• Published 17th May 2013
  • 6,864 Views, 324 Comments

Uniformity - adcoon

Lyra is not everything she claims to be. When she tries to leave town in secret, Bonbon follows to find out the truth, even if it takes them to the end of the world.

  • ...

VII. Soft Paws and Cold Feelings

The old wooden buildings creaked and groaned in the wind coming in from the sea, and leafless trees shook their withered limbs in the cold. Bonbon looked up at a looming tower of stone as they passed under its shadow. Jagged icicles hung from its snow-covered roof like gleaming fangs. A low, uneven fence of wooden planks ran along the side of the streets. Somehow, Bonbon thought, they too looked like rows of teeth in the maw of some slumbering beast.

North of the city she could make out the dark, conic shapes of firs; the beginnings of a forest. If Ponyville was a dreamscape of bedtime wonder in the winter, this village was surely the setting of ghost stories and nightmares. If it wasn’t for the gently rising smoke from some of the chimneys, she would have thought the place was abandoned, a ghost town. It made her glad that the sun had not entirely set.

“Hey, come on, this place looks okay,” Rainbow Dash called from up ahead.

Bonbon turned away from the buildings around her to look at where Rainbow Dash was waiting for them. She followed Lyra as they caught up and turned to look at the building in front of them. It was a fairly large single-story building of stone and wood. An orange light flickered in the windows, and some quiet activity was going on inside. Bonbon looked up at the sign above the door and read the letters. Rimeherst Inn and Community Hall.

When Bonbon looked back down, Rainbow Dash had already flown up to open the door. Bonbon followed and stopped inside the door, where they were met by the eyes of several griffons. The griffons were all gathered around a bar and looked like they had been in the middle of some deep and important conversation when the three ponies had burst in. There were no ponies, Bonbon noted as she looked around the room.

A bluish griffon with an impressive beak turned to give them the full attention of his disapproving glare. “What do you want, ponies?” The way he spoke the last word made it clear that he did not much like it, or them.

“Rooms for the night, of course,” Rainbow Dash said with a cool stare back at the griffon. “This is an inn, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” the griffon said and took a step towards them, locking eyes with Rainbow Dash. “And this here inn is for griffons only,” he said and pointed a claw at himself. “So get lost!”

“You tell ‘em, Geoffrey,” one of the other griffons hanging around at the bar chimed in. “We don’t want no ponies in here!”

Bonbon groaned. This wasn’t going to end well.

Predictably enough, Rainbow Dash didn’t take the suggestion. “Oh yeah? And where are we supposed to go instead? Maybe you can tell me that, huh?”

The other griffons in the room had risen to gather behind their friend, looking down at the three ponies with unapproving faces. The first griffon, whose name appeared to be Geoffrey, pointed at the door behind them. “Not my problem. Go roll yourselves in a haystack, or whatever it is you ponies like to do.”

Lyra placed a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder and gave her a pleading look. Rainbow Dash scowled at the griffons before turning around with a huff and an angry flick of her tail. “Fine, whatever!”

“That’s right, run along and hide. And don’t show your faces in here again,” Geoffrey said just before slamming the door shut behind them. A cold breeze blew through the street, carrying with it the distant howling of wolves.

“How rude,” Bonbon said and shook her head as she trotted away from the house.

“I wonder what made them so mad,” Lyra said quietly. “We were only looking for a place to stay.”

“Who cares?” Rainbow Dash said and continued down the street at a brisk pace. “Let’s split up and find someplace else.” She stopped and pointed down a road. “I’ll take this way.”

Bonbon and Lyra watched her fly off, then continued in the other direction together. It was getting late, and they would have to find something soon. They followed the road as it bent. There were small houses on both sides here. Everything was quiet, except for the wind and the creaking of wood. Whatever this village was full of, it wasn’t life, despite the griffons who inhabited it.

Lyra nudged Bonbon and pointed at a house. Bonbon turned in time to see the face of a young colt in a window the second before his eyes widened and his face disappeared. So ponies did live here too, she thought and followed Lyra. They had clearly come to the same idea.

Lyra knocked gently on the door of the house and waited. A moment passed, then a mare with dark rings around her eyes peeked out through the door at them. “Yes?” Her eyes moved slowly between them.

“Sorry to disturb you, Ma’am,” Lyra said, and something in her smile and manners seemed to make the other mare relax a little. “We’re just passing through and looking for someplace to stay for the night, but the inn appears to be closed to us.”

“Oh,” the mare said and opened the door a little more to look out at the road behind them. “You didn’t … upset them, did you?”

Lyra looked at Bonbon, then back at the mare. “We left without a fuss when they told us to go.”

“That’s good,” she said and stepped out to point at a corner down the road. “Turn right by that big house, then left by the tree. Can’t miss it. You’ll see a sign what says bed and breakfast.” She turned back to look at them. “And if you see any of them griffons about, just keep your heads low and stay out of their way.”

“Thank you, but why are the griffons so hostile?” Bonbon asked.

“You shouldn’t linger out here on the street. Get yourselves inside for the night,” the mare said and made to close the door. “Good fortune,” she added before the door closed on them.

Bonbon and Lyra shared a look before turning around to leave. They rounded the corner at the big house and came out on what looked like the main street. They quickly caught sight of the trademark colors of Rainbow Dash. The pegasus was talking with a griffon and gesturing with her hooves. The griffon seemed to share her annoyance.

“We’d better stop her,” Bonbon said as she and Lyra hurried off towards the two.

“—and I just want to know what’s going on!” Rainbow Dash persisted.

“And I said I want you off these streets!” The griffon repeated. He was wearing an old uniform with a badge, both of them heavily worn but still recognizable as items of authority. “If I don’t see you moving right now, I’m going to arrest you for causing a disturbance, Ma’am!

“Wh—” Rainbow Dash’s protest was cut short as a golden light surrounded her muzzle and closed it shut. “Mmmph!” Rainbow Dash protested at the magical muzzling.

“We’re terribly sorry,” Lyra said and bowed, while Bonbon grabbed a protesting Rainbow Dash and directed her around to leave. “We’ll get inside right away, sir.”

“You make sure that you do,” the griffon said, his eyes fixed upon them as they hurried off.

They reached a large fir tree in the middle of the street and turned left. Bonbon caught a glimpse of the griffon drifting slowly in the same direction, probably to make sure they kept their word. She let go of Rainbow Dash and slowed down slightly, but not too much.

Rainbow Dash sputtered as her muzzle was freed again. “What the hay is wrong with this place?” she complained and looked back over her shoulder.

“Let’s just focus on getting inside for now,” Bonbon said and yanked her back around. “Lyra and I think we’ve found a place to stay.” She had just finished saying that when she saw the sign. It was a simple two-story house connected with a small barn. The sign had fallen off and was now leaning against the wall.

“Yeah yeah.” Rainbow Dash sighed and glanced around as Lyra knocked on the door.

It was a while before hoofsteps could be heard from the other side. The door opened, and a dark gray earth pony looked out at them with vividly green eyes. A pair of glasses rested upon the tip of his snout, and the stump of a pencil was stuck behind one of his ears. He appeared to be waiting for them to speak up first.

