• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 12,843 Views, 933 Comments

Shattered Prism - Kaidan

Each night I’m trapped in the dark, immobilized. I hear whispers as they operate on me: they say I shouldn’t be alive. Twilight refuses to tell me about the operation. Sometimes she can’t look me in the eye. What did they do to me?

  • ...

6. My Proof

I had flown up to the highest cloud above Ponyville, and had looked down at the crowd of spectators. Even at this height I had heard Scootaloo cheering louder than the rest. Without a moment of hesitation, I had dived.

The mach cone came easily as I sped towards the ground. I then speared through a large thunderhead as the rainboom exploded outwards behind me.

I expected to fly out of the cloud and pull up as lightning danced in the air behind me. Instead my body went rigid, and the next thing I remember was the taste of copper in my mouth. Ponies were shouting as I struggled to breathe, and I passed out.

It felt like the weeks were passing by around me, just beyond my sight. Pieces of my memories floated around, and I struggled to put them together. Doctors would come and discuss my illness while treating me like I wasn’t there. My friends had visited, and argued over whether to pull the plug.

No matter how much I cried or screamed, they couldn’t hear me. Between the memory fragments and my dreams, I could only tell I was awake when one of them held my hoof. Fluttershy visited the most, reading me my favorite stories. She would weep into my mane when nopony was around to see.

The fragments grew more distant, slipping out of reach. Every day I lost more of myself, until the only identity I had left was the memory of the gentle voice of a weeping mare.

That was when the nightmares began. I recall pain and fear, and new memories. Piece by piece I was rebuilt from nothing, or perhaps salvaged. My identity slowly came back from that cursed void, whispering impossible things in my ear.

I held onto the voice of that weeping mare. It was the only memory I knew for sure was real. Then, all the pieces clicked together, and I woke up.

The sunlight began to pour through my window, so I rolled over. I had not slept much last night due to a series of haunting dreams. Instead of nightmares, I felt like a jumble of puzzle pieces had been dumped in my head and shaken up. My brain worked overtime to sort them out while I tried to sleep.

So far, my brain seemed stumped with the edge pieces. The parts I really wanted to remember were lost in the middle of the pile.

Yawning, I began to get out of bed, and hopped to my hooves. I reached for a glass of water on the nightstand, accidentally knocking it over. As the water dripped off the back of it, I opened the drawer to find a towel.

Inside was the journal Twilight had given me to write my dreams in. Though last night made no sense to me, it couldn’t hurt to write it down. I pulled out the journal and flipped it open.

There was only one entry in the book, and something in it caught my eye.

Twilight is lying to me.

Pinkie said she’d keep me safe, but she can’t forever. I told her I’ll break into her lab and find the truth. Everypony but her seems up to something. I can remember more than dreams now, I can remember what they said when they operated on me. I can remember meeting myself in the void where another Dash tried to kill me.

I hope I don’t get caught, but if I do—well at least I have this journal. If she is trying to erase my memories, that means you won’t remember writing this. And if you don’t remember writing this, run!

She knows we know.

“What the hay?” I said out loud. I glanced around the room as I put the journal back in the night stand. Tank was stretching out at the end of the bed and giving me his usual loopy grin.

“And I thought the dreams were weird, Tank. Has anyone else been writing in here?”

Glancing back at the confusing entry, I knew the hoof writing was mine. “Nah, I’m sure that was just a dream I wrote down, I better go check on the weather team.”

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind as I hurried to get outside and make sure the skies got cleared. I flew out the window and made my way towards our usual meeting place.

The weather team was waiting for me over town hall, and I took a glance around to make sure everypony was there.

“Hey, Flitter, where is Thunderlane?” I asked.

“He said he was sick and stayed home,” she replied.

“Hah, I doubt that. What’s really up?”

Flitter shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, he seemed awfully grumpy.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Fine. You guys know what to do. I’ll go check up on him.”

As everypony got to work I flew towards Thunderlane’s house. It wasn’t like him to fake an illness, and in all the time I’ve known him he has never been sick.

The cool morning breeze refreshed me as my stiff wings began to loosen up. After crossing past the marketplace I arrived at his house, and landed on the front porch.

My hoof hit the door loudly three times. “Thunderlane?”

I stood there and examined my hoof for a minute while I waited. It had been split again, which seemed to happen to me a lot. For somepony who barely ever walks, it’s amazing how many times I break the wall of a hoof.

