• Published 24th May 2013
  • 10,293 Views, 158 Comments

Ascent. Book 1: Twilight - viwrastupr

An illustrated fic featuring the journey of Twilight as she comes to terms with her feelings for a good friend.

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Chapter 3: Trust

Applejack fell on her back, struck silent and wide eyed by a purple explosion in her mailbox that both singed her hair and left a strange smell. The cowpony took great caution investigating her mailbox a second time and in its depths found a single cream scroll. When she recognized Twilight’s cutie mark as the seal a sigh escaped her lips.

“Well now.” She unravels it to read on the walk home. “Let’s see what all the fuss is about.”

Dear Applejack.

I hope this letter find you. At all. I picked up this spell from a book in Princess Celestia’s study and it takes quite the practical magic to pull it off without setting fire to anything, let alone to deliver quietly. If it works I should be able to make it much quieter in the future but there will be a bit of an fire on your side so I can double check the first transport.

AJ tsked. That pony could do more magic than Applejack had ever seen and yet she was always worried that it wouldn’t work for some reason or another.

The Princess asked that I continue my letters on friendship while away, however she technically never specified who to give them to and I want to surprise her with all I’ve learned when I leave. Since we talked before and after my confession, I decided you would be first to write to.

So what have I learned about friendship? A friend in need is someone you can be there for. You can’t do a lot else without their consent. Princess Celestia is lonely and while she thinks I don’t know, I can see the ache in her voice and her tired walk. I see her as I would any other pony. She is a pony, Applejack and similar to you or me she eats hay, laughs at a good joke, and snores something awful. For the grand guise of being a matriarch she dons a mask of perfection that you and Rainbow are so used to but I don’t think she’s aware of how much it’s cracked over the years. I recall tea parties where she would tell a joke or share a secret and now she acts as if it never happened. She was my friend, Applejack and crush or no, I want to help that friend. I want her to be happy and I’ll be there for her to that end.

Your Faithful Friend,

Twilight Sparkle

“Well... ain’t that something.” Applejack hadn’t made it very far from her mailbox before becoming immersed in the letter. There were more apples to buck and another day to get through, but maybe first she would see how Rainbow and Pinkie were doing.

* * *

It was a strange sensation for Twilight to awaken in the Princess’s bed and her first reaction was to revel in the leftover warmth and scents from the sun goddess. Was that weird? Creepy? Yes, definitely, she thought, but she didn’t care. It was her presence that Twilight was surrounded by and she revelled in every second of it.

With a start Twilight remembered she was supposed to be there, next to the princess and covers flew off the bed. The smell of unwashed pony filled her nostrils. Oh... that’s me... She took a quick shower, trying to not take time to enjoy the sensation of warm water cascading over her, to not smell the fancy soaps that Celestia kept around, and to not smile that she was showering in her crush’s bedroom. She failed.

More than a little later she cracked open the bedroom door. “Excuse me, sir?” The guard stationed outside nodded at her presence, motioning for her to follow in silence.

Canterlot guards were expressly warned against any kind of tomfoolery while on duty and thus often made quiet traveling companions. An old memory came to Twilight. Herself as a young filly had offered a guard a flower which she had summoned herself. She laughed, it had been her very first summoning lesson and she had been so proud. There had been no response from the guard until Princess Celestia gave orders for him to drop the stoic behavior. He had accepted like a gentlecolt. While little else came of the incident, occasionally a similar flower ended up in her desert whenever she ordered in when up late studying. Twilight liked to think it wasn’t a coincidence.

For this guard though, Twilight put up the regal mask and royal canter just like her princess. There wouldn’t be a fuss or mention of Twilight Sparkle staying in the royal quarters as long as she acted professional about it, she thought. After thirteen nights perhaps rumors would start, but Twilight would deal with that when the time came, if Celestia even welcomed Twilight back into her... I was in her bed, she thought. Twilight maintained her composure of professionalism though her thoughts became anything but.

“Thank you sir.” She offered a formal bow to her guide at the end of their journey. A familiar entryway led her into the gardens where Princess Celestia entertained guests and took her afternoon tea.

When she saw them, her shock made time stand still.

* * *

Earlier that day Celestia spread her wings and let out a great burst of energy, giving herself to the freedom of the skies and away from her bedroom. Twilight’s hoof-holding had left a sour taste in her mouth and it bothered her that she couldn’t place why. It wasn’t that Twilight was doting, because it did and didn’t feel like doting. Celestia’s worry made her eager for the release the open air offered. Later. She would figure her feelings out later.

