• Published 29th May 2013
  • 18,242 Views, 1,564 Comments

Winter's Child - Softy8088

Twilight Sparkle deals with an unexpected pregnancy - and the complicated relations that led to it.

  • ...

Dream (Part II)

“Now, listen here, boy, and listen well. I know you think you’re hot stuff. I know you think you’re good enough for my daughter. You come waltzing into her life with your so-called good looks and smarmy little smile. You whisper a few sweet nothings in her ear and you tell her you love her, and you think she’s yours, just like that. She’s head over hooves for you, like every other girl you’ve been with and left behind when you got bored after you’d gotten what you wanted.

“But let me tell you, in words even a thick little upstart like you can understand: You’re nothing. You’re barely good enough to walk on the same dirt as her. You should feel lucky that you get to breathe the same air as she does. My little Twilight is the best little filly in all of Equestria. When she was in kindergarten, she was already smarter than you’ll ever be. She has more magic in her left ear than you have in your whole body. You don’t deserve her. You never will.

“But... you do have one thing going for you: You make her happy. And you managed to convince her that you’ll be able to keep it up for the rest of her life. That’s why she agreed to marry you. Obviously, she sees something in you that I don’t; all I see when I look at you is on overconfident little punk. Heavens know Twilight is perceptive. She’s more intelligent than I am a dozen times over. So... I’m going to trust her judgement, and I’m going to let you try your best to make her life better.

“Always remember, though: That’s the price you’re going to have to pay. Every day from now on, you will love her, cherish her, and respect her. You will never, ever hurt her. If you do – if you ever make her feel pain or grief – I promise you: I will make you wish you were dead. I don’t give a damn what it takes, I don’t care what it’ll cost me, but I will make you pay for hurting my daughter.

“So, this is your last chance, boy. Last opportunity to back out. Because once you join this family... there’s no getting out.”

The blue stallion’s intense golden eyes pierced into his target.

Shining Armor looked back, unimpressed. “Dad... how much have you had to drink?”

“Quiet, kid. I’ve been practising that speech for years and I’ll be darned if I’m going to let you ruin it for me.” The senior unicorn downed his glass, swallowed, and coughed. “But to answer your question, not nearly enough.”

The white pony groaned, working his hoof against his temple in a vain attempt to banish a growing headache. “Well, I suppose it’s a good sign your sense of humour is coming back.”

Nightlight frowned. “You think this is a joke?”

“Dad... you know I’d never hurt Twilight. I’d die to protect her. That’s always been true. And this... this doesn’t change anything. Not really.”

“Oh, so you didn’t really get her pregnant and now you’re not really marrying her? Good, I was worried there for a second.”


“And stop saying that. You don’t get to call me ‘dad’ until you’ve officially become my son-in-law.”

Shining Armor shut his eyes and breathed, pressing a forehoof to his chest and extending it outwards as the air escaped his lungs. From his vantage point on the dais of Canterlot Castle’s Grand Hall, he observed the plentiful crowd being ushered into positions by a quartet of uniformed stallions briskly clearing stragglers off the red carpet of the centre aisle. Pale purple fabrics hung between the lofty columns, while small arrangements of various flowers, dominated by violet orchids, dotted the space. A plethora of candles held securely in sconces supplemented the dimming light of the sunset cascading through towering windows. The orchestra was in place and awaiting their cue.

Everything was almost ready.

“How do I look?” he asked, adjusting the cuffs of his uniform, though they were undeniably perfect.

“Like they haven’t kicked you out of the Guard yet,” Nightlight answered, taking another drink.

Shining huffed dismissively. “Probably just a hold-up with the paperwork.” His father’s inexplicably-refilled glass caught his attention. “Hey, this isn’t the reception. Where are you even getting those from?”

The elder unicorn shrugged. “That pink one over there,” he said, pointing out the most enthusiastic of the five bridesmaids taking up their positions on the dais stairs, “asked me what would cheer me up. I told her.”


