• Published 6th Jun 2013
  • 33,009 Views, 2,015 Comments

The Witching Hour - Chaotic Ink

A new pony comes to Ponyville, but she's not all that she seems. Will the town accept Midnight Storm, or will Ponyville run her out like all the rest?

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Ch.13 - Midnight Maternal

For what seemed the hundredth time that night Midnight rolled over in an attempt to fall asleep again. Ever since Princess Celestia had let them know a letter would be sent in the morning with the results of Princess Luna’s search, the kirin had felt uneasy. On the one hoof, she was glad that Squeaks’ family would be found and the filly reunited with them. On the other, she recalled the short conversation she and Berry had about what Squeaks had told them.

From the moment Squeaks met her, the filly had attached herself to the kirin. She confided in her, looked for her approval, and even seemed to find safety in her very presence. Squeaks seemed to look on her like any foal would look upon a… a mother, and it both warmed and scared her deeply. What if, after finally reuniting Squeaks and her father, the filly decided she wanted to stay with Midnight and made a scene of it? Or what if her father was indeed as uncaring and hurtful or worse than the filly was making him out to be, unintentionally or not? She could run away the first chance she got and try to get back to Ponyville herself. She could easily get into the same situation Midnight found her in with nopony to be there to get her out in time.

That last thought made the normally stoic kirin shudder. Squeaks could get herself killed trying to get back to her if it was something she put her mind to. But she couldn’t just push her away, not now. She had been cold; Midnight knew how to warm her up. She’d needed comforting; Midnight was there. Such things had been so automatic and simple that the thought that they could end up meaning something more to anypony had completely escaped her. But to not acknowledge those feelings now would be like trying to ignore a manticore gnawing on your leg, and so the question for Midnight was how to deal with them. It didn’t help that every time she thought of the moment she’d be giving Squeaks up a small knot in her stomach would tighten.

As she rolled over again she heard a noise coming from her room. Slowly, Midnight got up and opened the door.

Squeaks was crying; not hard or loud, but crying all the same. Midnight moved to the side of the bed and pulled the filly close with a wing, stroking her mane with a hoof in an attempt to calm her down. “It’s alright Squeaks, I’m here.”

“I… I was in the woods…” Squeaks gasped between sobs, “and… and I was calling for you, but… but then timber wolves were chasing me, and… and I kept calling for… you, but… you never… and then… then the wolves…!” With that Squeaks finally broke down completely, her sobs muffled as she buried her head into Midnight’s shoulder. Quietly, Midnight closed the door with her tail and gently pulled herself onto the bed, making sure the whole time Squeaks still had a firm hold on her. The two of them stayed that way until Squeaks finally cried herself out. “You weren’t there, and I was so scared…”

“It was just a bad dream Squeaks, just a bad dream.” She hugged Squeaks even tighter. In her desperation to find something more comforting to say, Midnight found herself humming a tune and she began rocking Squeaks. As she continued she had a sudden sense of familiarity, and when she looked back down at Squeaks she could almost picture her with a black coat and blue mane with her own forelegs as white as the snow outside. A small smile crept onto her face and she could feel a slight wetness in her eyes. When she finished Squeaks was sleeping peacefully in her forelegs and Midnight gently untangled herself from the filly. Before she left she slipped a pillow she had been laying on into the filly’s grip, then went back to the couch. This time she fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillows.


When Sapphire came downstairs the next morning Midnight was already in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee. The pegasus noticed it was black, which wasn’t a good sign.

“So has a letter come yet?” Sapphire shook her head. “Didn’t think so; figured it would appear on the table.”

“All that might mean is that Princess Celestia was swamped first thing this morning and hasn’t gotten to look at Princess Luna’s report. Even if they don’t find anything they’ll still send word.”

“Perhaps Princess Luna wasn’t able to speak with all her guards last night.” Midnight said as she took a swig of her drink.

Sapphire shook her head again. “Princess Luna has few duties and even fewer nobles and petitioners coming to night court even after being back so long. Trust me when I tell you that she had time to speak with them all.” Midnight didn’t comment on that fact except to grumble a bit. For the next few minutes neither of them spoke.

“Me and Berry talked yesterday while you were upstairs writing the letter,” Midnight said finally.

“About?” Sapphire asked to which Midnight sighed.

“About this whole situation. I know the right thing to do is to find her dad and return her to him, but… but what if it isn’t?” Sapphire raised an eyebrow as Midnight got up and began to pace. “I mean, you’ve heard what Squeaks has been saying. He’s kept her inside and away from other foals, refuses to teach her how to fly, and scares her into keeping their own diets a secret. What kind of parent treats their foal like that?”

Sapphire shook her head. “I honestly don’t know Midnight. I agree that something isn’t right, but for now all we have is Squeaks’ word.”

“And the fact that she was in the forest for almost a week without a hint of a search party. I’m telling you Sapphire, her father had better have a damned good excuse for this, or else... or else…”

“Or else what?” As usual with Sapphire, it wasn’t a challenge but an honest question. Midnight’s only response was to kick one of the cushions across the room and leave with an angry snort. Sapphire let her go without a word. Midnight had brought up a good point that even the law couldn’t overlook. Unless Squeaky’s father had a valid, ‘a damned good’ as Midnight had put it, excuse as to why his daughter had been missing for at least a week with no search efforts made, then there was a good case to bring him up on charges of abandonment. But, it wasn’t just the kirin’s words Sapphire was contemplating on. Sure, it was normal for an adult to be worried about a foal, but Midnight almost seemed… desperate for Sapphire to agree something was wrong. The pegasus hoped that Midnight wasn’t getting too attached to Squeaky.


