• Published 10th May 2013
  • 5,612 Views, 154 Comments

Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade - ssjgokillo

Rainbow Dash decides she wants a turn being Mare Do Well, but quickly discovers that Ponyville is nothing like the places depicted in comic books. If only there was some bad flank villain for her to fight.

  • ...

Omake: The Chicken Arises (Not part of the Twidash contest)

Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade
Omake- The Chicken Arises

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

The Chicken Annual #1
Origin of The Chicken

Many tales have been told of The Chicken’s fabulous exploits, especially being the sidekick of the ever mysterious Mare Do Well. But while The Chicken has been on many adventures, and helped foil many a foe, nopony has ever heard how mild mannered Scootaloo became The Chicken.

Nopony that is, until today. Onwards True Believers!

~:> The Chicken <:~

It was field trip day for the students at Ponyville Academy for Rambuctious TYkes, and though many were still getting used to the change in the name of their school (caused after a generous donation was made by one P. Pie), most were too excited to be getting to go somewhere that wasn’t the schoolhouse.

Today they were going to the Golden Oaks Library, to see some of the science and magic experiments that were being produced by the town librarian, Twilight Sparkle. The teacher hoped that it would spark an interest in science in some of the foals under her care... or at least show them what real science was... she swore that if one more student turned in another baking soda volcano...

Three fillies however, were not excited about this field trip. Typically these three, who had dubbed themselves The Cutie Mark Crusaders, would be ecstatic at getting to see something new, as that could give them ideas for how they could get their cutie marks. However, these three fillies had already trie Cutie Mark Crusaders Mad Scientists (YAAAAAY!) and Cutie Mark Crusaders Aurors (YAAAAAAY!), the latter not working out very well considering only one of them was a unicorn.

The students filed into the library, which had been reorganized today for the occasion. All around the room tables and blackboards were set up, each one containing some experiment or notes. The room looked like something straight out of that Frankenstallion movie.

In the center of the room, stood Twilight Sparkle and it was clear to everypony that the purple unicorn was almost buzzing with excitement at the prospect of teaching the young foals.

What nopony had been expecting was the rainbow-maned pegasus who was also in the library, chatting idly with Twilight as the students came in.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo shouted with joy, zipping past the other students to stand next to her idol. “What are you doing here, I didn’t know you liked science!”

Rainbow blinked, just now noticing the orange pegasus filly. She smiled at the filly, and ruffled her purple mane with a hoof. “Heh nah, science isn’t really my thing. I’ve just been hanging out a lot with Twi this past week and she asked if I’d lend a hand.” Rainbow said. Scootaloo watched as the two mares smiled at each other, before they each quickly turned their heads away from the other. What the hay was that about?

“Alright class, settle down, and we’ll let Ms. Sparkle show us what she’s been working on.” Ms. Cheerilee said. Instantly the fillies and colts quieted down, moving to sit down in front of Twilight, who was smiling brightly at the class.

“It’s very nice to have you all here!” She chirped brightly. “I have a lot of different things I’ve been working on that I’m sure you’ll all find fascinating.” She moved to the first table, and began explaining the experiment she had concocted to see if Pinkie Sense could accurately predict the weather. No matter how many times Rainbow Dash told her that she could simply tell Twilight the weather schedule, since she helped set it up.

Of course, the absence of bright colors, flashes, or playful noises quickly made most of the students lose interest. It also did not help that Twilight had a tendency to get a little... wordy, when she became excited about the pursuit of knowledge.

As fate would have it, Rainbow Dash was in a similar boat to the foals trapped in the room. Only instead of losing interest in what Twilight was saying, she was just staring at her with a dopey smile on her face as she listened to her talk.

Rainbow, so lost in her daydreams of lavender, did not notice as she leaned against one of the tables containing Twilight’s experiments. She also did not notice as her hoof rested on a button connected to one of the cages on the table, causing it to slide open.

