• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 5,449 Views, 78 Comments

Not Your Fault - Darksonickiller

A simple prank ends in devastation forever changing the life of the mane six and Spike.

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Action and Reaction

Not Your Fault

It was a normal spring day in Ponyville. It was about mid-morning and Rainbow Dash was just finishing clearing all the clouds except one the one she would nap on. The smell of the morning dew greeted her nose and a gentle breeze ruffled through her coat and rainbow mane as the pegasus relaxed peacefully on her cloud somewhere above Ponyville. After about an hour or so later Rainbow awoke from her snooze the sun was now beaming warmth upon her cyan body. She got up and stretched her limbs before plopping back down on fluffy cloud. Not being able to return to her blissful sleep she began to get bored, she needed something to do and now. She thought hard on it finally she decided she was overdue for a prank. Happy with her new found to-do list the pegasus pony now only needed a victim. She pondered this for a while, as she took in the warmth from Celestia's mid-morning sun before selecting a target.

I'll prank Rarity, her reactions are always priceless, Rainbow thought to herself. Now with something to do, she leaped up flaring out her wings and bucking the cloud away simultaneously before zipping away in search of her purple, curly-maned prey.

Across town the purple, curly-maned mare in question walked sluggishly to her kitchen in seek of a small brunch. She yawned loudly rubbing an eye with a hoof in attempt to rid herself of her drowsiness. The unicorn had been up most of the night finishing a dress when she finally went to sleep, which so dreadfully managed to elude her in some way or another, leaving her tired and irritable. The restless mare made her way to the fridge a blue glow appearing around the door handle as she opened it with the use of her magic. She fumbled around with its contents eventually coming across a simple hay sandwich.

"Ah this will do nicely." She said to herself. The white mare sat at her table and slowly ate her meal yawning several times in between bites. "Maybe a nice warm bath will help wake me up." Rarity said as she finished her sandwich.

She went to her bathroom grabbing a towel on the way and turned the water on and watched as the tub filled to the appropriate depth. A few minutes later the tub was full and the water was warm. She slid her body into the bathtub instantly relaxing as the warmth of the water embraced her. The fancy mare soaked for several minutes as she gingerly scrubbed herself clean before finally stepping out and draining the water. Using her magic again she gently dried her glorious coat, tail, and mane with a towel and hairdryer.

Once she was fully dry and her mane and tail were perfectly curled she glanced at the clock it was three minutes till noon. With the lack of anything better to do, she decided to go shopping to buy more materials to make her dresses. With one more stubborn yawn, the glamorous unicorn left her Boutique and headed into town. Rainbow raced above the streets of Ponyville scanning all over for Rarity. All the while she brainstormed a prank to pull on the fashionista at the same time, she kinda jumped the gun on that one.

Where the crud could that pony be? I've been looking for like an hour! thought Rainbow as she snorted to the wind.

Just as she was about to give up on her search, she spotted Rarity. Rainbow was perched on a rooftop a few streets over, Rarity was at somepony's stand buying something but she couldn't tell what, but that didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was that she found her prey.

There's that darn pony, it's show time! Rainbow Dash smirked as she took to the skies and started towards her unsuspecting target. As Dash got closer and closer the purple-mane mare she realized Rarity was about to walk alongside a fairly large mud puddle. A light bulb instantly lit up in the pegasus's head. This is gonna be sweet! The rainbow mane pony thought to herself as she swooped in for the kill.

To the untrained eye, a pony probably couldn't tell at first glance that Rarity and Rainbow were close, considering that their personalities are pretty much polar opposites, but in all actuality they were the best of friends. They were as close as two friends could be. They pulled pranks on each other countless times. They always laughed it off given that most of them were Rainbow's doing. But there was a time or two that Rarity would pull a prank here and there, like the time she convinced Rainbow to put on a dress that she covered in itching powder. Its was all in good fun and this pranked would be no different.

Rarity trotted at a slow and steady pace through the streets. She stopped if by accident, or dumb luck, right beside a mud puddle and a nearby unattended cart. She was making sure she wasn't forgetting something important. She was barely aware of the mud looming beside her until she heard somepony shout “MUD-BATH!” The white mare's head shot up to investigate the source of the shout. Her eyes went wide when she spotted Rainbow Dash mere feet from her and closing entirely to fast.

"What? No! Wait, Wait!" The unicorn hollered back, in an attempt to stop her speeding friend to no avail.

Dash pulled up at the last possible second but not before her fore hooves made contact with the white coated mare's side, shoving the unicorn. The fashionista teetered on two legs her airborne limbs flailing wildly in a vain attempt to keep her balance. She never once thought to use her magic to save herself from that awful substance below. She was so close to regaining her balance until the gust of wind that followed in Rainbow’s wake reached her. After that, all hope was lost as she fell.

"No! No! No! Noooooo!" Rarity screamed hitting the mud with a splat.

Mud went in all directions but mostly on her, staining the whole right side of her body, turning it from alabaster white to brown in seconds. Rarity scrambled to get out of the mud as fast as possible, all the while Rainbow was rolling on her back laughing like a madpony at her dirtied friend.

"Ugh I just had a bath, you crazy pony!" Rarity growled, clearly upset as she tired her best to get rid of the clumps mud in her now ruined mane and coat.

"Just chill, it’s not the end of the world, you can always take another bath. Here I'll help!" Dash said through her fit of laughter as she shot back into the air and rushed toward the other mare again.

"No!" The muddy unicorn screeched as her eyes went wide for the second time.
The dirty mare had no time at all to react to the cyan pony charging at her. Once again she was shoved by the speeding pegasus and once again she fell down into the cold mud adding another layer of brown to her already messy coat and mane.

Rainbow could be heard laughing as the unicorn quickly made her way out of the mud puddle for the second time that day. If it weren't for the mud on her face you could clearly see the redness of her anger, and oh boy was she angry. Being pushed in the mud once she could handle most days but not this day. She was tired, very irritable, and now she was covered in mud. Not her idea of a fun day, by the way. But being pushed in the mud twice drove her over the edge. She Was Furious.

"RAINBOW DASH! When I get hooves on you I swear!" Rarity spat wiping the mud from her eyes and muzzle then shaking it from her hooves.

Rainbow was back in the air still laughing like crazy. She saw this as hysterical and she was right; Rarity's reaction was indeed priceless. Rarity on the other hoof, thought otherwise in her restless state of mind.

"Rainbow, get your flank down here, now!" Rarity shrieked still trying desperately to remove as much mud as possible from her coat. "I mean it!" She snarled again, she was beyond angry.

''Gotta catch me first, Muddy!" Rainbow Shouted back still not ceasing to laugh. Okay, that was the last straw. She was pissed. She was acting purely on raw emotion now. She never got a chance to scream at the cyan mare, for Rainbow shot down the street like a bullet zig-zagging through ponies with dizzying speeds.

"Urgh! RAINBOW get back here!" The alabaster mare shouted to the wind.
Suddenly, she got a response as Rainbow shot back up the road without warning. She braced herself for another shove but was relieved when it never came.

"What? Can't catch me, muddy? Come on! I thought you were faster than that!" The speedy pegasus shouted as she zoomed past Rarity again.

Rainbow Dash sped up and down the street over and over again shouting things like "Can't catch me" and "Muddy" steadily gaining speed with each pass. She was lost in the moment. Or her moment rather, completely oblivious to just how furious the milky white unicorn had become due to the mud and her constant taunting.

The pegasus just keep pushing the unicorn's buttons over and over again. Rarity had had enough of all the taunting, her frustration was boiling over now. Then it happened.

"You can't catch me!" Rainbow Dash shouted for the about the tenth time barreling down the street once again still continuing to gain speed as she went.

That was it that was one time too many, and her emotions finally took full control. She would show that rainbow pony who's the boss one way or another. Said pony was rocketing up the road again for what seemed like the twentieth time, knocking over several ponies as she sped past them, one of the disgruntled ponies yelled something at her, but she disregarded it completely. She was focused on Rarity and vise-versa. As she got closer and closer to Rarity, she was surpassed by the familiar sensation as the air started to tighten around her frame.