“It’s just fruit punch,” he conceded with a hint of disappointment, “but I can pretend, can’t I?”

Father and son intently examined the floor at their hooves. Both opened their mouths to speak, tripping over each other’s truncated syllables before eventually settling on an order.

“Thanks, dad. For being here.” Shining smiled.

Nightlight smiled back. “Hey, I’m not going to miss my daughter’s wedding, am I? Even if it is...”

A pause.

A sigh.

“You know, your mother and I were always amazed at how close you and Twilight were growing up. We could tell there was something special between you. At the time, we thought we must’ve been doing something right.”

Shining spoke quietly. “You were.”

“I don’t pretend to understand it, but... I guess I don’t need to.” His expression steeled. “If this is what makes you and Twilight happy, and if Cadance approves, and if it matters so much that you’re willing to put your career on the line... then I have to believe it’s the right thing to do.” Without further fuss, he pulled his son into a hug. “You take care of her, alright?”

“I will,” the other stallion promised. “Will you... make sure mom’s okay?”

“Oh, she’s fine.” Nightlight loosely waved a hoof. “Can’t you tell she’s happy as a clam?”

Shining Armor looked back. “I’m not so sure about that...”

Under an archway constructed of greenery, ribbons, and blossoms, subject to the curious but silent and academically distant observation of a blue-coated, starry-maned alicorn princess, an oddly lopsided conversation was in full gallop.

“Oh, and I just know you two will be so happy together!” Twilight Velvet exuded with a beaming smile. How it had not yet cracked her face in half was a mystery.

Cadance’s smile, in stark contrast, was fighting for its life, supported by strained cheeks and under assault from a grim spark of fear in her eyes. “I’m sure we will, but there are really going to be three of–”

“My little Twilight, married! And to royalty, no less! I dreamed about this day for so long!”

“Well, Shining and I will–”

“Of course, I always pictured her with a handsome stallion; a prince or some such...”

“Technically, she is marrying a–”

“And to think, I never even suspected my daughter was into mares! What with her only ever talking about stallions, I could only assume.”

“I’m pretty sure Twilight prefers stallions. It’s really Shining that–”

“Oh, but don’t think I have anything against that! Not at all!” The pale grey-purple pony brought a hoof to her cheek with a gasp. “And, by Celestia, what a mare she picked! It’s hard to believe nopony else has scooped you up already, but I guess it was just meant to be!”

“Uh, I am married. To your–”

“And you look a gem, absolutely perfect, stunning in that gown!”

“This is the same wedding dress I wore when I marri–”

“Let me just say, it’s going to be wonderful having you as a daughter-in-law!”

“I’m already your daughter–”

“You’ll be the perfect family! You and my Twilight and, then, when Little Cadance arrives... Oh and it’s just so nice for a filly to be named after her mother – well, one of her mothers.”

The pink alicorn’s eyes frantically signalled for help from anypony nearby. “That’s, um... Twilight decided that–”

“And I just want you to know, I have no problem with you breaking from that whole ‘Twilight’-naming tradition. I only followed it on a whim, really; I’m hardly a stickler for that sort of thing. But maybe you and my Twilight would consider it for your second daughter?”


Just then – that is to say, not a moment too soon – Cadance’s rescuer arrived.

“Come dear,” Nightlight implored his wife, pulling her deftly away from her victim and down to the waiting crowd. “They’re about to start.”

Cadance exhaled a mixture of anxiety and relief.

“Congratulations to you both!” Twilight Velvet called back, manically waving a hoof.

“Thank you...”

After a few moments of blissful respite, Princess Luna approached her niece slowly, at long last deigning to speak. “Does that mare... understand what is about to take place here?”

“I... don’t know.”

“Are you alright?” Shining Armor asked as he took his place at his wife’s side. “It looked like you were hoping for that little talk to end. I’m sorry for not coming sooner.”