Lyra smiled and did just that. “Good evening, sir. The sign says you have rooms for rent?”

The stallion nodded silently and turned around, leaving the door open for them as he trotted back inside. They wiped their hooves on the doormat, and Bonbon closed the door behind them as they followed. The stallion turned and lifted a hoof as a sign for them to wait there, then disappeared through a door.

Bonbon sat down in the small livingroom and took in her surroundings as they waited. It was a pleasant enough home, a little rustic but with a touch of warm colors to contrast the harsh cold outside. There were paintings on the wall and flowers in the windows. Papers and books littered the table, along with a pair of coffee cups and a bottle of liquor.

A minute later they heard hoofsteps again, and a dark purple unicorn stepped into the room and smiled at them. “Forgive my husband,” she said, her steel blue eyes watching them in turn. “Sadly, he cannot speak. I understand you were looking for rooms?”

“Yes. Just for a night or two,” Lyra said and returned the smile.

“Just passing through town, then?” She looked between them again. “Well, my name is Silver Moon. You already met Chartreuse, my husband. I’ll be happy to offer you breakfast in the morning if you want that with your stay.”

“I think we would like that,” Lyra said, and Bonbon and Dash both nodded eagerly. “My name is Lyra, and this here is Bonbon and Rainbow Dash,” she quickly introduced them.

Silver nodded and gave them each a firm hoof shake. “Pleasure to meet you. Now, we only have one room, but it has two beds, and there’s room to spare in the barn. We’ve made some room there for travelers, and there’s plenty of fresh hay to keep you warm. It’s quite comfortable, even in the winter. The room is fifteen bits a night, and you can get a spot in the barn for three. Breakfast is five bits a head.”

They looked around at each other. “Lyra should take the room,” Rainbow Dash said after a moment. “You and I can sleep in the barn,” she added with a look towards Bonbon.

“I don’t mind sharing the room with Bonbon,” Lyra said with a hint of uncertainty. “We may as well use both beds since we’re paying for them anyway,” she added.

Bonbon thought it sounded like an excuse and wondered what other reason Lyra could have to share the room with her, but she couldn’t say she hadn’t been looking forward to a proper bed after what felt like far too long sleeping in the wild. She decided it was probably nothing. “If you don’t mind it, then that’s okay with me too.”

“Oh sure, just leave me out in the cold,” Rainbow Dash teased.

Bonbon turned and smirked at the pegasus. “I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt you to try it for once.”

“Hah! I’ve slept under the open sky in rain and snow many times. I’m not some pampered prissy pony, you know,” Rainbow Dash said and puffed herself up. “And besides, I lived in Applejack’s barn for a few months after I came to Ponyville.”

“Really?” This information made Bonbon curious. They followed Silver to see the guest room and barn, and Lyra dealt with the business of payment while Bonbon waited outside in the hall with Rainbow Dash. “Why were you sleeping in Applejack’s barn?”

“Why not? I didn’t have the cloud manor back then, and I was still working my way up on the weather team, so AJ let me bunk in her barn for a time. She was pretty cool about it.” Rainbow Dash let out a breath and polished her hoof on her chest. “Of course, I was also trying to get her on a date, so it was the perfect place to live.”

Bonbon grinned with a growing appetite for details. “Oh? I take it that didn’t work out so well?”

“What are you, the paparazzi?” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Yeah, it didn’t work at all. Turns out she doesn’t swing that way, but she took it pretty easy, and we’re still friends, so it’s cool.”

“Even if you didn’t win?” Bonbon said with slightly veiled glee.

“How didn’t I win? I ended up with Twi instead,” Rainbow Dash jabbed her with a grin. “I like AJ and all, but we both know it wouldn’t have worked, even if we had given it a shot. I was just playing around back then and having a go at whoever seemed like fun. I figured I’d know when I hit the right one, and I did. I knew it was completely different with Twi.”

You never had a go at me. The thought came unbidden, and Bonbon quickly shoved it back into the deep dark where it belonged. She was long past that phase of her life. She definitely didn’t regret never having a chance with that stuffed-up bag of feathers. “You make it sound like she’s just some kind of trophy to you. Would you have asked her out before she became a princess?”

“No,” Rainbow Dash said, showing no sign of shame or hesitation. “But I would have if she had never become a princess. I wanted Twi long before all that, and I took my time until I knew the moment was right. With Twi I always knew it was serious, and I didn’t want to screw it up. I’m proud of her no matter what she does, and I’m proud that she loves me back.”

“You know you’re too bloody full of yourself, right?” The words lacked the anger she wanted to give them, but she was just too tired, and what was the point anyway?

“Heck yeah!” Rainbow Dash grinned as Lyra returned from the room following Silver. “I’m the only one who could possibly contain all my awesomeness!”

* * *

Bonbon sat down on the bed in the room she now shared with Lyra. It wasn’t a very big room, just enough for two ponies, but it was a vast improvement over sleeping among the snow and jagged rocks of the mountain, with nothing but a tent and a blanket to keep the wind out.

A small window in the gable let in the last light of day from outside. Bonbon looked at Lyra as she locked the door and pushed her saddlebags into a corner. “Does it hurt?” Bonbon asked as Lyra sat down and folded up her hoodie. “When you change, I mean.”

Lyra stuffed the hoodie into one room of the bag and opened up another. “A little,” she said and paused with her hooves on the bags. “It’s a bit like a prick of needles, but only for a second. It happens so quickly; I barely notice anymore. I used to think it was a little bit pleasant when I was a filly, in a strange way. Like, um, have you ever picked at a scab?”

Bonbon nodded vaguely.

“Something like that,” Lyra said and resumed her work.

Bonbon nodded again and lay down on her bed, still watching Lyra go through her bag. Outside, the Princess of the Night brought forth the moon. The change was immediate, and it took Bonbon a second to realize that it had happened right before her eyes. Lyra barely paused in her search of the bags to adjust her balance. It was so smooth, there was hardly any transition, only a brief shimmer of silvery moonlight in the air around her.

Lyra pulled out her notebooks and got up before sitting down on her bed.

Bonbon continued to watch her, fighting her eyelids to keep from falling asleep. She studied Lyra’s new look quietly as the human went through her notebooks on the other side of the room. It was not exactly a comely look, Bonbon decided in the privacy of her tired mind. It lacked that certain roundness and volume of body that ponies had, not to mention the soft sheen of a coat. The lack of a tail was almost the worst.

Perhaps Lyra would be quite attractive in the eyes of another human. At least Bonbon always thought she was beautiful as a pony, so it would make sense.

Appearance shouldn’t matter, but whoever first said that probably didn’t have humans in mind when they said it. And it did matter too, didn’t it? Even with ponies, it wasn’t entirely unimportant how somepony looked, even if it wasn’t everything or even the most important thing.

Bonbon yawned and blinked, and before she knew it her eyes had closed.

* * *

Hey Twi,

We found the town we were told about, but the griffons here are a bunch of pony-hating jerkfaces. They remind me way too much of Gilda. I didn’t need that memory. I bet she would love this place. We rented a room with some ponies, so at least we don’t have to worry about the griffons tonight. I’ll be looking for a ship first thing in the morning to get us out of here.