I'm really going that fast awesome! she mentally squealed.

She was again rapidly approaching the unicorn. That unicorn was bound and determined to stop that speed demon. She frantically searched for something, anything to slow down her pegasus friend.

Flying at an amazing speed, just barely ten feet off the ground, the rainbow mane pony was closing the distance between the two dodging obstacles and ponies with relative ease. Time was running out. She was hell-bent on ending this prank dead. She already made her tired mind up. She was NOT going back in that mud again. Her eyes hectically searched for a manner in which to halt this prank dead in its tracks.

The diamond flanked mare's weary eyes came to rest on a lone wooden cart void of any contents. With her judgment impaired in her sluggish state of mind and all rationality thrown aside. She made split second decision. Though she didn't realize it yet that one decision would change her life forever. The empty cart was encompassed in a blue aura before it was flung into the air directly in the pegasus' path.

Rarity thought this new hindrance would cause the cyan pony to have to slow down, she didn't, or stop, she didn't stop, or at the very least dodge it, she didn't. Rarity misjudged, well no she didn't judge at all the time it would take for Rainbow to reach the cart once it was in the air. When it was launched to the sky it was already right in the pegasus' face. She never saw it coming. As fast as she was flying, she had no time at all to react.

She hit the cart head on. And she hit it hard. The second she made contact with the cart, it exploded into a splintery mess sending shrapnel of all sizes in every direction. Her current velocity barely reduced at all by the collision. She hit the ground head first producing an audible crack, her momentum kept her going as she was tossed across the ground like a rag-doll at a ridiculous speed, the debris of the destroyed cart following all around her. She went airborne again as she bounced off the ground before she came crashing down again. There was another crunch. This time what followed it afterward made Rarity's fur stand on end. She heard a blood curdling scream of pure agony perhaps the bloodiest she had ever heard not that she heard a lot of them. As fast as the scream reached her eaters it was gone just like that but Rainbow Dash continued to tumble about.

All the pegasus pony felt was excruciating pain every time she made contact with the harsh dirt. Rarity stood frozen in shock as the whole scene unfolded in front of her. Helpless to do anything as the cyan pony was continuously thrown mercilessly across the unforgiving earth. She watched every impact, every roll, every flip and turn it bought. It was happening so fast she failed to notice one important detail that would come back to haunt her. She forced herself to look away but she could clearly make out every crack, …crunch, …snap the tumbling pegasus made with each impact. The horrible sounds at last came to an end with one final sickening thud as Rainbow collided with a nearby tree, causing it to lose many leaves as the impact reverberated through large trunk. Rainbow now laid motionless beside the tree.

For a few seconds the alabaster mare was paralyzed with fear at what she caused to unfold in front of her. Rarity just stood there staring, as did many other startled passerby's. The unicorn hope beyond hope that Rainbow would get up and dust herself off and be alright but her heart rate quickened once the cyan pegasus failed to move at all after several long seconds. The whole thing happened in only a matter of seconds, but to Rarity it seemed like hours. She guessed Rainbow was thrown at least a hundred feet or so. The unicorn forced herself to move as she started out at a brisk pace toward Rainbow and calling out to the still pegasus.

"Rainbow! Rainbow Dash! Are you okay darling?" The fear ridden mare asked. She knew she wasn't. The lack of any response whatsoever confirmed that. Her heart dropped. Her pace quickened considerably. "Rainbow?!" Rarity called out again.

Nothing, By this point Rarity was beyond worried and the situation didn't improve any when the presence of several patches of red in the dirt made itself known to her.

It could only be blood.

Now her heart was racing as she broke into a full out gallop toward her friend.
"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity shouted trying in vain to get a response from her fallen friend.
This is all my fault! This is all my fault! She mentally screamed at herself as she continued galloping towards the downed pegasus.

When she reached Rainbow’s side she was met with a gruesome site. A wave of nausea washed over her, she barely refrained from throwing up what little she had for brunch. There was blood, so much blood. Rainbow’s once cyan coat was coated in red. Her back, chest, and the tree she laid sprawled upon, were all painted with a layer deep crimson. The blood itself wasn’t what made Rarity sick to her stomach, nor did it help. It was the wound in which the blood flowed forth. That heart wrenching scream from earlier suddenly made sense. The wound was the most horrifying thing she had ever seen. Her head was ablaze with emotions none of them as powerful as guilt.

Again for the second time that day she found herself frozen with fear she couldn’t make her muscles respond to her. Her sapphire eyes fixed on the horrible site before her. At some point during the rag-dolling small piece of what used to be the cart turned into an impromptu spear impelling itself into the right side of the pegasus’s chest and was now protruding a few inches form her back. The unicorn did not even want to believe what she was seeing, but it would not go away as much as wanted it to.

What have I done. Was all Rarity could think to say at the moment. She was broken from her emotional haze when a weak voice graced her ears.

“R-Rarity.” Rainbow spoke in a shushed yet pained voice.

“Rainbow!” Rarity exclaimed greatly relieved that her friend was alive.

“I-It... h-hurts” Rainbow replied even weaker than before each breath was extremely pained and labored.

“It’s okay darling everything is going to be okay. I’m going to get you help.” The white mare replied with sheer panic in her voice.

Rarity could see the pain etched into the cyan pony’s face as she laid in a puddle of her own blood. Before Rarity could do anything to help her dear friend. Rainbow started hacking without warning, spewing blood from her mouth wincing in unfathomable pain with each violent shudder of her body. Pain, that’s all Rainbow could feel, pain and the wetness of her blood all around her. She didn’t think pain like this existed. Dash’s vision started to blur and her words no longer reached her ears. After a swift battle to stay conscious she submitted to her pain and everything went black. Rarity noticed this immediately.

“Rainbow Dash stay with me! Rainbow!” Rarity shouted in attempt to reawaken her now unconscious pony. Her panic meter spiked.

The unicorn’s horn glowed with blue magic as did the wounded pegasus’ body as she was slowly levitated off the ground. Blood dripped from her coat and collected with the already massive blood puddle where she laid moments before.

“Please be alright Dash.” Rarity said to nopony trying her best to fight off her tears. “This is all my fault.” She spoke again her voice riddle with sadness and worry. “This is all my fault.” She spoke once more again to nopony as she turned around with her precious cargo and took off down the street that Rainbow was previously flying up and down at a full gallop toward the hospital.

The mud forgotten and the exhaustion ignored she ran as fast as her muscles would take her. She ran and ran refusing to stop or even slow down until she reached her destination. She kept Rainbow from jostling around as much as possible as not to aggravate her wounds any further. She continued to run she used her magic in a semi-vain attempt to stop the massive blood flow. Although she knew very little about medical magic she still learned the basics for cases like this though, she didn’t imagine the case would be so dire. She wanted nothing more than to forget this ever happened but the crushing guilt wouldn’t let it be so.

It was her fault that Rainbow Dash was potentially bleeding to death. That one thought turned her storm of emotions into a hurricane. She forced herself to go faster. She would never forgive herself if Rainbow Dash didn’t make it. She didn’t even know if she could forgive herself for hurting the pegasus in the first place.

“I’m so sorry just please hang in there Rainbow please.” Rarity spoke to the unconscious and wounded pony who floated along in Rarity’s magical grip.

As much as she wanted one, the unicorn got no response as expected. Again she pushed her body to go faster and faster keeping her spells active the guilt and fear of losing her best friend was the only thing driving her forwards. Many onlookers gasped and exchanged looks as she raced past them especially a little purple dragon.

“Oh my Celestia! What happened Rarity?” Spiked asked as he ran after the unicorn trying to catch up with her with his tiny legs, a look of shock plastered on his face.

“Get Twilight and the others, NOW!” The distressed mare barked never slowing down in the least.

“Uh ok…Rarity!” The dragon said back running in the opposite direction. He stopped to pick up the groceries he dropped, before running off to find Twilight. Rarity continued her mad gallop through town, going faster than she ever had before. Her muscles burned and she could feel her magic faltering. She felt like passing out, but the alabaster unicorn kept herself going knowing full well every second counted in saving the pegasus’ life. At long last the hospital came into view, she was almost there.