Midnight spent as much time as she could in the living room with Squeaks flight training, playing, or reading for the rest of the day. The entire time Midnight kept an ear out for the sound of the letter from Celestia or Luna popping into existence. The small knot in her stomach had only grown with anxiety as the letter continued to become later and later. Her talk with Sapphire that morning wasn’t helping either. She had been so adamant for the pegasus to agree that something was wrong but she couldn’t figure out why. It was obvious there was and it would be sorted out when the princesses found Squeaks’ father, but then why was she so hung up on it?

Dinner was a quiet affair for the three of them. While Sapphire tried to get some type of reaction out of the kirin by telling Midnight some of the gossip she’d heard that day and that Berry had come by to tell them there hadn’t been any word of a search, the kirin would simply bite into another gemstone with a look of disinterest. The uneasiness between the adults wasn’t lost on Squeaks, who would periodically look up from her plate of fruits and rabbit at both Midnight and Sapphire, only to look down again when either of them made eye contact with her.

The tension broke in the house when, while Midnight was washing the dishes, the letter from the princesses finally popped into existence on the kitchen table. Midnight practically launched herself at the scroll and grabbed it with her wing-talons before Sapphire could even make a move for it. Unfurling it she read out loud for them all to hear:

Dear Midnight and Sapphire,

I apologize for the lateness of this letter and hope it has not caused any discomfort on your part. As Sapphire will tell you I am occasionally set upon by my duties even after I have just raised the sun in the morning, and thus am unable to discuss matters that may have happened during the night with Princess Luna. This is even more troublesome when her efforts have indeed bore fruit. Squeaky Wings’ father has indeed been found, so of course bringing her to Canterlot as swiftly as possible is expected. However, Princess Luna has also brought to my attention that something about the situation has her worried and she has asked that I be there as well when you reunite father and daughter. Since this is the case I ask that you come to the palace tomorrow morning promptly after sunrise. I understand that it is such an early hour, but such a meeting tonight is nearly impossible.

Good Night and Safe Travels,

Princess Celestia

When she was finished reading, Midnight looked at Sapphire and saw that she too had a look of concern. Squeaks’ father was indeed in Canterlot and had been found, but Princess Luna had misgivings about the situation. And if the princess had doubts without hearing what Squeaks had told them, then both mares really began to worry about what was going on.

“I think,” Sapphire finally said, “that if we’re getting up so early it would be best if we went to bed just as early.”

“Yeah…” Midnight agreed with a nod. Squeaks said nothing, only held onto Midnight’s leg as if it would be yanked away the second she eased her grip.


Squeaks was unusually quiet as Midnight tucked her in for the night. In fact, she hadn’t said a word after the letter arrived. The filly looked so lost and afraid it was almost like they were back in the forest when Midnight had found her. The kirin could barely look the filly in the eye as she slid the blankets up to her chin. She sat next to the bed trying to think of something to say.

“Squeaks… I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow at the palace. I have no idea how it’ll all go, but…” Midnight looked up at Squeaks. The filly stared back as if pleading with her “but… just remember it’ll all work out in the end.” Even as she said it the words felt hollow. Squeaks only nodded and rolled over so that her back was to Midnight. With a silent, heavy sigh the kirin left the room and climbed onto the couch. She was doing the right thing, but why did it feel so wrong?


“I’m up.” Sapphire drew back her hoof as Midnight sat up on the couch. The pegasus was the first one up and had come down to find Midnight still on the couch. By the look of her the kirin hadn’t gotten much sleep.

“Do you want me to get her or-”

“I’ll get her.” Midnight pulled herself off the couch and went into her room. Squeaks was still sleeping but woke up as soon as she felt Midnight’s hoof on her. She didn’t look in any better shape than Midnight. Before leaving the room Midnight wrapped her up in one of the smaller blankets so she’d have some protection from the cold.

“Are we all ready to go?” Sapphire asked when they entered the front.

“Yeah… how about we fly to the station; we need to get the first train out if we want to make it there on time.”

Sapphire agreed.

Once they were outside and Midnight had made sure Squeaks had a good hold on her and the blanket they took off. The first thing Squeaks noticed about it was how steady a ride it was. A quick look around showed that Midnight’s wings were holding steady for the most part and not constantly flapping like Sapphire’s. Midnight’s wings would only flap once or twice and then hold steady for a time. Looking past the two mares Squeaks could see the moon hanging low in the sky and dim light coming from the opposite horizon; it would be dawn soon. Looking down, Squeaks saw that they were now over the center of town which was marked by a large, three story building. A little ways in one direction was what looked like a house made of candy, and in another was what looked like a very large tree with windows in it. After less than half a minute in flight they arrived at the train station.

There was hardly anypony else there, and after buying the tickets they had a few minutes to wait and Squeaks used that time to ask about the town. After describing the buildings Midnight told her they were the Town Hall, Sugarcube Corner, and Golden Oaks Library respectfully. Sapphire offered to get them some hot chocolate from the station while they waited, which they both agreed to, and by the time she’d returned the train was pulling in.


The train ride up to Canterlot was a quiet one. Sapphire sat alone on one side of the booth they were in while Midnight and Squeaks were on the other. It took a half hour for the train to go from Ponyville Station to Canterlot Station. That whole time Midnight simply stared out the window at nothing in particular except maybe the towers of the city as they came out of a tunnel. Squeaks simply stared down at her cup and then the seat when it was finished; Midnight had chugged hers down after they had barely gotten into their seats. Sapphire spent the train ride trying to come up with something to say to either of them, but nothing really came to mind. She knew both of them had only one thing on their minds and there wasn’t really anything she could say to get them to think of something else.

