• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 2,455 Views, 20 Comments

The House on Mayberry Hill - Alexander

There sits an old house atop Mayberry Hill and Twilight seeks out to know the truth of it.

  • ...


The House on Mayberry Hill

Chapter 3: Conversations

"You're who?" Twilight asked, almost falling back to her haunches in surprise at the old stallions answer.

"I said my name's Bindweed Orchid," he replied as he took a step further away.

"Bindweed Orchid?" Twilight asked, stunned to a point of disbelief. She had thought that finding him would have been much harder.

"That's my name," Bindweed said turning to look at his company. "You got some hearing problem, kid? Want me to say it again?"

"Oh that's not necessary," Twilight said happily as she bounded upright. "That's not necessary," she said again. "I'm actually really really happy I found you."

"Why would you be happy you found some old fart pony who ain't worth more than a load of beans?" Bindweed asked as he took another step back from her. "Seems like a waste of time if you ask me."

"Because I have some questions I want you to answer."

"And what would these questions be? I've lived far longer than you have and I've been asked far too many questions. I'm tired of hearing them and so now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back home."

Twilight rushed in front of Bindweed blocking his path and nearly causing him to fall back on his rump.

"What was that for kid?" he angrily asked as he maintained his standing posture. "You can't just go up to old ponies like me and cause them to stumble like that. Have you got no sense?"

"Oh I'm really sorry," Twilight apologized as she backed away from him. "I just really have some things I want to discuss with you about."

"What things?" Bindweed asked, pushing himself past and circling around. "Be quick with it."

Twilight gulped as she looked at the impatient stallion and wiped away a nervous sweat. His old dark eyes pierced her all the way through like an x-ray would. She gulped again and fumbled with her sentence, "Oh well um . . . um . . . Well, do you know who Granny Smith is?"

"What'd you say that name was?"

"Granny Smith . . . "

"She runs Sweet Apple Acres over by Ponyville?"

Twilight nodded her head as Bindweed began to pace around the pier. He sighed and drooped his head to the floor again. He kicked around and walked back to the marble sign. He looked at it so intensely, Twilight could have sworn he was looking right through it. She shuffled her hooves, uncomfortable with his silence and she lazily tossed her mane while she waited. All evidence of her headache from that noon gone just like the wind that kicked up the waves on the surface of the large deep reservoir. Bindweed finally spoke, "So I'm reckoning that you wanna hear about that Mayberry House?"

"How did you know?" Twilight asked, taken aback by his sudden question.

"Why else would you be interested in me so much?" Bindweed asked. "I expect that old mare has gone and told you all about who I am."

"She only told me that you're the grandson of the mare that died in the house and that you and her had a little fling of sorts when you were younger."

"Well all that's true."

Twilight took a step back from the old stallion as he turned away from the sign. "Why are you so bitter?" she asked as he kicked around the pier, shaking his head.

"Life has made me bitter, kid. I've walked all around Equestria trying to get away from that damn house and no matter where I go, it follows me. It's like a dog or something that'll follow you until you either kill it or until you kill yourself. Not to mention where ever I go, somepony who's heard the story finds out who I am and then they won't stop pestering me about it. I'm tired of it and I just want it to leave me the hell alone. You see, kid? Life's made me bitter. Or rather specifically, that damn old house has made me bitter."

"Oh I'm sorry but I really want to hear about it," Twilight said as she sympathized to his plight.

"Why should I tell you anything? Are you set out to annoy me? I finally get back to where I was born and raised and then I find out that it's been submerged under some fucking lake. Have you any idea of how mad I am right now? That town was the most beautiful thing in Equestria but now it's gone and it ain't ever coming back. That damn old house is the last thing on my mind right now."

"You were born in Westerby? But I was thinking that because you're the grandson that you were likely born in - "

"Born in that old house?" Bindweed continued for her. "You thought wrong didn't you? My father moved away from that old house with my mom who was one of his servants. Together they moved to Westerby and had me there. I have never set hoof in that house nor do I ever want to."

"Why did they move to Westerby? Why was Westerby so special? Also, how come you've never stepped inside? It's your ancestor's house. Surely you'd have some lingering love for it," Twilight said.