She heard pained whimpers and groans from above as the cyan pony regained some consciousness.

“Don’t talk Rainbow. It will be alright sweetie.” Rarity ensured the injured pegasus, though she could really use some herself.

She got no answers just more groans of agony.

"It’ll be okay." The white mare repeated to herself trying her hardest to believe it while holding back her tears that have been threatening to spill over and blind her for the few minutes she's been running.

Finally she was there. She burst through the doors and screamed for help as loud as she could. “Somepony I need help now! Somepony, anypony please!” Rarity shouted alerting everypony in the room.

Nurse Redheart was behind the counter when the unicorn came rushing in. The nurse pony was alarmed when her eyes found the blood coated pegasus Rarity was carrying with magic. She immediately rushed through the double doors on the other side of the room to retrieve a doctor.

Moments later the doors swung open with great force as three doctors, one of which pushed a gurney. Nurse Redheart came running up to Rarity. All three doctors winced at the sight that met their eyes. As doctors they were trained not to be squeamish but there’s just somethings you can’t help but grimace at. Right now, Rainbow fell under that category.

"Miss lay her on her side on the gurney,'' One Doctor said with a stern voice.

“Yes, of course," Rarity replied as she ever so gently placed Rainbow on the gurney.

The unicorn doctor put an oxygen mask over muzzle and magically pumped the air that Rainbow so desperately needed into her lungs. Rarity took a deep breath once the strain on her horn subsided. She watched the doctors as they quickly discussed something then then started rolling the gurney holding injured pony deep into the hospital which she followed suit.

"Get her to the E.R. stat!" the second doctor commanded steadily pumping precious air into the weakening pegasus as the gurney continued to roll down the hall.

Another problem arose rather quickly. Rainbow bleeding out all over sheets on the gurney since the pressure Rarity had been putting on the wound was no longer there. Fortunately, the doctors sought to remedy this as quick as possible.

"We need to stop the bleeding now. She has already lost too much blood." The third doctor ordered.

"On it!" The second doctor who was also a unicorn replied, his horn glowed with a bluish light as he magically put pressure on the wound causing Rainbow to groan in pain.

They reached the double doors that the led into the E.R. and quickly pushed the gurney containing the pegasus in the room. Rarity attempted to follow the doctors through but was stopped by Nurse Redheart.

“I’m sorry Miss Rarity but you cannot go in there. You will have to wait out here.” Redheart said sweetly.

“Okay, thank you, Redheart.” The unicorn nodded half-heartedly.

“Don’t worry I’m sure she will be okay.” Redheart said doing her best to reassure the distraught mare. She put a hoof on her shoulder and flashed a small smile before returning to the front desk.

Rarity took a seat nearest the doors to the E.R. and slumped into the chair and fought to hold back her tears. The guilt weighted heavily on her mind just having the knowledge of causing such an injury to such a close friend was crushing to her. She sat in that uncomfortable chair blaming herself for what had happened she thought it was her fault and she hated herself for it.

“This is my fault, all my fault, all my fault...” Rarity repeated to herself again and again.

It was quiet. She realized she could hear the doctors quite well on the other side of the door. So she listened closely knowing she won’t like what she heard.

“We’re going to sit you up, Miss Dash.”

There wasn’t a response just a groan of protest.

“Brace her neck, and hold her still we do not want to hurt her any more than necessary.”

Rarity grimaced at hearing this.

“Okay Miss Dash we have to remove the wood, I’m sorry. It will be extremely painful. But it has to be done.”

"Can't we give her some sedatives doctor?" One doctor questioned.

“No. We cannot risk slowing her heart down with the amount of blood she has lost already. It could kill her before we even get the wood out." The questioned doctor replied. The unicorn felt even worse when heard that. Even after the accident she was still causing Rainbow pain.

In the E.R. Rainbow Dash was sitting up, she was fitted into a neck brace. A doctor on either side of her. A third doctor, a unicorn, stood directly in front of her preparing to remove the wood extending from her chest and back.

“When the wood comes out make sure to stop the bleeding as fast as possible.” The Unicorn ordered.

“Yes sir.” The other two doctors responded.

“Rainbow are you ready?” The doctor asked.

She didn’t answer him. This lack of responsiveness was concerning to the doctors. She fading in and out of consciousness. The doctors had no choice but to ignore this. They needed to get the out wood as soon as possible.

“Okay Miss Dash, here we go.” The doctor said his horn became aglow with green light as did the wooden spear protruding from Rainbow Dash.

“Three…Two…One.” The Doctor said and the wood slowly started to move.

Rainbow's eyes shot open as a new wave of unimaginable pain jolted her out of her unresponsive daze. All she could do was scream and loud as the wood scrapped her insides. When Rarity heard that it chilled her to bone, it was too similar the first scream from before. After that she could no longer hold back her tears and they flowed forth like a mighty as she sobbed openly.

“This is my fault, all my fault, all my fault...” Rarity continued to repeated to herself as she sobbed loudly.

Another scream was heard through the wall, causing her sobs to grow in strength and intensity.

“IT HURTS! IT HURTS!” She heard Rainbow scream.

Again the tears intensified as Rainbow begged over and over again for the doctors to stop but the wood continued to move. Every scream the muddy mare heard pained her to no end.

“This has to be done as soon as possible Miss Dash. I’m sorry, I know its hurts.” Was the only reply to her pleas.

Suddenly four other mares entered the waiting room to find a distraught Rarity covered in mudded and horrible screams coming from the other room.

“Rarity!” Twilight called out as she entered the room followed by the rest of the girls.
“What happened?” Twilight asked after she caught her breath.

“Spike told us she was all bloody and such.” Applejack piped in the worry evident in her southern voice.

“It’s all my fault, I hurt her, I hurt her.” Rarity said between ragged sobs.

Twilight and the other quickly rushed to the white unicorn’s side to comfort her not caring about the mud on coat.

Another scream erupted from the other room, immediately capturing everypony’s attention.

“Oh my stars, that was Rainbow. What the hay happened?” The farm pony asked alarmed by the scream, the worry in her voice grew noticeably.

“Rarity, please tell us what happened.” Twilight asked with great concern in her voice as well.

“Alright... I suppose you all have the right to know...” Rarity managed to say as she fought to control her sobs.

“It’s okay Rarity. Tell us when you are ready.” Twilight said kindly.

In the E.R., Rainbow Dash was in unfathomable pain as the doctors continued to pull the piece of wood through her body, despite her continuous pleas to stop.

“It’s going to be alright, Miss Dash. I know that you are in a lot of pain, but we are almost done.” The doctor said sympathetically.

The doctor continued to move the wood with his magic. Dash’s pain only grew worse and she screamed for what seemed like the hundredth time as the intruding wood slowly snaked its way out from her body.

“It’s almost out Miss Dash just a few more inches.” The doctor informed her her as he continued to gingerly remove the wood.

After a few seconds the doctor stopped to take a breath from his delicate operation also allowing Rainbow a few brief moments from the intense pain which she was very grateful for.

“Alright Miss Dash, I’m going to fully remove the wood now, when it is out you two have to stop the bleeding as fast as possible.” The doctor said to Rainbow and the then to his assistants.

The doctors needed to work fast Rainbow was becoming pale, she was severely dizzy, her pulse was weak but rapid and her eyes glazed over as she fought to stay conscious. She was in shock.

“Doctor she’s in hypovolemic shock we need to hurry!” One assistant said with great concern.

“You’re right, let’s get this over with, get ready everypony,” The doctor said with the same worry in his voice as he clenched the wood in his magic again.

“One…two…three.” The stallion said as he gave the wood one final tug.

At last, after those few agonizing minutes the stained wood came out. Rainbow screamed louder than ever and her body jerked so hard the two assistants lost their grip on Rainbow and she fell backward onto the operation table, the cloth on the table instantly turned deep red as Rainbow laid still losing her battle to stay awake. The doctors rushed to stop the flow of blood that poured from her wound.