Canterlot Station was quiet when they pulled in, but as Sapphire explained that was normal for a Saturday. To Sapphire’s surprise, Midnight strolled off the train and followed her onto the street without a hint of worry or nervousness. She had thought the kirin would have shown some fear at being in the open anyplace but Ponyville, but it was clear that the filly riding on her back was taking up most, if not all, her thoughts, which left little to no room for her own fears and misgivings to take hold.

Once again, they flew to their destination but this time they stayed below the buildings. Sapphire explained that it was frowned upon in the capital to fly higher than the roof tops, and while Midnight felt that it was stupid she didn’t make a fuss.

The sun had risen by the time they reached the palace gates which apparently had changed guard before they arrived. Instead of the dark purple armor and dark coats of the Night (Lunar) Guard they were greeted by the Day (Solar) Guard who had white coats and golden armor. One was a unicorn and the other a pegasus. “Sapphire Breeze, Midnight Storm, and Squeaky Wings seeking an audience with the princesses. We are expected.” Sapphire said to the unicorn guard.

“Right, I have you right here Miss Breeze.” The guard lifted up a clipboard with his magic. “It’s been a while since we’ve seen you.”

“The princesses have me on duty down in Ponyville at the moment, but it is nice to be back even under such circumstances.” There was a loud grunt and Sapphire turned to see Midnight giving her a look. “Right. I’m sorry sergeant but we are in a hurry. Perhaps we can catch up again later.” The unicorn nodded and the three visitors walked passed him with the pegasus as an escort.

Once inside the pegasus returned to his post and Midnight followed Sapphire into what looked like a large waiting room. “This is where the nobles and petitioners wait to meet with the princesses. We’ll need to wait here until somepony calls us.” Midnight gave a snort but had barely began to look for a place to lie down before a side door opened and a white unicorn mare with a red mane done up in a bun popped her head in.

“It really is you Sapphire!”

“Ember!” Sapphire raced over and the two greeted each other like old friends.

“It’s so good to see you again! The princess said you were on an assignment, but wouldn’t tell me anymore!”

“I can’t tell you much about it either except that it involves Midnight over there.” Sapphire waved her hoof in the kirin’s direction. Midnight just stared at them with a look of annoyance.

“Not much of a talker is she? And what is she by the way?” Ember whispered.

“She’s a kirin, a pony / dragon hybrid. I’d tell you more but I really think it’s a good idea if we see the princesses if they’re ready for us.”

“Oh, yes, they’re ready! They’re waiting in conference room three.” Sapphire, Midnight, and Squeaks followed Ember out the side door and down a hallway.

“So I take it you’re Princess Celestia’s new personal aid?” Ember nodded.

“Yes. After you left the princess asked if I would like the position. Of course I said yes with the understanding that if you returned I would go back to my old one.” Sapphire nodded. The princess had told her that she was free to return to the palace if the situation with Midnight became… unbearable.

“Well, I think you’ll still have it by the end of the day.” Sapphire ruffled her wings nervously. “Anyway, how’s your sister?”

“She’s fine. She got a job in Manehattan recently.”


“Yeah, some fashion company called- oh, here we are!” Their group had stopped at a set of double doors with a sign on one saying “Conference Room #3” in silver letters. Ember stuck her head in and spoke with somepony on the other side. After a second, she pulled her head out and told them they could enter.

It was a spacious room with a high ceiling, large center table, and enough room around it so that two ponies could comfortably walk next to each other around the room. On the end of the table opposite them sat the Princesses Celestia and Luna. All three adults bowed. “Rise, my little ponies.” Pulling her head back up Midnight could see that Princess Celestia’s face was serine, warm, and inviting. On the other hoof Princess Luna’s dark blue face showed a look of annoyed curiosity.

Midnight gently lowered her hindquarters so Squeaks could slip off. Once she was settled next to Midnight, Celestia began the meeting. “I am happy to see you both well, and your charge also. Bringing her here to meet her father is all I would have had you do, except my sister says she has some concerns surrounding the events that led Midnight Storm to finding Squeaky Wings.”

“Yes, I do.” Luna sat up straighter as she regarded them. “I would like to hear how you found her and what you have done for her so far.”

Midnight and Sapphire launched into how Midnight found Squeaks in the forest, how she’d saved her from a pack of Timber Wolves, how she’d been hypothermic, and what Nurse Redheart had concluded from her examination, along with some input from Squeaks now and again. Celestia and Luna listened to every word. By the time they were finished Celestia’s smile had vanished into a frown and Luna’s face seemed even colder than when they walked in.

“Thank you for telling us this.” Luna said, then turned towards another set of double doors to her left. “Send in Private Dark Blade please!” The double doors opened and in strode a bat pony stallion in full armor. Midnight didn’t like him the moment she saw him. “Private Dark Blade, when I spoke with you, you told me that you had indeed lost your daughter. Is this her?” Dark Blade looked over at their group and Squeaks looked questioningly up at Midnight. The kirin nodded and Squeaks walked towards the stallion. Half way down the table, Squeaks stopped and looked up. Dark Blade hadn’t moved from his spot next to Princess Luna; in fact it looked like he had actually shifted himself so as to stand between Squeaks and Luna. He stared down at Squeaks like she had done something truly terrible and Squeaks sank to the floor. Luna eyed the situation warily.

“Private Dark Blade is this or is this not your daughter?” The bat pony nodded slowly.

“It is, your highness, and I request that I not be asked to be in the same room as that filth again, or that it be allowed in your presence.” The room became eerily quiet after that. Looks of shock were plain on the faces of everypony except Dark Blade and Squeaks.

“Guard…” Luna said slowly, “Thou shalt explain thineself post haste.”