"Why are you so full of questions, kid? I just told you I'm tired of it. And no, I have no love for that house. Now you stop asking me about it."

"Why not? Your grandparents and your parents lived there for a time. How come you don't love it?"

"Kid, my dad's told me things about that house that you would not believe. That house is nothing but trouble. It's always been nothing but trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"The kind of trouble that's got to do with love, lust, and murder. Ponies have died because of that damn house," Bindweed said bitterly. "How would you feel if you were connected with a kind of history like that? Hmm? It don't feel so good, now does it? Like I said, that house is nothing but trouble."

"Murder? But . . . " Twilight began in shock of what she was hearing.

"But what? You thinking that the story was all about happiness and butterflies and summer strolls? Wrong. That story's all kinds of sad tragic stuff and I'm ashamed as can be to be connected with it."

"But even so," Twilight said as she nervously side-stepped in front of the stallion as he tried to walk by. "But even so, I want to hear it. I love stories. Let me hear yours and then I'll let you go on your way."

"And if I don't tell you? What will you do then?" Bindweed asked as he tried to find some way around.

"I'll follow you until you tell me," Twilight simply said as she stepped in front of him again.

Bindweed fell to his haunches and cringed at the idea of being followed around. He shot Twilight a very dirty look before finally submitting and he let out a deep sigh. "If I tell you, will you let me go on my way?"

"I will."

"If I tell you everything will you keep it to yourself and forget that you ever saw me?"

"I will."

Bindweed deeply sighed again and stood to his hooves. He gave his long lank mane a run through with his hoof and stared deeply at the floor again before finally raising his head to look Twilight in her eyes. "Fine. But you'd better not follow me once I leave."

"Really?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Yes really."


"Yes everything. .Just as my own father told me," Bindweed replied reluctantly.

"Where will you tell me?" Twilight asked as she excitedly fidgeted around the area. "Oh it's got to be someplace just right since it's gonna be a long story. I would suggest the house but you don't wanna go there . . . oh where? Oh! Maybe I can get the library set up just right," she continued on about to herself in complete disregard of her companion.

"I do not care," Bindweed said as he pushed himself past Twilight. "It's that large tree near the center of Ponyville?"

"Yes sir. That's the one."

"I'll be there around noon. Don't you dare keep me waiting. If you keep me waiting I'm just gonna get up and leave."

"Oh no. I won't."

"Good then," Bindweed scoffed as he walked to the road. He gave a short formal nod and with a light scowl, he departed. When he left, Twilight blinked in disbelief, clearly astonished by what had happened. She did a short little jump in accomplishment and smiled as she looked around the memorial pier. She finally registered the rising moon and shivered as she felt the cool of the night. She turned her head to the road and with a quick final look around, she left also. She walked back down the road to where she had come from while listening to the rippling of the waves. She turned back onto the main road and when she reached the familiar fork, she turned back to town. She had so much to prepare.


"Applejack," Twilight called as she knocked on the wooden door. She had woken early that morning in a rush. She had quickly set up things around the library so that when Bindweed showed up, things wouldn't get uncomfortable. She had then rushed from the library down the road to where she turned onto the road to the orchard. She gave the door another quick rap with her hoof and waited. "Applejack!"

"What you hollarin' around for?" Applejack asked she rounded the corner of the house with buckets of water draped over her back. "Honestly Twilight. It's only ten thirty in the mornin' and you're already over here screamin' around for me. What can I do you for?"

"Oh good, Applejack," Twilight happily said as she turned around from the door. "Come with me."

"Go with you where?"

"The library."


"'Why?'" Twilight repeated as she bounced down the stairs. "Because there's something you really must hear."

"Hear what?" Applejack asked.

"A story," Twilight replied excitedly.

"What kinda story?"

"The story about that old Mayberry -"

"Nope," Applejack flatly said. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Don't wanna hear about it. It's just some stupid silly ghost story that I've heard too much of. I don't wanna hear it."

"But Applejack -" Twilight tried to say.

"No 'buts'. And even if I wanted to hear it again for the hundredth time, I just ain't got the time today. I got gardens to water and trees to buck. Not to mention Big Mac's wasp stings are acting up again. We both keep on forgettin' that he's a little allergic to them. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way."

