• Published 5th May 2013
  • 1,079 Views, 15 Comments

Rainbow's "Fan" Stories - Mudraynebow

Rainbow Dash reads stories about herself... And realizes that she's popular for a lot of reasons that are not good.

  • ...


WARNING: This story has been rated Teen by the author, due to some dark themes and brief pony profanity.
NOTICE: Although no lyrics appear in the story, this story's theme song as well as the song I based this story off of is called "Happy?" by Mudvayne.


Rainbow Dash flew back to her home, depressed. Ever since computers and the Internet had been introduced to Equestria (about a week or so ago), pony's attitudes towards Rainbow Dash had changed. She was no longer cool anymore. Everypony made fun of her for things Rainbow Dash didn't understand. Rainbow knew it had something to do with the computers and the Internet, but she didn't know what.
When Rainbow Dash reached her house, she saw with a surprise that her friend, alicorn Twilight Sparkle was up there, waiting for her.
"You here to make fun of me, too?" Rainbow asked glumly, landing.
"Rainbow Dash," Twilight said with concern. "I'm not here to make fun of you. I'm here to help you with that. Ever since we got those computers, you haven't been yourself."
"Yeah, I wonder why," Rainbow said sarcastically. "It's not like I don't get made fun of EVERY DAY by practically the whole town."
"I know they all make fun of you," Twilight said sadly. "I've seen them. I've tried to get them to stop, but they won't listen to me."
"You're making me feel so much better, Twilight."
"It's not that, Rainbow, please understand- but I have done some research on my computer and I think I've found out why all the ponies are bothering you. My new computer is amazing! It's like a whole library where you can just look up and read whatever-"
"Wait," Rainbow interrupted. "You said you know why all the ponies are doing this to me?"
"I believe I do," Twilight said confidently. "If you let me use your computer, I can show you."
"Thanks, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said. "You really are a great friend to have!"
Twilight, with Rainbow following her, walked into Rainbow's house and sat down at the computer, which was on a table of clouds. There was a spell on the computer to keep it from just falling through the clouds.
Twilight typed something into the computer and clicked the search. "I think this will answer your question, Rainbow," Twilight said grimly.
"Let me see that," Rainbow demanded, pushing Twilight aside so she could read. She looked at the links on the screen, and her jaw dropped.
"W- w- w- what are these?" Rainbow said weakly. "Are- are all of those stories about me?"
"Yep," Twilight said. "And none are very nice, either. Look at the name of the website."
Rainbow looked. "But- these are all, like, hate stories about me! This whole site!"
"Yep," Twilight said sadly.
"I can't believe ponies read these! I thought they all loved me!"
"I guess not, Rainbow. But I don't make fun of you. I'm your friend. And Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy have never made fun of you about this, either. We're your friends. Just remember that."
"Thanks, Twi," Rainbow said, feeling a little better. "I'm going to read some of these, though. I need to know what's been written about me."
Rainbow clicked on the first link.


Rainbow Dash finished the first story, then read two more.
"I can't believe those ponies read those!" Rainbow said, finishing the third story. Tears began to form in her eyes, not tears of sadness but tears of anger. "Is this all my life's gonna be? Just being teased forever? I'm doomed!"
"Don't worry, Rainbow," Twilight said. "I'm sure they will all stop after awhile."
"I thought everypony loved me. I thought they were all better than this."
Twilight felt bad for her depressed friend. "Rainbow, it doesn't matter what all those other ponies say. You'll always be awesome to me and your other friends!"
"Thanks, Twilight," Rainbow said, but her voice was sad.
"I wouldn't read any more of those stories," Twilight said. "I think they'll just make you feel worse."
"Don't worry, I've read enough," Rainbow said. "Trust me."
"Well... I have to go now, Rainbow," Twilight said uncertainly. "See you tomorrow."
"See ya, Twi," Rainbow said. Twilight walked out of Rainbow's house and took off, flying into the night.
Rainbow Dash turned off her computer and headed for bed.