“Your highness, ever since we became your loyal guard after your blessing, we have strived to keep ourselves pure. Unlike other colonies we kept true to you and you alone. This was easy even after… the unfortunate incident with your sister. Unfortunately over time some… flaws started cropping up. Foals started to be born with colors that belonged to creatures of the wretched daytime,” At this Celestia could have sworn he sent a nasty look her way, “rather than ones befitting creatures of your glorious night. Thankfully such abominations were few and far between, and when they did crop up they were dealt with accordingly.”

“And… by accordingly thou means…?”

“Left to the wilderness.”

Luna’s shock was quickly giving way to anger. The very bat ponies she created turning on their own foals just because they were born with light-colored coats. And to think they did this in her name! If she didn’t need to know how Squeaky Wings had managed to survive so long she would have smited him where he stood.

Celestia was equally as angry, if not more so. She and Luna had made amends over what had happened a thousand years ago but these ponies were acting as if there was still some sort of conflict between night and day. Not to mention that what they did with newborns who simply had lighter coats was appalling. Celestia looked across the table. Midnight’s face was reflecting Luna’s and her own anger and disgust, although she was sure neither of them were growing fangs.

Midnight glared at the stallion with a burning hatred. This… this monster had left Squeaks in the woods to die and she was going to give her back to him!? The kirin could feel fire creeping up her throat at the thought of it. ‘I would sooner cut my own wings off than let her stay one more minute with him!

Sapphire was silently pushing Ember back away from the kirin.

“And why has Squeaky Wings been allowed to grow whilst others… have not?” At this the bat stallion shot another damning look at Squeaks, which caused the filly to shrink back further and Midnight to take a step forward.

“That thing is alive today because my wife died in child birth.” Anger gave way to shock again. “She died before she saw what came out of her. Her final wish was for me to raise it with love and care, and for that reason and that alone I kept it hidden and allowed it to grow. I kept it at home and told it exactly what would happen if it went outside. Then we found out you had returned and while many of my brethren left immediately I could not. I had to figure out what to do about that,” he made another gesture towards Squeaks, “before I would even consider showing myself to you. I eventually realized that the Everfree Forest laid between our colony and Canterlot.”

“And that ist how Squeaky Wings ended up in the forest.” Luna finished, her eyes hardening with fury.

“Had I known it would survive, I would have endeavored to fly over a volcano or the ocean.”


Luna and Dark Blade looked up to see Midnight staggering back slightly from a golden wall of magic that had suddenly sprung up. Cracks were forming from the impact. The kirin shook her head and glared at the stallion with a fierce anger while flames licked at her lips.


Dark Blade snorted. “And why would I want that embarrassment back?”

"EMBARRASMENT!? Luna thundered in the Royal Canterlot Voice. By the color of the magical wall she knew Celestia had raised it when Midnight had charged. "FROM WHAT THOU HAST TOLD US IT IS CLEAR THAT THE ONLY EMBARRASMENT HERE IS THYSELF AND THY BRETHREN! THOU THINK THE MURDER OF YOUNG FOALS, NEWBORNS, WOULD MAKE US HAPPY!? WE ARE SICKENED! THY KIND HAS BROUGHT SHAME AND DISHONOR OF THE HIGHEST CALIBER UPON THY HEADS! WE WOULD SOONER HAVE THY GIFT REMOVED AND THE NEW GUARD COLORED WHITE LIKE OUR SISTER’S THAN HAVE THEE AND THINE AS OUR REPRESENTATIVES!" Luna turned her attention to the double doors and away from the now cowering bat pony. "SOLAR GUARD!" The double doors opened again and a scared unicorn day guard poked his head in.

“Y-yes, your highness?”

"TAKE THIS VERMIN FROM OUR SIGHT AND PLACE IT IN THE LOWEST DUNGEON TO AWAIT ITS EXECUTION!" For a moment the day guard stayed rooted to the spot. Normally the princesses commanded their own guard and didn’t give orders to the other’s. From behind Luna, Celestia gave a nod and two more day guards entered the room and hauled off the stunned bat pony. Luna used her magic to slam the doors shut behind them. “My own guard…” she said as she sat back down. “Truly I am ashamed to call them that now that this atrocity has been revealed.” Celestia finally lowered her magical wall as Luna said this, and to her relief Midnight did not go out after Squeaks’ wayward father. Instead she was now comforting a crying Squeaks; holding her close and whispering assurances.

“Sapphire, Ember, I believe those two have had enough. Please take them to one of the guest rooms and let them rest. When you have seen to that please meet us in the throne room.” Both mares nodded and led Midnight and Squeaks, who was now perched on the kirin’s back, out of the conference room. With that the alabaster alicorn turned to her still smoldering younger sister.

“I shall endeavor to find any other culprits of such crimes and make them all examples.”

“Luna, you have read about the new laws put into effect during your… time away?”

“I admit I have not read all of them; a thousand years of changes is a lot to catch up on! I believe I have reached up to four hundred years after my… imprisonment.”

“Two hundred years more and you would have seen that the death penalty has been removed.”

Removed!?” Luna exclaimed. “Are you seriously suggesting that scum like that” she pointed towards the doors, “has a right to live!? When he and his brethren have been murdering foals!?” Celestia raised her hoof in a calming gesture.

“I agree that this time it would be a just punishment, but the law was put into place because an innocent pony was executed before the real criminal was discovered. I did not want such a thing to happen again.”

“And so we are to house and feed them for the rest of their miserable lives?”

“Only the bare minimum, unless you have another idea not including death.” Luna snorted and slumped slightly.

“Mayhap a turn on the rack a few times a week would suffice.”

“Torture was outlawed three hundred years ago.”

Luna snorted again as her frown grew. “Truly, you have taken the satisfaction out of punishment sister. Perhaps it would have been better if you had allowed Midnight Storm to carry out her own brand of justice?”