Twilight stared as her friend pushed herself by and down the short path to the gardens. She watched as Applejack, going one bucket at a time, poured water into the irrigation system. Twilight gave the ground an unsure stare before finally deciding to leave. She gave Applejack one last look and turned away back down the road.


Twilight walked down the road by the river to Fluttershy's cottage. She gave the Mayberry House a long stare as she passed. The day birds were out and about, here and there singing their songs and the quiet stream of the river kept her company as she impatiently walked. When she arrived at the cottage, she gave the door several sharp knocks.

"H-hello?" squeaked a timid voice from the other side.

"Fluttershy, it's me, Twilight. Open the door." Twilight quickly said.

"Oh hello, Twilight," Fluttershy quietly said as she slowly pushed the door open to let her friend in. The door gave a hardly-audible creak as it opened as far as it would. "Do you need something from me?"

"I do actually," Twilight replied as she took a step inside. "I want you to come with me."

"Go with you where? It's not some dark and dangerous place is it? You know I don't like doing dangerous things."

"Oh no, Fluttershy. It's nothing like that. I want you to come to the library."

Fluttershy looked around the room as if looking for an answer before nodding. "Okay. I can do that. Do you want me to come now or -"

"Oh no, just come around noon. There's something I want you to hear," Twilight responded as a bird flew past her ear.

"What do you want me to hear? Why can't you tell me now?"

"It's a long story, or at least I think it will be. So anyway, see you around noon then?"

Fluttershy nodded in agreement of the time. She gave the room a final look around before nodding again. "Okay," she said as she looked at the time. "Well it's already eleven so I guess I'll finish cleaning and then -" she continued on until she realized that Twilight had already left. She gave the door a quick close before setting herself back to work.


"Rarity, it's imperative that you come with me at once," Twilight said as she sat down behind the table in front of her friend. After Fluttershy had agreed to show, she had teleported herself to the Carousel Boutique in hopes of finding her friend there. When she arrived, Rarity had already been busy at work with a new dress and had cursed up a storm when her papers were tossed about the room. Twilight had been quick to apologize and clean up the mess.

"Why should I after you just up and suddenly teleport your way into my room and toss all my papers around?" Rarity asked after she took a sip of her tea. "My deary, that was not a very feminine thing to do."

Twilight rolled her eyes at this. "I said I was sorry, didn't I?"

"That's true," Rarity said as she refilled her cup. "But even so, you messed up a good two hours worth of work that I'm going to have to redo and find out where I was in it. I'm also going to have to go through all those papers again and that takes time."

"I know it does but even so -"

"Even so, being the lady that I am, I will hear what it is you want me to hear. Have away at it, darling."

Twilight sat back in her chair and drummed her hoof atop the face of the table. "Well it's like this: I have something I really want you to hear. I've already spoken to Fluttershy about it and she'll be coming along to hear it. So I was wondering if you would come too."

Rarity took a swig of her tea before saying, "And just where do you want me to go with you?"

"The library."

"Why the library?"

"So that we won't get uncomfortable while the story's being told."

Rarity quizzically gazed Twilight up and down, trying to find any hint of a ruse. "What story?" she finally asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Do you remember when you told me that it was a lady's duty to search for and to be moved by stories of romance or whatever it was?" Twilight asked as she fidgeted uncomfortably in Rarity's gaze.

"I do. Yes. So again, what story?"

"The entire story about how and why the Mayberry House came into being."

"And what makes you think I'd like to hear that? I've already told you it's just a silly old story."

"Because you said it was a lady's duty to seek romance," Twilight flatly replied. "This story is going to be that kind of story I think. At least that's what he said about the house anyway."

"Who is 'he'?" Rarity asked as she sat up higher in her own chair. She set her cup down on a coaster with a light of her horn. "Who is this 'he'?" she asked again.

"Bindweed Orchid. The grandson of the mare that supposedly died in the house."


Twilight nodded her head as Rarity raised her eyebrows at the sound of the name. Twilight nodded again. Rarity took a final drain of her tea before standing. She gave her mane a quick comb-through before turning to walk to the door. "Well then. Don't you think that it's prudent that we leave? After all, you come bursting in here like none of your business demanding that I go with you. Well let's go then and get this over with."