“I think your mother might need a little more time to adjust than we first thought,” the young princess stated in a cautiously diplomatic tone. Within seconds, all qualm in her features was discarded in favour of a serene smile. “I’m fine. In a few minutes, I’ll be married to a pony I love.”

“Again?” A lightly teasing smirk played on the stallion’s muzzle.

“Again,” Cadance confirmed.

“Nervous at all?”

“Not really. I have done this before,” she quipped. “You?”

Her husband weighed the question. “A little,” he said, the understatement clear.

“Don’t be. Everything’s going to be just fine.” The alicorn leaned into him comfortingly.

He nodded, gradually copying his mate’s placid smile. “Yeah... I think it will.”

Slowly, the sun’s final rays faded away from the high columns that had been their last refuge from the encroaching night, leaving dozens of small fires to hold their legacy as Celestia’s orb consummated its journey and finally lay to rest.

Luna offered a brief tilt of her head in approval at the sight. An unassuming look toward the orchestra was the indication to begin.

The choreography was spot-on. The unicorn guards at the doors parted the entrance with the first note of music. First to enter was the happy, bouncy flower girl trio of Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, generously spreading fragrant petals on the path. Behind them, drawing every pair of eyes from the hushed gathering, walked the very-blushing bride, Twilight Sparkle.

Her gown was purple – disproving some of the unsung lyrics of the ‘Bridle Chorus’ currently playing – trimmed in sapphire blue and radiant white, simple, smooth, and elegant with a short train. It was what she had always wanted. Rarity had, as always, outdone herself, and the fit was flawless in every respect.

Twilight’s heart thudded, her legs felt weak, her lungs laboured, and a perpetual urge to faint hung around her neck. Nevertheless, she made the journey down the aisle with perfect step and pace, her sparkling glass slippers moving as if they knew the way all on their own. In seemingly no time at all, she had climbed the stairs, passing by her friends – Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy – all of them holding back joyful tears, all of them affording looks of unreserved pride and support. Opposite them stood a tuxedoed Spike, a velvet pillow with three golden rings held in his claws, bright eyes and bright smile upon his face.

Beneath the archway waited Shining Armor and Cadance, side-by-side, dressed very much for the occasion, and observing her like well-behaved foals waiting to open their Hearth’s Warming presents.

Luna smiled warmly, a slight flick of her eyes instructing Twilight to take her place to the left, while the other two ponies stood on the right.

The orchestra finished their tune.

Excited whispers circulated.

Luna opened her mouth to speak.

With no warning, the hall’s grand doors flung open, instantly dousing the room with a quiet so profound that even the flames of the candles cowered and paled in fearful reverence of the new arrival. Not a single voice gave its presence as Princess Celestia of Equestria entered, a sea of ponies parting before her with a perfect silence broken only by the rhythmic hoofsteps of the diarch upon plush, red carpet.

Her mane shimmered and flowed with an uncanny vigor, sparkling as if possessed of a starfield eerily reminiscent her sister’s. Her presence, and the pony herself, seemed to grow larger as she pressed forward. At moments, she would look aside to the gathered crowd, forcing individual ponies back with a dangerous glare. Her main focus, however, lay squarely on the four ponies atop the dais. She towered ominously over them even before ascending the final step to their level.

Her vision scanned each one in turn. Cadance and Shining Armor vacillated between looking straight back and shying away; finding their strength only to have it torn away again and again. Twilight urged herself to peer into her mentor’s eyes, and saw a storm there; lighting and thunder and howling winds to put the fear of life into anypony. She wanted to turn aside but could not, wanted to run but could not. That look had her trapped for as long as the princess desired.

After an eternity, Celestia’s gaze turned from Twilight to her own sister. Luna stood opposed, not an iota of fear anywhere in her being, stance firm, brows low and muzzle held high, the night sky of her mane roiling upward and sparking with energy, compensating for her smaller stature with pure force of presence – and succeeding.

