19th May, 2012
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Master of certain tangible things, writer, mandalorian. Commission Info

Comments ( 21 )

I liked it, good story.

Interesting parallel with the Normandy beach landings, though I have to wonder about the details of this Griffon War and this battle in particular.

Since the real life Normandy beach landings were a success for the allies and the beginning of a successful campaign, I'm guessing this Equestrian equivalent was a failure for an invading Griffon army in the face of a determined Equestrian defense?
Maybe? I'd like to hear about it if you have anything to tell about it.

Like, okay
I was not expecting that
That ending
The feelings
The emotions
That was amazing

Actually, in my head, the battle at the beach was a final push by the Equestrian Army against an entrenched Griffon Army with it's back to the sea. This was at the end of an eight month long campaign, and with winter approaching, the war's end hung on pushing the Griffon army off of Equestrian soil, otherwise they would have to wait each other out over a long winter, during which the beachhead could be reinforced and the Griffon Army could organize a counter-attack against Equestria. Celestia ordered the beachhead taken at any cost, because without it the Griffons would have no hope of continuing the war, and Celestia could engage them in peace talks and negotiation from a stronger position.

That could be a whole story on its own, yeesh.

Thank you! I'm glad it made you feel a little something. I tried to trust my readers to get what I was saying, and it seems to be coming through without a lot of extra explanation in the story.

2688500 It was quite a good story
It doesn't help that I was listening to Sleeping At Last's Yearbook Collection.
Stuff is beautiful, bro. Great Indie music.

Oh okay, that's acutally more interesting than my original guess, it's cool that you went to the trouble to make a detailed history of this war for this story.

Heh, and maybe you should write a whole story about this Griffon War, it would be an interesting read.

Hey! Long time no story!

Good job on this one; the understated narrative really captured the emotional sub-text of the story and the weight it carries for both AJ and Dash's families. Sitting here, I've got that rainy-day vibe going strong, so nice atmospheric work. :pinkiesmile:

Also, I'd be happy to read a story that expanded on the Griffin-Pony war (hint, hint).

huh. that was... deep.

respect. all i can say.

That was good. Short and moving, but exactly as it should have been. Props (hehe) as well for the homage to D-day.

I will say, Scootaloo's questions came across a little awkwardly, making her sound completely clueless, particularly in regards to the fate of their parents (considering she should have known about it from Apple Bloom). Admittedly, I had been hoping her own fandom based orphanhood might have been tied into the war as a bonding point between her and RD, but I understand the informative role she played nonetheless, asking the questions for us that might have otherwise gone unspoken.

All in all, a touchingly good short story. Thanks for that =)

If this is what I think it is, then I wonder why it's "Complete."

Applejack in a duster coat. Kickass.

I always thought "Applebloom" was "Apple Bloom," two words, y'know?

The Apple Family getting up solemnly to engage in some sort of ritual: I think I see where this is going already.

You're using commas where I normally wouldn't. Syntatical over-emphasis, perhaps?

Okai. So Rainbow's joining in on this. I'm confused again.

You properly fooled me when you introduced the "Princess." Season 3 get.

Ohhhhhh. I think I get it now. June 6th. Gotcha.

I personally have a hard time believing that two nations who just had a war ten years ago could agree to memorialize stuff in ceremony within a decade, unless of course one faction ended up defeating and then *occupying* the other. But what do I know?

Oh, and it's over. Okay.

I guess it's a meta fic in the end. I appreciate how the best stuff that's said is said, with innocents acting as the passive audience. Still, I feel like this was a lot of setup for something that I didn't get to witness, such as Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash having an emotional moment together as the truth comes to Scoots' ears.

Also, just where are the ponies buried? With this emphasis on "seeing" the stallions and mares involved, it's implied that they're buried somewhere. Is it on the mainland away from the beach, like in France? I feel like a lot of questions are unanswered, but, then again, that was most likely your intent.

Putting this in post-Season 3 is a good way of making the content more relavent to the audience, though I felt that some of it--like Princess Twilight's role--was a bit distracting, maybe because I was a great deal curious about your further take on this part in the show. I like that you've acknowledged the growth Rainbow Dash has been through, and the further development of Scootaloove. Nmiaow.

So... why's Fluttershy not there? Didn't her ENTIRE FAMILY get murdered in some horrible war too? Lulz. Ahem.

Not bad for an hour of writing. For realz.


Applejack in a duster coat. Kickass.

This is such a badass cowboy accessory, and nobody ever gives her one. I have no idea why not.

I really enjoyed the short story, although I felt like I had a good idea where it was going fairly quickly. I like the parallels it drew and your little story in the comments too. I feel like this really had some opportunity for serious 'hnnng' moments though, like Scoots loosin' her shit when she figured it out an AB tryin' to explain it to her. Still, awesome job man :raritywink:

Woah, nice story.

In remembrance of June 6th, 1944.

Dagnabbit, Props, you brilliant son of a gun.

I havent read it yet but i am guessing this is about d-day. With the beach and june 6th and all.

Aggggggggh it's soooooo goooood.

I wrote a review of this story here.

5438426 Hey, thank you for the review. I left a comment directly on the review in question, but I appreciate you taking the time to read it and review it, even if you ended up not enjoying it! :pinkiesmile:

Very well done. Very somber. It makes its point without hitting you over the head with it. No sensationalism; simply a memorial. I also like the contrast between Dash's and the Apples' habits, as not everyone deals with it the same way. I've often speculated that the Apple parents were military, given the long absences from the farm during flashbacks and the values of the family. Well done indeed. May the honored dead never be forgotten.

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