Twilight and Rarity returned to the confines of the library and took a seat around the lounge area. Twilight had Spike go fetch some tea and cookies from the kitchen while they waited for Fluttershy to arrive. It wasn't too long of a wait before there was a light knock on the door. Spike rushed to open it and there stood the familiar yellow mare. She glided in, her hooves barely in contact with the cool floor, and sat down beside Twilight. The friends exchanged greetings and they waited.

Just as when the clock tolled noon, there was a sharp heavy knock on the door. Spike went to open it and was met with a door to the face as Bindweed Orchid heavily strolled in. He took off his day hat and hung it from the post beside the door. He took a look around at the crowd before turning around and grabbing his hat down from the post.

"Wait!" Twilight cried as Bindweed placed a hoof upon the doorknob. "Just where do you think you're going?"

"I did not agree to tell the story to a bunch of mares. Only to you so that you'd leave me alone. Not to this. The deal is off. I am leaving."

"Oh please don't leave," Twilight said as she teleported herself in front of him to stop his advance through the door. "They're my friends and they expressed an interest in the story -" She shot Fluttershy and Rarity a look. They quickly nodded. "- And so I bought them along to hear it. Please sir, it's just us three. Please tell us."

"Excuse me, sir?" Rarity spoke up from her cushion. "Aren't you Bindweed Orchid? Twilight told me about you."

"So you told 'em who I was now did you?" Bindweed asked hotly as he turned back to Twilight.

"Just her. Please, just sit down and tell us your story."

"What story?" Fluttershy asked suddenly. Bindweed shot her a look and she cowered in her spot. "Oh um . . . what story? If you don't mind."

"Your friend here, Twilight, wants me to tell you the story about the Mayberry House," Bindweed explained. "But I ain't sure I'm going to anymore. I didn't agree to come and tell it to a bunch of ponies who probably have better things to do than listen to an old pony like me tell stories."

"Oh no, sir. I don't have anything to do today," Fluttershy quietly said from her hole. "Oh Twilight, I already told you that the house is haunted. Why do you want us to hear it?"

"What did you say. filly?" Bindweed asked as he turned around to look Fluttershy in her face. "What did you say that house was?"

"Oh um . . . um . . . I-I s-said that it was h-haunted," Fluttershy stuttered as she crouched under his intense gaze.

"'Haunted' you said?" Fluttershy nodded. "Haunted? Don't make me laugh, filly. That damn old house is about as haunted as a piece of parchment. As a matter of fact it might as well be just as worthless as a piece of parchment."

"And how would you know?" Rarity asked, drawing his gaze away from Fluttershy. "And just how do you know that the house isn't haunted? Hmm?"

"Filly, my father, Boldwood Orchid, invented that silly story to keep mosey little foals like you all from gettin' near the house and messin' up with it after he and my mother moved away to Westerby," Bindweed explained as he took a step forward. "That house up there is about as haunted as a piece of parchment," he said again.

"So that house isn't haunted?" Fluttershy asked. "But my grandmother -"

"Your grandmother was wrong all along then. That house has never been haunted. The closet thing to haunted that house has ever been was when a family of squirrels moved into the attic. I took a look around the house before I came over and there's a whole swarm of those nasty annoying creatures all over the place"

"So are you going to tell us the story or not?" Twilight shot across as she sat back down in her cushion.

"You're not leaving me with much of a choice now are you?" Bindweed asked as he removed his hat again. "You've all got me to talking and now I ain't just about to shut up and be on my way. Well that's not how I do things. Fine. I'll tell you. But only just you three."

"Fine. Only us three," Twilight agreed. "Spike can go and hang out with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash while you tell us."

Bindweed heavily marched back to the door and set his hat back on the post. He returned with a heavy grunt and slammed his old rump down into his own cushion. "How much of it do you wanna hear?" he asked to his audience.

"Everything," Twilight replied. "Everything. In all of it's entirety."

"Fine. Be prepared for a long story cause I'm gonna tell you everything just as how my own father told me."