“Sister,” the younger alicorn spoke, shattering the charged quietude of the room, “unless you are here to wish these ponies well, you are not welcome. This is a celebration of love and unity, not a place to diminish them on account of... politics.” She spat the final word.

“You would seek to banish me from the halls of my own palace?” Celestia’s voice was less than Luna’s in volume, but effortlessly matched it in authority.

“There are things even you cannot control, sister. This wedding will go on as planned, and you will not stop it,” Luna decreed. “Whatever the fallout, I shall bear it on my own wings. Leave, hide, if you so fear the public reprisal. Denounce me, us, this entire proceeding, but do not interfere.”

For an instant, the Sun Princess’ features softened, and a look of... sadness? shame?... darkened her face.

The Night Princess remained on guard.


Her eyes downcast. “I still do not comprehend how you can be opposed to the love these ponies share. I had not thought you so... weak... to succumb to the prevailing vicissitudes of erotic vogue. Do the voices of fickle hypocrites and arrogant busybodies truly hold such sway over you that you would protest the magic of love itself to satisfy them?”

Celestia’s words lowered to nearly a whisper. “You think so poorly of me?”

“How can I not?!” Luna railed. “What other explanation have I for your shameful course of action in this matter?!”

The elder princess looked ready to hurl an equally-vicious counterpoint, but held back. She measured her words carefully. “I will not have an illegal wedding take place right under my nose. I am not fit to lead if I do.”

“Then make it legal,” Luna shot back, her words both challenge and plea.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “I just did.”

A square of parchment, royal seal visible, floated to the younger diarch. She absorbed its contents quickly, the defiance in her face rapidly giving way to proud satisfaction. She proffered the document to the other ponies for review. “Royal dispensation for first-degree consanguineous matrimony,” she announced, “granted to Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, by order of Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria.”

Looks of pure happiness tumbled between them. Luna seemed ready to laugh. Twilight felt ready to cry. Shining and Cadance looked ready to do both.

“Thank you, princess,” the young unicorn said, wiping at her eyes.

Celestia’s expression remained hard and immune to the mirth around her. Once more, she observed each pony one by one.

“My beloved sister.”

Luna looked back with a conciliatory smile.

“The honoured Captain of my Guard.”

Shining Armor saluted.

“My precious niece.”

Cadance bowed her head.

“My most faithful student.”

A single drop fell from Twilight’s cheek at the acknowledgement.

“You four are, without question, the ponies closest to me. I will be judged by the company I keep.” A pause, while the princess mulled something over. “So be it,” she declared at last. “I see now the bond between you is genuine. Whatever the consequences, you are strong enough to face them. Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight... I wish you success and happiness in your new life together.” A tiny smile materialised on her muzzle. “It may be a little late, but you have my blessing.”

“You are not too late, sister. Though you did... cut it a little close,” Luna noted with a wry smirk. “We are about to begin.”

Celestia nodded, and quickly moved aside, taking up position at the midpoint of the steps, behind the bridesmaids. Twilight felt an aching in her chest, though it was a decidedly good ache. The sight of her mentor filled a hole that had been threatening to forever mar her memories of this moment.

The Princess of the Night cleared her throat, employing a somewhat less-intimidating version of the Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice as she addressed the happy crowd. “Subjects, friends, loved ones... On this night we gather to witness and celebrate the union of these three ponies, who have, time upon time, proven their love and dedication to each other. Against all odds and all opposition, their relationship has thrived and grown. In the finest example of ancient tradition, oft and unjustly derided in these modern times, they have chosen to select their life mates not from the strangers of the world, but from those closest to them; from their family. Too often we ponies seek out joy by attempting to acquire more than we have...” Here, Luna met her sister’s eyes meaningfully. “...instead of rightly treasuring that which we do. So, it is with great satisfaction that I stand here before you, ready to seal the souls of these ponies together, entwining their lives forever.”