“Come on! Stay with me Dash! You are not dying on me now! Stay with me Dash! I need three AB blood bags now!” The doctor yelled as one assistant galloped away to retrieve said blood as the other continued to fight the blood loss.

Rarity and the others could hear everything. Once Rarity managed to tell them what happened they were all worried sick, though nopony was more upset than the alabaster unicorn herself who had yet to stop crying.

The screams had stopped and were replaced shuffling of hooves, clanking of metal objects and the doctors barking orders back and forth. For hours and hours the clanking and shuffling carried on. The five heard the doctors talk between themselves discussing Rainbow’s condition. After a while when not much could be heard from the other room Applejack and Twilight managed to convince Rarity to go home and take a shower to wash off all the mud and blood from her coat and mane, and relax a bit.

It was easier said than done since Rarity kept insisting she stay. Pinkie and Fluttershy stayed as AJ and Twilight walked Rarity to her home.

A few hours later once Rarity was cleaned up and had somewhat calmed down, she, Applejack and Twilight returned to the hospital and went straight for the waiting room. When they got there, Pinkie and Fluttershy were in the same spot they were in when they had left.

“Any news yet?” Twilight asked as she reentered the waiting room with Rarity and Applejack right behind her.

“Nope. But I’m sure she will be better in no time at all! And when she is I’ll throw her a big party with tons of cake!” The pink pony said waving her hooves, her overly cheerful demeanor faltering a bit.

“Oh, it’s been hours. I’m so worried.” Fluttershy whispered from beside the party pony.

“Ah’m sure she’ll be fine sugarcube, she’s tough as nails,” Applejack said doing her best to stay positive for everypony especially Rarity.

The farm pony took a seat with the others and waited for any news at all on her injured friend. Again the hours passed by with no word from the doctors or nurses. They all took turns comforting Rarity even though she was not sobbing anymore she was still extremely upset and she would not stop blaming herself for this incident.

“Rarity, please quit blaming yourself. There is no way you could have known something like this would happen.” Twilight said as sweetly as possible.

“But I threw the cart at her.” Rarity argued stubbornly.

“That doesn’t matter, it was an accident, and it was not your fault Rarity.” Twilight said sternly.

The diamond flanked mare was struggling to hold back another wave of tears that were fighting for their freedom. She tried to form coherent sentences but her thoughts and rationality seemed to avoid her and was replaced by guilt and fear that Rainbow would resent her now.

The doors to the E.R. opened with a soft click, and a doctor came out his hooves clacking on the tile floor as he walked in with the long awaited news. He was assaulted with a blur of white and purple as Rarity was in his face within seconds of his entering. All her scrambled thoughts collided into one simple question as she blurted it out almost as fast as Pinkie would.

“Please tell me she’s okay?” The white mare pleaded with the doctor as the others gathered around anticipating the news.

“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” The doctor replied ignoring the mare’s question, his facial expression never changing from stern and soft.

“Good news please.” Twilight asked who was beside Rarity.

They were very relieved the doctor had finally made an appearance. They waited silently and anxiously as the doctor took a deep breath and exhaled before he spoke.
“The good news is she has been in stable condition for about two and a half hours but just barely and we don’t know how long she will stay that way.” The doctor said calmly looking at his clipboard.

“Why is that doctor?” Rarity blurted out again, her face streaked with tears.

“Well…” He paused.

“I’m afraid that is the bad news. Her right lung is completely destroyed and is in no way functional. She is going to need a transplant as soon as possible,” The doctor said trying to make it not sound as bad as it actually was.

That was not the kind of news they wanted to hear at all, but it was expected. It did not help the moral or the tension of the room any. The only thing it accomplished was sending Rarity deeper into her pit of guilt.

“How fast can ya get her one?” The farmer asked, the concern still in her voice.

“I can’t say for certain, three days, two if she is lucky.” The unicorn stallion said looking over his clipboard once more.

“Thank you doctor, does she have any other injuries?” The lavender unicorn asked hoping the answer would be ‘no’, but she had no such luck.

“Yes quite a few actually, they are mild, compared,” He paused again to take a breath. “She has several broken bones, such as her left hind leg, her right shoulder blade, three ribs where the wood went in, her neck and three crushed vertebra in her lower back and a severe concussion.” The doctor said reading down his list then took another deep breath before proceeding.

“But they're all minor injuries compared to her lung failure.” He finished.

The five mares exchanged glances of worry back and forth between each other, which the doctor quickly picked up on.

“She should be alright once she gets a replacement lung if no other complications should arise.” The doctor said with a small smile trying to cheer up the mares in front of him somewhat.

“Can I- we see her please?” Rarity asked sadness and guilt plagued her voice.

“Umm…Yes. Just be prepared for what you’ll find, it’s not the prettiest of sites.” The doctor informed them.

“Thank you so much.” Rarity replied quickly as she ran through the double doors before anypony could react.

The doctor moved aside to allow the remaining four ponies through. They all went in to see Rarity and Rainbow Dash, they stopped at what they saw. Rarity was in tears again looking over the bed which Rainbow laid upon. She looked terrible with all the machines and tubes connected to her it made the mares feel sick.

IV’s and blood was running from said tubes into her right foreleg, supplying her body the blood it needed so badly. Her heavy breathing was helped by the respirator on her muzzle, her inhales and exhales where almost in perfect sync with the beeping of the heart monitor. Her chest and torso were completely wrapped with bandages, a large red blotch stained the right half of her body a neck brace held her head still, which was also covered in bandages concealing much of her prismatic mane. Her right shoulder was heavily wrapped, along with the splint on her left hind leg.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy said in shock seeing Rainbow for the first time since the accident along with the others.

“She looks plum awful.” Applejack added as she and the others crowded around the bed to get a better look at pegasus.

“This is all my fault, I did this to her.” Rarity said through the tears flowing down her cheeks.

“We already told you sugarcube, this ain’t your fault.” The apple farmer stated firmly but the white unicorn simply ignored her.

“I’m so sorry, Rainbow Dash. I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen.” Rarity sobbed openly.

“Come on Rarity don’t beat yourself silly, it was just an itty-bitty accident.” Pinkie Pie tried to help to no avail.

They all sat around the bed watching Rainbow Dash but for several long minutes they were all trying there hardest to comfort Rarity who was a complete wreck, yet again by this point. No matter what they said she would not stop blaming herself. They had no idea a single pony could produce so many tears in such a little span of time.

Some time during the constant battle against Rarity’s raging emotions the pegasus’ ears twitched as noise made its way to them. Her vision was blurry and pain was all she could feel as it racked her body. She could tell there were other ponies in the room as her vision slowly got clearer and the noises made more and more sense. When her vision fully readjusted to the harsh light she could see five ponies huddle at the foot of the bed she assumed she was laying in.

The pain in her chest was unbelievable, every intake and release of breath caused great pain with it. The wounded pegasus wiggled her limbs to she what worked and what didn’t. She shifted her left foreleg with on pain then her right. Her shoulder complained with terrible pain as she did so.

That’s broken She thought to herself as the pain died down a little.

She repeated the process again with her wings and they seemed to be fine. Then she moved her hind legs and searing pain flared up as she attempted to move the broken left leg. Pretty much everything hurt including her head and she was feeling incredibly weak. While she was checking herself out, she had been picking up bits and pieces of the conversation, that’s when everything started making sense and she remembered everything, the mud, the taunting, the crash, the pain, Rarity, everything.

Then she realized something else Rarity was blaming herself for what happened and she wasn’t going to stand for that at all. Fighting through her pain and overall the overall weak state she was in, she used her not broken but still extremely sore foreleg to find the railing on the side of the bed. Once she found it she grabbed hold of it with her hoof and pulled herself up with what little strength she still possessed.

As she righted herself on the bed the respirator stifled a scream, as her broken back which she was now aware of was forced to bear her weight. Her sudden movement cause tremendous pain to ripple through her. The said movement and pained yelp instantly captured the other ponies attention.

