• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 9,509 Views, 293 Comments

Canis Fidelis: Harmony - PseudoFiction

A different kind of soldier finds himself in Equestria… the four legged fluffy kind.

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He’d been bounding out ahead of her, then bouncing happily back to her side with excitement as they wandered the empty palace. In the morning hours everypony had jobs to do. The guard were busy rotating between posts. The servants were preparing the royal breakfast. Maids were beginning the daily routine of dusting and cleaning. All that was heard as they crossed the marble floors were the sharp clicks of Luna’s hooves, and the scratching of Bungee’s nails.

The excitement drained out of him the moment they reached their destination however.

Bungee stood vigil by the door as Luna wasted little time trotting into her bedroom. She looked tired in the dim glow of the morning sun peeking between the curtains; her mane and tail drooping to the floor and heavy bags under her eyes. The alicorn sighed heavily as she mustered up enough energy to charge her horn. An aura of magic tugged at Bungee’s vest as he saw his food pouch was pulled from one of the pockets.

The dog didn’t move, still standing by the door. He didn’t watch with anticipation as Luna poured the remnants of the food into his bowl and mused out loud about needing to buy more. He didn’t pounce on his bowl and proceed to scarf down the breakfast he’d been looking forward to since Luna picked him up from Fluttershy’s cottage.

He stood stock still, only his nose twitching as he tested the air.

The smell of Luna’s bedroom was familiar. Lavender scented candles, old paper from the parchments on her desks. The waft of ink from the uncorked inkwells.

But there was something else there. Something out of place. A smell that should not have been there. A scent he knew he’d smelled before, as it tugged at Bungee’s older memories.

“Bungee, breakfast.” Luna said as she noticed Bungee hadn’t moved. Her head cocked a little with confusion. “Are you not hungry?”

Bungee lifted up a front leg, his eyes fixed on the bed. He was halfway between pointing and walking towards his bowl. Something was wrong. His tail lowered to his calves as his eyes narrowed a little. He wasn’t sure what it was yet, but something was definitely wrong.

Bungee’s heart skipped a beat as something possessed Luna. He took a step forward, staring as her mouth opened as wide as it would go.

Lifting a hoof to her agape mouth, Luna yawned loudly, before sighing in recovery. She shook her head while blinking hard a few times.

“I just need some sleep, Bungee. A few hours at least. We shall play later.” she promised as she started walking to her bed. As she moved she levitated her tiara from her head and removed her slippers on the move. Her chest-piece fell loose and hit the floor with a hollow clang. She didn’t bother to retrieve it, leaving the regalia where they fell.

As the stripped alicorn moved to the bed – her bare hooves clicking softly on the floor – her mane fell. A magical sparkle drifted from the aura before it drooped and separated into individual strands. As the glittering stars and the solid aurora outline faded, what was left were a conventional mane and tail of light azure.

As Luna approached the bed, Bungee whimpered. It suddenly hit him why he was upset. It wasn’t the change in their simple schedule of breakfast and play. It was the feeling. The smell. It was wrong.

It was bad.

The smell only intensified as Bungee threw himself at the bed, the source of the odour. He needed to get Luna away. They needed to get away from the smell. Away from the bed.

And he got her away the best way he knew how.

Pain knifed up from the base of her spine, right above her flanks causing the princess’ eyes to widen. She felt her hooves slip on the floor as she was pulled back, feeling the strands of hair in her tail pulled taught. Turning to look, she saw the end of her tail clenched in Bungee’s mouth as he straightened out his forelegs, pulling the princess back.

“Ow, Bungee! Stop!” Luna commanded, stopping herself from shouting angrily.

Bungee didn’t stop. Letting go, he darted closer and grabbed a mouthful of her long mane. Pulling with renewed vigour he felt her head lower to the ground as she squealed with surprise.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow!” the princess screamed louder than before. “Stop! Bungee, stop!” she yelled angrily now, on the verge of unleashing her Royal Canterlot voice.

Bungee growled through gritted teeth, jerking his head from side to side and dragging Luna through the open door. As they left the room though he didn’t stop pulling. They weren’t clear of the smell. Not yet.

They weren’t safe.

“That is ENO-… OW!” Luna was thrown off mid-spell as Bungee tugged harder nearly tearing her mane out.

The energy shimmering around her horn spluttered and faded as she felt herself thrown off-balance. Nearly thrown to the ground chin-first, Luna managed to keep her footing. Fear permeated from the princess as last night’s conversation with Mare Do Well bobbed to the surface of her mind. It was seared into her ear canals.