Frustrated by the lack of a response, I banged the door even harder with my good forehoof. “Thunderlane, I know you’re in there!”

“Go away, I’m sick!” he shouted from inside.

“Like hell you are, what’s really going on? You’ve never skipped work before, did Rumble get sick or something?”

There was a long silence before he answered. “Well I’m sick now, so get lost!”

I furrowed my brow in anger. “Look, I’m gonna buck down this door and drag you through the clouds if you don’t tell me why you skipped work!”

Hooves shuffled across the floor and finally the door opened up. “What happened? You stood me up on our date! I wanted to ask you out for so long, and well. . . just forget about it now!”

I laughed and patted him on his shoulder. “Good one. So really, what’s up?”

“This isn’t some game! You can’t just blow me off and pretend you don’t remember.”


“No,” I answered, “I don’t remember. Look, I’m sorry if I forgot, but I really don’t remember!”

“Dash!” Pinkie shouted in the distance.

“Well, you did, and I know you got hurt and everything, but you were finally seeming normal again. Just—I don’t know.”

Pinkie trotted up along side me. “Hey, Dash, didn’t you hear me calling?”

I looked between the two ponies. “Whatever, you better be at work tomorrow, Thunderlane.” I turned and nodded to Pinkie. “What do you want?”

Pinkie smiled and patted me on the back. “Let’s go for a walk and talk in private.” She motioned to Thunderlane, who closed the door in my face.

“Yeah,” I said, “sure.”

We started walking towards the marketplace. “Well, I wanted to apologize for yesterday and make sure you didn’t get in trouble.”

I moaned loudly and rolled my eyes. “Let me guess, I was supposed to go on a date with you too?”

“No, silly filly. Pinkie likes stallions!” She giggled and then resumed her slightly more serious tone. “I tried to keep Twilight at Spike’s surprise surprise birthday party, but she must have slipped out the back! By the time I was able to look outside, she was gone! And I know you went to check in her basement lab, and I got a pinchy knee and knew something scary must be happening! So I left Spike and went to the library to check on you, but nopony was home and the front door was open.”

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face Pinkie. “Wait, how’d you know about my dream that I broke into her lab?”

“You had a dream too? Well that must have been after you broke into her lab for real because you seemed really scared, and you were hiding in my room. I still have your toothbrush to prove it!” Pinkie pulled an orange foal’s toothbrush out of her hair that had Daring Do drawn on it.

“Give me that!” I barked. I snatched the brush and quickly hid it in my own mane. “You’re not supposed to tell anypony I have Daring Do stuff in my bathroom!”

“You left it in my bathroom, after the party, just ask Fluttershy!”

I could feel bile rising in my throat. I was all for a good prank, but ponies should know better than to joke about my accident. I had a hard time recovering from it, and don’t know what I’d do without Twilight to constantly support me.

“Look, there was no party, there was no sleepover, and Fluttershy isn’t in on your stupid prank!” I yelled.

“Oh, well then. . . I’ll come back later,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“No!” Pinkie and I shouted in unison.

“Tell Dash that there was a party and she slept over!”

“Tell Pinkie there was no party and to stop pulling my leg!” I complained.

I noticed Lyra across the street watching us, and realized we were making a scene on main street. Applejack was at her apple stall, watching us. Several other vendors and ponies were whispering quietly to one another.

“Well um, Dashie, I’m really really sorry about last night. I came to apologize because I found your saddlebag and wanted to give it back,” Fluttershy explained.

She pulled off my saddlebags and hoofed them over to me, then opened the bag. “See, Dash? You were telling the truth when you came to my house last night. Your missing medical records and the changeling horn were in here after the lightning hit you—”

I cringed at the thought of being struck by lightning. It was not a pleasant experience. “Stop! I wasn’t at your house either!”

“But, the bag fell off next to the small stream during the thunderstorm.”

I was grinding my teeth and counting to ten in my head. Nothing made sense, and this prank had gotten lame a long time ago. “There. Was. No. Thunderstorm. The. Forecast. This. Week. Is. Sun!

Pinkie picked up the saddlebag and pointed at a large scorch mark. “There was a storm last night!”

As I groaned, my eyes met Applejack, who quickly looked away. “Oh no you don’t!” I shouted. I flew over to her as she nervously looked around. “So, honesty, are you in on this prank too?”

Applejack looked me in the eye and smiled. “This ain’t no prank, sugar cube, y’all were at a party two days ago and I was at Spike’s party last night! Ya sure are making me uncomfortable with what ever prank y’all are doin’.”