I’m sleeping in the barn, because the other two totally hogged the only room these ponies had. At least they seem to be getting on pretty well now, and sleeping in a barn brings back some good old memories. The only thing that’d make it better would be having you here.

Love you.


My Love,

I would love to throw aside my royal duties and “rough it” in the hay with you, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be very appropriate. Not to mention in a stranger’s home. Rarity has been teaching me all about how a princess is supposed to behave, or more often how she’s not supposed to behave, and I’m afraid it doesn’t allow for much fun. I may just have to forget those lessons once in awhile, but don’t tell anypony, especially Rarity.

Scootaloo went off to Canterlot earlier today, as planned. I’ve never seen the young filly so excited, or nervous for that matter. I kept the book here with me so she wouldn’t get distracted writing to you, but I’m sure she’ll have lots of things to write you about when she gets home. Perhaps even some big news.

♥ Your Princess,
Twilight Sparkle.


You’re such a tease, Twi.

Come on, what’s Luna got planned for her? I won’t tell her that you spilled the beans!



You know I love to see you squirm and beg, but I’m afraid I really can’t tell you, because I don’t actually know. You know Princess Luna. She likes to keep things dramatic and secretive, perhaps a little too much sometimes, but that’s just her way.

I must run. Always remember that I love you.

♥ Twi

* * *

The cellar was dark, but the air was hot and dry. Outside, the fire circled the cottage on all sides. Pebbles was backed into a corner and growling, but not at the fire. His big wet eyes were fixed upon the princess, who was standing still while listening carefully to the noise outside.

“Command thy mongrel breed to silence, peasant,” the princess demanded.

Bonbon walked in a wide arc around the princess and sat down next to her dog, trying to reassure it in a quiet voice that everything was going to be alright.

An hour or more passed in tense silence, neither of them moving or saying a word. The fire slowly died outside, deprived of anything to fuel its continued spread. Half an hour later, the princess finally turned and looked straight at Bonbon. “We require thine unquestioned service, peasant,” she said. “Step forward that we may obtain thy solemnly sworn loyalty to us!”

Bonbon stepped forward uncertainly, her legs shaking slightly.

The princess raised her head higher and looked down at Bonbon before speaking. “We, thy sovereign princess, call thee to our service and defense in our hour of need. Hereby thy life is given to us, and thou willst surrender it at our need or want. Serve us with honor and distinction, and thou shalt be rewarded in this or the next life. Betray us, and eternal misery shalt be thy lot instead. Thou art allowed to speak now, before our words are sealed.”

Pebbles whined behind her. Bonbon wanted to heed its warning, but she knew what happened to those who denied the royalty their demands. The princess was watching her, looking down at her with cold and uncompromising eyes. Bonbon kept her head low and said nothing.

“We are pleased with thy reverence,” the princess said with a satisfied look. “And we hereby decree that thou art bound to us in service and defense, until we release thee or death claims thy soul. So let it be.” Her horn glowed as she lowered her head to place its tip above Bonbon’s right shoulder, without quite touching her.

The princess lifted her head again. “It is done. We will travel under the veil of night. Thou art not to look upon us after this day. Therefore, we require thine eyes, and thy mutt shalt serve as thy guide going forth. Lift thy face to us that we may remove thy sight.”

Tears filled her eyes as she fought against herself and lifted her face to look up and past the princess. The princess’ horn glowed, and the light washed away everything else. Bonbon stared into the blinding light and felt a warmth around her eyes before all went dark. She heard a gentle clink, as of two large glass marbles.

“We are pleased with thy show of obedience once again,” the voice of the princess spoke in the darkness before her. “We shall keep thy beautiful blue eyes safe, and shouldst thou continue to serve us well we may one day return them to thee as your just reward.” Bonbon could hear her turn around. “Now, we require rest before our journey.”

Silence fell over the cellar, save for the low whine of Pebbles as the dog nuzzled Bonbon’s shoulder. Bonbon sat down in the darkness and cried softly while leaning against her dog.

* * *

Bonbon opened her eyes, expecting to see nothing. Instead, what she saw was the face of Lyra, her golden eyes watching Bonbon suspiciously from the other side of the darkened room. The piercing stare made Bonbon feel uncomfortable. “Lyra?”

“You were dreaming about her again.” Lyra’s statement sounded like an accusation. “I heard you talking in your sleep.”

Bonbon’s eyes were slowly adjusting to the faint light of the moon outside, which was filtering through the clouds and window to light up Lyra’s face. Bonbon searched the depths of Lyra’s eyes through the space of the room, wondering what to say. “I don’t know why I dream these things,” she said at last, after a long silence. “I really don’t,” she added after another pause.

Lyra propped herself up on an elbow, eyes still watching Bonbon. “How many of these dreams have you had?” It sounded more and more like an interrogation.

Bonbon sighed and rolled over a bit until she was looking at the ceiling instead of Lyra. “Three now,” she said quietly and closed her eyes.

“Tell me about them,” Lyra blurted out.

Bonbon frowned and opened her eyes again. “Not if you’re going to be this way about it,” she said and turned to match Lyra’s stare. “I’m not trying to keep anything from you. Since, you know, that would make me a massive hypocrite.”

They stared at each other for a few seconds. Lyra broke the gaze first and looked away. She remained silent, no trace of joy on her face. “I don’t know what to think, Bonbon,” she said after a while. “I’ve looked all my life for other humans, or for any clues about what happened to them. How could you suddenly have dreams about things that even I don’t know about? You didn’t even know about humans until just the other day.”

“Assuming they are true,” Bonbon said quickly. “Maybe my mind is just making stuff up. It wouldn’t be the first time. They’re dreams, after all. That’s what dreams are, just made-up stuff.”

“The one you told me about wasn’t just made up.” Lyra looked back at Bonbon. “You knew about the vizier cursing Humble before I had told you about it.”

Bonbon turned back to stare at the ceiling as she thought about it. “I guess so, but that doesn’t mean it’s all true.” She hugged herself slightly under the blanket as she stared ahead of her. “It only started after we got to that crater,” she said as an idle thought. “In fact it was during the night we spent there with the griffons when I had the first dream. I didn’t much like that crater. Something felt odd about the place. If it has anything to do with these dreams, then I’m not sure I like them either, and I sure don’t trust them.”

Lyra was silent again. Bonbon looked over at where the human was thinking. After a minute, Bonbon sighed and closed her eyes, hoping she could go back to sleep.

“I’m sorry.” Lyra’s voice woke her from her attempt at sleep. “Will you tell me about the other two dreams?”

Bonbon opened her eyes and looked at Lyra. After a moment she sighed and rubbed her face. “If you promise to go to sleep afterwards and not bother me again until morning.”

Lyra nodded and sat up in bed. “I promise.”

* * *

Bonbon ran a hoof through her untamed mane and yawned like a snake about to swallow an elephant, or something equally jaw-breaking, trying not to stumble on the stairs in the process. She arrived less than elegantly in the living room and looked up. “Good morning,” she said in the aftermath of the yawn, as she spotted the stallion of the house resting on the couch.

