• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
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TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous

Comments ( 123 )

OH YES BABY!:raritystarry:

Not bad, for a clop fic.:pinkiehappy::trollestia::trollestia:

Because there's not enought rape stories about the princesses.

One can never have too much rape. Rape is what makes the world go round. I'm even planning my own rape fic.

2704841 HUZZAH! The rape has been doubled!

Of course. I still got Luna's chapter to make.


This comment made me fall out of my chair laughing.

Nice one

Always enjoy a good rape fic. Hope its not gonna just be Celestia and Luna getting raped. How about Sombra forcing Celestia and Luna watch as some their ponies get gangraped in front of them.

I read that title in a Mel Brooks voice in my head, I think that helped me enjoy this.

John signaled forward movement, and slowly, the small infiltration team moved down the hallway. Lieutenant first class John winced as every second ticked by. He could feel the entire dimensional subsector devolving around him. The pain and misery of this entire planet was slowly ripping the integrity of this area of space and time apart.

Sapient beings don't often stop to think what damage their thoughts do. The entire realm of reality is based entirely on the perception of sapient creatures. In the infinite multiverse existing simultaneously, the one single (or more often several phased together) dimension that you perceive was your reality.

Pain, grief, horror, all of these things could damage your perception and your reality. The debilitating effects of a relatively large number of Terras experiencing the medieval era had inflicted magic across a even much larger area. It had taken the entire might of the fixers to end almost all of them, one way or the other.

The force was the Reality Fixation Task Force.

and John was one of them.

His squad dropped the two guards, live rounds, and then dropped their cloaks. Propping up the breaching charge on the door was a slight muffled affair, but that all ended when it went off. The door completely shattered dazing all of the rooms occupants.

John was in first as always. He took one look at the twisted tyrannical scum before him, and his decision was made for him.

His rifle rang out ending the rapist pig's life in one neat shot. It was better then he deserved. John popped open the wrist communicator and called up the reset crew. This was going to be a big one.

2704948 What're you talking about? Those are practically the only Sombra fics I see.

You're right: There aren't.:trollestia:

After reading through, it seems this might be referring to the story.

This fic sounds promising :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

The comments here make me cringe, more so than the fic itself.

Prooooooooobably staying away from this one. Forever.

Gotta admit; Couldn't enjoy this. I'll freely confess that a good rape fic is, at best, a guilty pleasure for me, but this didn't pull it off. It's like... The rape has to be well-justified in terms of, "Yes, the rapist could do this and get away with it."

Here I'm just left wondering why Celestia and Luna would both be so stupid as to surrender to a clearly cruel tyrant because he threatened families, as opposed to, say, killing him. I know it did mention being outnumbered or something, but one, how on Equestria does he have forces outnumbering/outmatching theirs when they rule the world and he's just a freshly-risen mage, and two... I'd still just kill him with magic. I mean. It wouldn't be that hard. Just telekinetically break his neck, boom, fight done. And these two are both hardened immortals who've seen hundreds die, so I don't know why the threat of a maniac killing ponies would make them personally surrender. With like no way at all of knowing that, you know, Sombra wasn't just lying about sparing ponies if they did so. Which the story implies he was.

...Like, I dunno. I'd have handled the situation of Sombra trying to take over more reasonably than them--and I shouldn't be thinking that when I'm comparing myself to immortals who have ruled for centuries. :ajbemused:

By all means, though, keep it going. Most people seem to be enjoying it, even if I can't say I'm among them.

Oh god... :pinkiesad2:

Alright, way too cruel for a rape fic. I'm sorry, but i'm not going to read any more of this. I feel just as violated as Celestia must in this fic.
Anyone who seriously finds this kind of thing arousing, you need to go get yourself some professional help, god damn. :pinkiesick:

There was a time in this fandom when stories like this would have been downvoted into oblivion.

It's your name that attracted me to this story. I figured

Hey, someone named Tittysparkles has got to be trustworthy, right? Right?


There was a time in this fandom when stories like this would have been downvoted into oblivion.


That's a personal opinion.:moustache:



I applaud your ingenuity. If not your...topic.


Hey, someone named Tittysparkles has got to be trustworthy, right? Right?

And I said no. A name has nothing to do with trustworthiness.:moustache:

2706077 Hey, wait a second,

You just caused a massive contradiction, my friend.

You said no to him being trustworthy, then you say a name doesn't have to do with trustworthiness?

And now it is time for the dear King Sombra to have his horn torn out of his head, his eyeballs gouged out, his legs chopped off, his balls shot off, skin alived, and then burned till he is nothing but a pile of ash.

No really. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I like this take on Sombra


While it takes some serious balls and self confidence to write a rape fic, I'm going to have to pass. Not going to downvote, since I'm not going to read this at all. However, I take no enjoyment from the premise alone, beyond the rape aspect, I see Celestia and Luna as being far more powerful than Sombra. No offense to you, but really wish there was a content filter for the feature box and specific fetishes so I didn't have to see them. :|

This was... Interesting. Yet, I find it that I was not at all surprised by what went on here. I saw everything coming, from Sombra making the plushes audible, to the guards having their way with her at the end. I tend to have this problem with movies and other written works as well, and I gotta admit, it ruins the experience. Not bad though.

Interesting and all that.

But never liked the take that the princesses would rather see their ponies live in misery then die free.

Why would Celestia fight and banish NMM ,who was her own sister at top of that , if she is so easy to just give up.