“But, Applejack, it’s not a prank! Remember how scared Dash was?” Pinkie asked.

“And remember when I came over last night, after Dash scared me and I used the stare, and Twilight had to take Dash home?” Fluttershy explained.

“So, Twilight is in on it!” I breathed a sigh of relief. “That must be why my journal had notes in it about how Twilight was erasing my memory, and how I broke into her lab last night to steal evidence.”

“Evidence?” Applejack asked. Pinkie handed her the saddlebag and she took out the jar with a changeling horn in it. Next she pulled out some medical records and began to look through them.

“Whew, for a second there you guys really had me thinking I had gone crazy!” I began to laugh some of the nervous energy off.

“Dash, these records ain’t fake, and what y’all have been sayin’ is beginnin’ to make sense,” Applejack said.

I groaned and looked her in the eye. “Alright, then I want to hear it from you. What’s going on, Applejack?”

She tilted her hat back and took a deep breath. “Well, ya have been forgetful lately, but never forgot whole days. Ya were always having Twilight fix headaches and all sorts of stuff since your accident. She told me that her spell saved your life.”

“Okay, so I forgot some stuff, big deal. What, you think I’m a changeling now?” I asked.

“No, but these records say she took ya into surgery with three other people. There’s only two names on there other than hers: Doctor Stable and Nurse Redheart.”

I lifted an eyebrow as my mind finally started to accept that this wasn’t some sort of prank. There really was something wrong here, and the scariest part was I couldn’t remember a single bit of it.

“And you were at my house and party! I Pinkie Promise,” Pinkie added.

I looked over at Pinkie, and I saw an orange flash reflect off the window. “Damn it, Scoots, now isn’t the time to be following me around!” I stomped over towards the window and looked off towards where the reflection had been. The only pony in the window I saw was myself.

“Dash,” Applejack said somberly, “Scootaloo moved to Manehatten a month ago.”

I looked around between their concerned faces and the pile of stolen goods from Twilight’s house. I could feel my headache building, and really didn’t want to deal with this right now.

“Fine! So it’s not a prank. Let’s go see Twilight together and figure out what the heck is going on.” I marched over to the saddlebag and filled it back up with the papers and jar, then started walking towards the library.

“What about Rarity? Should we get her?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ah’ll stop by her house,” Applejack said.

“Oh, I wonder what Twilight did this time. Do you think it’s gonna be like the time with the parasprites?” Pinkie asked.

I ignored the two as I walked towards the library and did my best to make some sense of recent events. It wasn’t a prank, but it could just be me forgetting stuff. However, Twilight had my personal medical records, and that’s supposed to be illegal. And who keeps a changeling horn in a jar?

And how the hell didn’t I know Scootaloo was gone? That filly was like my shadow before the accident. I even caught her snooping through my clothes dresser after I’d taught her to fly. She’d tried on my old Shadowbolts Nightmare Night costume and begged me until I let her keep it..

By the time we reached the library, Rarity and AJ had caught back up with us. Together we went up to the front door and knocked.

“Come in,” Twilight said. “It sure has been a hectic few days.”

We walked inside and saw Twilight sitting at a table with six chairs and plenty of tea for everypony. It was like she was expecting us. While the tea set looked clean, the same could not be said for their owner. Twilight’s mane was an unkempt disaster, and her red eyes had puffy bags under them. It appeared as if she had gone a couple days without sleeping.

She sighed and stood up. “I thought this would happen, I’m sorry, Dash, but repeated use of memory spells t—”

“Wait, you did mess with my memory?” I asked.

“Yes, but I can expl—”

Before she had a chance to, I leapt over the table and tackled her, pinning her to the floor.

“This whole mess is your fault? You think you can just go erase all the stuff you don’t like in my brain?”

“Easy, Dash,” Applejack said. I felt her pulling me off Twilight by the tail. Being yanked on the tail was painful enough that I didn’t put up much resistance, until finally Twilight was able to stand again.

“Please, Dash, I really can explain.” Twilight smiled and gestured to the table.

Rarity had already sat down. “Yes, let’s give her a chance. I’m sure there’s a perfectly good explanation for this.”

Everypony sat down except for me. I took up a spot on the table opposite Twilight and stood there, staring at her.

“Tea?” Twilight asked. She started pouring tea for everypony.

“No tea. How many times have you messed with my head?” I asked.

Twilight took a sip of her tea and tilted her head in thought. “Well, to ensure you didn’t get worse, I’d say about fourteen times.”