A white feathered chicken poked its head out of the cage, looking around to make sure the coast was clear. It’s captor was faced away from her, and it seemed the smaller ponies in the room were either asleep or just not paying attention. This was it, the chance she had dreamt of! She quickly ran from the cage, and hopped off the table. She skirted around the edge of the room, trying to remain as inconspicuous as a chicken in a library could be.

She was almost to the door when she saw it. Another chicken had obviously been captured by these ponies! She was currently sleeping between a yellow pony and a white pony, obviously bespelled by one of them. It was her solemn duty to try and save this poor chicken.

She crept up slowly and nudged the orange chicken with her wing. The chicken did not budge. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. So she leaned forward, and pecked the orange chicken.

“YEOWCH!” Scootaloo scream, jumping into the air and causing all eyes to focus on her. The chicken, realizing its cover had been blown, beat a hasty retreat, promising that she would come back for her fellow chicken. The rest of the room watched as Scootaloo reached the apex of her jump, before falling to the ground.

“Uhhh, Twilight... what was that?” Ms. Cheerilee asked.

‘Oh! Nothing to worry about Cheerilee. One of the experiments I was going to show your class was one I was running on the effect of magical exposure to animals. It’s kinda boring right now though, as none of the animals have displayed any changes.” Twilight explained.

“So...is Scootaloo going to be okay?” The teacher asked.

Twilight nodded her head. “She’ll be just fine, like I said none of the animals have displayed any changes. But how did that chicken get out of it’s cage?” She looked over towards the table, and saw Rainbow staring at her, her head resting on her hooves, with her foreleg resting on the cage unlock button.

“Ugh, Rainboooow” Twilight growled.

The sound of Twilight’s annoyed voice instantly snapped Rainbow Dash out of her daydream. “Y-yea Twi? What’s up?”

Twilight facehoofed. “You let one of my chickens escape! Will you please go grab it, I don’t want to have to start this experiment over.”

Rainbow flew into the air, and gave Twilight a salute. “I’m on it Twi!” She said, zooming out of the library.

“Ugh, my head...” Scootaloo said as she slowly sat back up. The room stopped spinning, and she could see her fellow Crusaders looking at her in worry.

“You okay there Scoots?” Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo nodded and got back on her hooves. She felt alright, but her head was pounding. “I think I’m alright, I’m just gonna go outside for a moment.” She said.

She walked out of the library, her vision still a little blurry. Who knew that a chicken could hit that hard? It felt like she had been hit by...

“Hey kid look out!” A panic voice called from her side. Scootaloo looked up, and just barely had time to jump back before a pony-drawn carriage went barreling past. Her chest was heaving and her eyes were wide with shock. She had almost been killed! After a moment, she felt movement along her back. She turned her head, and noticed her wings flapping weakly.

“Gadzooks! When that Chicken bit me, it must’ve given me some of its attributes! That would explain why I couldn’t fly out of the way of that carriage!”

“Uhhh Scoots, you’ve never been able to fly.” Applebloom said as she and Sweetie Belle walked up to their friend. They had decided to follow her outside, since whatever she was up to had to be more interesting than Twilight’s talk about quantum magical theory.

Scootaloo whirled around, a stalked towards Applebloom. She pressed her face right against the yellow filly’s, and glared into her eyes. “It-was-the-chicken!” She stated, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Applebloom just pulled her head back, trying to get her personal space back in order. She rolled her eyes, knowing that no amount of talking was going to get through to her hot-headed friend. “Whatever you say Scootaloo. Now come on, we have to get back inside or else Ms. Cheerilee is gonna notice we’re missing.”

The three fillies walked back into the library, but Scootaloo was no longer paying attention to Twilight’s lecture. Something had clearly happened to her when she had been bitten by that magical chicken. She had somehow gained... chicken powers! Destiny had seen fit to give her the powers of a chicken, now she just needed to figure out what she was going to do with them.

~:> The Chicken <:~

That night, hidden away in her room, Scootaloo tested to see what powers the magical chicken bite had given her. She seemed to have been blessed with the chicken’s inability to fly, as well as an increase in her skittishness, which she took to calling her “chicken sense”. She also thought she may have been given the proportional strength of a chicken, but she’d never seen a chicken try to lift anything so the jury was still out on that one.