Celestia looked up in thought. “That is the reason I wish to talk with Sapphire Breeze. Midnight’s actions since they entered seemed very…”

“Maternal?” Luna suggested.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “I was going to say protective. You believe otherwise?”

Luna nodded. “I do. Only a mother or a mare with similar feelings would so boldly claim she would defy even us to protect a foal. We must be careful how we proceed. I may not know all of what has changed the millennium I was gone, but I do remember what happened last time somepony got between a kirin and one she perceived as her own foal.”

Celestia nodded again and a shiver went down her back as she remembered the incident. Midnight had cracked her magically-created wall; a testament of how much maternal rage had been put into the attack. It had been so long since she had been around kirins that she only used a little magic to make it. Any less and Midnight would have smashed through. With any luck Sapphire would tell them what the situation between Midnight and Squeaky Wings was and they could proceed from there. The filly certainly wasn’t going back to her father, that much was sure. “By the way, Luna, what made you suspicious about Dark Blade?”

“When I made inquires and he told me his daughter was missing he acted like he’d lost a quill.”

As both alicorns got up to leave for the throne room one of the doors opened and a night guard warily entered the room. “AND WHAT DOES THOU WANT!?” Luna snapped. The guard shrank back slightly.

“Only a minute of your time, your highnesses, and to hopefully explain the situation further-”

“What further explanation could you possibly give to justify such crimes!?”

“Not to justify, your highness, but to condemn.”

At this Luna stopped yelling. “You would condemn your brethren? Why?”

“Justice,” he said looking her straight in the eye, “for my little sister.”


Midnight followed Sapphire and Ember down the corridors of the castle without ever really paying attention where they were going. The scene in the conference room kept playing over and over again in her mind. It still baffled her just how callous and downright horrid Squeaks father- ‘no.’ Midnight gave herself a mental shake. ‘I will never call him that, and I’ll make sure Squeaks never does either. When we get home I’ll… I’ll…’ and that was when the weight of what she had said hit her. She had declared that she wouldn’t give Squeaks up, and deep down she knew it just wasn’t to him she was referring to; she didn’t want to give up Squeaks at all. If the princesses themselves had asked Midnight to turn custody of Squeaks over to them she would have refused. She didn’t trust them to know how to treat Squeaks right. They didn’t know what she liked or what she was scared of. Squeaks hadn’t sought comfort from or confided in them. But she knew, and Squeaks had come to her seeking comfort from her fears. And… and she wanted to be there for her. She wanted Squeaks to come to her if something was wrong. She wanted to make sure Squeaks was happy. She cared how Squeaks felt and was raised.

Midnight remembered the other night when she had been comforting Squeaks. She remembered how the scene felt to her. 'Like how mom comforted me. I… I want to be there for Squeaks like mom was for me. I want Squeaks… I want Squeaks to be my foal. I want to be Squeaks’…'

Squeaks had stopped crying by now and was simply holding on to Midnight’s mane. Every few seconds one of Midnight’s wings would come up and stroke the filly. After a few minutes they stopped in front of a door.

“You can stay here for the time being.” Ember said as she opened it. It led into one of the guest suites of the palace, complete with entry hall, living room with lounge chairs and two couches, a small kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. “If you need anything those ropes by the doorways can be pulled to summon one of the palace servants.” Midnight nodded but made a bee line for one of the bedrooms. Sapphire and Ember quietly exited the suite.

Inside Midnight climbed onto the bed and laid down before asking Squeaks to slide off. When she did Midnight gathered her into her forelegs and held her against her chest. “Squeaks, I am so sorry for what happened in there. If I had known… if you had just told me…” Midnight could feel Squeaks begin to shudder and felt the fur on her chest begin to get wet. “But that doesn’t matter now. You’re never going to have to deal with him again. I’ll make sure of that.” Squeaks looked up at her, sniffling slightly and eyes still wet. Midnight bent down and kissed her on her forehead as her own eyes began to tear up. “I’m always going to be here for you Squeaks.” With that Midnight pulled her back against her. “Good or bad, rain or shine I’ll be here.” They began to rock slowly.

"You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine;
you make me happy when skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear, how much I… love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.”

For what seemed like a long time Midnight sang, even as she felt tears slide down her face. Eventually Midnight felt the calm rhythm of breathing against her chest that told her Squeaks was asleep. Midnight kissed her forehead again and wrapped herself around Squeaks and joined the filly in sleep.


Midnight’s ear flicked as she slowly awoke. She could hear voices coming from the living room of the suite. She slowly cracked an eye open as the door to the bed room did so. It opened only so much before Sapphire poked her head in. Seeing that the kirin was awake she gave her a small smile. “I just wanted to let you know it’s close to noon-time. If you and Squeaks are okay with it the princesses would like to talk with you and get some things sorted out. Princess Luna’s still up so I think she’d appreciate it if you came out as soon as you could.” Midnight gave a small nod and Sapphire backed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Midnight stretched her wings out and yawned. The past couple of nights sleep had been very restless for her but now she felt better. There was still a flame of anger from what she heard that pony say, but it had been tempered somewhat by the knowledge that the filly sleeping next to her would never have to deal with him again. Once she had woken herself up she bent down and nuzzled Squeaks awake. “Time to get up Squeaks; the princesses want to see us.”

Squeaks was slow to get up even as she felt Midnight nuzzle her. In truth she’d only gotten an hour of sleep tops the previous night and the events of the meeting had only exhausted her further. She finally got up after Midnight abandoned the nuzzling and began nibbling her ear. Squeaks laughed and rolled away from her. Only when Midnight promised not to go after her ears again did she come over and get on her back. Making sure Squeaks was secure Midnight got off the bed and went into the living room.