I started to climb onto the table and was about to yell at her when Applejack stopped me with her hoof.

“Twilight, erasing memory even once is against the law,” Rarity stated. “Why would you break it and risk losing your title and upsetting Celestia?”

“Because I couldn’t lose Dash again. I don’t want to lose any of you, but I never thought one of you would die so soon.” Twilight frowned and drank her tea.

I crossed my forehooves and sat down on the chair. “Start from the beginning, and make it snappy.”

Twilight managed a small smile. “After the accident you went into a coma, and were pronounced brain dead. I was able to use my magic to salvage parts of you, Dash, but not all of it. I required a—transfusion—from another pony.”

“You can’t transfuse memories, unless you took their whole brain out too,” Pinkie said.

We all looked at her, and I’m sure somepony was about to ask her to be quiet, when Twilight agreed with her.

“Pinkie is right. You can't just transplant a brain either, I had to write my own magic for this; to make sure the spell didn’t unravel, I had to erase any memory you had that wasn’t yours, Dash,” Twilight explained.

“Then whose memory was it?” I asked.

She took a deep breath and tried to hide a frown. “It’s—really not important.”

“Twilight, ah reckon it is important. How’d ya get a changeling horn? Why hide the records?” Applejack asked.

I looked at my saddle bags which AJ was now emptying onto the table. As the jar with the horn rolled out, I felt a wave of dread came over me. “I’m not even the real Dash, I’m a changeling!”

“No!” Twilight shouted. “Look, that experiment failed, honest!”

I was breathing fast and couldn’t pull my eyes off the horn. “This is just another nightmare, that’s what it is, I’m sick. . .”

“See, this is why I didn’t tell you. Now she’s gonna relapse and I’m gonna have to rebuild her memories all over again!” She threw her hooves in the air and moaned.

Fluttershy came over and wrapped a wing around me, then looked me in the eyes. “Relax.”

I took a few deep breaths and began to feel better. Her presence had a calming effect on me.

“Dash, you’re not a changeling, I had to use another pony for the procedure,” Twilight explained. “I had to make sure you lived so we didn’t lose the element of loyalty, and more importantly, my friend.”

“Then who did you use?” I asked.

“It’s not important,” Twilight said.

“And ah say it is,” Applejack replied. She watched as Twilight refused to meet her gaze. “Ya didn’t breathe a word of this to Celestia, did ya?”

Twilight looked her in the eye. “Of course not! She would have let Dash die, just like she lets everypony die when she has the power to save them!”

“What about the other pony, darling, why do you get to choose to kill them?” Rarity asked. “How do you justify that?”

She slammed a hoof on the table. “I didn’t kill them! They’re just fine. I just took the memories I need, rewrote the rest, and rebuilt Dash!”

With Fluttershy’s calming effect still lingering, I was able to look Twilight in the eye and see past my confusion and anger, if only for a moment.

“Who was it?” I asked.

Twilight looked at me and glanced down at her hooves, beginning to cry. “P-please, ask me anything else, I. . .”

Standing up I kicked the chair out from behind me. “Who. Was. It? Whose brain did you fry to fix me?”

She glanced around at the other ponies for support. Fluttershy and Pinkie looked appalled. Rarity seemed disgusted, having some greater knowledge of the laws of magic than the rest of us. Only Applejack seemed indifferent as she watched each of us speak in turn, gauging the honesty of our words.

“It was—T-the p-pony—” Twilight started mumbling. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she struggled to compose herself.

“Speak up!” I shouted.


Once again I put my speed to use, clearing the table before Applejack’s teeth bit at where my tail had been. Having failed to stop me, Applejack could only watch as I landed on Twilight with a grimace and fire in my eyes.

I heard the other ponies shouting, but didn’t register any of the words. I brought my hoof down on Twilight’s jaw with a loud crack, and saw her spit out some blood.

“What the fuck did you do to Scootaloo?!”

Author's Note:

The moment you've all waited for has arrived. I expect 4-5 more chapters at the old 3 day pace, as my "which twist" dilemmia has been solved. Sadly, the original twist that was tossed out can't really be retconned in, so I'm going to write a "dark comedy" where a brain dead Dash is saved using a more comical means.

Jaestring guessed the twist first, followed closely by Derpy-eyes-avatar-commentor. Make sure to use {spoiler} tags in your comments. Spoilers are the fastest way to lose a friend, forever! :pinkiecrazy: