• Published 1st Jun 2013
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The Scrolls of Harmony I: Dawnguard - Sadie

Twilight Sparkle discovers a past life from thousands of years ago, along with an ancient pony who knew her in another form. With her comes an uprising of dark, evil ponies, bent on blacking out the sun itself.

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1. Rising Star

Part One: Dusk.

Thick red carpet absorbed the sound of hoofsteps made by the unicorn approaching the large doors where the carpet ended. The whole room was silent; one could barely even hear the two guards to either side of the door breathing. Their gaze was as motionless as the statues leading up to the doors where the unicorn waited. Eventually they open in towards the room behind, each pulled by the guard with their magic. This was the traditional way after all. As the unicorn advanced once more, the sounds of a mechanical crossbow slung across the back merely dented the silence that had formed around them. Such was the weapon of tradition, alongside the sword of silver that barely hung above the carpet upon which the unicorn walked.

The room beyond was lit in a solemn grey. It had none of the stained glass windows that the hall behind bore proudly. This was a room of solitude, without distraction from light or sound. And it was in this room where an older pony stood proudly on the other side of the room. “You come to prove yourself as a warrior, as a member of the Dawnguard. A protector of Equestria against the Changelings. A shield of good, against the evil. A guardian of day and night, against those who would consume all.” He was clothed in a basic leather outfit that protected his body and legs from the simplest of blows. A silver mane hung thickly from the back of his neck. Golden eyes concentrated firmly on the other side of the room, as the unicorn removed the crossbow and sword. “Begin.”

White magic drew a wooden sword from a nearby rack in a single fluid movement. The unicorn followed in suit, drawing a sword on the exact opposite of the room to counter his attack. It began with a loud clack, wooden blade against wooden blade. The two blades parted momentarily, returning to each other with another firm clack as one unicorn attempted to overcome the other. His attack was strong and swift, three such clacks in rapid succession preceded a fourth, firm impact that would have normally set his opponent off balance. This opponent however used the force of his swing against him. While his magical weight was pitched forward, the unicorn twisted the sword around to break free of the heavy blow. Despite his attempts to block further attacks, the unicorn soon had him disarmed, the wooden tip pointed directly at his chest.

“Well done. You have proven yourself time and time again with the crossbow, demonstrating a cold accuracy that has not been bested yet. And now, you show an equally strong skill with the blade. Your heart is strong, your magic powerful, and your mind sharp.” Both crossbow and blade returned to their owner, whose head lowered in a sign of respect to the teacher. He returned the gesture along with a salute. “Princess Celestia will see you in an hour from now. Ensure that you are not late to your initiation ceremony. I would not like to see my prized pupil keep our ruler waiting.” He watched as the unicorn left in silence. Such talent was a very rare find, especially when there had been no mention of prior training.

He returned his attention to a portion of the room that had previously been concealed by a simple curtain. It parted in a silent motion to reveal what barely qualified as a small alcove. In contrast to the monotone mood of the training room, each wall gleamed in a proud, royal blue. Fixed to the middle of the alcove was a crystal pedestal. On the pedestal sat what one of the royal librarians had described as ‘a truncated icosahedron, carved from astral pearl’. He merely knew it as Celestia’s Beacon. Such an artifact was kept in his possession for the express use of communicating with the Princess herself. While she did prefer written letters, he lacked the ability to compose anything in writing beyond his name, and a few simple sentences. And some of the royal staff still raised eyebrows at the mere mention of illiteracy.

“Your Highness, I believe that the new initiate has very strong potential to fulfil the expectations that you have been searching for. Her proficiency with weapons has outshined even most of the Templars, and her thirst for knowledge has been unwavering.” He paused in the chance that a voice from above would begin speaking to him. That was the extent of their interactions. When no response came, he continued. “But, I do sense that she may not possess the level of dedication that you hoped for. She has pledged steadfast loyalty to the customs and laws of the Dawnguard, yet she has at times, expressed a lingering concern about the extent to which we fight.” Again, he paused, and again there was silence. He could not tell if it was the silence of pondering, or absence. “It is my humble opinion, that in time, she will come to accept the reality of her future.”

He took a step back from the beacon and prepared to close the curtains when the response finally came. “Your opinion is appreciated. You have done very well, Isran. But, do not doubt the morality of a pony who has such talent with weapons of war. She will do what must be done, when she must do it. Even if it conflicts with all she has been taught. Such things are to be expected.” The voice was as majestic as ever. Many ponies had heard echoes, but few had been given the chance to hear her voice in perfect clarity. “Celestia smiles upon her faithful; you will be well rewarded for the efforts you have gone to in training my new protégé.” The Beacon ceased to glow as the curtains closed themselves. Isran took the moment to ponder the words of Celestia. She seemed so certain that he had literally just found the one they had been searching months for. But she was an alicorn, and they were said to have great power in Equestria. Who was he to doubt her foresight?


-Under an Ancient Sun-

In the tallest tower of the castle, a spire that stretched right to the clouds, two tall ponies sat beside each other on the highest balcony. One had a flowing mane of purest pink, akin to the soft tones of colour that first daylight brought. The other bore points of light in a sea of deep blue. Their coats were coloured white and deep blue respectively, akin to their jewellery. Colouring was the only visual difference between them; they were exactly the same in size, body shape. Both possessed wings and a horn. One wore light armour that gleamed almost as brightly as the sun itself. A cloak of darkness concealed all but the face of the other.