Sapphire led them out of the suite and through the corridors of the castle until they reached the main waiting room again. After sticking her head through the very grand double doors she waved them inside. The princesses were seated on the dais at the other end of the large throne room. As it was now daytime, Princess Celestia was on the throne while Princess Luna stood next to her. Celestia motioned for Midnight and Squeaks to come to the front of the dais while Sapphire took a standing position on the opposite side of it from Ember.

“Thank you; there are still some matters that we need to discuss.” Celestia told them as Midnight took a seat and Squeaks slid off her back. “The most important is that now that Dark Blade,” Midnight snorted at the name, “no longer has custody of Squeaky Wings we need to decide where she’ll go from here.”

“Home with me.” Midnight said without hesitation. Celestia, Luna, and Sapphire raised an eyebrow.

“Are you saying you wish to adopt her?”

“Yes I am.” Squeaks stared up at Midnight and Celestia and Luna looked at each other. “Your highnesses, Squeaks and I have only known each other for less than a week, and I understand that doesn’t seem like a lot of time together, but now I can’t imagine going home without her. I don’t trust any bat pony right now, and I doubt any non-bat pony has the know-how to raise her properly. I don’t know how good of a… a mother…” Midnight choked for a second at the word, “… I would be, but for Squeaks I’m more than willing to do my best for her.”

Celestia and Luna silently contemplated the kirin who looked up at them with a mix of fear and determination.

“Umm…” All eyes moved to Squeaks who shrank back slightly, but continued none the less. “I want to stay with Midnight too. She’s really nice, and makes really good food, and she’s teaching me how to fly and she’s a really good teacher, and… and…” Squeaks looked up at Midnight and the kirin could see her eyes starting to get wet. “And she’s the first pony who really seems to care about me.” Midnight pulled Squeaks into a hug before the filly could start crying.

“It would seem,” Celestia began after Squeaks calmed down a bit, “that the two of you are truly adamant about staying with one another.” Midnight and Squeaks nodded. “While you were resting I spoke with Sapphire Breeze who told me of the fears you expressed to her; fears only one who truly cared would express. I believe there isn’t any further discussion needed.” Celestia turned to Luna, who in turn waved her horn and levitated a small stack of papers off of Ember’s back. “All that’s left is to fill out paper work that we’ve gone ahead and almost completed. The only thing you need to do is sign the papers and fill in a few indicated blanks.” Princess Luna also materialized a table, ink, and quills for them. Midnight and Squeaks signed where ever the documents asked in silence up until one of the last pages which asked for their ages and birthdays.

“You were born on Nightmare Night!?” Squeaks exclaimed when she saw the date Midnight put down, causing all attention in the room to be focused on the kirin.

Midnight smiled nervously. “Yeah, I kinda got lucky since that’s also my favorite holiday.” Luna smiled at bit smugly when she heard that while Sapphire had a look of both realization and confusion.

“Wait, so that was what you were doing that night after the candy ran out? Why didn’t you say anything?”

Midnight frowned. “Because I didn’t want it to be a big deal with you or anypony else. I come into town and I get swarmed by the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. I tell them what I am and one of the rulers of Equestria itself descends on my house and makes me a Captain of the Guard. I’m not saying that I’m not appreciative about all that, but I wondered what the heck was going to come at me next if I told anypony about my birthday. For all I knew, somepony from Las Pegasus would come to town, discover me, and decide to make me the next sensation! Not to mention what Pinkie would do.” They all got a chuckle out of that.

“While I’m not sure I can guarantee that wouldn’t happen, I can tell you with certainty that we wouldn’t have done anything “big” for your birthday. I take it that is also why you declined our invitation for Hearth’s Warming?”

Midnight nodded. “Plus it just didn’t feel right spending it at somepony else’s place.”

Celestia smiled. “Maybe next year then. Can I ask how old you are now?”

“Twenty-one.” Midnight looked down at Squeaks who smiled up at her. “And when are you turning eight?” Midnight asked her as she booped her. Squeaks giggled, then her smile faded.

“The first day of spring. That’s another reason-” Midnight silenced her by pulling Squeaks into another hug and kissed her forehead.

“It’s a great birthday. Before we can think about that, though, we’re going to need to get you some things like a bed and winter coat.”

“I believe my sister and I can help with that.” Luna said and, with a wave of her horn, what looked liked two check books appeared.

“Ah, that is indeed a good idea Luna.” Celestia grabbed one of the books with her magic and lifted the quill and ink over to her. When she was done writing in it she passed the ink and quill over to Luna who wrote in her own. When she was finished the princesses levitated the books over to Midnight. “Consider these both as gifts from us for your birthday and Hearth’s Warming.”

Midnight took one in each wing-claw and opened them. They were indeed check books, with the one from Celestia signed “Happy Birthday” and the one from Luna signed “Happy Hearth’s Warming”, but each one had twenty-five blank checks in them each with the royal seal in the bottom right and upper left corners. “Those blank checks are linked to the royal accounts and are for you to use anywhere and anytime you like for whatever you want or need.”

Midnight stared down at the checks. “This is… wow… I…”

Luna and Celestia chuckled. “My sister and I know you will put them to good use and will not abuse them.” Luna assured her. Midnight continued to stare at the checks for a full minute before finally putting them down and finished signing the adoption papers. When she set the quill down, the papers were enveloped in gold magic and carried over towards Celestia. “And now that that’s out of the way there is one more thing we need to discuss with you and we ask that you remain calm.” Luna turned around and called for somepony to enter the room. Midnight’s confused expression turned into one of fury as a night guard entered from a side door. She didn’t roar, threaten, or charge him as the princess had asked, but her fangs did slide out and she pulled Squeaks close with her wing. “This is Sergeant Night Skimmer.” The sergeant removed his helmet and bowed to Midnight. He actually seemed a bit young to be a sergeant, but Midnight didn’t let that calm her down.