“Are you alright Rainbow?” Twilight asked quickly coming around to the side of the bed.

The pegasus didn’t reply she just sat there hunched over, her face contorted in pain as liquid agony coursed through her body like a river.

“Ya shouldn’t be movin like that in yer condition.” AJ stated moving to the opposite side of the bed from Twilight.

There was a silence that followed only broken by Dash’s rugged heavy breathing and Rarity’s sniffling. After several moments when her pain became slightly bearable she composed herself and removed the respirator from her muzzle with her hoof disregarding how much she actually needed it and put in her lap, it hissed as oxygen escaped and mingled with itself.

“Rainbow what are you doing you need that.” Twilight said growing concerned by the injured pony’s actions.

She made an attempt to bring the respirator back to her muzzle even though she felt her breathing immediately and increasingly become difficult and labored. With the restrictions of her neck brace she slowly turned her body winching in pain until she found the white unicorn she was looking for. She was now standing next to Applejack and she could see the look of pain in her eyes when Rainbow made eye contact with her and when that happened, the burst of guilt was just too overpowering and the tears flowed once more.

“Oh Rainbow darling! I’m so sorry I did this to you!” Rarity blurted out, tears soaking her face. “I’m so sorry Rainbow-”

“Stop.” Rainbow interrupted the fashionista finally summoning the strength to speak. Her voice weak and raspy and as quiet as Fluttershy’s. It was pained and cheerful at the same time.

“Stop what?” Rarity asked wiping her eyes with a hoof.

“Stop blaming yourself it’s-.” Rainbow stopped as she coughed several painful times, each cough felt like liquid fire in her body.

“Not your fault.” Rainbow finished her sentence before coughing again electing more pain.

“But I-.” Rarity started but again was cut off by Dash.

“But nothing, look It was just an accident-.” Rainbow paused for air. “I got carried away with my-.” She paused again for more air. "-prank. Its my fault not yours." The pegasus finally managed to say, her breathing steadily getting worse.

Rarity could not believe she was hearing. After everything that happened Rainbow was blaming herself for what she did to her and she was unknowingly showing it. Dash could tell that Rarity wasn't convinced by the look of sadness still etched on the unicorns face so she tried again to cheer up the unicorn.

"Once the doctors fix me up I'll be out in no time at all." Rainbow said her voice still weak with a hint of pain.

Rarity glanced nervously around the room at all of her friends then back to the red stained bandage around Rainbow's chest and the growing look of pain in the pegasus' eyes. Though she tried to hide it, Rarity could tell the cyan mare was hurting more then she was letting on and it was her fault.

"I'm sorry you have to be here, Rainbow." Rarity said sadly hanging her head, she felt a hoof on either one of her shoulders from her friends.

"Rarity, it's no big deal." The daredevil coughed painfully. "As soon as I get outta of here we'll hang out and I'll model a dress for yah." Dash said putting on a weak smile.

“ I-I would like that a lot darling then, she could go prank somepony afterwards." Rarity added finally cracking the smallest of smiles for the first time that day.

"Pinkie promise?" Rainbow asked as her breathing really started to become a problem for her.

"Pinkie promise." Rarity repeated as they both the did necessary motions with their hooves.

They smiled at each other, as did their other friends, but all of the smiles were cut short when Rainbow started gasping for breath she could not catch. She fumbled with the breather in her hoof trying desperately to bring it back to her muzzle as she heaved for oxygen and failing on both accounts.

"Oh darling here here." The white mare said using her magic to bring the respirator back around the neck and muzzle of the suffocating pegasus.

As soon as the air returned to her working lung she took deep breath after deep breath, taking in that precious substance over and over again wincing in pain every time. Though she tried to ignore it, the pain was steadily getting worse and she was feeling weaker and weaker during their brief conversation. She tried her best to fight through the pain for Rarity's sake but her body forced her to submit as she collapsed backward onto the bed still breathing heavily.

"Rainbow are you alright?" Twilight asked growing concerned by new turn of events.

That little moment that pulled Rarity out of the dumps abruptly ended when Dash fell backwards and all the guilt came back full force when the pegasus grimaced in severe pain once again.

"I'm... I’m fine... just hurts... a lot." Rainbow wheezed out weakly finally getting her breathing somewhat under control.

Even with all the cyan mare's convincing and down playing of the accident the unicorn still firmly believed it was entirely her fault for losing her temper and injuring Dash. She just sat there on her haunches staring at Rainbow Dash lost in thought as the day's events replayed in through her mind's eye. Her friends made idle chat amongst themselves but she stayed silent.

After a while she was pulled from her thoughts when a doctor entered the room the opening of the door caught everypony's attention. The stallion walked to Rainbow's bedside to check up on and make sure nothing had happened.

"Hello Ms. Dash it's good to see you are awake, how are you feeling?" The doctor pony asked with a gentle smile.

"Urgh, horrible." Dash groaned in a pained tone.

That answer did not make Rarity feel any better about herself or the whole situation as her guilt rose up a notch.

"Okay how much pain are you in right now?" The doctor asked continuing to check all the machines around her while her friends watched and waited for some kind of news.

"A lot. Can... can I get some... painkillers?" The wounded pegasus answered with another pained groan for emphasis.

Again the guilt that was eating Rarity up inside, worsened with every answer Rainbow gave to the doctor.

"I can get somepony to bring you a little morphine to take the edge off." The doctor wearing red scrubs replied much to Dash's relief.

"Thanks." The mare in the bed said weakly.

"Okay girls visiting hours are over and your friend needs her rest you can all come back tomorrow." The stallion said sternly yet kind.

Four ponies went to say their goodbyes to Rainbow but the fifth went to the doctor to without any intention of leaving what so ever not after what she did to Dash.

"Doctor?" Rarity asked walking over to him.

"Yes Ms." The doctor replied still checking his clipboard.

"May please stay with her tonight please?" The unicorn pleaded giving him her best puppy dog eyes hoping he would say yes.

"Uh... well I don't know." The doctor replied somewhat expecting the question.

"Please doctor, let me spend the night." The white mare asked again.

The doctor took a minute to think but quickly gave into the puppy dog eyes the mare was giving him.

"If Ms. Dash says you can stay, then its fine with me, but if there are any complications during the night we will have to ask you to leave immediately." The doctor said answering her pleas.

"Thank you so much, doctor." Rarity told him as she walked back to her friends.

"Rainbow dear, do you mind if I stay with you tonight?" Rarity asked her bedridden friend.

"Of course not, Rarity." The pegasus answered with a weak smile and painful cough.

"Very well then, you may have the bed next to her. As for the rest of you, its time to leave." The doctor informed them again.

The ponies said their goodbyes and left the room one by one. Applejack had agreed to watch Sweetie Bell for the night while Rarity stayed with Dash. It had been dark for some time now and it was now around ten o'clock when they had finally left two friends alone.

"Okay Ms. Dash if you need anything at all just push the button to your right." The stallion spoke pointing out said button.

"A nurse will bring you some morphine shortly." The doctor said before turning around and leaving the room as well and leaving occupants by themselves.

They were all by themselves just the two of them and all was quiet with the exception of the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor and Dash's heavy breathing. Rarity just stared at the pegasus searching for the right words to say the look of pain still evident on the mare's face, did not help her struggle for words nor the fact that Dash could clearly see the worry and guilt on her face as well. The prolonged silence was too much for the prismatic pony so she spoke up to both help her friend with the guilt and to break the awful quiet.

"Hey Rarity." Dash said her scratchy voice gaining the unicorn's attention.

"Yes, darling?" Rarity responded noting how difficult it was for the pegasus to speak.

"Don't you worry so much, I'm gonna be alright." The cyan said with same weak smile she had been using since she has been awake.

In her state of mind the curly mane mare could not help but worry her head but she simply nodded in acceptance.

"Jeez... I hate being in the hospital." Rainbow said slowly shifting slightly in the bed groaning in pain at the tiny movement.

"I know and it's my fault your are here in the first place." The unicorn said sadly and so quietly that the other mare could not hear it. "It's okay dear I'll be right here with you until you are released from this dreadful place." Rarity said audibly looking around at dull room trying to make the ailing mare happy anyway possible.