But what should she do with her newfound powers? Surely destiny had not given her this gift for no reason!

The reason came to her as she looked around her room, her eyes falling upon a poster of her idol, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was so awesome, if she had been given super powers, she’d use them for something just as awesome.

That’s when it hit her. Scootaloo knew what her powers were meant for. But she would need a costume, for nopony could ever know that while during the day she was just plain-old Scootaloo, at night she would become...

~:> The Chicken <:~

“In this corner, a newcomer to our ring. She may be small, be we think she’s quite “plucky”, the one, the only....THEEEEEEEEE CHIIIIIIIICKEN!” The stallion in the center of the ring cried out, as a light flashed upon the corner of the ring.

Standing there was what seemed to be a small filly in a costume made of white feathers. A red rubber “comb” topped her head, and a yellow beak painted on her luchadore mask. The filly climbed up onto the turnbuckle, waving her hooves at the cheering fans in the crowd.

Of course, the perfect use for her newfound powers would be to exploit them by using them to fight in Ponyville’s Underground Wrestling League. That was obviously what Rainbow Dash would do if she had been given super powers!

The stallion in the center of the ring turned to the other corner, pointing to it with a hoof as the crowd quieted down.

“And in this corner, that might mare of muscle, our undefeated Heavyweight Champion, give it up for the one, the only, General “The Wok” Tsoooooooooo!”

The lights flared onto the opposite corner of the ring as pyrotechnics shot off all around. Some kind of heavy beat music was playing, as a mare bigger than Big Macintosh was revealed. She flexed for the crowd, before grabbing the mic from the announcer.

“CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE WOK IS COOKING?!” She yelled out, causing the crowd to go wild. She threw the mic on the ground, and turned to face The Chicken, cracking her neck as she did.

“Oh buck...” The Chicken whimpered....

~:> The Chicken <:~

“Look kid, I hate to break it to ya, but we only pay the winning fighters here. You don’t win, you don’t get paid.” The overweight stallion sitting behind the desk said.

Scootaloo sighed in disappointment, limping out of the office. The fight had ended thankfully fast. The Wok had tossed her around a bit, before pouring some strange brown sauce on her and pinning her to the mat. The match hadn’t even lasted a minute, but it drove the crowd wild.

Unfortunately, it looked like her get-rich-quick scheme wasn’t going to pan out. At least not in the wrestling ring.

Dejected, Scootaloo slowly limped towards the exit of the arena, when she heard a shout come from behind.

“Stop! That guy’s making off with tonight’s winnings!” The overweight manager called out, far too tired from walking around his desk to try and stop the stallion.

Scootaloo watched as the stallion ran past. She contemplated trying to stop him, but all the aches in her body protested any action other than lying down somewhere. Besides, one look at this stallion and it was clear he was suffering from the feather flu, he probably needed the money for medicine or something.

With that put out of her mind, Scootaloo began the slow, painful trek back to her home.

~:> The Chicken <:~

The next day, after school had been let out for the day, Scootaloo found herself ignoring her aching body’s protests as she sped towards the library. Some of the fillies and colts on the playground had been talking about a rumor that was going around town, but she had to see it for herself. It just couldn’t be true!

She burst into the library, and her worst fears were realized. There, lying on a couch and covered with blankets, was Rainbow Dash. She looked pale, her normally fierce eyes were vacant and tired. Twilight stood next to her, wiping the sweat off her brow with a cloth.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo cried, rushing to the side of her idol. The sound of her voice seemed to bring Rainbow Dash back to consciousness

“Hey Scoots, wh-what’s up?” Rainbow asked, before a coughing fit erupted from the pegasus.

“Wha... what happened to you Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked, tears beginning to pool in her eyes.