“Ma’am, I understand why you would not want to see me or any other Lunar Guard at the moment, but I wish to apologize for my colony’s most grievous actions. Furthermore, I want to thank you.”

At this Midnight raised an eyebrow. “For what exactly?” she said coolly.

“For bringing this to the attention of the princesses and saving that filly. Up until now those of us who have been opposed to this heinous ritual have been too few in number and we feared retribution from our own friends and family… and possibly the princess.” He glanced apologetically up at Luna. “I first learned about the matter when my baby sister was born. She looked very much like Squeaky Wings there, and a few days later she was gone. When I asked my father about it he acted like she never existed. I knew then something was terribly wrong.” He straightened up and put his helmet back on. “I have already pledged to help the princesses with their investigations and to bring those who’ve committed these atrocities to justice. If there any questions about our race that you have please feel free to send a letter anytime you wish.”

Midnight stared at him for a few seconds after he was done then made a curt nod. “Thank you sergeant, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Sergeant Night Skimmer bowed once again to Midnight and both princesses before leaving.

“The sergeant and I have already begun the investigation and feel we can wrap this up quickly. If you wish we can send you news when something of worth occurs.”

Midnight shook her head. “I’d rather not if that’s alright.”

Both princesses nodded. “Then we’ll leave you to get things sorted. Lunch is currently being prepared in the kitchens if you want anything, and of course you’re invited to dinner if you choose to join us.” Celestia said.

“Thank you your highness; we’ll think on it.” Midnight and Squeaks gave them a bow before they left, with Sapphire following them out. Midnight turned to Sapphire. “I don’t know what you told them, but thank you.”

Sapphire smiled. “Don’t mention it. Do either of you want some lunch?” Midnight was about to answer when both their stomachs made loud growls. “I believe that’s a yes.” Sapphire left and Midnight turned back to Squeaks.

“Maybe when we’re out after lunch we can get a few games to help pass the time.” She pulled Squeaks into another hug.

“Hey, Mid-um… mom?” Midnight felt a warmth at hearing Squeaks say that. “What did you mean when you said Princess Celestia made you a Captain of the Guard?”

Midnight face-hoofed.


Over their food Midnight and Sapphire explained to Squeaks why the kirin’s position had to be a secret, and once she promised not to tell, Midnight explained how it had happened. Lunch for the kirin was a platter of various fish, shellfish, and gemstones while Squeaks had a plate of assorted fruits and shrimp. Sapphire noticed that every once and a while Midnight’s eyes would look over to Squeaks’ plate and eye the mango slices there.

When they were done Sapphire showed them to the royal tailor so Squeaks could be fitted for a winter coat. Both mares had to stifle laughs at Squeaks’ reactions to having a measuring tape magically wrap and unwrap itself over various parts of her body. When she was done the seamstress told them Squeaks’ coat would be ready by dinner. As they left, Sapphire pulled the seamstress to the side and asked her something, making tiny head jerks in Midnight’s direction.

After that Sapphire convinced Midnight that it would be a nice idea to take Squeaks to the royal hair dresser for a bit of a makeover. The minute they entered his salon he practically jumped on them, something he almost regretted when Midnight snapped at him. He quickly explained that a lack of state functions had made for a well paid, very bored, stylist, and they had been his first clients in a while. When they told him they were there just for Squeaks he shook his head at them.

“Mademoiselle, you simply must allow me to attend to your coiffure! It is like you have not brushed it at all!”

“I don’t,” Midnight said as she backed away from a comb he was levitating in her direction, “and if that thing touches me I’ll introduce you to early hair loss!” A small jet of fire escaped her lips and the stylist got the hint.

“Such a crime,” he mumbled as he turned back towards Squeaks. “So, tell me what it is you want me to do.”

“Something simple that even I could do in the morning.” Midnight asked as she eased up.

The stylist moved around Squeaks and occasionally lifted her hair this way and that to see it from different angles. “A-ha! I have just the thing!” Motioning for Midnight to come closer he began work on what looked like a bun.

“I think you missed some strands,” Midnight told him when the bun was finished, indicating two sets of loose hair on either side of it.

“Ah, mademoiselle, but I am not finished!” With that he levitated a small hair clip over, then picked up the two strands with his magic. First he pulled the two strands up and around the bottom of the bun so that the tips seemed to be sticking up and out of it, then he clipped them together so they stayed where they were. “Now I am finished! It is simple yet stylish, no?” Midnight had to agree, and from the look of it Squeaks liked it as well as she studied herself in a mirror. “Now, would it not be splendid you also had a little make over?”

“There is no way, no how, that I am letting anypony touch my mane, and the first one that does is getting bitten!”


Sapphire and Squeaks stifled giggles as they left the castle to go shopping. Midnight’s face was a mix of anger and resignation. “The next time somepony mentions the state of my mane I’m biting them.”

“Oh, come on Midnight,” Sapphire said with a small wave of her hoof, “I think you look good with a Prance Braid.”

“Yeah mom, you look really pretty now!” Squeaks agreed from her position on Midnight’s back. It had actually been the little bat pony’s urgings that had finally worn the kirin down, and even though she hated every second of the process, Squeaks’ compliment made it a bit more bearable.

“Thank you Squeaks, but I think I pull off the rag-a-muffin quite fine thank you.”

“And Squeaks can’t?” Sapphire asked with a smirk.

“I think she looks much better with ‘simple yet stylish’. You pull it off well, too.”

“Thank you.”