Today’s duties consisted of two delegations, judging some sort of contest, and an ambassador or two to receive. They were everyday duties that she could delegate to somepony else, even a low level magistrate, but she always found an excuse to do them. Something had to fill her days and her work was already her life, or so she justified.

Alone, quiet and with nothing but the wind in her ears, flight was her release from duty. A pegasus would flitter by from time to time but few ever dared to interrupt. On the streets there were regular bows, interruptions and requests, but not here, not in her sky.

What to do about Twilight Sparkle? Celestia began. Ms. Sparkle, an adult pony in her own right, was deluded. Smart, brilliant even, but deluded. I am the perfect pony to her. Like I am to all too many, she thought. Her wings took her higher and Canterlot spread out below her, looking smaller and smaller as the chill air bit at her skin and frosted over her breath. Still she rose higher, above the reach of any earth pony, unicorn, or pegasus. Her alicorn form allowed for this one freedom, at least.

Celestia had hoped to let her diary off easy by revealing the burden of immortality and then that would be the end of it, just like others before Twilight. But she had stayed. Worse than that she had blindly given in to comfort. Celestia’s next step of cold, cruel calculations that were everyday politics could shock her, but she had already seen the manipulations in court and hadn’t batted an eye. No. Her faithful ex-student required special attention. A certain meeting came to Celestia’s mind and the beginnings of a trap laid in her mind.

The Princess peaked in her flight, wings still for the barest moment before clapping them to her sides for a tremendous dive.

One more mask to take off and another pain to give, Celestia thought.

* * *

Back in the present Twilight stared, aghast at the scene laid out before her. Birds still insisted on singing and the bright and cheery afternoon carried on all despite the strange sight of ponies doubled. Princess Celestia was sitting quietly and sipping tea across from none other than Princess Celestia.

It wasn’t a spell, Twilight thought. She couldn’t find any illusions, and the only magical enchantments were those each Celestia used to grip their cups.

“Twilight!” An excited, happy Princess bounded over to her. Her heart stopped. Did Celestia like her? Could she possibly... A realization chilled her to her bones. This wasn’t her princess and Celestia would never bound to her.

“Queen Chrysalis.” Twilight offered a stiff, brittle bow. If the Princess was entertaining tea with Chrysalis, then there wasn’t a threat but this wouldn’t make sharing company with the queen any more pleasant.

A tsk responded to her quick discovery. It soon burst into a reverberating, all too familiar, laugh. Green flames licked at the Not-Celestia’s skin, peeling it away to reveal the insect queen beneath. “Oh she is good Celestia.” The piercing laugh continued.

Twilight took to the Princess’s right side and glared. “What is it doing here?”

Celestia’s teacup clinked softly and in keeping with her royal demeanor she nodded softly, acknowledging Twilight’s existence. “Queen Chrysalis is here to discuss the confidential terms of changeling migration and refugees. In keeping with such they are moving to Equestria.”

No. No, this is not okay, Twilight thought. “Are you insane?” She yelled at Celestia. “Chrysalis tried to take over Equestria! She can’t be trusted. She’s laying some sort of trap to steal love from citizens or wrestle power away from you or something!” If Twilight were less controlled her magic would be making sparks shoot from her horn, though as it was her hair stood on end and her words were sharp with anger.

Celestia gave Chrysalis a ‘shall you or shall I?’ look. The changeling nodded her willingness to give the lecture, albeit in her own way.

“Do you want a war Ms. Sparkle?” Chrysalis smiled. “Because I would so enjoy that.” A tentacle of green light flowed from Twilight to Chrysalis and she tilted her head to drink in it’s energy.

”We feed off hate too my little pony. Though it does have its,” she peeled off a chunk of flesh with the casualness that one associates with brushing off snow, “corrupting influences.”

Twilight had a difficult time holding back her contempt and in the end chose not to, turning to her once mentor. “But how, why? She is evil Princess, don’t you see that?”

“Celestia is the name, Twilight, we’ve been over this.” The glare from the sun goddess could have pierced stone yet Twilight stood her ground, glaring back with equal intensity.

A sigh sounding much more like the breaking of old wood came from Chrysalis, separating Twilight from her emotions. “We are parasites,” Chrysalis began. She continued to take her tea despite that it was devoid of substance for her, liquid pouring out of various holes. “We hunt, deceive and feed off the real” She smiled, a warped, wicked smile. “And I love it so.”