Not even pegasi could fly to such heights, and there was no stairway in this particular tower. Far below them, Canterlot went about their daily life, almost oblivious to the gleaming white structure of the Alicropolis. It wasn’t that uncommon for pilgrims to climb further up the mountain Canterlot was built on to pay respects to the Nine Divines, but none knew for sure that their Princess lived there. It had always been a place of peace, and for the most part silence. That silence was broken by the one with a black hood.

“It has been months sister, and yet they continue to hide in the shadows...” When Celestia turned her head to Luna beside her, the sunlight surrounding them shifted ever so slightly in spectrum. Her cloak that kept her exposed identity at a minimum wavered in form slightly as a response. “I can feel them, lurking in my night, like a parasite. He is among them. I can feel his power growing.” There was no response, save for a long stare from the alicorn of the Sun. It was not directed in the direction of the hooded pony either. “Do you truly believe that Azura has returned to the mortal plane?”

That prompted Celestia to stand up and pace for a few moments. Wearing armour that was outshined only by the sun itself, she was truly a dazzling sight to behold. “Nocturnal, my sister. I sense her very essence below us. She always stood for balance, between day and night, good and evil. Evil has made its return, and more will follow in its wake.” Magic in its purest form burst from her horn to collect to a point in front of them. A mirror that couldn’t be thicker than a beam of sunlight itself manifest out of the magical sphere. “Whether she realizes it or not, Azura chose this specific time to return, not just because of the evil we see. It is our responsibility to ensure that Sun and Moon remain strong. Her destiny is beyond us.”

Luna stood up as well. The cloak of night concealed her entire form with fluid precision, touching the floor like a leaf on the pond. It was not fear of light that had resulted in her choice to conceal her body, if anything she appreciated the light that her sister brought. Rather, it was fear of what her night brought that made her hide herself away from Equestria. At that moment, one of her fears was waiting for when night would come. “I pray that you are right sister. While I too seek balance and harmony in all, it does not mean that I am as certain that things will always be so as you.” A spear of darkness pierced through the day towards them. Celestia took a step back as the spear struck Luna directly, transforming her into a flock of nightingales. They flew with the spear as it receded back into the darkness, which vanished without a trace.

“May light guide you, sister.” The spread of white wings caused a brief burst of light to pass across Equestria. As she descended from the Unreachable Tower to the Temple of the Divines, her eyes gazed southward again. She too could feel the evil presence, growing in power. When she set hoof in the temple, the feelings vanished. It brought forth a breath of relief that no pony would have ever expected to see come from her lips. “And may light protect us all.” She found herself sitting down in front of the head of the shrines. The statue was an alicorn, taller than Celestia herself, and far more majestic. She was the true patron of the sun. “Lauri-El, please... protect Azura in the coming days of darkness. Her newborn mind is young, and I lack the strength to unlock her full power.”


Many of the halls remained silent as the unicorn progressed through Canterlot Castle. It had been this way for two hundred years, since their Princesses had left their positions among ponies. Everything was constant. Guards made their rounds as always, celebrations were carried out with places for their rulers reserved. Early in her life, the unicorn had often asked questions about why such traditions were practised. A mind of logic often sought reasons for things that didn’t make sense on the surface. Perhaps that was one of the reasons she joined the Dawnguard, the personal guard of their divine. Such a prestigious position offered access to the royal library.

It was a Nightingale outside the library that gave a congratulatory nod to the unicorn when she approached. “Word has spread that you bested Isran in training. Congratulations, Dawnguard.” A subtle smile formed on the unicorn’s lips when she passed through into the library. Princess Luna’s personal guard. The unicorn had applied to both initiate courses, but fate had taken her to Canterlot, instead of the Sepulchre. “Good luck with whatever it is you seek.” The warded gate closed behind her. Some said that Changelings crumbled into dust upon merely getting close to that gate, even in an assumed form. Of course, those who said such things also believed that ponies could project their voices into a powerful force, or that there were those who could actually take the form of dragons. None of those silly fantasies pierced the mind of the unicorn.

Ironically, a book about old legends sat open in front of that sceptical unicorn. Many tales in the book had been lost to the rest of pony society, sometimes to fairytales, or even altogether. She had studied this book once a day since first being granted access to the library. Each day brought forth another recounting of Equestria’s ancient history. It started with the first recorded events in history, when the beginnings Equestria rose out of the very ocean as nothing more than a birthing volcano. Her daily readings had taken her to the point where two powerful beings, named Discord and Sombra, vied for control. This fragment of history was well known in song, the next chapter was surely about the first manifestation of their Princesses.

‘And when the Sky ran red, and land turned black, beings of light and night rose up to fight the evil. While war raged on, ponies united under the Dawnguard and Nightingales, to serve their only hope for freedom. As Equestria rebelled, evil continued to fight back with darkness, until neither side could advance. In the hour of strife, six Scrolls of Harmony brought the long awaited end to the war.’

The summary alone had the unicorn highly intrigued. Every Dawnguard knew about the Elder Scrolls as part of their mental training, but never specifically as ‘Scrolls of Harmony’. Her musing was interrupted when the gate of the library opened. It was no Nightingale that stepped into the room however. In fact, she could see the one outside in a slumber. Under any other circumstances, she would have drawn her crossbow and taken clear aim at the intruder. But it was no Changeling that approached. “Most initiates merely stand there and listen, while I speak through my beacon in the main hall. But you, you have demonstrated an ability and mind far beyond most... Twilight Sparkle.”