It was Twilight who answered her, levitating a glass of water to Rainbow Dash as her coughing subsided. “Featherbrain here crashed into some stallion last night while she was looking for that chicken that got loose. Turns out the guy had a pretty bad case of the feather flu, and now Rainbow has got it too.”

Rainbow set the glass of water down, and motioned for Scootaloo to come closer. “S-scoots, I don’t think I’m going to make it...” The pegasus said, a small cough escaping her.

“Rainbow Dash, how many times do I have to tell you, it’s just the feather flu!” Twilight said. Her tone was exasperated, but she’d been through this all morning. Even if Rainbow Dash hardly ever got sick, that was no reason to treat a simple illness like it was the end of the world.

Rainbow Dash ignored Twilight’s comment, focusing on the orange filly by her side. “L-listen Scoots, you’re a good kid, and I just wanted to tell you something. Something my father told me when I was a filly, and they’re words I lived my life by.”

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. The words that Rainbow Dash lived her life by? That was like being told the secrets of the universe. She leaned closer, desperate to hear every last word that came from her fallen idol.

Rainbow Dash took a breath, before imparting her “final” words of wisdom to the young filly. “Remember these words squirt. With great Awesomeness, comes great Radicalness.” And with those words spoken, Rainbow Dash fell back against the couch, her eyes closed.

Scootaloo had tears running down her face as she took one last look at her mentor and friend. “I won’t forget Rainbow Dash, I promise!” She said, before running out of the library, leaving an exasperated Twilight Sparkle.

“IT’S JUST THE FEATHER FLU!” Twilight scream to nopony in particular.

“Hey Twi, keep it down, I’m trying to rest here...” Rainbow Dash mumbled.

Twilight resisted the urge to scream in frustration, if only just barely.

~:> The Chicken <:~

Standing atop the roof of the Ponyville Academy for Rambunctious TYkes, The Chicken looked over her town. It was her fault, it was all her fault. If she had simply been awesome that night, and stopped that stallion, then Rainbow Dash would... she would...

No! She wouldn’t dwell on that. What was done was done. Instead, she would dedicate her life to the ideals of Awesomeness and Radicalness, she would become a force of justice, using her powers for the betterment of ponykind!

Lookout villains of Equestria, The Chicken has arisen!

Author's Note:

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but it had to be done.

First off, I just want to say, I love Scootaloo. The only thing I enjoy more than Twidash is Twidash+Scootadop. So this was meant in no way to be bashing her. It was just meant to be a funny little side story to MDWvsPN.

In my head, this would take place during the two week period where Twilight was refusing to become Nightshade after the memory-block debacle. It's not really "canon" to the Equestria-616 universe, like I said it was written mainly for a laugh. If I was going to make Scootaloo a sidekick, I'd make her at least semi-serious.

Be sure to check out The Chicken Annual #2, where we show for the first time ever how The Chicken grew up from the shadow of the Mare, becoming her own hero as the fearsome Dodo! Complete with fold-out poster!

Comments ( 41 )

this was a prefect silly short chapter i really enjoyed it, my face was like this :rainbowhuh: when i saw it then was like this :pinkiehappy: by the end. keep up the great work!

Ponyville Academy for Rambunctious TYkes

Both times the school's name is mentioned, you do this. I can only assume it's intentional and Pinkie just wanted to make it grammatically annoying.

Upcoming titles!
Mare-Do-Well: A Death in the Group of Acquaintances!
Mare-Do-Well: Under the Red Hat!
Preteen Sentinels!
Birdwing and Spacefire, OTP!

This chapter was the single most mindnumbingly dumb thing I have ever had the so-called 'pleasure' to read.

You're a fucking genius, you glorious, GLORIOUS bastard.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I honestly have no control over why Pinkie Pie does what she does :pinkiecrazy:

Love the titles. Perhaps after the second Chicken, Diamond Tiara, is brutally defeated by Professor Nightshade, she can be resurrected as the Red Hat

And why oh why did the last one make me think of Luna and Celestia dressed up as Nightwing and Starfire?