“But.” Celestia said, prompting an actual explanation.

Chrysalis relented, falling in on herself. “But when your Prin-cess caught us sneaking in at the badlands border in preparation for another coup, she did not see us as you so obviously do. She offered us accomodation.” With another sip steam came out the holes in her neck. “She offers us life.”

It dawned on Twilight; they didn’t have a choice in hunting for love. It was the only way for them to survive. They at least deserved life, right?

Celestia continued her talk where the student had so rudely interrupted. “In exchange for giving us magic that will immediately identify a changed changeling and public awareness of their abilities and possible, but non threatening, presence...” She trailed off, intentionally leaving pause for her companion to fill.

“We, the Changeling Empire,” Chrysalis continued, “will be allowed to mimic immigrating ponies from the Crystal Empire.” Flames burst again from Chrysalis and her body twisted into a resplendent crystal unicorn. “And find our own loves within Equestria.”

The rules were set, the game simple and the politics came together like so many puzzle pieces to Twilight. This was a peaceful compromise: one that both rulers could agree on. While neither party was exactly happy about the arrangement it meant less conflict on either side than an all out war.

“You’ve forgotten one little detail,” Celestia said. “Any changeling found replacing a known pony faces death.”

Or perhaps not so peaceful. It had been eons since capital punishment had been in Equestria and Twilight wondered if Celestia would ever have the stomach to carry through.

With a grin and eyes that were open too wide to be real Chrysalis leaned forward. “Is there nothing I can do to change your mind on this my queen?” Her last word was thick with sarcasm. “It is, after all, a part of our nature.”

The princess remained unmoved. “Change into whomever you wish, but do not take their place. Each will be judged by a juried court, but I’m sure with the proper incentive, there will be no incidents?” She stood, signifying that the meeting, as far as Celestia was concerned, was over. Anything left was a pleasantry.

Chrysalis’s head lowered to her chest, the queen’s false bravado fading once again. “We are tired of running Celestia. It has been a long time. We will be happy to have a welcome home where we can be fed... and-”

“be loved,” Twilight finished, her comprehension complete. Chrysalis grimaced, lighting her fire to once again shift back into a visage of Celestia. The queen was not about to waste this opportunity to pick at the foes that defeated her.

“This is why you asked me to become you,” Chrysalis teased. ”Oh Celestia, you are a mean one.” She lept to Twilight with unbridled glee, the younger pony sticking to her ground, staring down the Not-Celestia. “How long has she been pining away for you, hm? How long did you keep her in the dark that you knew?” Realization came to the unicorn and she turned away. Chrysalis smiled, still reading Twilight’s face. “Oh, you made her tell you... thinking foolishly that she could come to terms on her own, but you knew all along, didn’t you Princess?”

A controlled rage boiled within Celestia, but she remained silent, waiting as was proper for her guest to depart.

Chrysalis cackled, grinning in Twilight’s face. “I should thank you for the meal, Celestia. Or is it Tia? That brief moment of time when she fooled herself into thinking you would bound into her arms will sustain me for weeks.” A napkin raised to Not-Celestia’s lips and she wiped them, feigning manners. “I do suppose I owe you something for that. Hmm...” She cackled. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. How does that sound?”

Celestia’s manners all but disappeared as she stepped forward. “That is enough Chrysalis. You’ve had your fun and our business is concluded.”

“Are you sure?” Not-Celestia continued. “It’s a good one, Celest-Tia.” The Princess did not respond.

“Tell me,” Twilight broke her silence to ask. Even being in the presence of a bitter foe wasn’t enough to quell her thirst for knowledge.

Chrysalis grinned, a frightening expression on Celestia’s false face. Her game was won. “The secret, my dear, is that she would brave the Gates of Tartarus for you.

“I already knew that, queen.” Celestia allowed herself a snort.

A terrible, guttural snickering came from Chrysalis and continued until it had risen into full blown maniacal laughter, her body returning to as normal as changelings ever were. “No, you don’t.”

The queen turned to confront Twilight one last time. “Let me know if you ever want a substitute, little pony. We could have great fun together.” She winked, taking to the skies and away from the gardens.

There was no easy way for either pony left to come to terms with what had progressed. Celestia took Twilight out of the gardens and they walked in silence.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier,” Twilight mumbled, missing the point entirely wherein Celestia used her as changeling food. Yelling at the Princess hadn’t been something she planned and that certainly wasn’t a friendly thing to do. Though the Princess wasn’t her friend, that was no reason she couldn’t be a friend to the Princess. That wasn’t against her assignment, right?