The gathered attendees watched in joyful silence. Twilight found her mother wiping away tears; first her own, then her husband’s.

“Princess Cadance,” Luna continued, “do you accept Twilight Sparkle into your marriage and into your life, do you swear to love and cherish her, through times good and ill, do you entrust to her all that you have and all that you are, and do you promise, in witness of this gathering, to share with her your joys, your sorrows, your heart, and your husband?”

Cadance didn’t hesitate. “I do.”

“Shining Armor, do you accept Twilight Sparkle – your sister – into your marriage, do you swear to love and cherish her, through times good and ill, do you entrust her with all that you have and all that you are, and do you promise, in witness of this gathering, to share with her your joys, your sorrows, your heart, and your wife?”

Liquid pooled in the stallion’s eyes. “I do.”

At last, the nocturnal alicorn faced Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, do you accept Shining Armor and Cadance into your life? Do you swear to love and cherish them both, through times good and bad? Do you trust them with all that you have, all that you are? Do you promise, in witness of this gathering, to share with them your joys, your sorrows, and all your heart?”

The young unicorn’s chest thudded, the pounding in her ears making it difficult to hear. She was terrified and ecstatic all at once, frightened beyond reason of what was to come but certain like never before that it was the best thing to ever happen to her. Other moments in her life – her first successful spellcast, her acceptance into Celestia’s School, her discovery of the magic of friendship – competed for significance, but all fell short of the mark. This moment, held together by two little words, would define both her past and her future like nothing else.

“I do.”

Luna beamed. “Then by my authority as Princess Co-Regnant of Equestria, I pronounce you wed. May friendship and joy be your eternal companions. May your nights and days in this world be numerous. May the stars guide you fortuitously down the path that lies before you. And may the strength of your union serve as inspiration and hope to those around you. Shining Armor, Mi Amore Cadenza, Twilight Sparkle, you may now seal your bond.”

Twilight and Cadance embraced and kissed first, to the whooping cheer of the crowd. Shining Armor was next, pressing his lips to his sister’s – for the very first time openly, brazenly, in public – drawing out further approval from the gathering. Finally, Cadance and Shining kissed each other, reaffirming their love.

Celestia was smiling. Luna was laughing outright. The crowd was whistling, hollering, and applauding as confetti and streamers flowed from above. Twilight’s friends were speaking their congratulations – Rainbow from the air, Pinkie between elated bounces, the rest from all around – and her parents were in each other’s forelimbs, weeping in joy.

Twilight felt her life fall into completion. She had passed a test; not of achievement or of effort, but of her very person. She had bared herself for judgement and been found worthy. Worthy of respect, worthy of friendship, worthy of love. Everypony that mattered to her was there with her, supporting her, accepting her, and the future could not be brighter.

It was perfect.

“Another kiss, Twiley?” her brother offered.

Why not?

Their muzzles met once again, the sounds of the crowd rising into an indistinguishable, all-present din, urging her on. She kissed passionately now, open-mouthed, exploring her brother’s tongue, relishing in the feel of his warmth, his scent, the taste of his flesh, the tickling sharpness of his fangs...


She pulled away. The creature that stood before her wasn’t her brother. That was logical; her brother didn’t have fangs.

Or insect wings. Or holes in his legs. Or segmented eyes. Or black, chitinous skin.

Changelings did.

She was looking at a changeling.

“Something wrong, Twiley?” the changeling asked.

She pointed with a shaking hoof. “You– you’re...”

“Oh, this?” he asked nonchalantly, lifting a perforated foreleg. “We’re married now. There doesn’t seem to be any point in pretending.”

“Cadance?!” Twilight called, turning to her former foalsitter.

A tall, slender changeling princess stood in the formerly pink alicorn’s place, her insectoid wings glistening in the light, her long, cerulean hair framing her black features. Her pupils had transformed into catlike, elongated ovals, though the irises retained their familiar violet hue, and a jagged dark blade substituted the regular, unassuming spiral of her horn. “It’s okay, Twilight,” Cadance’s reverberant voice said. “We won’t hurt you. You’re our family now. A part of our hive. We don’t harm our own.”

