• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.


When the possible collides with the impossible, a bond is created; and nothing walks away unchanged.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 11 )

Woh im just sittin here readin Guardians eatin cake when BAM New story by one of my fav doctor fanfic writers :pinkiehappy:
lets see new story, 3 chapters, and 22k words :rainbowwild: and cake!
this has made my day 20% cooler if i may say so myself

The pacing felt a little rush but overall this is an excellent story, I absolutely love it.

Loved it! The concept and story telling were excellent. I've got to say, this rivals your Doctor Whooves stories.

A Doctor Who-esque title but not a Doctor Whooves story. Interesting. :twilightsheepish:

Aaron and Tanya remind me of myself and my own sister. :pinkiehappy:

I like where this is going. Let's see where it goes.

Fun at Church! Fun at Church! I love to have fun at Church! :pinkiehappy:

Dangit... I want to say something, but I've never been good at giving compliments. I can give criticism, but there's none of that to give here. I guess a thumbs-up and a lack of criticism is the best I can give. I really don't understand why this has as many thumbs-downs as it does.

I will say it. This is almost My Little Dashie good. :rainbowderp: If My Little Dashie were an adventure romance story involving a humanized Twilight. I'm a romantic at heart. :heart: My heart broke to learn that Twi did love Aaron, but Twilight didn't. :pinkiesad2: I almost, almost cried :raritydespair: ... I mean liquid pride! ... Because I am proud of how good this story is. This felt a lot like one of those stories you have to write as soon as you come up with (which would explain why it interrupted the writing of Doctor Whooves Episode 17: Angie the Great and its Donna Noble action) and I'm glad you did.

The title almost made me expect a Doctor Whooves story about Clara Oswald (which of course would be awesome) but this was just as good as that would have been.

Run you clever boy and remember!

"I know it's running out. She's going to find us soon enough."
"You know who.


Will there be a Sequel someday? Something about Twi finding a way back because she still loves Aaron?

I'm currently not planning on writing a sequel to this story.

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