“I said no doting Twilight.” Celestia commanded her in a royal tone, walking ahead, not meeting her eyes, nor acknowledging the meaning of her words.

Twilight could stand being used as changeling food. She could be polite to an enemy. She could even get used to being drug around like a shadow. But Celestia treating her as if they had never shared a secret and instead dismissing her friendship as ‘doting’ was too much. This wasn’t an assignment at all. It was an annulment of everything she knew the Princess was. She bit her lip, hanging on to one last thread of control. Celestia had their friendship at heart, she had to trust that.

“Dear Diary-” Celestia began, eradicating any idea of friendship from Twilights mind.

Twilight’s control snapped for a split second. A bolt of electricity shot from her horn towards Celestia’s royal rump. The thought of doing such a thing that was completely out of character for Twilight was so far from Celestia’s mind that the Princess didn’t see it coming. She yelped like a foal, falling over herself in a crumpled mess.

The unicorn’s rage continued. “You also said.” Twilight towered over her. ”Treat you like any normal pony, and I don’t know about you anymore but I apologize to my friends.”

Celestia was silent.

Twilight’s eyes went wide, realizing exactly what she had done. Her words came out stuttering and stammering, apologizing as profusely as she could. Cowering in resignation, she offered Celestia a hoof up which the alicorn took in silence. “Are you alright?”

For her part the Princess could not comprehend what had just happened, only that it was something very strange which caused her to limp down the hallway. She would wrap her head around it later. Like her feelings, it came later.

“Come,” she commanded. Twilight followed.

* * *

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Wait... what was her name doing in a Daring Do book and why was it in a funny hoof-written text? Slowly Rainbow came out from under reading’s spell to see a new piece of parchment sitting atop the page.

Oh, Twilight’s letter, she thought. Didn’t Applejack mention something about Twilight sending letters? While it was tempting to finish another chapter of Daring Do and the Order of Dragons, she set the book down. Twilight could need her help, after all.

Sometimes it’s hard to trust that a friend has your best intentions at heart. Especially when you don’t understand what they’re doing or why.

Just friendship stuff. One more chapter, Rainbow decided.

Daring Do stood at the chamber’s heart and looked the fierce bird in the eyes. “Your tacky tricks won’t work on me anymore Ali Zoran, for I have the magic of friendship!”

Now Rainbow Dash may have been new to reading, but that sounded entirely too corny to come from a Daring Do book. She read it again to see her book said ‘the dragon’s heart’ instead. It was so much cooler than the magic of friendship, but Twilight’s letter did kinda tug at her curiosity. She unraveled it again.

But it’s important to trust your friends and try to understand them. Princess Celestia works hard for the safety of the kingdom and that’s never come into question, but there are times when what she does doesn’t make a lot of sense. It’s easy to get stuck in stubborn patterns and trusting a friend can help you out of that. I can only hope that Celestia will put her trust into me so that we can move past this separation she’s put on our friendship. I trusted her today. It took a queen and a princess to remind me that ponies aren’t the only important creatures in the world. An important lesson.

However, I also didn’t trust the Princess today. I don’t know what she’s planning but this isn’t her. It can’t be. At least, I really hope this isn’t what she meant by ‘see who I am’. I’ve always considered Princess Celestia to be a close friend as well as a mentor and now I worry if she ever felt the same. Empirical evidence says so: we’ve shared too much. But I still worry.

This isn’t an assignment. I don’t know what it is but I’m going to try and figure it out, for myself and for her.

Your Faithful Friend,

Twilight Sparkle

The book looked so appealing to Dash with its promise of adventure, but Pinkie Pie had invited her to bake this afternoon to ‘get her out of those dusty old books’. Then again Daring Do was soooo close to using the heart and then the council would... she bit her lip.

“I’ll be back for you,” she said to her precious, taking flight. Maybe Pinkie would let her make a Daring Do cake.

Another parchment flashed before her eyes.


I need a favor...

* * *

Her private audience with the ‘Very Important Pony Unicorn League’ had turned into a debacle of models parading around Celestia as if their name was true. She stuck out her tongue, safe from prying eyes in Canterlot’s Archives. The recent bad memory was cast aside by the pleasant scent of the fire and spice of magic. She came upon her former pupil hard at work, books, diagrams and parchment sprawled out before the unicorn. Twilight’s magic always had a hint of cinnamon and ginger to it, Celestia remembered, inhaling the fresh scent. The Princess smiled at the nostalgia the scene brought. Canterlot’s Archives were also Twilight’s practice zone and while that was unusual, library patrons had gotten so used to seeing her there that they didn’t pay her spells any mind.