"Thank you, Rarity, it means a lot that you would stay with me." Rainbow said with pain still in her voice.

"It's the least I can do, dear." The unicorn responded trying to sound somewhat cheerful for her friend.

Again there was silence as neither pony could think of something to say to the other. The air in the room was tense between the to mares. The more the fashionista stared at her friend, the sadder she got, for she could see the pain in the athlete's face every time she moved or spoke, which it seemed to Rarity that its was getting harder and harder for Rainbow to do either.

She hated seeing her friends or any other pony for that matter suffer through pain of any type. Since she broke her leg on more than one occasion as a filly she could relate to some pain but adding that with a broken back, neck, ribs and being impaled through the chest, had to be more painful than she could ever fathom.

Every second her eyes were on the bandage covered pony the guilt worsened. It broke her heart to see Rainbow knowing she was the awful pony who put her in this state. Nothing else mattered right now but Dash, she wanted and wished she could take all this back, take away all her pain but alas reality was cruel and she knew this could never be taken back.

The unicorn pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind and attempted to make idle conversation figuring she could at least take Rainbow's mind off her pain for the moment. So the two ponies talked for awhile switching subjects every now and then. They chatted about the Wonderbolts, Daring Do, their friends and random other things. It was almost awkward talking to Rainbow like this, just randomly swapping one subject for the next.

"So... How about we think of a prank that doesn't involve mud or anything wooden." The pegasus joked giving another weak smile and painful cough.

The diamond flanked mare was stunned by that comment. It had not been twenty four hours since the accident. Hay, it was barely even twelve, she was dumbfounded and had no clue how to respond to that. Luckily she didn't have to as her train of thought was derailed by a nurse that just walked in with a clear pouch of liquid that looked similar to the other pouches already connected to Rainbow via thin tubes. The nurse trotted over to Dash and attached the pouch to a tube that ran down to pegasus' foreleg and hung the baggie in the IV stand.

"May I ask what you are giving her?" Rarity asked curious of the substance in the pouch.

"Oh this, this is just some morphine and a mild sleep aid." The nurse said sweetly as she made the final adjustments to the pouch.

"Oh... okay, thank you nurse." The white mare said with tiredness coating her voice that the nurse picked up on right away.

"It's not problem, but it is time for lights out. I think the both of you could use some rest, especially Miss Dash." The light blue coated nurse said.

"You’re right, I’m dreadfully tired, and I'm sure Rainbow Dash is to." Rarity said, her gaze falling upon the injured cyan pony.

She was quiet her eyes were closed and her head was turned away from the alabaster mare, specks and splotches of crimson still visible in her rainbow mane to everypony. They cleaned her up pretty well but they still missed a few stops here and there. It was obvious to her that the meds had already taken effect, for she was sleeping soundly or at least she hoped she was.

"Okay Miss get some sleep like your friend there, I'll check on her later." Said the nurse pony.

Rarity looked up and nodded, the nurse was already making her way to the door flipping the lights off as she exited from the room. Rarity watched as the nurse's dark blue tail disappeared behind the door. It was dark in the room now all she could see were the small lights on the various machines, Rainbow's silhouette in the bed, and the dim light coming from around the door frame.

"Good night darling." Rarity said softly as not to wake her as she placed a gentle hoof on the slumbering pegasus' shoulder before slowly walking to the bed beside Rainbow and laid down.

She wasn't just tired, she was absolutely exhausted from this hellish day but it was finally over, and that thought relieved her to some extent and hoped tomorrow would be better.

As soon as she stretched out on her uncomfortable bed her body started to relax itself as much as possible, not even bothering with the covers she laid there still and let her mind wonder. It went straight to projecting those terrible images across her mind's eye of Rainbow laying there on the ground, blood everywhere, the piece of wood protruding from her...NO she refused to think about that and instead tried to focus the sleep that escaped her the night before.

The emotionally and physically tired unicorn rolled her head to the side and stole glances at the mare in the bed next to, her hoping against hope that Rainbow would be alright. She then looked toward the ceiling closed her eyes and exhaled deeply waiting for sleep's sweet to embrace as she listen to the sounds around her. It was quiet for the most part the constant beep of the heart monitor and the soft clopping of hooves as nurses and doctors walked to and fro checking on their patients were among the few things she actually heard before exhaustion finally caught up with her as she drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The unicorn tossed and turned in her sleep. The bed was as hard so she could not find a comfortable position stay in. Eventually she was awoken not by the uncomfortable bed, but it was a noise that woke her and an annoying one at that. She was still exhausted and groggy and she could not figure out what the noise was it sounded like a high-pitched constant mechanical humming that just would not stop. The unicorn put a hoof on her mouth to stifle an unladylike yawn as she glanced at the clock by her bed the dull glow of the neon lit numbers read three thirty in the morning. She wanted to go back to sleep but that infernal racket kept her from that. The sleepy mare stifled another yawn with the same hoof as she started to lay back down in an attempt to ignore horrid that noise but before she could fully lie back down the doors swung open with force, the lights switched on, and nurses and doctors rushed over to Rainbow. The suddenness of it all scared the unicorn out of her coat and she blinked several times as her eyes adjusted to the new brightness of the room then tried to focus on what was going on around her. It took her a few moments to fully realized what the doctor was doing and when she did her whole world came crashing down around like a ton of bricks.

What he was doing was aggressively and repeatedly compressing the pegasus' chest, then putting his ear to her chest and listening before compressing again. That horrible noise was far worse than she could even imagine. The unicorn bolted out of the bed and was at Rainbow's side before the doctors could even blink.

"RAINBOW DASH! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" Rarity shouted tears filling her eyes as the doctor continued to press on the mare's chest.

"RAINBOW PLEASE!" The unicorn yelled again, she could not believe what was happening.

"Miss Rarity you need to leave." Nurse Redheart said as she walked up next to the distraught mare.

"NO I can't leave her! Rarity replied loudly refusing to budge.

"Miss Rarity you really have to leave I'm sorry." Nurse Redheart said very sternly.

Still the distraught unicorn refused to leave, she refused to lose Rainbow Dash. The heart monitor continued its constant beep as the doctors worked frantically to restart the pegasus' heart.

"I need the defibrillator now!" The doctor shouted realizing his attempt at starting the mare's heart by hoof was futile.

By now two doctors came up and pretty much dragged Rarity out of the room but she planted her hooves and would not let the doctors go any further than the doorway as she struggled to get back in the the room and back by Rainbow's side.

Another high-pitched whine rang throughout the room as the doctor started charging the defibrillator by rubbing the two plates together.

"Charged to two hundred!" The doctor shouted as he pressed the defibrillator to Rainbow's chest.

"Don't you die on me Rainbow I want some sleep tonight...CLEAR!" The doctor said sending a jolt through her body.

The mare's back arched off the bed as electricity coursed through her body then fell then fell limp again as the doctor looked to the heart monitor still displaying a flatline.

"Damn." The doctor said muffled under his breath as he readied the defibrillator for another try.

"Again." The doctor ordered.

"CLEAR!" The doctor shocked her again and again her back arched off the bed her body stayed limp.

"Again." The doctor said starting to get frustrated.

"RAINBOW! PLEASE WAKE UP! WE HAVE SAVED EQUESTRIA TOO MANY TIMES FOR IT TO END LIKE THIS!" The hysterical unicorn screamed out over the ponies holding her in the doorway.

The doctor jolted the pegasus' heart over and over again with no response from the rainbow maned pony but he was just as stubborn as his patient and keep at it
“RAINBOW DASH PLEASE WAKE UP." Rarity wailed through waterfalls of tears.

She was shouting, the doctors were shouting, everypony was shouting trying to do everything at once it was enough chaos to make Discord smile but all at once everything stopped and the noise was quickly replaced with a tense silence. Rarity could not hear anything at the moment. The doctors and nurse had stopped what they had been doing, the defibrillator was put down even the electrocardiograph was silent. Rarity waited for the doctor to do or say anything at all as he just stood there with his hooves on the bed. The silence was unbearable to Rarity, but this broken a few moments later when with his hooves still on the bed he hung his head low and slowly shook it from side to side.