Chartreuse looked up from his newspaper and nodded at her.

“Breakfast?” she inquired and sniffed at the air to take in the aroma wafting about the room. “Sorry, my head hasn’t left the bed yet,” she added in order not to seem completely without manners to her host.

The stallion smiled knowingly and tilted his head towards a door on the other side of the room before looking back down at his paper.

“Thanks.” Bonbon took a glance at the paper as she passed him by. It was a simple paper, no doubt a local print. The headline on the page read, Reward doubled for Gerome kidnappers. A picture of a grinning young griffon boy accompanied the headline. All he needed were freckles, Bonbon thought, and the picture would be perfect. She wondered briefly if griffons even could have freckles.

Bonbon paused in the door to look at the picture before turning around and poking her head into the kitchen from which the delightful aroma of breakfast was coming. Silver was in the kitchen, deftly working pans and plates. Bonbon stepped inside and smiled as she watched the unicorn work in silence.

Silver turned around, holding a pan in her mouth. She jumped slightly as she noticed Bonbon, but kept her grip on the pan and made a brief curtsy. Without losing much momentum, she scooped a portion of egg onto a plate using her magic and returned the pan to the stove. Only then did she turn to Bonbon properly. “Good morning, Ma’am. Slept well?”

“Good morning,” Bonbon replied. She looked at the scrambled eggs, potatoes, and mushrooms arranged upon the plate. It was very different from what she usually had for breakfast, yet it certainly made her mouth water. “That looks delicious.”

“Why thank you.” Silver’s smile widened at Bonbon’s compliment. “We’ve been renting out the room and the barn for a while now, and it’s not all that often we actually have guests staying.”

Bonbon sat down at the table. “This is a lot of work for breakfast, isn’t it? I usually don’t have the energy in the morning for anything so elaborate.”

“Oh, I don’t mind the work,” the mare responded and picked up the plate with her magic, placing it on the table in front of Bonbon along with a basket of warm bread and a glass. When she was done, she sat down herself and relaxed. “Cooking has always been one of my joys.”

Bonbon smiled and scooped up some egg and mushrooms on a piece of bread. She took a bite and nodded in appreciation. “Well, it certainly is good.”

“Glad to hear it.” Silver smiled and got up to continue her work after her short break.

Bonbon continued eating in silence while collecting her thoughts. After a few more bites, she looked up again. “By the way, what’s happened to make the griffons so hostile around here? Things were a bit rushed last night, and no one seemed very eager to talk about it.”

Silver set the pan aside on the stove and sighed. “Some of them have never liked ponies very much, to tell you the truth, Ma’am,” she said and looked down. “But now the Lord’s son has gone missing, and they’re all saying it was ponies who done it in the darkest of night or some nonsense like that. Not that they know it, but they’ll say it anyway. The griffons look at everypony like they know they’re guilty, and if you say or do anything wrong, they’ll say it’s proof too.”

“That’s just typical,” Bonbon said and stared at her piece of bread. “Who is this Lord?”

“One of the old merchant families. His father founded the town, and all the griffons respect him.” Silver frowned and furrowed her brow. “It’s a powder keg just waiting for a spark right now.”

The door creaked, and the room became several shades more colorful as Rainbow Dash shambled towards the table like a zombie pony on the prowl. She plopped down on her haunches at the table. “Whoa,” she said as her eyes took in the plate Silver set down in front of her. “Nice spread,” she added before digging in.

Bonbon rolled her eyes at the complete lack of manners. How did she ever end up with a bloody princess of all things? Silver just smiled and seemed happy at the compliment. She picked up another plate and headed into the living room.

“I’m going to hit the docks first thing after breakfast—” Rainbow Dash said without looking up from her plate. Bonbon wondered if she even managed to chew the food first. “—and get us the first ship out of here.”

“As long as you don’t rile up any griffons,” Bonbon said. “They’re just looking for an excuse to escalate things, I hear. Some high lord’s son went missing, and they’re blaming ponies for it.”

“Yeah yeah.” Rainbow Dash sighed and finished off her plate. “I’ll try not to ruffle their sensitive feathers, alright. Anyway, you and Lyra should make sure we have all the supplies we need. Go shopping, see what you can scrounge up in this place.” She got up and stretched her wings and legs before turning to leave.

Bonbon took another bite and chewed it carefully as she thought.

* * *

“So this journey we’re on?” Bonbon did her best not to look at any griffons as she and Lyra left the house and headed down the street. She got the impression that the courtesy was anything but returned, as eyes everywhere followed them like hawks.

Lyra glanced around nervously, clearly uncomfortable about saying too much on the topic in public, especially when they were being watched so closely. “I’ve been looking all my life and done everything I could from home. I knew if I couldn’t find what I was looking for in Equestria, I’d one day have to decide where to go from there.”

Bonbon realized she had picked a poor time, but there wasn’t much else to talk about at present. “You mean you’re looking for where hu—where they used to live?” Bonbon reminded herself to choose her words carefully out here in the open.

“Yes,” Lyra said quietly.

“You think there are any left still living there?”

Lyra was silent as she stopped outside a door and looked up at a sign. She looked down and turned to Bonbon. “If I’m completely honest? I don’t expect much,” she said. “I mean, at least one of my parents must have been … but I think they were as alone as me. I just have to keep looking, and maybe there are signs of what really happened. There are so many holes in my knowledge, I just can’t stop or give up now.”

Bonbon nodded. She could actually begin to understand that now, the reasons why Lyra had left. “And whatever happened on Hearth’s Warming has something to do with it too, right?”

Lyra nodded and glanced around. “Yes, but let’s not talk about that here.”

“I’m sorry.” Bonbon bit her lip as they entered the small pony-owned store. It looked like it was one of the only few in town. As Lyra looked at the shelves, Bonbon thought of their other companion. “So why did you bring Rainbow with you? Wouldn’t it have been easier for you to go alone?”

Lyra paused and looked down. “Yes. I would have prefered to go alone, but—” She turned to look at Bonbon. “I don’t have wings. Rainbow is the most loyal pegasus I could think of, so I had to hope I could trust her not to look or follow me if I made her swear not to.”

“You need someone with wings?” Bonbon furrowed her brow at Lyra. “Why?”

“To reach the mountain,” Lyra said quietly and added almost in a whisper, “I don’t know if the gates still work, or if I could even use them. I couldn’t take the chance of making it all the way there only to have to turn around.”

“Oh,” Bonbon said and blinked. She turned back to the shelves. “By the way, how much exactly did you pay her? You know, I’ve been really curious about that.”

Lyra turned back around as well. “A song.”

“A … what?” Bonbon’s mind went blank as she tried to process Lyra’s answer.

“At first I offered to pay her the bits I had saved up, but she didn’t want any payment. Then she changed her mind and asked if I could write her a song as a gift for Twilight. That’s all she wanted,” Lyra said and smiled. “I thought it was really sweet, so I agreed.”

“She didn’t … what?” Bonbon was still trying to get her mind to work again. “She didn’t want any money or anything at all to follow you blindly into the wild without knowing how long it’d take, where you were going, or even why?