Hope you enjoyed it, and that it didn't cause too much in a loss of IQ :rainbowlaugh:

2581611 Idea - Twilight sometimes has breakdowns and becomes Professor Nightshade when she's upset. Or! Or! Nightshade shows up again - but this time it's not Twilight! Clever me, reading all them funny books, amiright?

Of course, the perfect use for her newfound powers would be to exploit them by using them to fight in Ponyville’s Underground Wrestling League. That was obviously what Rainbow Dash would do if she had been given super powers!

The sad thing is, I'm not sure Scootaloo is wrong about that. :rainbowhuh:


The Chicken would have to deal with many antagonists and foes to her youthful super-heroic career, such as...

Ms. Mayor Mare ("MMM") The anti-Crusader against youthful indiscretions, she campaigns relentlessly to reign in Ponyville's fillies' & colts' freedoms while also furthering her political career. ("Get me photo's of The Chicken! It'll make good publicity for me! Er- I mean... That Chicken is a menace! Won't somebody think of the fillies!")

Doctor Octopony... Lyra Heartstrings' experimentations towards developing dexterous appendages for elderly unicorns' waning magic for resulted in a horrific accident that fused the prototypes to her barrel. Her work dismissed and reputation ridiculed, she now exacts her revenge upon the world.

The Green Gotland... Granny Smith, trying to develop a new zap-apple jam recipe, infused the mix with both Poison Joke and extra lightning. Tasting the experimental jam herself, the mixture gave her great vitality, but also great insanity. Now she (slowly) hovers across the skies with her rocket walker, tossing exploding apples and sowing chaos rather than apple seeds.

The Sinister Mane Six... Once the premier heroic team of Equestria, these six ponies were mutated and driven insane from an expedition to an alternate dimension through a magical mirror. Now, hideously warped from ponies into bipedal monstrosities, they wreak havoc among ponykind.

Great chapter, awesome

Now that you mention Twidash+Scootadop, are you going to write a fic of the theme? or, can you recommend one? :scootangel:


I know bats is working on one called Spellbound Fireflies. Vinylwub67 has one called 20% Sweeter that is also looking like it's going that way. And Kodeake's Rainbooms and Romance had a couple chapters of Scootadopt Twidash.

As for doing one myself,I have been thinking about it. Might start one once I get more work done on twilight's journey.


I was under the impression that Scootaloo wasn't an orphan in 20% Sweeter.

Also, you're getting your Marvel in my DC.


I'd definitely recommend Spellbound Fireflies, Bats is awesome.

Ponyville Academy for Rambunctious TYkes... :pinkiegasp: P.A.R.TY.

I see what you did there Miss P. Pie :pinkiecrazy:

As for TwiDash+ScootAdopt... that sounds brilliant! I'm already following Spellbound Fireflies, but are there any more besides the other two mentioned?

2582326 2582461
Thanks, I will read them. :pinkiehappy:

Just remembered this one, The Fatal Error by AzureKaRyu. I think that covers all the one's I've read so far, though I could be forgetting one.

And Pinkie's first choice for naming the school was actually Cupcakes Academy, but apparently there's some negative publicity associated with that. :pinkiecrazy:

You are quite possibly right, I'll have to go back through and read it again. If not Scootadopt, then it seems like there'll be a good dose of Scootalove, which I am also down with :scootangel:

Oh lord, my sides. The Granny Smith one was the best, though the Sinister Mane Six could tie in with the idea of Equestria-2... hmmmmm....


You are more than welcome to use/adapt any creative ideas &/or refinement suggestions I freely provide.

I would suggest waiting until, say... June 16, 2013, before writing anything about The Sinister Mane Six :trollestia: .



Wow, when I first read your comment, I completely missed the Equestria Girls connection.:derpyderp2:

You can blame my sleep deprived mind and Google images for that one. I had pictures of Mare Do Well up in case I needed them for reference, and intermixed with the results where pictures of Darkwing Duck. When I started writing the "Mare Do Well" origin story, I was trying to figure out what kind of animal/totem would work for someone to dress up like Mare Do Well, then bam! Darkwing Duck! And of course, if I was going to use Darkwing Duck, then I had to include the song. I think that's actually a law. Maybe... I dunno, if not then it should be!