"Time of death?" The doctor whispered sadly glancing up to the other stallion across from him.

"Three thirty-six a.m." The other doctor replied with the same sad tone as he looked at the clock on the wall.

"Thank you." The doctor said in a quiet sad tone as the respirator was removed and the blanket was pulled over the pegasus' head by the other doctor.

He turned to see the white unicorn still in the doorway, a devastated look on her face. He realized that she must have witnessed everything that just happened and nopony deserves to see what she just saw.

"I'm sorry Miss we did everything we could to save her." The doctor said softly.

She did not move or respond she just stood there her eyes wide with tears in a shock like state. Her whole world came crashing down around her in an instant, the guilt was now unbearable and she felt like a monster. This was all her fault and it made her feel like a terrible pony. She was the reason that Rainbow Dash was lying there motionless and lifeless it was her fault. Her emotions were whipping around like a hurricane in her mind as she fully grasped the situation.

She killed Rainbow Dash.

"I'm very sorry Miss, I know you are upset and this is a terrible thing to have to cope with." The doctor said calmly.

"Especially when it is your fault." Rarity said as she started to sob uncontrollably staining her cheeks and the floor with a waterfall of salty tears.

"Don't blame yourself it is nopony's fault and it will not change a thing. The best thing you could do now is go be with friends and family." The doctor said trying to console her and obviously failing.

"What have I done?!" Rarity wailed, speaking through her unstoppable sobs as she turned around and galloped full speed through the halls of the hospital and out the entrance into town.

The doctor wanted to follow the distraught mare he really did but he could not abandon his patients or the hospital he could only wish the unicorn and the rest of the recently deceased pegasus' friends and family well for he knew the other mare was about to deliver some devastating news.

Rarity ran through the town wailing and sobbing not caring who she may disturb or wake at this hour she just kept running to the only place she could think to go in her fragile mind set. She ignored the multiple lights that switched on as she noisily galloped through the Ponyville with waterfalls flowing down her cheeks. All she could think about was Rainbow Dash and what her actions did to her. Just thinking about the pegasus now was causing her a great deal of emotional pain and caused her guilt to explode. It was so great in fact that it actually felt like a crushing force on her body.

She continued running down the street wailing to the heavens like a little filly when she turned down another street and her destination was finally in view, Ponyville Library. She chose the library because the doctor was right she needed to be with her friends and she did not want to be alone right now.

When she reached the library she threw the door open with her magic causing a loud thud then shut it with an equally loud thud then collapsed in the middle of the floor with her head in her hooves as she sobbed uncontrollably. She knew it was rude to barge in unannounced especially at this hour but she did not care.

Almost immediately after Rarity had burst in the lights switched on as the startled residents were awoken from their sleep. There was a commotion as Spike came rolling down the stairs clutching a baseball bat in his small claws followed a few moments later by Twilight Sparkle who was also had a bat held by her magic.

"Uh... Who's there?" Twilight called out in a scared voice, her heart was racing and she was a bit frightened she never had anypony break in before.

"Rarity... are you okay?" Spike asked with concern noticing the mare sobbing as he righted himself then ran over to his not so secret crush.

Twilight’s fears were put at bay and she put her bat down against the wall at the bottom of the staircase when she realized that it was indeed Rarity and that she was sobbing in the middle of the floor so she did what any friend would do and rushed to the crying unicorn’s side.

“Rarity what’s wrong I thought you were supposed be with Rainbow Dash?” The purple unicorn asked only causing the other mare’s crying to intensify.

“Please Rarity, tell me what’s wrong.” Twilight asked again pulling the ivory mare up to her haunches.

The sobbing unicorn quickly embraced Twilight in a crushing hug and wailed into her shoulder.

“She’s gone Twilight, She’s gone and It’s all my fault.” Rarity finally spoke sadness overwhelming her voice.

“What do you mean, who is gone?” Twilight asked not quite understanding her in her half asleep state.

“Rainbow Dash didn’t make it! I killed her! I’m such a horrible pony!” Rarity cried soaking the purple pony’s shoulder with tears.

Twilight eyes went wide as Rarity’s words hit hard she could not believe what she was just told. Twilight being the studious pony she is went through several different scenarios to deal with any permanent effects Rainbow may be stuck with but she never once considered this outcome. The only thing she could think to do was return Rarity’s crushing hug as she began to cry along with her friend.

“Rarity, this is not your fault. Don’t blame yourself for this. You're not a horrible pony either.” Twilight cried in Rarity’s shoulder as Rarity did the same with hers.

“Yes it is! She is dead because of me!” The alabaster mare sobbed uncontrollably.
Dead, that one word once said made both mares cry harder if that was even possible for Rarity. Twilight also felt Spike hug her waist and bury his head into her side. She could tell he was crying as well. He was quite fond of Rainbow and would often pull pranks with her and Pinkie, so it was understandable that he was upset too. She put her hoof on his back as he cried.

“I’m so sorry Twilight, I’m so sorry this is all my fault.” Rarity said continuing to sob and increase her grip around Twilight.

“Stop! I don’t want to hear you blame yourself any more!” The lavender unicorn said authoritatively through her sadness.

“Out of all the things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!” The ivory mare cried out.

Rarity had said that very line many a times and the only reason this was any different than the rest was because this time it was actually true.

“Yes, Rarity, it is.” The purple mare replied with the same sadness in her voice as Rarity.

“I-It’s not fair why did it have to be Rainbow Dash? Why not somepony else that we don’t know?” Spike whimpered out.

Twilight wanted to chide him for saying something so selfish but she did nothing because she felt the exact same way as the little purple dragon.

“I know Spike she was too young.” The genius mare said rubbing Spike’s back with her hoof.

It had been over twenty minutes since Rarity had arrived and it was just passed four o’clock in the morning. The alabaster mare’s sobs were still as powerful as before and showed no sign of stopping what so ever.

“Rarity, it is after four we should get some sleep and figure this out later." Twilight said sadly.

Rarity had no reply she only cried relentlessly on her shoulder which was now drenched with her tears. Even though she was crying to, she need Rarity to calm down before she gave herself a stroke, so she tried again.

"Rarity please I know it is hard, and I’m hurting too, and so is Spike. But you really need to calm down. We will get through this I promise.” Twilight said wiping her tears with her hoof then pushed Rarity away from her and held her by the shoulders so she could look her in the eyes.

Still she sobbed and heaved as she breathed in and out over and over again. Never before had she seen Rarity or any other pony for that matter so distraught or even come close to how much Rarity was crying. Rarity truly believed it was her fault and she could not convince her otherwise or at least not right now. She would have to try again later and hopefully have better luck.

“Rarity, I’m going to use a sleep spell to calm you down and put you in a dreamless sleep for a few hours, okay?” Twilight said wiping her eyes again.

“O-Okay.” Rarity managed to say through her never ending sobs and wails.

Twilight’s horn lit up with a soft purple glow and after a few seconds of charge time she touched her horn to Rarity's forehead. The Ivory mare felt a tingling sensation spread from her head all the way to her hooves, suddenly her eyes drooped, the sobbing ceased, returning quietness back to the library as she fell into a magically induced sleep, into the awaiting forelegs of Twilight Sparkle as her body went limp. It was quiet now except for Twilight and Spike’s soft cries and Rarity’s gentle snores.

Twilight moved Spike away from her so she could stand. His eyes were red and puffy, stained with tears as were Twilight’s. She breathed in then exhaled deeply, wiping her eyes once again as she levitated the now sleeping Rarity over to her couch the put a blanket over her body then a pillow under her head.

The librarian turned around to see Spike trying to rub his eyes free of tears, she walked over to the baby dragon and gave him a comforting hug.

“Come on Spike lets get some sleep; it has been a long day and tomorrow is going to be even longer.” Twilight said in a depressed tone that sounded way more depressed than she would have liked it to. She could not help it, she was depressed she just lost her best friend after all.