“She actually seemed eager to go when I asked her,” Lyra said.

Bonbon just stared at her. There wasn’t enough emphasis she could put on the word “what” right now to make it worthwhile.

Lyra smiled. “To somepony like her? With a special somepony like that? And friends like Rarity? I’m sure the prospect of adventure and a song to show her feelings to the one she loves are worth more than any money I or anypony could give her. I think it’s beautiful, and I got to compose a love song for a princess. How many can claim such an honor?”

“Yes, but you don’t find it the least bit suspicious that she follows you for a song?” Bonbon rubbed her head. “I mean, I know money probably doesn’t mean much to her, and that she likes adventure, but we’re talking following somepony without a clue why, where or for how long. That doesn’t add up at all.”

“Maybe I just have a very likeable personality?” Lyra said and smiled.

Bonbon gave Lyra a deadpan expression of disbelief, but it completely faltered in the face of Lyra’s bright, golden eyes and warm, sunny smile. “I …” Bonbon rolled her eyes and turned away. “I still say it’s bloody suspicious.”

Lyra said nothing, but returned instead to the shelves and their shopping. Bonbon watched her, mind racing. And deep down a voice told her, I followed you blindly for even less than a song. What was more suspicious, that Rainbow Dash only wanted a song, or that Lyra could draw such loyal followers in the first place? Would the entire town of Ponyville follow her blindly if she pouted at them and asked nicely? Maybe if she played them a tune? Bonbon wasn’t sure she would even be surprised anymore.

* * *

“Anything else we need?” Lyra looked at Bonbon as they left the store.

Bonbon considered their journey and the purchases they had made. If they were going to be sailing, the ship would have most of what they needed, and there would be an opportunity to shop again when they reached the other side of the sea. Still, Bonbon didn’t like being unprepared, so she made sure to go through everything she thought they might need, to make sure she hadn’t missed something. It paid to make certain.

A shout brought her out of her thoughts and back into the world around her. Bonbon turned and looked towards the sea where more shouting was sounding and increasing by the second. “That doesn’t sound good,” she said, her mouth suddenly dry.

Griffons and ponies were all running or flying off towards the sound of the spectacle. Lyra looked at Bonbon, then galloped off as well. Bonbon secured her bags before following through the streets after Lyra and everypony else.

There were only two ships docked in the harbor when Bonbon and Lyra came upon the scene. One looked like it was in the process of being repaired and would not be sailing anytime soon. The other was a reasonably sized ship with two masts and a lot of griffons on and around it. More were arriving and gathering around the docks, shouting and looking to each other for support.

In the middle of it all, an angry and bloodied griffon was being held back by a couple of others. Bonbon recognized the bluish feathers and large beak of Geoffrey, the griffon they had met the night before at the inn. Another pair of griffons were holding down an equally enraged Rainbow Dash, while others still were trying to keep the masses from leaping at the pegasus. It was impossible to hear anything among the shouting and chaos of wings and claws.

“Bloody typical!” Bonbon growled as she came to a halt at a safe distance from the enraged mob of griffons. All the ponies were holding back nervously, some of them wisely turning to leave before they became targets themselves.

Bonbon tried to see past the wall of feathers, but it was nearly impossible get a good look. It would be a lynching if it was left to the mob. They had to do something.

A griffon pushed his way through the mob, shouting and glaring to get through. Bonbon recognized the guard who had told them to get off the streets when they arrived. He shoved his way through the mob and turned to give a wordless glare at everyone to back off. To Bonbon’s relief, the mob moved back a little, and the clamor dimmed a bit.

The guard turned back around and grabbed Rainbow Dash, slapping a pair of irons on her wings and hind legs. With the help of the two griffons already holding the pegasus down, he began hauling her off. The crowd parted, though unhappily, with every gaze fixed upon Rainbow Dash.

“I think we need to get inside,” Lyra whispered to Bonbon. “Right now.”

Bonbon looked around and saw that everypony else had come to the same decision. In a moment, the mob would find itself looking for somepony else to vent their frustration at. It would be a bad idea to be in their line of sight when that happened.

Bonbon nodded, and together they turned and ran. As they bolted down the streets, they could hear the angry shouting pick up again behind them. With no pony around, the mob had now turned to arguing with itself.

* * *

Silver closed the door behind them and turned around, looking nervous. “What happened? The shouting sounded like everyone was getting ready to tear each other apart out there.”

Bonbon tried to catch her breath as they found themselves inside the living room. The shouting outside had subsided, but Bonbon was sure it would still be a bad idea to go outside right away. Things needed time to cool off. “Our friend was trying to find a ship for us,” she said as Chartreuse joined them from upstairs. “She got in a fight with a griffon somehow,” she added.

“Oh, that’s just terrible. She’s alright, isn’t she?” Silver looked out the window.

“One of the guards took her away,” Lyra said. “So we don’t really know.”

“Better that than she was left to the mob, at least,” Bonbon added.

“One of the guards?” Silver looked back at them. “There’s only the constable. He’s a decent enough griffon, one of the more level-headed ones at least, but he doesn’t like anyone causing trouble, especially with tensions as high as they are. He’ll have taken your friend to the guardhouse, I’m sure. That’s okay. She’ll be safe there for now.”

Bonbon sighed and rubbed her face. “Well, what now, then?”

“If you were looking for a ship, then I don’t think you’ll find one that’ll take you on here in town,” Silver said and looked down. “Most of the ships that come here are sailed by griffons.”

“Certainly they won’t do it now,” Bonbon groaned and looked at Lyra for any helpful ideas, but the unicorn looked just as blank. They both looked up as Chartreuse knocked lightly on the table to get their attention.

The stallion took the pencil behind his ear and scribbled a short note on a piece of paper which he held out to Silver. She picked it up and read it. “Oh yes, that might just be an idea,” she said and turned back to Lyra and Bonbon. “There was a ship here a week ago before it moved on. I think it went to Winterside, a small settlement north of here, and intended to stay there a few days. It could still be there if you hurry, and the ponies who sailed it seemed like decent folk.”

Bonbon and Lyra shared a look before nodding at Silver and her husband. “That sounds like a good plan,” Lyra said. “At least, given the situation and our other options.”

“Yeah, I don’t think we want to stay around here any longer,” Bonbon said. “I get the feeling we aren’t very welcome outside this room.”

Chartreuse looked around the room before trotting over to a small cabinet. He came back with a map which he unfolded on the table. Lyra and Bonbon looked at the map as he pointed at Rimeherst and then drew a line north to a small bay and tapped the pencil there.

Bonbon made a mental note of the route before nodding. “Then we just need to get Rainbow out of jail,” she sighed. “You said this constable was a decent griffon? Let’s hope you’re right.”

* * *

A small band of griffons were gathered outside the guardhouse, a small stone tower with stairs to a door near the top. The constable, apparently the only guard in the small community, was standing on the stairs, trying to talk the angered group into going back to business. The effort was met with little luck.

“The pony is possessed of a foul demon from Tartarus!” one old griffon cried out with a murderous hiss and grabbed the shoulder of a familiar bluish griffon. Said griffon was nursing a sore face and looking in no mood to speak himself. “Geoffrey here said he recognized the evil in her eyes when she tried to tempt him with her venomous tongue!”