Rainbow Dash dreaded heading into town the next morning but she had promised Applejack she would help at Sweet Apple Acres. At least Applejack didn't hate her.
Rainbow flew into town and it was as she expected- the ponies who saw her began to tease her right away. Rainbow Dash kept her head down as she walked through Ponyville, not wanting to get insulted right in the face. It was hard for her, seeing ponies that she had once thought had loved her now insulting her and teasing her. She didn't say a word to anypony.
It was a relief when Rainbow finally got out of Ponyville and she was headed for Sweet Apple Acres. No more teasing... For now, anyway.
Rainbow reached Applejack's farm.
"Howdy, Rainbow!" Applejack greeted her at the entrance.
"Hey, Applejack," Rainbow said sadly, staring at the ground.
Applejack's expression changed. "Look, Sugarcube, ah know yer upset an all about them stories, but ya gotta remember that they ain't true."
"Everypony's acting like they're true," Rainbow said.
"Ah know it's tough, but just give them ponies some time. They'll come around."
"I sure hope so," Rainbow said. "My heart's exhausted. I feel like I'm being pulled up so I can be pushed down again."
Then, Rainbow turned her head towards the sky. "I HOPE YOU'RE ALL HAPPY NOW!" Rainbow yelled. She turned back to Applejack. "Sorry, AJ, I just had to get that out."
"Ah understand, Sugarcube," Applejack said. "Ya look pretty darned depressed."
"I guess I am," Rainbow said. "Well, let's start the chores. I need SOMETHING to take my mind off of all this."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack bucked apples until an entire field was done, then they went and replaced some old parts of the barn roof. After that, they took a break and had some fresh apple cider.
"Ya feelin better, Rainbow?" Applejack asked.
"A little, I guess," Rainbow Dash replied.
"That's good," Applejack said. "There's more stuff to get done- just let me know when ya wanna start again."
"We can start as soon as I'm done with this cider," Rainbow said.

Rainbow Dash spent the rest of the day helping Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres. The work did help her feel better a little bit, but she knew it wouldn't last. Sure enough, when she left Applejack's place and headed back into town, the few ponies that were still out there began to make fun of Rainbow yet again. Rainbow glared at them, then took off, heading for her house. She could hardly take the pain anymore.
When Rainbow Dash got to her house, she went to bed right away. She would do anything to get away from all this hate.


The next day, Rainbow flew down to Ponyville and was instantly verbally assaulted with insults and teasing. Rainbow Dash tried to ignore them, but the cruel, laughing voices filled her head, making her feel worthless. All because of those stories about her, this was how all of this started. It became harder and harder to ignore the ponies as she walked, and she grew sadder and angrier. All she wanted to do was head to Sugarcube Corner without any problems, but that wasn't happening.
Finally, Rainbow couldn't take the teasing and something in her snapped. She flew in the air, fifty feet above the ponies. Suddenly, for the first time, she realized that the whole town wasn't after her after all. There was maybe thirty ponies who were doing the teasing but all the rest just looked up at her. They felt sorry for the pegasus. They didn't want to see her get teased like that. Rainbow Dash felt a lot better, knowing that most of the townsfolk still cared about her. Then, one of the teasers shouted another insult.
Rainbow instantly grew angry. These teasers had hurt her pride. She flew back down, right up to the pony that had spoken. "ENOUGH!" she roared. "Why do you all tease me like this? None of those bucking stories about me were true! Why are you doing this to me? I hope you all are happy, along with the ponies who wrote those stories! I hope you're all happy now that I'm left with practically nothing! I used to have a reputation and now, because of you haters and those damn stories, that's all gone!"
The ponies below were silent now, just staring up at her. Furiously, Rainbow Dash stared at the last pony that had insulted her right in the face. "Anything else you want to say?" she hissed. The pony she was talking to shrank back.
Rainbow Dash stared around at all the ponies on the street, haters, and non-haters alike, and spoke.
"I thought my life was ruined," Rainbow said. "I thought I was no one. Now, I realize. There will always be people in your life who dislike you, and you've just gotta deal with it. There will always be at least one pony that hates you, but you can't let them t get you down. You've gotta learn to stand up for yourself."
The ponies were all silent for a moment. Then, they all began to clap, even the ponies that had just been making fun of her. Rainbow Dash stared around in surprise as they all just clapped for her.
Then, Rainbow saw a familiar purple alicorn walking towards her from the side of the road.
"I'm proud of you, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said with a smile. "It looks like you've learned something about friendship today. That speech you just gave would make a great letter to the Princess."
Rainbow Dash grinned back. "Thanks, Twi," she said. "I really do feel happy now that I know how to handle this."
"You better get home and start that letter!" Twilight said. "Just bring it to me tomorrow and I'll have Spike send it."
"On it!" Rainbow Dash said happily. She took off, heading for her house, and for the first time this week, she flew back, not feeling lonely, lost or depressed, but happy that she knew how to handle her situation.