Maybe she was right, a small voice in Luna’s mind thought. Maybe he is evil, and this is it. Any moment now those teeth will find their true mark and it will all be over. Maybe she was right… why didn’t I listen?

“Princess!?” a voice shouted over Luna’s distracted thoughts.

She glanced up before Bungee tugged at her hair again, pulling her further away from the open door. Luna only caught a quick glimpse of white and gold. A pair of feathery wings were extended as the royal guard charged towards the commotion.

“What in Equestria!?” the guardspony cried as he grabbed the dog by the collar.

As one foreleg tried to pull Bungee away, his other hoof clamped on the dog’s jaw attempting to pry the mouth open. Bungee bit down harder.

“Bad dog! Bad dog!” the private shouted. “Down! Heel! Give! Cut it out! C’mon!” the stallion was screaming at wit’s end. He didn’t know what command to use next. He could try shouting louder, but doubted that would work.

The private thought of breaking a stick beside Bungee’s head. Maybe that would make him let go. But where to find a stick!?

Bungee was unhindered in the meantime. Planting his paws on the slick floor, he yanked his head to his left, pulling Luna another few inches away from the bedroom. Away from the acrid stench. Away from danger.

A new voice pierced all their senses. A honeyed, motherly voice; soothing to the senses but filled to the brim with terse authority – voice as warm as the sun she commanded.

“What is going on?” Princess Celestia cried as she ran towards the commotion.

The grand alicorn’s horn began to glow with golden light. Only yesterday that light was used to throw Bungee’s ball for him. Today that light wrapped round his vest and pulled taught on the supporting straps. With the princess and the guardspony pulling at the dog, Luna stumbled another step away from her room.

The dog shifted his eyes to see something familiar on Celestia’s face. A mixed expression. One of fear, worry and something darker. Something that didn’t suit her. A look of anger.

Bungee recognised it, because he had worn those same expressions on his heart when he watched his handler die.

Bungee kicked his paws as he felt the ground leave him. The combined efforts of the white alicorn and the pegasus lifted him up while trying to pry him from Luna. A golden glow embraced bungee’s muzzle as he felt her magic snake between his teeth and start pulling at his jaw with more success than the guardspony had.

He felt some of Luna’s mane slip, raking over his tongue and flossing between his canines. Growling with defiance he managed to muster up more strength and directed it to his aching jaw-muscles. His teeth snapped shut, interlocking over each other and holding Luna tightly again. As a result, as Celestia jerked the dog back, Luna was pulled with him; gaining another few steps between her and the bedroom.

“What is the meaning of this!?” Celestia shouted as Bungee’s jaws remained clamped shut through magic and hair. “Bungee, stop! What has gotten into you!?”

Even as she demanded an explanation, the air wavered. Bungee exhaled sharply, knowing what came next. His eyes shut and his ears popped in the sudden air-pressure change.

Celestia’s magic didn’t worry him. In fact, he didn’t care about it. He was afraid of something worse.

He was afraid of the explosives in Luna’s bed.

Wind rushed out of Luna’s room, preceded only by a flash of light. The rush of air played on the ends of Luna’s tail and made her fur stand on end. Like the waves of the ocean rippling closer to the shore, the ripple of fur rushed across her body, transferring onto both the guard and Princess Celestia. The ponies winced at the light and rushing wind.

And then the bang deafened them. Fire and noise consumed Luna’s bedroom. The bed was combusted in an instant. Debris and shrapnel surfed on a shockwave centred around the poster bed. The walls buckled and the ceiling was torn away choking the air with chips of dust and plaster.

The shockwave hit them all, plucking them from the ground and sending them spinning into the air. Bungee felt sick. He wasn’t sure which way up. Sneaking a peek through cracked eyelids he could only see a sickening blur of white, gold and dark azure.

Then the ground struck him. He felt it punch him out of what felt like spite, the dust and settling debris scraping through his fur. The sticky grit felt heavy. The world was still spinning. He could hear only bells. Enormous, deafening bells.

Bungee forced his eyes open. They were dry and abrasive. His vision refused to focus. He was on his side, legs sprawled out to his side somewhere. He couldn’t feel his paws. All he saw of Luna was an azure blob laying somewhere in the corner of his field of view. Desperately he tried to move. He wanted to get closer. He wanted to see if she was okay.

He failed. Every soot filled breath was a labour. Fatigue unlike anything he’d ever felt constricted him. It was like the world itself was crushing his chest.

Eventually he just let the comforting embrace of sleep take him.

The dust settled slowly over the four figures as nothing moved…