• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 3,385 Views, 49 Comments

My Little Invader - Amereep

Equestria has had many villains through the years but the worst one has just arrived, Invader Zim.

  • ...

Sick as a Dog

"But the ponies do it all the time" the doggy-suit wearing Gir said.

"I don't care what the ponies get to do, I'm not allowing it" Zim said in a parental tone to his minion. They were both on the main floor to the base in their disguises as they argued.

"But I want to go dancing NAKED!!!"

"When you're above ground you have to wear your disguise and that's final, do I make myself clear?"


"TOO BAD!!!" The Irken yelled before storming deeper into his base.

Gir sit down on the floor, starring into space. He didn't make a sound, just stayed silent. "...........SQUIDZY!!!" he yells, before doing a back-flip out of an open window and into a trash can. The robot digs into the trash, his suit getting filthy as he traveled deeper. He pops out of the garbage with a toy that looks like a purple squid giving a blank expression. "SQUIDZY!!!!!!!" Gir rejoiced from finding his toy, he celebrated by eating it.

"Oh my, a green doggy!" A soft motherly voice said at the corner of the street Gir was on. She was a buttery fur colored mare and was fluttering in the air with the help of her wings when she saw the green 'doggy'. She flew over to Gir and moves her long pink mane out of her cyan eyes "You poor thing, you must be terribly sick if your fur has turned green." The robot takes a second to view the pegasi mare before he dives into the garbage again. "Oh please don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you" she told and Gir comes back up chewing on something crunchy. "My name is Fluttershy and, that is... if you like, you can come home with me. I'll nurse you back to health and we can find you a nice pony to adopt you."

"Okie dokie lokie" the robot said without giving a second thought (or any at that).

Fluttershy wasn't expecting such a direct answer from the 'puppy'. She flies closer; viewing him more thoroughly "Did, did you just.... talk?"

"It's a secret to everypony" Gir whispered.

The mare was gifted with the talent to understand animals by their yips and yells, but she never met an animal that could speak in her language before. Fluttershy just shrugs it off and places the 'puppy' on her back "I think understanding animals is becoming second nature to me."

The two arrived at a cottage covered in greenery. Flowers at the windows, bushes against the outside walls and the house itself looked like a short, chubby tree; using the leaves as roofing tiles. They entered the house and Fluttershy laid Gir on the sofa before giving him a blanket. "There, now make yourself comfortable while I go and get the thermometer" the yellow caretaker said before she flew into the kitchen.

Throwing the advice aside, the green 'puppy' sat up to view the room. Everything had a old fashion feel to it, from having a brick made oven to its carved wood work. Pet baskets scattered the floor while the ceiling was holding bird houses. It didn't take long before he got the attention of one of the residents that lived here. Jumping onto the sofa, a furry white rabbit stared at this odd creature that looks like a puppy. Gir was watching it come closer to scan him. It was raising an eyebrow and wondered if this 'pup' was for real. The rabbit didn't get to much time to think before Gir grabbed and started dancing with it. Being swung around, the rabbit was flailing in a panic as the robot lead on.

Fluttershy entered the room a few minutes later; she didn't even notice the rabbit resting on a bird swing. "Now keep this in your mouth for a while little guy" she said, placing a thermometer in the 'puppy's' mouth. The rabbit hops up to the nurturing pegasus and started tapping rapidly to get her attention. She looks down and sees the rabbit make various gestures that kept pointing to Gir. "He's a very sick puppy I found in an ally. He'll be staying with us for a while, so be nice to him while he's here" Fluttershy told the bunny; she returned to the 'puppy' to find him gone.

"EEEEEEEIIIIII HHHHHHOOOOOOOO" Gir yells, running around the room. He was crashing into stuffs and scaring the animals in the house. That white rabbit hops and makes an amazing jump to the perch it was just on, avoiding any collisions before "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Gir starts running up the wall and onto the ceiling. The bunny dives for Fluttershy and hides; cowering on her back.

Fluttershy was also starting to worry about her furniture and friends "Y-you should really settle down s-s-so you can get all nice and healt- PUT DOWN THE COFFEE TABLE!!!" Gir throws the table through the closed window, scattering glass across the lawn.

"We're gonna have picnic!" Gir says joyfully.