There is more but all been said already.


NMM was trying to kill ponies with night eternal. So choice was: fight to be free and alive or not fight and let ponies die.
Sombra is content to simply enslave ponies. So choice is: fight and let ponies die or live and let them live as slaves. Life can be improved, but death cannot be reversed.


If they are slaves to his whim do they have a life of their own?

And you cant talk about life improving when for that something has to be done, and the princesses just gave up. Sending a simple message to Equestria: "Let him do what he wants."

The princesses didnt save anyone, all they did was give Sombra the power to kill anyone whenever he wants instead of letting the ponies die fighting for freedom.

How are the princesses supposed to know what he is doing outside when they are his prisoners?


Both choices result in deaths. But fighting is almost certain death of thousands if not millions, and slavery is very slim chance of Sombra going on killing spree. He's 'bad' , he's evil, but he's evil tyrant, and tyrants love to rule and have many loyal subjects. He's not crazy, he's ruling country on his own and like I said there's always chance to improve things.

Elements of Harmony are hidden, there wasn't a word about Mane 6 dying, so Princesses may bide time for revolution to come and King to be overthrown.


Luna and Celestia are the elements of harmony, this is back after they defeated Discord and before NNM. So yeah game over since they gave up you can assume he also has control of the elements. If not the shiny rocks (if they do exist at this point?) then of the bearers and thats more important then the rocks themselves. ( I just mentioned it because of Celestia fighting her own sister who is her flesh and blood for the ponies, but here its "reasonable" that she wouldn't care about their freedom as much as just letting them "live" so she doesnt feel guitly for them dying)

And like said, he can do what he wants and if the slaves already are content with just being slaves without a life, why would he improve things? Giving them even a bit of freedom will just make them want more. If anything he will want to make it worse and worse for them to completely break them.

Just to scare them into submission he is killing innocents even though he "promised" the princesses he wont. And of course the princesses showed their subjects that submission is the only answer,


Luna and Celestia are the elements of harmony,

No, they are not. They _were_ wielders. Elements are artifact + embodiement of virtue and work only if two pieces present. Granted, wielders can summon artifact, it helps a little.

He killed only those who fought him, that's a given. He didn't kill anyone else and even spared his hostage. So he's holding his word. Even dolls are not dead. Cruel, and only step away from real death, but still, technically, he's true to his promise.

And improvement will come anyway. If he'll give them even a little freedom, good. If not, opression will cause revolution. If both ways fail, other countries will attack (Griffons, Dragons, other alicorns or zebras) or Elements will work. Tyrants always fall, and immortal princess knows it too well. She just need to wait and endure, and it looks like she keeps Sombra's attention on her, saving her subject from his cruelty.


No, they are not. They _were_ wielders. Elements are artifact + embodiement of virtue and work only if two pieces present. Granted, wielders can summon artifact, it helps a little.

Okay then: They ARE the wielders (that one is what i meant anyway not that Celestia and Luna are the elements but that they control them). Or yeah if we take it as it is now, they *were* since Sombra defeated them (better said they defeated themselves but meh), this is 1000 years before Season 1 and the Mane 6 arent even born yet, or even if they will it will be irrelevant with the damage Sombra can do in 1000 years.

Its even in the Story Description:

What if Sombra beat Celestia and Luna 1000 years ago?

As for others invading, Sombra took control of Lunas and Celestias ponies, sure as hell he will use them in any wars if he has no problem and actually encourages his troops to kill innocent families, why wouldnt he use them. So again their dead ponies.

But how would others (that includes rebelions or other nations) defeat Sombra if Celestia and Luna couldnt? Unless every nation has its own super power wielding "gods" but then things will just go to hell since Sombra upset the fragile balance...

Over time the ponies will get used to it and then less and less will resist. If Sombra is without problems defeating the biggest resistance he will ever face, how easily will it be later.

As for the Dolls, their souls arent dead, but i doubt they will have a body to return to so yeah the only thing he is doing is keeping them trapped in a sort of limbo, they are dead with no chance to survive but he keeps them "alive".

But damn this is getting long and pointless really, the story is secondary to the rape in this anyway so why do we expect it to make sense *_*

2706346 Believe it or not, I was looking for a video of Phoenix Wright yelling 'OBJECTION!', but Youtube is being an ass.


But how would others (that includes rebelions or other nations) defeat Sombra if Celestia and Luna couldnt?

Elements. They're choose wielders anyway, and they're not myth yet, so ponies know about them. And if mere unicorn defeated two alicorns, who says he couldn't be defeated by equally skilled and stubborn pony? Who says Princesses didn't put some plan in motion? Or that Sombra (not immortal) couldn't just die from old age thus making overthrowing tyranny even easier?

One thousand years is very long time for mortals.

And discussing clopfics plots is interesting. Sometimes stories in clopfics are better than your average fanfic, and we look like gentlemans ignoring rape and talking about politics. :twilightsheepish:


No, I said no to that his name makes him trustworthy. :facehoof: Too many "No"s...

2707316 That's another contradiction on itself!

There we fucking go!


*sigh* :facehoof: Allow me to elaborate. You stated that TittySparkles' name makes him/her trustworthy. I stated that this cannot be true, as a name cannot determine one's trustworthiness. His name doesn't make him trustworthy, his actions do.:moustache:


:ajbemused:I think you're taking what I say differently than how I intended...:facehoof:

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