Author's Note:

I would like to thank Mudvayne and their song, "Happy?" For inspiring me to write this story. I also thought it would be interesting for a pony to read a dark or clop fanfic about themselves, see it from their point of view.
I can assure anyone with full confidence that this story is not against any fanfic or website, I simply wrote it because it just kind of came to me, and I thought it would be interesting from a pony's point of view.

Comments ( 14 )

you have this story listed as complete, but there is not a resolution. I hope you continue this.

dark chaos emerald:(bathed in dark chaos energy)they will all DIE.THIS I SWAR.no one hurts rainbow dash.i will always be there for you rainbow dash

I'll save rainbow dash of the FUCKING pony's :flutterrage::flutterrage:

"...alicorn Twilight Sparkle..." Probably should say Princess.
"I can't believe ponies read these! I thought they all loved me!" I don't think Rainbow Dash is that arrogant.
Rainbow Dash is way to dramatic. I'm pretty sure she cares more about what her friends think than what a bunch of background ponies think.
And why does she walk through town? She always flies, and if she didn't want to get teased she'd just fly over town.

Oy vey. :facehoof:

Too much telling, not enough showing. If you want us to empathize with Rainbow Dash, you have to show us what other ponies are saying about her, and why those things are hurtful. Also, there was no point to having Twi and AJ console her. She didn't take their advice to heart, and just continues feeling depressed. There's no reason for her to do that. :applejackunsure:

The idea of ponies reacting to fanworks is an interesting concept, but you have to do it right. This, I'm sad to say, is not done right. :ajsleepy:

A-are you roleplaying sonic characters?

2531980 hmm in a way i guess i am.the chaos emeralds are sonic. but the dark chaos emerald is mine.

this story is perfectly fine, i dont know why everypony hates it. you could have added a few of the insults that they were saying to her, but otherwise i really enjoed it. p.s. that song was my fave for quite some time, and it surprises me how not dark this is compared to that.


Yeah, it's kind of funny. The end lyrics of "Happy?" (Are you fuckin happy, now that I'm lost left with nothing) don't really match the end of the story, but I thought that would be a slight twist, making it a little happier. By the way, "Happy?" Is probably my favorite Mudvayne song, I really like it. Glad you like the story, by the way! I feel Happy now.

Who said I was looking for it?

The simple problem with this story is that it barely specifies what the content in the stories about Rainbow Dash was, as well as the fact it doesn't give much of an actual sample of the mockery towards her, leaving the reader wondering what exactly are the other ponies making fun of.

It's like you want to go against FIMFiction, but are scared to actually fall through with it, thus you dance around the subject when you finally have the opportunity to go right for the jugulars. Don't be scared to do it. This community, more than many others, deserves a good whuppin'.

The ponies laughed, so it was either a hate story or a... Nope not saying it... 'Bed' story.
But they won't laugh once they read Rainbow Factory...
No more laughing after Rocket To Insanity...
And by My Little Dashie, they'll be crying...
This is why ponies shouldn't have the internet. :rainbowderp:

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