• Published 19th May 2013
  • 1,457 Views, 37 Comments

Tidbits of Mast and Sail - Habanc

Ye 'Ole Collection of Ships

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Author's Note:

This a prompt written for the TwiLuna Prompt Tag Collab.

There were times when fate forgot its designation, when each of life's tumblers clicked at the same time, when, for once, the governing heads of Equestria found themselves with a light workday. Each of the three handled it in their own special ways, and coincidentally on a spectrum of activity. Celestia preferred to shudder the walls in snoring sleep, while Luna, now unchained from the horrors of desk work, burst into play like a supernova. Twilight preferred a warm medium, a delightful bout of relaxation in the cozy company of a book. Rest for the body, energy for the mind.

However, seeing as she was willingly, romantically, and in very rare cases, physically chained to Luna, she had to compromise.

It had been a year ago when Celestia became disillusioned with her weight. Like her flanks weren't genetically meant to be that large, Twilight had scoffed at the time. It made no sense, and to top it off, her former mentor decided to install a pool for exercise. Right where her favorite reading spot was. "It puts less pressure on your joints!" they told her. "It'll keep you looking ages younger!" As if shearing away twenty years really meant anything. "You'll be the envy of stallions everywhere!" Hah. She wasn't already? Besides, her little tête-à-têtes with any handsome, young guard was Canterlot's biggest unkept secret.

And guess what? She hadn't even used it once. But the solar sissy would be damned if anypony got near it, even her own sister and prodigy.

Therefore, she had relented because of this, and willingly went through with Luna's plans. Curled up on a plush beach chair, enjoying the foreign feel of sunbathing while nose-deep in Brave New Stable, it seemed this was one of Lulu's better ideas. Much better than that whole incident with peanut butter, anyway.

"Twilight, you must come and relax with me for awhile!" Luna called, distant splashes heard over the rumbles of helicopters and whispers of hypnopædia.

"In a minute," she mumbled, trying to focus on the paintings of the savage reservation.

"You said that an hour ago!" Her partner whined.

"I– I know, I just have to get through this last part." She couldn't pull herself from the hungry quicksand of good literature. Carnage could rain from the heavens, manticores could establish a democracy within Manehattan, and Gummy could lead a band of revolutionary guerrillas to banish the evil grasp of cauliflower, but that would matter little until she finished a chapter.

"Twilight!" She could hear more splashes growing closer. A hoof clopped on what she presumed to be the marble-tiled edge of the pool. "Twilight, I want to enjoy this wonderful session of relaxation together. The stars have aligned for once – I promise on my moon that I only nudged them slightly – and we are in dire need of time together."

Twilight's reply was slow in coming. "Mhmmm. Hold on." A page flipped by her nose, with another pleasurable burst of book scent.

"Twiliiiiight. My heart withers, my soul threatens to tear itself apart! I cannot hope to continue on the treacherous path of life without your love-light to guide my lost soul! I require you immediately, as the flower does the sun. Oh cruel fate, what a mare have you cast upon me?" A thud hit the tiles.

Oh, for pony's sake. Twilight put down her book and gave Luna an unimpressed look. Only the midnight mare's head was visible, her wet, unenchanted, cyan mane falling over her face. But as soon as Twilight gazed upon her, a tiny smile grew on her features, like a puppy before a treat.

"Well, if you think the fates are cruel, you should see when somepony interrupts me from reading," Twilight warned her before going back to her novel.

But those words formed a funny itch in the back of the head. It wasn't as if Luna was a mischievous pony, right? She didn't prank the kitchen into submission, did she? She also didn't place anti-enchanting and blue-dyeing runes on Celestia's shampoo bottle, of course? No, no, of course not.

A splash of water hit her straight in the face, covering her and her beloved book. Her conscious shed a mighty tear then and there, as ink dripped away in unison.

The defender of diction released her former charge and rose from her seat, using one giant flap from her wings to launch herself towards the pool. Adjustments from her primary feathers gave her the accuracy of a laser-guided missile, coming down upon the giggling perpetrator.

But Luna was goddess of the moon, and the seas were her vassals. There was no better aquatic combatant. Luna, shortly after being pounced upon, jabbed a hoof between Twilight ribs. With the her partner paralyzed by laughter, Luna promptly dunked her under water.

Twilight arose from the great five-foot depths, coughing and sputtering, using a hoof to clear her mane-shrouded eyes. Luna was swimming away, but still clearly within striking distance. However, no matter what she tried, she couldn't bring herself to. A goofy grin captured her features.

"Luna, what are you wearing?"

The alicorn in question glanced down around her shoulders. Floaties were inflated around each leg, keeping her afloat while she paddled around the pool. "What, you mean these?"

"Yes," she cooed, followed by a giggle. "You do know those are just for foals, right?" She set off into the deeper end, swimming by her own accord. It was rather calming, the ripple and flow of water along her body, she decided.

Luna gasped in shock. "You know not what you speak! Mr. Dolphin is a rightful and reliable friend!" The decal of a dolphin adorned the sides of the floaties. "He allows Us–" she halted herself as an archaic tongue tried to set in amidst her emotions, "–me to enjoy the relaxation of swimming without tiring. I have no fear of failing to keep my head above water, but I would be devastated if a single session in the pool could disable my plans for the rest of the day!"

"Right." Twilight rolled her eyes as she drew close. She pecked her on the cheek. "I think it's cute."

Luna docked against a wall of the pool, allowing Twilight to rest her hooves on the shallow ledge of the floor before it dipped away. "Really?"

"Yes," she affirmed as she nuzzled her again. It was hard to resist.

"I do not understand..." Luna murmured. "Twilight, would you try these on? I am confused as to how they are attractive to another."

"Me?" Memories flashed through her head. Memories of coughing and flailing like a foal beneath the water before Celestia fished her out with a chuckle. Memories of having to take swimming lessons in gym class. Memories of putting those dreaded, plastic lumps of air on because she learned a little late. "Oh no, I possibly could–" But her brain came up with another interesting note of information. A delicious, wonderful thought. "–could... Could definitely be able to!"

Luna smiled and began to take them off in earnest, putting them on the edge of the pool. When she was done, she faced her partner. "Twilight, why have you not put them on yet? I would dearly like to know, and should they make you appear, as you put it, cute, then that would be a nice boon as well."

Twilight smiled at her, saccharine sweet. "Luna, I want you to know something."

Luna took a step closer, curiosity brimming in her eyes. "What is it, my dear?"

"I want you to know that I love you very, very much, and that despite whatever mischief you put me through, that will never change." She pecked her quickly, before whispering in her ear, "That, and you should never let your guard down."

A field of telekinesis took a hold of the poor alicorn and launched her across the pool.