*reads reply comment*
*stares at computer screen blankly*
June 16th! I get it! *looks around at the people giving him strange looks* I... I understood that reference.


:rainbowlaugh: ... Perhaps I was a bit too subtle with my jokes? Well, here is the "answer sheet"...

1. Ms. Mayor Mare ("MMM") = J. Jonah Jameson ("JJJ")
- a. "the anti-crusader" = pun against the Cutie Mark Crusaders
- b. Bit of Marvel Comics' canon history &/or current times: "JJ" Jameson did eventually go on to become Mayor of New York. While Mayor Jameson still rails against Spider-Man to current times, it is generally ineffectual since Spider-Man is currently a card-carrying member of The Avengers, as well as having been publically security-cleared by S.H.I.E.L.D.

2. Doctor Octopony = Doctor Octopus
- a. Using the Lyra Heartstrings' meme about being more human-like than pony-like, and her supposed fascination with hands. Thus relating to Otto Octavius' cybernetic tentacle "arms".
- b. There is even fan-art about Lyra depicted as a "Doctor Octopus", but with 5-finger hands at the ends of her cyber-tentacle arms. I am not going to dig through DeviantArt to find it, however.

3. The Green Gotland = The Green Goblin
- a. A Gotland is a Swedish pony breed. It was even more perfect since it also has the same phonetic syllables as "goblin". And no, gotland ponies are generally not green colored :trollestia: .
- b. Granny Smith, besides being green colored, is also related to Apple Bloom, who is one of Scootaloo's best friends. This mirrors how Norman Osborn (Green Goblin I) was Harry Osborn's (Green Goblin II) father, and Harry was one of Peter Parker's best friends.

4. The Sinister Mane Six = The Sinister Six
- a. A team-up of six Spider-Man's various villains, as opposed to MLP:FiM's "Mane Six".
- b. And yes, the "expedition to an alternate dimension" and "warped into bipedal monsters" parts were, what I thought at the time, obvious & blatant MLP: EqG references. But I guess I was unknowingly subtle instead :twilightsheepish: .

===== ===== =====

As I posted earlier, you are welcome to use/adapt what I freely provide for creative ideas.

Ever onwards, True Believers!

I can't stop laughing!


Nah, I got all of them except the Gotland part, thought I still saw the Green Goblin reference.

Which could indeed make for an interesting story for The Chicken. After tragically defeating her best friend's grandmother, The Chicken finds herself wracked with guilt. At the same time, Applebloom, who has discovered that it was The Chicken who put her beloved Granny Smith in a home, thirsts for revenge. She becomes a force of hatred and despair for The Chicken, taking up her father's old military mantle. And thus, The Chicken's greatest nemesis, The Colonel is born!

This fic idea received a rating of 11 out of 10 herbs and spices. :rainbowlaugh:


Dr Horrible is great. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

For the first point, I can totally see that. It's actually something I worried about after I finished the fic, whether or not it stood on it's own without all the references I was tossing in. I'll be sure to keep it contained in the future.
As for the whole she/her thing... I don't even know, I'm going to have to go and reread the whole thing and see if I can spot them, but thanks for pointing it out for me!

As far as what Pinkie Pie knew, well, she knew that Twilight was Nightshade, but more importantly, at the end she knew that Nightshade was gaining control. I covered it in a "making of..." blog post I did, but basically I had an idea originally where Pinkie Pie, having discovered what Twilight was up to, would keep showing up and challenging both her and Dash to battles, claiming to be each one's nemesis. It was meant to be (yet another) reference to the whole bit with Dr. Horrible and Johnny Snow, where Dash and Nightshade would just be exasperated by Pinkie's antics.