Fluttershy was losing control of the situation, she needed to get Gir to settle down NOW! It hurts her to consider using force on the 'puppy', but she had to use... it. Fluttershy planted herself in Gir's way, looked into the robot's stitched costume's eyes, and gave a fearful looking Stare. "Stop!" she commanded and the rampaging 'puppy' slides to a halt. "Now I want you to settle down so you can get better, understand?" She continues using the Stare on Gir. His response was by putting the thermometer in Fluttershy's mouth and running out the door screaming. The yellow mare stared at the door Gir just ran out "I never met an animal who was unmoved by my Stare before" she told the rabbit on her back.

*Bawk BAWKAAAWWW!!!!* chickens could be heard outside.

Fluttershy galloped to her chicken coop to see Gir chasing after the chickens. "Puppy, puppy stop! Leave them alone" she lifts Gir out of the fenced area and settle down the hens. "Everything's okay Henrietta, nothing to worry about Prissy, you don't need to scream anymore Cojiro..... where's Elizabeak?"

"CHICKEN!!!" now she heard Gir's voice echoing from the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy took no moment of pause and soars into the forest bravely.

Elizabeak is flapping her wings as Gir was laughing; running after the hen. She soon met a face that was more frightening then Gir's. Elizabeak quickly spun around and flaps over the robot, leaving him with his new 'friend'. Gir slowed down while a fowl looking face slithered towards him. With it's sharp petrifying eyes, a cockatrice was glaring at the robot. Gir stared back and then...

"CHICKEN NOODLE!!!" started chasing after the cockatrice. Apparently, cockatrices can only effect organic creatures. For the first time in its life, the cockatrice was now the prey.

Fluttershy (having Elizabeak resting on her head) flies to witness this bizarre situation. It was like a screwed up cat and mouse game that she, being the peacemaker as she is, had to stop. "No, no, no, leave the crossbreed alone puppy" the mare pulling back the robot. The chicken-serpent fled into the bushes and Fluttershy went the other way, holding Gir. "You're a real hoofful" she said to the squirming 'puppy'.

Fluttershy is back home with an energetic Gir in her hooves, trying to escape her grasp. "This is hopeless" she thought "I have to try and get him to wear himself out somehow. What to do? What to..... DO!" Fluttershy holds Gir out "Okay puppy" she begins to say calmly "I'll let you do whatever you want." She places Gir down "But before you do" the robot turns around to see what she wants "I want you to tell me what you're going to do first."

Gir smiles and says "I'm going to milk a cow!!!"

Fluttershy grinned and asked "Oh really! Are you planning to do anything else after that?"

Gir smirked and told "I'm gonna ride a tree!!!!!!"

Fluttershy beamed and questioned "Uh huh, anything more?"

"I'm gonna eat some butterflies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"It's working" Fluttershy thought on this rolling streak "If he keeps telling me on all the things he's going to do, he'll eventually wear himself out." "Please go on. I want to know everything you plan on doing."

Gir then told everything about his plan "Going to dress like a feather and run until I throw up and pick someone's nose and mail myself to the moon and start working on my twenty-year plan and do the Mario and trim a MuuMuu's palm tree and help the Parasprites and be a wig doner andhugSlendermareandpaintthegrassandchewonadogandsearchforaTropiusandyouwerethinkingofsomethingdirtyamomentagoweren'tyaandlkjcvoinzdfvnsrnvizmcvksnfvznfignsfivnsonvizcawqpzkxhisndiufhaiefhaiudhcviuszdhviuzvfisfiphvidhviauenadbcaljwbcjasdhcuzdher*BOOOMM!!!!!*"

"PUUUPPPPPYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!" Fluttershy yells when Gir's head explodes. Tears start to form in her eyes at the misfortune that fell before her... but something stopped her tears. When the smoke cleared, she saw Gir dancing headless. It wasn't painful gestures but various dance moves from posing in a show off style to forming letters with his arms; which were P O N A. "A............a..............a......." was all Fluttershy could manage saying before her mind went out and fainted.

Hours later, she was awoken by her white rabbit. "Wha... a.. Angel?" she begins to sit up "what happen?" Angel begins to make many poses as he tries to tell the story. "Is... is the green puppy still here?" the rabbit shook its head from side to side "I see." Fluttershy gets up and walks slowly out of the room "I'm sorry Angel, but I need to lie down for a while."

"I don't feel so good."