Twilight’s body whipped around. Her friends were not there. Instead, three drones stood on the steps, a fourth was hopping up and down giddily, and another was hovering in the air with forelegs crossed and a smug look. “Pretty cool, huh, Twi?”

Her sight then turned to the crowd, drawn by dozens of bursts of green flames, as one pony after another dropped their disguise to reveal a changeling. She had no trouble finding her parents – not really her parents, she concluded – they were the two drones still hugging close together with looks of pride, one dabbing the other’s tear-stained face with a cloth.

“Are you afraid?” Luna, now a changeling princess herself, asked calmly, the echo in her voice peculiarly appropriate.

“N– no,” Twilight replied hesitantly. “I’m not afraid.” Her heart beat... normally. Her breaths were regular. Her coat was dry. She felt no panic. She meant it.

Why wasn’t she afraid?

Around her was an entire army’s worth of creatures whose purpose in life was to feed on ponies. Twilight was still a pony – she verified it by holding out her own hoof and quickly casting an illusion-cancelling spell. A lone pony in the midst of a changeling infestation should have been terrified.

The creature that used to be Celestia approached, smiling gently. “Good. You have nothing to fear here. We only want your love.”

“Love us,” the changeling Shining Armor said, “and we will protect you... and your daughter. Live with us, Twiley. Accept us.”

“We meant those vows,” the changeling Cadance assured, “we will cherish you as you cherish us. We will give you everything you need. You’ll be happy.”

“I do so hope you appreciate the advantages of this arrangement,” the changeling Rarity added.

The airborne drone grinned from above. “You gotta admit, Twi, this wedding just got way more awesome!”

“Oooh, this calls for a ‘Twilight-just-joined-the-hive’ party!”

“Hold up, y’all. I reckon the poor girl wasn’t countin’ on her special day bein’ this life-changin’. Take yer time, Twi. We won’t force ya.”

“Oh, Twilight, we– we’d love it if you stayed with us... um, if– if that’s alright with you.”

The former-Shining Armor nuzzled her belly. “Think about it, Twiley. You and Little Cadance will be royalty to us. There’s nothing we won’t do for you.”

The former-Cadance caressed her from the other side, pressing cheek-to-cheek. “Love is never a taboo in the hive. It is the most valuable thing we have; there’s no shame in it. We accept you, and your child.”

“Be with us.”

“Love us.”

Twilight looked around. Excited buzzing and expectant, fanged smiles were everywhere. She was the centre of attention – though not in the manner of cornered prey. She felt genuinely adulated. The offer tempted her. An easy life. No shame. No hiding. And Little Cadance... her life would be that of a princess.

The two changelings she had just sworn to love waited with hopeful eyes.

She had married them. It had been a lie but... had it, really?

What did it matter what they looked like, or what their names were?

Twilight wasn’t so shallow of a pony to make such minor details deal-breakers.

It didn’t matter.

What mattered was that she had promised to love them.

She loved them.

“Okay,” Twilight said, smiling at her new family.

Author's Note:

Thanks go out to my wonderful prereaders, Journeyman and AnonponyDASHIE.

• While this entire story is meant to be told from Twilight's perspective, the first half of this part takes place without her present. My justification for this is that it's a dream; it's entirely possible to dream about events that don't include oneself. (I have dreams like this on occasion.)

• The Luna here is not intended to be "dreamwalker Luna". The basic idea for this chapter was in place before "Sleepless in Ponyville" aired. I wrote Luna as simply a character in Twilight's dream; no more, no less. That said, if any of my readers choose to interpret her differently, I have no objections.

• Poor Spike. He was utterly forgotten, and his only mention was a last-minute addition. I just didn't have anything for him to do.