Celestia said nothing, watching her once student analyze and comprehend. Instead of offering a greeting, Twilight only glanced at Celestia before returning to her studies.

“The enchanting of crystals for the permanent encasement of spells.” Twilight answered the unasked question. “I’m not convinced that it takes more than one pony, let alone the hundreds described in the creation of the Elements of Harmony.” Dust floated away from the pages of yet another long forgotten tome being brought to light by the studious mare. Celestia listened, amused.

“It’s a matter of structure, like all spells, and not power which is what most ponies assume. All this is based off of what you’re trying to accomplish, which is described as a brute force technique. I believe this is incorrect and has nothing at all to do with the final pro- Celestia, are you laughing?” Celestia stopped, but the damage was done. ”This is serious business!” It was so unexpected and pleasant to catch her princess smiling that Twilight forgot to be grumpy at being laughed at.

A soft, gentle nuzzle met Twilight’s rambling, yet when she tried to return it Celestia shyed away. “Are you ready for bed my little pony?” the Princess queried.

“What, it’s not even-” Twilight moved to gesture to the window, but was interrupted by the moon high in the sky. “Dark.” She grinned sheepishly at her mistake.

Her study materials were put away each in their respective receptacle, Celestia aiding her in her organization. Once finished, she trotted alongside her princess. “Celestia, where am I staying?”

“With me, dear diary.” Again, no eye contact while the Princess gave orders.

Twilight froze. This wasn’t friendship and certainly not the openness of ‘live how I live’ that Celestia had espoused, but cold objectification. The soft nuzzle that just happened forgotten.

Point out her cruelty, she remembered, trusting Celestia’s orders. “I don’t like when you call me that. You’re being mean.” Hoofsteps passed by her in silence. Celestia would not join her in confrontation. Twilight entertained the notion of giving her Princess another shock to the rump, but dismissed it outright. That slip up was behind her, even though frustration now brimmed within.

They traveled to the royal quarters, the door shutting behind them with an ominous thud. The Princess and her diary were locked inside. An outburst of emotion filled Twilight on how she didn’t want to follow these rules anymore, how this couldn’t be Celestia, but she remained silent.

The Princess set aside her crown with much more care than the previous night. “I like this work.” Celestia broke the long silence. “I get to fix problems, make peace and play my wits against the world.” Twilight remained still as Celestia settled into her bed. “Dear Diary-”

“No.” Twilight defied her princess. “We’re not playing that game anymore. I am not an object.”

“You agreed to the rules,” Celestia sang.

Twilight thought. Her strength was that she could reason and so she took her time to put together the words to match her intention.

After an exchange of glowers with Celestia she broke the silence. “I agreed to treat you like any other pony. I expect the same from you.” She inhaled, preparing for her speech. ”I expect the same Celestia that laughs when I trip and fall to be the same pony who would help me up afterwards. I expect the same Celestia that would rock me to sleep to be the same pony that pushed me harder and harder when learning, never letting it be enough. I expect the same pony that manipulates politics to her ends to be the same pony that has good reasons for everything she does. I expect the pony that played her wits against mine at every turn to be the same pony that used those wits to play. I expect my friend. I don’t expect this because I care for you. I care for you because I can expect these things from you.”

Twilight could tell the princess wanted to say something, to lash out and respond, but she was biting her tongue, squinting from her bed. Their mutual stares continued until Twilight took the opposite side of the mattress and hid beneath the covers.

Celestia stared into space. This had been a very strange day for the Princess ever since her companion had come into it. First, Twilight had ignored her intended cruelty of using the unicorn for changeling food. Then she had been shocked onto her rump and yelled at, not for being an manipulative ruler, which had been her plan, but for being an unkind friend. After that her heart wouldn’t let go of her memories of Twilight, pouring over every moment they shared in study and... play. So scared was Celestia’s response to this adoration for her student, former student, that she had shut off her heart. Celestia had stuck to her thoughts of driving the pony away to a fault.

To a great fault, she chided herself. Her intention was to show herself, after all, not a cruel facsimile.

Celestia looked over at her companion. “You’re right Twilight, I’m sorry.” The Princess of the Day was not cruel, not even enough to push away a little pony.

Twilight slept. She never felt the peck on her cheek.