“Tomorrow we have to tell the rest of the girls that Rainbow Dash is…is” Spike stopped, he could not finish sentence as tears over took his eyes again.

Twilight felt bad for the little dragon this was his first real experience with death so she was not surprised he was taking it so hard.

“Yea Spike we do, I wish we didn’t, but we do.” The unicorn said very calmly in the same depressed tone as before. “Lets go to bed Spike it is going to be sunrise in a few hours.” The sad mare said softly and gloomy.

Spike only nodded as both of them started up the stairs neither mare nor dragon noticing that in the element case beside them the element of loyalty was gone.

Author's Note:

This is my first story here so go easy on me and enjoy and please point out any grammar mistakes I may have missed.
I want thank for Fonypan editing my story. This will be continued eventually.

Comments ( 78 )

Heartbreaking but I can't wait to read more!

I love it I need MAOR :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

One of the BEST tragedy stories I have ever read. But the only problem is, the most annoying thing is that you don't place commas. I had to read a sentence twice to understand it.

2517418 yeah, but being at school means that I have to read loads of things like this'I have learned to live With it ;-)

Btw, dude, if you ever want a proofreader, just message me and I can get on it ASAP =D

2517418 Thanks that means a lot and you just made my day. Sorry about all the commas I really have no idea how to use those if you could help me out that would be great. By the way what did you think of my description?

2517860 Really?thanks a lot are you up for it now?:pinkiehappy:

2517896 oh, uh, yeah, Sorry, I have school to Go to, but I will be back Soon, Sorreh :derpytongue2: but, Normally I can get onto Things pretty soon :-) (sorry for any speling mistakes, im on my tablet And its not easy... )

2517896 yeah, send me anything and I can normally get it proofread in under a day :-)

2532876 I just want you to proofread this chapter for me right now thanks:pinkiehappy:

2533605 On it now, should be done in less than a few hours :D

First story, and an astonishingly good one at that! Other then a few typos (that we've all done), this was perfection, you've really got that talent in ya. Keep it up!.

2594202 Thanks that means a lot I have a proofreader that is fixing my errors (and taking forever too) and since I just finished high school I have plenty of time for this story.:pinkiehappy:

This is so good yet so sad! :fluttercry::fluttercry: You really have to make more!

amazing story. trivium you make awesome stories as well xD

So sad:fluttercry:

Your description of the story is one long run on sentence...

~ Michael

Not Your Fault By: Darksonickiller
Score: 6/10 - (Fix the grammar and it's an 8.5/10)

What I liked:
- Good, strong vocabulary.
- Good world-building.
- Emotional.
- Defiantly shows the author's effort.
- Addicting! (I kept wanting to read more)
- Extremely realistic. (As much as you can get in a pony story, that is)
- Story was well done.

What needs to be improved:
- Erratic indentation.
- Tendency to make run on sentences.
- Lack of commas.
- Tendency to repeat yourself.
- Weird and random paragraph breaks.
- A lot of grammar mistakes.
- Occasionally drawn out.
- Dialogue was choppy and unrealistic in places.
- Trouble with proper punctuation.
- "Ok" is actually spelled "Okay" (Just a little pet-peeve of mine)
- Choppy in places.
- Slight L.U.S.T. Syndrome.

Random comments:
-The beginning was a little choppy and skippy, but still managed to set the scene and properly paint the scene. The bit with Rainbow starting the prank and such was a little out of character and random, but I think that overall it was good.
- I really like the hospital scene. It was surprisingly realistic. I'm no doctor, but from what I do know it sounded pretty accurate.
- I really liked the ending; It was complete yet can be easily connected to a sequel.
- Damn it man! You falcon punched me with the feels!

Examples of mistakes and some fixes:

“I’m so sorry just please hang in there Rainbow please.” Rarity spoke to the unconscious and wounded pony.

“I’m so sorry! Please hang in there, Rainbow... please,” Rarity spoke to the unconscious and wounded pony.

Note: See the changes I made? This fixes it being run on and helps capture the emotion better.


“Somepony I need help now somepony, anypony please.” Rarity shouted alerting everypony in the room.

“Somepony! I need help now! Anypony, please?!” Rarity shouted, alerting everypony in the room.

Note: This is unrealistic. If you were to say this out-loud, you'd see how that it sounds wrong. With a few punctuation fixes it sounds a lot better.

Final Note: I would have pointed out more grammar mistakes, but there was too many for me to do in one comment... It would take me ages! Now overall I really liked the story. I found myself tearing up more then once and I had to keep a box of tissue by my side (Yeah, I'm a sucker for the feels). But as I have stated there are a lot of grammar mistakes that need to be addressed. I would suggest getting an editor, it would really help. I hope that you don't take my criticism the wrong way, I really love your story, but the grammar mistakes really drive me crazy!

Review by: Michael A.

Review done at 3 in the morning... I'm so tired!

That was refreshing to read a second time. I feel real bad for Rarity though, she killed one of her best friends because of a little mud.
If I may ask will there be an epilogue. Forgive me if you have already said yes or no.

Until the darkness consumes us all. :pinkiecrazy:

3561663 yes there will be apart 2 when ever I stop being lazy thank you for the like, fav, comment and read.

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*dies with love* EEH beautiful.:heart:

It's really good. Will patiently await new chapters. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Sonic Derpboom deleted Jan 10th, 2014

Rainbow is.........dead?:applecry:

Comment posted by Laknock deleted Jun 7th, 2014


THAT.WAS.AMAZING. Please. Moar.please.......

Well.... Mmmm... Sad, but I like, nicely done... I think Twilight would have gone to the hospital and tell every pony but that's just me... any way keep it up.... :pinkiesmile:

You get 4 Derpys out of 5 Derpys :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Duck Face :duck:

:rainbowhuh: = x_x

All Rainbow Dash fans = :heart:(broken)

:ajsleepy:(not sleeping, sad)
:facehoof:(just pretend she's wiping away tears.)

I could never actually imagine Rarity doing that kind of thing. I am not sure whether to say I liked this or not. Well, so far what she did is something I am not into, but I did like the rest of the story.

Good, but sad:fluttershysad:; very, very sad:fluttercry:

Wow, it's amazing how one small action will set off a chain of painful events. I know Rarity wasn't planning on hurting Dash but, wow. I'm surprised Dash was only in the hospital once with the kinds of stunts she does, she destroyed an entire barn by herself even. Is there a follow up for this story?

This was so SAD I cried myself to sleep, but nonetheless this was absolutely - wow just awesome! ! Keep up the great work!

4111444 thanks plz go check out my featured if its much better.

4111465 alright - but why did dash have to die??!! Oh it was so awful ( but your story is awesome) to witness seeing as Dash is my fav (and best heh) pony

Hard read. 'Tragedy' tag is indeed earned.

Good story! More! :flutterrage: Also, the feels! :pinkiesad2::fluttercry::applecry::raritydespair::raritycry:

This is just your 1st story? wow this was a good story, I liked the summary as it set the mood for the story. An interesting plot idea with good characterisation for both RD and Rarity. I will honestly admit it was sad for what happened to RD. :pinkiesad2:

There were moments that felt a little bit rushed and your spelling was mostly correct. For future fics for comma placement try re-reading a sentence and notice where you take a slight pause, that my friend should help in knowing where they are needed. (A dear old friend of mine taught me this).

Well done!

-Frost :pinkiesmile:

4684041 Becasue why not? Go check out For Whom The Belle Tolls It my best fic!

4444603 I was agreeing with you, I couldn't have said anything better than what you posted.:pinkiesmile:

(Question: Why always RD?)

4684041 Becasue why not? Go check out For Whom The Belle Tolls It My best fic!

NOOO DASHIE :applecry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch::fluttershysad::raritydespair::raritycry:
WHY MY DASHIE WHY! :raritycry:

all of the feels right now
but all in all
good sad fic I just
wish dashie ws alive

I will always love you my dashie:fluttercry::heart::heart:
keep da good awesome work bro:heart:

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