“Yeah!” another griffon shouted. “She must be the one who took Gerome!”

The old griffon continued unabated in his accusations. “She’s a servant of the zebra! A wretched pony witch! Geoffrey knows what he saw!”

The constable looked like he would like to grab them all and give them the boot, quite literally. “You are all wasting my time, and your own, with this madness!” he said with much restraint. “The sooner you go back to your work, the sooner I can have an honest talk with those involved.”

“What’s there to talk about?” the old griffon shouted. “We demand justice!”

One griffon in the back noticed Lyra and Bonbon out of the corner of his eyes and turned around, pointing an accusing claw. “Those two! They came here with the rainbow-colored bitch! They’re all in league with the witch!”

Every griffon turned to stare at the two ponies as if they were oozing a vile poison into the air. The old griffon made a warding motion with his claws and backed away. “They too have the evil in their eyes! Can’t you see it?” he howled. “They have come to doom us all!”

“You’re all barking mad!” Bonbon yelled against her better judgement.

Silence, demon!” the old griffon shouted back and advanced like a wolf upon a herd of sheep. “You will not put your foul spells upon this peaceful town!”

Lyra was hiding behind Bonbon, who was standing her ground. Bonbon looked the old griffon in the eyes as he advanced upon them. “The only foul thing here are your baseless accusations, and your breath,” she said. “And we’re not leaving without our friend.” She knew she shouldn’t stoke the flames, but something within her refused to turn tail and leave.

The old griffon, backed by the gang, opened his beak to speak and pointed a claw at Bonbon, eyes gleaming with malice. His voice was interrupted by the constable.

“Enough!” The lone guard landed and pushed himself in between them and the griffons. He turned to Lyra and Bonbon. “You two! I want you and your friend out of this town within the hour.” He turned to stare at the gathered griffons. “And you! Go back to your work this instant. If any pony or griffon causes another disturbance, I will arrest every single one and have them dig their own dungeon once I run out of cells!”

“You’re just letting them go?” one griffon yelled in the back.

The constable turned to glare at the offending griffon. “If you have a problem with my handling of the situation, I suggest you make a formal complaint with the good Lord. Now leave, before I arrest the lot of you on the spot!”

The griffons left together, casting hateful glances back towards the two ponies. Bonbon returned the glares with one of her own as the constable turned back to them. “Bloody day to be a guard,” he grumbled. “I hope you see why we can’t have you here, as much as I wish we could be more welcoming.” He gestured vaguely towards the tower. “Your friend picked a bad time to get in a fight. Normally I’d just lock her up for a night to cool off, but I don’t know what’s gotten into everyone. It’s all I can do to keep the peace here.”

“Thank you,” Lyra said, cutting off Bonbon before she could speak. “We were just leaving anyway. We don’t want any trouble.”

“That’s good to hear,” the constable said and turned back around, leading them up the stairs to the small tower. “Because that’s what everyone else seems to want right now. I’ll get your friend. There’s a settlement of ponies north of here. I suggest you get her there and find somepony who can look at her wounds, ‘cause she took a pretty solid beating in that fight.”

* * *

They gathered their things and said their farewells quickly to Silver and Chartreuse. Rainbow Dash said nothing the whole time, perhaps humbled by the fight. Her mane and coat was a bloodied mess, one eye was swollen shut, and Lyra and Bonbon had to support her to keep her from stumbling as they left the house.

The streets were almost empty as they left, but a mix of worried eyes from ponies and hateful glares from griffons followed them from windows and towers. Bonbon had to hope their leaving could only calm things down in the small town. She wished there was more they could do, but clearly their very presence was a source of trouble, and the best thing they could do for the town was to not be there.

They walked for half an hour through the forest north of town, making only slow progress due to Rainbow’s wounds. The trees gathered closely around them, shutting out most of the light from the sun. Bonbon kept her eyes on the trees and shadows, feeling an unease at the stillness and cold even in the daylight. She decided that she did not want to spend the night in these woods.

Bonbon looked at Rainbow Dash, who was dragging her hooves through the snow, leaving a long trail behind them. The pegasus was keeping up through sheer stubbornness, but they would have to stop pretty soon this way.

Bonbon sighed and stopped. “Lyra, can you carry my bags too?” Lyra looked at her for a moment before nodding and lifting the bags off of Bonbon, strapping them across her own back with some effort and a bit of adjustment. Bonbon turned to Rainbow Dash and knelt down. “Come on, you. I’ll carry you the rest of the way.”

Rainbow Dash stopped and looked at her with a blank face and a raised eyebrow. “I can walk,” she said in a low voice and rubbed her aching ribs.

“Yeah yeah.” Bonbon rolled her eyes. “Get up.”

Rainbow Dash hesitated. “Fine,” she said after another moment and climbed up on Bonbon’s back. She grimaced and breathed in through clenched teeth as her ribs were pressed against Bonbon’s back. “Yeah, because this is so much better.”

“Stop whining.” Bonbon stood back up carefully and began walking slowly. Rainbow Dash proved to be surprisingly heavy for a pegasus. “Geez, take it easy on the weights, girl. You’ll end up looking like that huge fella with the tiny wings back in Ponyville.”

“Jealous much?” Rainbow Dash grinned and flexed her pecs despite the soreness. “You could use a workout yourself. Lifting the candy to your mouth is not enough, you know.”

“I could drop you off right here,” Bonbon said, grumbling.

Rainbow Dash snickered but said nothing more as they made their way through the snow.

* * *

Bonbon tried not to collapse as she knelt down with as much grace as possible to let Rainbow Dash crawl off her back. It wasn’t very late yet, and they hadn’t made it very far, all things considered, but none of them looked like they were up for any more walking today. Bonbon lay down fully and breathed out a sigh of relief at having nothing weighing her down.

Rainbow Dash slipped off her own saddlebags carefully and stood around while Lyra set up tents and prepared a fire.

Bonbon stood up slowly again, against her every wish. “I’d better have a look at you, now that we’re setting up camp,” she said to Rainbow Dash and dug around for her medical kit. “I can’t do much, but it’s better than nothing.”

“Yeah,” the pegasus grimaced. “I think one of my ribs is broken, and I can’t open my left eye.” She looked at her wings. “Lost a bunch of feathers too, it seems. Heh, but it’s nothing compared to the beating I gave that cheating bastard. He’ll think twice before messing with another pony.” She winced as Bonbon began cleaning her most obvious wounds.

“What the hay happened anyway?” Bonbon gave the pegasus a stern look. “I told you to be careful with the griffons, didn’t I?”

“Hey, it wasn’t my fault! It was the only ship around, and they totally refused to sail with ponies,” she said. “When I asked how much they wanted, the captain freaked out and started screaming at me. I guess I told him what I thought of that, and then he punched me in the face. What the hay kind of reaction is that anyway? I tell you, griffons are nuts!”