Once they were outside the gates they once again took to the air. It was busier now and Sapphire was forced to continue reminding Midnight about the altitude restrictions.

“Who came up with these stupid flight restrictions anyway!?” Midnight yelled as they hovered behind a moving carriage.

“They were made for security reasons.”

Midnight snorted. “You mean some rich unicorns were afraid they’d get a load of garbage on their heads.”

Sapphire and Squeaks laughed. “Yes, I guess that was part of it.”

As they passed another intersection Midnight noticed she was getting a lot of looks, especially from pegasi. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Midnight said as she began going higher again.

Sapphire turned to tell her to come down again when she saw the look on Midnight’s face. The kirin looked genuinely scared. Taking a quick look around she saw an alley with a pegasi perch and motioned for Midnight to follow her. The perch was essentially a bench nailed to the side of a building, but it thankfully still held their weight.

“Is everything alright?” Sapphire asked when they landed. Midnight shook her head.

“I don’t do very well in crowds.” It was then that Sapphire remembered what Midnight had told her and Celestia about when ponies discovered what she really looked like.

“You don’t need to worry about that here Midnight. We get creatures like griffons all the time and nopony harasses them.” Midnight didn’t seem convinced.

“But they’re all staring at me! Especially the pegasi!”

“They are!” Squeaks confirmed. Sapphire looked around Midnight and saw that indeed some pegasi that were flying by and could see them were staring at Midnight. But from what she could see they were stares of curiosity, not contempt.

“Midnight… did any of your… encounters ever include pegasi?” Sapphire made sure to check herself as she felt that Midnight didn’t want to explain why she had been a drifter to Squeaks. Not anytime soon, anyway.

“No, pretty much just earth ponies and unicorns; why?”

“Well, we pegasi are very loyal not just to each other, but other flying races as well. If it’s got wings, we respect it, which is partly the reason we so readily incorporate creatures such as griffons into our flight camps. I know you don’t like being stared at, but they don’t mean any harm, I promise.” Midnight looked back over her shoulder at the main thoroughfare. A few pegasi looked her way and a couple actually waved at her with smiles. Midnight gave a little wave back then turned back to Sapphire.

“Are… are you sure?” Sapphire could see the tiny flicker of hope in the kirin’s eyes.

“I’m positive. Now, let’s go get Squeaks’ stuff.” With that Sapphire hopped off the perch and Midnight gingerly followed. The rest of the flight was uneventful as Sapphire had thought it would be, and Midnight even seemed to gain a bit of confidence every time somepony waved or smiled at her. Of course there were a few who would deviate from their original course to follow them and get a better look at the kirin, but they only did so for a few seconds before returning to their previous activities.


The remainder of the day was a good one, all things considered. When they arrived at the bed store the unicorn there gave them a quick sales pitch on a few models, but in the end Midnight told Squeaks to pick out which ever bed she wanted. Squeaks proved that unlike most other foals, who would run up to the first thing that caught their eye, she was actually something of a real shopper. She looked over each bed type before deciding she wanted a bunk bed. “It kinda reminds me of a cave” she said sheepishly. Midnight used her first blank check to not only buy the bed and accompanying mattresses, but also pillows, sheets, blankets, and for somepony to deliver it and put it all together. The owner told them it would have to be delivered the next day since it was out of town and Midnight assured him it was fine.

The second place they went to was a toy store where, once again, Midnight let her loose to get whatever she wanted.

“Don’t you think you’re spoiling her?” Sapphire asked and they followed Squeaks down an aisle. Midnight looked at her with a sad smile.

“After what’s she’s been through I think she has a right to be spoiled for a day.” Sapphire agreed. In the end Squeaks picked out Celestia and Luna dolls, a Daring Do Action figure, a ball, several board games, some coloring books and crayons, and a few children’s books.

Dinner that night at the castle was a seafood salad sprinkled with emerald dust for Midnight, as well as some slices of mango on the side, and a fruit salad with a side of shrimp toast for Squeaks. They stayed only for a little bit afterwards, mostly to talk with Night Skimmer about what a bat pony could or could not eat. “Anything’s fine really except grasses and flowers, so basically things like hay fries and daffodil sandwiches are out.”

After that they headed back down to the royal tailor to pick up Squeaks’ coat. As the filly was trying it on the seamstress gave a box to Sapphire who presented it to Midnight. “It’s a bit late for your birthday, so Happy Hearth’s Warming.” Midnight gave her an awkward thanks and opened it. Inside was a brand new scarf; blue with the ends in black and emblazoned with her cutie mark. “I noticed you lost the old one and I figured I would get you a new one.” Midnight thanked her again as she put it on and then helped Squeaks get zipped up.

With that they left the castle and went to the train station. The ride back to Ponyville was much nicer than the one that morning, which felt like ages ago. Midnight played with Squeaks and her dolls while Sapphire read a magazine she picked up from the station. When they arrived back in town they flew back to the house through a clear sky, with Luna’s moon casting a bright, comforting light on them as they flew. When they arrived they entered through the side door and Midnight was struck with just how quickly everything had, and would, change. After unpacking they all went to bed; Sapphire heading upstairs and Midnight and Squeaks going through the living room.

After helping Squeaks onto the bed Midnight hopped up and curled around the filly. Squeaks snuggled up to her and Midnight nuzzled her gently. “Welcome home Squeaks.”

Author's Note:

Thus ends the Squeaky Wings arc.
A note on Luna: I figured that Luna would speak normally around the castle and only resort to old-y speaking outside and/or among commoners, hence the incident during Luna Eclipsed.

Don't really have much else to say except that this was the part that took the most revising, hence why it took so long to get it out.
Oh yeah, go check out my gallery on my page to see the first ever pic of Midnight and Squeaks!