I didn't end up rolling with it though. Instead, I meant to make it so that way someone else knew what was truly going on, and what exactly was at stake for Twilight. As to the how Pinkie Pie knew all this, it was originally planned to be a combo of her Pinkie Sense, and Pinkie just being Pinkie. Poor excuse I know :twilightblush:

As far as a sequel goes, I have plenty of ideas I could run with. And like I've said before, I left the ending as it was to leave myself open for a sequel if I decide to in the future. I still have Twilight's Journey I really want to finish first though. After that's done, who knows?

But thank you for the comment, it was very insightful, which I really appreciate!

2602989 As for instance with she/her, you sometimes say something like "Twilight and her (did something)." It ought to be "she and Twilight (did something)."

Wow, I am honestly ashamed I made such a basic mistake. Once the judging for the contest has finished I'll go back through and fix what mistakes I can find, and see if I can get a proofreader to go over this.

Thanks for pointing that out to me, I'd give you an internet cookie, but Sweetie Belle ate them all!

2617682 It's a pretty standard grammar mistake. Meh. At least you've never, that I've noticed, screwed up you're/your, there/their/they're, or used Should of, Would of, or Could of.

THOSE inspire rage.

Oh I'm sure I've messed those up at times. Someone just pointed out to me that on one of the chapters of Sparkle Dash Family I wrote mare's, when I was meaning the plural, mares. I was so ashamed:raritycry:

2617708 Oooh, possessive/plural screwups. Vicious.

Don't go all seppuku on us now. You can be redeemed.

I feel like this fic is underappreciated.

It had a pretty strong theme and consistency, with very well defined goals.

This? I'm afraid I don't understand :derpyderp2:

Thanks! But in all honesty the response I've gotten from this fic makes me think it's been very much appreciated. Everyone was awesome in their support ever since chapter 1. :pinkiehappy:

Good literature doesn't die just because it has that one special cousin that nobody ever talks about. It just ignores the fact that it exists and forgets to invite it over for Christmas dinner.

You bring up an excellent point. That really should have been fleshed out more. I'll attempt to fix that whenever I feel like going through and fixing this story. Thanks for pointing that out for me! :pinkiehappy:

2916109 I can't even tell if that was supposed to be insulting or complimentative...

This whole story...
Funny, fluffy when it needs it, with moments where Rainbow and Twilight both get to be total badflanks, and with just the right amount of shipping and feels. Even Professor Nightshade was great.
I wish there was a sequel. Or a comic of it. Or an episode. (It makes it funnier because of the recent reveal of the S4 Superhero Episode)

Funny story actually, I had received a review for MDWvsPN on fanfictiondotnet where the reviewer asked me if they could make a comic out of the story. Sadly they did so with an anon account, so I had no way to respond and tell them I'd be delighted to see such a thing.

As far as a sequel goes, I have some ideas in mind. I just really want to finish the next couple chapters of Twilight's Journey first.

Also, thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked the story :)

Why yes! Yes it is!

When I was a kid my grandparents had a copy of the old Adam West Batman movie, I used to think that thing was so awesome. So they showed me some episodes of the actual show, and the whole "Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel" thing stuck with me.

There are other references as well. Most of the chapter titles are references to some arc in comic history. Probably more that I can't remember. It's been a while since I've read through this.

Dat giant Spider-Man reference.

2581511 (Pst, take every capital letter and look at what they spell)

I like the premise of this. I'll give this a read after I'm done with the other 50 fics I'm supposed to one day read.

Little did Scootaloo know, the chicken bite hadn't bestowed her with any powers at all, but instead, whenever she hears the word chicken, she freaks out.
:twistnerd::Hey Scootaloo, Ms. Fluttershy asked us to help fix her chicken coop, wanna come?
Random Griffin Kid: Hey, Scootaloo, I'm going to the library to find a good recipe for grilled chicken, wanna help me look?
Lou Albano: I'm leaving for good.... Ol' fried chicken!

I'M FUCKING DYING :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
This is basically my reaction

Beautifully done. This was hilarious from start to finish, bravo. The omake was the perfect finish.

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