She spread her wings carefully to give Bonbon room to work and continued. “So I figured if it was a fight he wanted, fair enough. I never backed down from any fight before, sure won’t start now. I was totally winning too, but then his buddies joined in. They were totally playing rotten.” She puffed herself up proudly. “I’d have schooled the lot of them if others hadn’t shown up and stopped it, though. Maybe that’d have taught them some manners.”

“You’re impossible.” Bonbon rolled her eyes.

“Impossible to beat, maybe,” Rainbow Dash grinned.

* * *

The early morning sun shone through the fabric of Bonbon’s tent. She rolled over and pulled the blanket over her face, groaning at the rudeness of the light. Despite her best efforts to fall back to sleep, her mind decided to betray her and slowly cleared from the night’s veil. She tried to ignore it, but she knew it was of little use.

No dreams had come to her during the night. She was thankful for that bit of peace, at least. It was a short-lived one.

A cry broke her blissful awakening. Bonbon sat up with a start and scrambled through the tangles of her blanket. She got no further before something heavy crashed into her. Bonbon screamed as claws tore through her tent and snatched at her in the chaos.

Bonbon fought against the claws pulling at her. She could hear the cries and struggles of her friends nearby, sounding above the flutter and chaos of wings and claws. Light flooded in as she was torn from her tent and thrown into the snow. She had no time to reorient herself before she was pulled back up, dangling by the neck in a pair of strong claws.

Bonbon gasped for breath and kicked out at her attacker to no avail. Nearby, four griffons were still struggling with Lyra and Rainbow Dash. The one trying to strangle Lyra was finding itself struggling in turn against her magical chokehold.

Three others were fighting a kicking Rainbow Dash, trying to hold her down. The surprise and Rainbow’s existing wounds had given them the advantage from the start, and it was looking like the fight would be over quickly.

“You’ll pay for your crimes, pony!” one of them hissed. Bonbon vaguely recognized the old griffon who had been outside the guardhouse. “We’ll send your evil souls back to Tartarus!”

Bonbon’s vision darkened, and she felt her mind slipping as she tried to kick and tear at the claw holding her, but it refused to budge.

“Say your final farewells!” The voice of a griffon spoke somewhere in the darkness.

So this is it, Bonbon thought quietly. She wasn’t sure what to feel except for regret that it seemed like such a sorry way to go.

A sudden cold cut through her skin and bones, like a flash of frozen lightning. She fell and hit the ground, and a rush of air filled her lungs again. Bonbon gasped and rolled around, frantically trying to get back on her trembling legs. She could hear screams and screeches all around her.

She stumbled and fell, looking up from the snow to see a blurry vision of griffons fighting shapes of snow. Snow with teeth and claws like razor icicles. Snow which moved with purpose and killer instinct.

Bonbon blinked the darkness away and stared at the scene of griffons scrambling for their lives in the snow, trying to get airborne. A burst of white exploded behind her, and a feline cloud of snow sailed through the air above her to cut off a griffon with a snarl of teeth.

“The Witch!” the griffons screeched. “The Witch!”

A circle of white feline shapes gathered around the terrified griffons. Their forms were like the puffiest, fluffiest newfallen snow, but their teeth and claws were gleaming blades of ice, and their eyes shone with intelligent murder. One half of Bonbon’s mind wanted to reach out and hug them like a foal would a teddy, the other and thankfully dominant half told her to not move a muscle.

The last griffon got himself in the air and wobbled after his comrades as they fled back towards the south, wounded in both body and pride. Bonbon watched them for a second before her eyes lowered to fix upon the feline ring of death which was quickly and efficiently gathering around the three of them. Bonbon gulped and hoped they didn’t choose to take a pony snack now that their griffon prey had escaped.

Rainbow Dash was first to stand up, eyeing the snowy cats carefully. Pale yellow eyes watched her back, unblinking and unmoving. Rainbow Dash looked uncertainly at Lyra and Bonbon. “Are they …?”

Lyra stood up slowly, rubbing her neck where the griffon had been choking her moments ago. “Snow leopards,” she said.

“You think?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Uh, but what are they doing?”

All three of them watched the leopards staring back at them. “Uh, thanks for saving us?” Lyra attempted with an uncertain smile to one of the leopards. “I hope,” she added.

One side of the ring advanced slowly towards them but made no move to attack. Bonbon watched them carefully. “I … think they want us to get moving,” she offered.

“Uh, okay …” Rainbow Dash didn’t look too sure but slowly began gathering her scattered things, while never taking her eyes off the leopards circling patiently around them.

Lyra and Bonbon began gathering their things as well. Bonbon quietly sighed at her ruined tent, but it could have been worse. She folded it up roughly along with her bags and strapped the whole thing on before turning to her two friends.

The leopards circled them lazily as they began walking. They made no move faster than a lazy trot, but there was no doubt about who was choosing the path. Bonbon only hoped it wasn’t from the griffon’s claw to the leopard’s den.

* * *

A small settlement appeared through the wall of white and blowing snow. It was much smaller than the town they had come from, and many of the buildings looked more like large tents, but it somehow looked more peaceful to Bonbon than the town had been. She could make out a few ponies trotting around among the tents. Perhaps it was that some of them were talking or waving to each other that made it seem like such a nice place in comparison.

The leopards continued to herd them forward, but not directly towards the small settlement. Instead they were led towards the west of the city where a lonely tent peeked out from among the snow and ice. As they got closer, Bonbon could make out the decorative patterns and feathers adorning the tent. There were strange masks and—to Bonbon’s worry—skulls lining the side. A large fireplace was lit outside the opening, the fire licking the bottom of a metal pot. Wooden logs covered in soft white skin were placed around it for seating.

“Who do you think lives in a place like that?” Bonbon asked, giving Lyra a questioning look.

“A zebra?” Lyra said.

Bonbon was about to laugh at the absurdness of the suggestion when Lyra nodded her head towards the tent. Bonbon turned back and blinked twice. A zebra had indeed just appeared from inside the tent, carrying a small stack of wooden bowls in her teeth. She looked quite young, much younger than Zecora and probably only just an adult. She wore much less gold too, in fact Bonbon could only see a single pair of rings circling her neck.

She sat the bowls down on one of the wooden logs and turned to greet them with a warm smile and bright blue eyes. Bonbon watched to her great relief as the leopards scattered and went off to lie down or wander away from the tent. “Welcome, welcome, relax and do not not wend, come sit and be leopards’ friend,” the zebra said cheerfully and shook their hooves in turn.

She was shaking Lyra’s hoof when her smile turned to confusion. “Wait,” she said and let go of Lyra’s hoof. She looked down, and her lips moved as she went over something in her head. After a moment her smile returned and she looked back up. “Ah, it did, It did rhyme!” she said with a grin and quickly moved right on. “Care to join me for mealtime?”

They looked at each other, and then Bonbon and Rainbow Dash both looked at Lyra. The unicorn looked at Bonbon, then at Rainbow Dash. “Uh,” she said and looked finally back at the zebra, smiling. “We would certainly be honored, Miss …?”

“Makucha, but Laini comes first,” she said and gestured widely at the seats around the fire. “Laini Makucha, and never reversed. Soft Paws does it mean, you see?” She made a nod towards her cutie mark, which did look vaguely like a cat’s paw to Bonbon, in the same abstract style as Zecora’s. “But call me only Maku, you three.”

They sat down together at the fire. Bonbon peeked into the bubbling pot and breathed in the scent of soup. A large, round bread was resting on a flat stone next to the fire. It was a strange and unusual breakfast, but it was exactly what Bonbon felt like just now.

“Um, Miss Maku …?” Lyra began, searching for how to phrase one of no doubt many questions.

Rainbow Dash was quicker. “A zebra in the north, huh? What’s up with that?” She took a bowl of soup as it was passed around.

“For a student of the world there is always a place,” the zebra responded while working. “And my skills the ponies here embrace.” She paused, and her lips moved as she sought for how to continue. “Many miles from home I have trekked, to find my way and help protect. Life in every form must a zebra learn to grow, even a newborn village in the snow.” She smiled and seemed pleased with her words.

“And the leopards?” Bonbon asked.

Maku smiled playfully. “Was it fate or was it destiny? Did I find them, or they find me? They are friends and spirits in kind, even if us … strange you may find,” she said uncertainly but quickly smiled again. “That one I think I saved quite well, my dear pony friends of pastel.”

Lyra returned the smile. “Did you send them to help us? We certainly are thankful for that.”

“You are alone and followed with evil intent,” the zebra said in a mysterious and dramatic voice, her smile turning more serious. The moment was somewhat ruined when she dropped the bowl she was holding into the soup. She blushed and fumbled to save the bowl while trying to finish her sentence. “Friends you needed, so help I sent. Moto kiboko!” she cursed as she got hot soup on her hoof.

Rainbow Dash snickered a little, which caused the zebra to blush even more at her outburst. Bonbon gave the pegasus a glare, while Lyra helped their host to fish out the bowl with her magic. “We appreciate your help,” Lyra said as she levitated the bowl out of the pot and shook it gently. “But are you saying the griffons will be back? I feel so bad about just leaving the poor ponies there with those angry griffons.”

Maku took the bowl with a shake of her head. “The griffons’ anger soon will heal,” she said and sat down. “But something else is on your heel.” She gazed into her bowl, as if reading her omen in the swirling vegetables of the soup. Her lips moved silently before she spoke her lines. “One I see who would stay in seclusion, its heart is filled with anger and confusion. Emotions they spread like fire, causing little trails of ire.”

“Can you tell us what it is?” Bonbon asked. She thought back to the thing which had followed them, the creature that had attacked them in the mines and again during the storm. She was pretty sure by now that it was the same thing, at least.

“Powerful it is and resists intrusion, a shroud it wears of shade and illusion. And …” She closed her eyes. Bonbon watched them move slightly beneath the eyelids as if searching the dark. “Yes, something else does stalk, with the eyes and mind of a hawk. A creature most sly, its motivations I can not pry. Which is the greater threat? On that I would not bet.” She opened her eyes again and looked at them apologetically.

They sat in silence for a while, chewing on the information they had been given. “Thank you, Miss Maku,” Lyra said after a while. “You have been a tremendous help to us. How can we repay you for this kindness?”

Maku shook her head and waved a hoof dismissively. “Dear ponies, think nothing of it. I care not for any profit.” She turned to give Rainbow Dash an examining look. “To your bruises I shall quickly tend, if you can wait for supper’s end.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, lost in her soup and personal thoughts.

Maku returned her look to Lyra and Bonbon. “If there is aught you need and I may aid, ask me please, be not afraid.”

“We were looking for a ship to take us across the sea,” Lyra said.

“Ah, then you are in luck, for a ship is at the dock, but it will not stay long for you to tag along. I shall show you there, after tending to this mare,” she said and gave Rainbow Dash a soft pat on the back.

“That sounds great,” Lyra and Bonbon spoke as one and smiled at each other.

* * *

“Mind if I ask why you rhyme when you speak?” Bonbon asked as they strolled down the only road in town towards the sea. Ponies smiled and waved at them, making Bonbon feel almost like at home and nothing like the previous day. “I knew another zebra back home, and she rhymed too. It must be some kind of tradition?.”

Maku smiled and looked at Bonbon brightly. “What is this zebra’s name? Perhaps I know of her fame?”

“Zecora. Do you know her?”

“Everfree Forest does she roam? Her hut for a while I did call home,” Maku said and looked back at the path before them. “A stop on my journey here, to the northern frontier. Beat me over the head many times, when I failed to speak in careful rhymes.”

Rainbow Dash snickered. “Sounds like Zecora alright.” The pegasus rubbed her head, but not due to any recent wounds or bruises, which had all been skillfully treated and bandaged by Maku. “She always threatens me with that bamboo stick every time I drop by. Just because I thrashed her place once. It wasn’t even my fault.”

“Ah yes, but to answer your question,” Maku continued with a pause to find the right word, “the rhyme is to promote self-examination. It teaches to be aware, and to do things with care.”

Bonbon nodded, satisfied with the answer. She could see the ship clearly now. It was fairly large, a merchant’s vessel if she were to guess. A pale, icy blue earth pony with a short mane was overseeing the loading of the ship from the dock. “Ahoy,” she said warmly and turned with a tip of a wide-brimmed hat as they approached.

“Got room for two less than five, Mrs. Dive?” the zebra said. “These ponies three seek a ride across the sea.”

Mrs. Dive gave them a quick look and a curt nod. “Aye, I reckon’ we can take you three on,” she said and shook their hooves in turn. “My name’s Snow Dive, first mate, and that up there in the riggin’ is the captain, Barrel Wave,” she added with a hoof pointing upwards.

They looked up at a rather rotund pegasus working on the rigging. Noticing something going on below him, he turned and brightened up with a quick wave down at them.

“You’ll get used to him,” Snow Dive said without explanation and led them aboard. “We’ve got a few cabins astern. We can sort out payment based on how much work you girls can do during the voyage. We’re setting sail sometime before midnight, and should reach the city of Mais within a week depending on how well we can keep the weather. Seems fair? Any questions?”

They looked at Lyra, who smiled. “That sounds perfect.”

“Then welcome aboard,” Snow Dive said and turned back around. “I’ve still got a lot of work to do, but make yourselves at home. If you need anything, just ask one of the crew.” With that she trotted back down the gangway to resume overseeing the work.

Lyra turned to Maku with a smile. “We can’t thank you enough for all your help,” she said and hugged the zebra. “I don’t know where we would be without you.”

Dead, Bonbon thought to her own surprise. We’d be dead.

Maku seemed surprised at the hug, but quickly returned it. “It is only what any good equine would do. Being friendly is no strange voodoo. Ahaha, that was a good one!” she laughed heartily at her rhyming work.

They all looked at her expectantly. Rainbow Dash grinned and raised a hoof.

The zebra’s ears drooped, and she quickly added, “My rhyming is pareil non! Oh, look! I should run!” she grinned and ducked the swing of Rainbow’s hoof. She waved back as she hurried off the ship, leaving the three alone among the working crew.

They stood there on the deck of the ship, watching the departing zebra for a while. Lyra looked up between her two friends. “It was a pretty good pun,” she said and ducked a hoof.