• Published 27th Apr 2013
  • 1,698 Views, 27 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Biggest Fan - Mudraynebow

Rainbow Dash receives letters from somepony calling themselves "her biggest fan". What Rainbow doesn't realize is that this pony is dead serious.

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Dear Rainbow...

Lyrics to "Stan" can be found here if you want to read them to relate to this story


Rainbow Dash flew home one Saturday after a whole day of flying. She was tired. She had just been in a show, and hundreds of ponies below had watched her perform spectacular tricks. She had ended the show with her awesome Buccaneer Blaze, which had caused all the ponies below to gasp in shock and amazement at the awesome move. However, it was almost evening, and Rainbow Dash just wanted more than anything to go to bed now so she would be rested and ready in the morning.
As Rainbow approached her home, she suddenly dived down, landing on the ground that was up under her floating cloud house. She went over to her mailbox, grabbed the usual bunch of letters inside, and flew up to her house.
Taking the letters to her bedroom, Rainbow Dash spread them on the bed and began to look through them. As usual, there was the usual fan letters, all from admirers of her. Then, one letter caught her eye. This one was not marked with a name of a pony, it was marked, "Your Biggest Fan". Rainbow Dash shrugged - that was what all of her fans called themselves usually - but she decided to open it first, curious as to why this pony was her "biggest fan". She held the letter and began to read it:

Dear Rainbow Dash,
I've written to you before, but I guess you just didn't get my letters or something. That's ok, I totally understand, you probably get a lot of fan mail so I understand if you've missed mine, but I know you'll get this one. Anyways, how's it going, Dash? I heard about how the Wonderbolts still haven't let you join. That sucks. They totally should have let you join. I know you'd be the best on the team! Now, I know you probably hear this a lot, but I'm your biggest fan, Dash! I truly am, the other ponies who say that are lying. I even bought your auto-biography Spike wrote about you. I have a whole room devoted to you, and only you, Rainbow Dash. It's full of posters of you and even action figures that I had custom-made in Canterlot. I hope this isn't too much to ask, Rainbow, but could you meet me near the entrance to that big field after you have you put on your show there on Friday? I'm taking my little brother there with me and he really wants to meet you. Please write back, Rainbow Dash! I know you got this letter, I had my unicorn friend out a spell on it so you wouldn't miss it when it came.
Truly yours,
My name is Frannie, but ponies call me Fran,
Fran, your biggest fan.

Rainbow Dash read the letter over again.
"Wow," Rainbow said. "That's something."
She was touched by the story. It sounded like this Fran was her biggest fan! I should write her back right away, Rainbow thought, but she knew she couldn't tonight. She was too tired. She swept the letters to the ground, promising herself she would write her biggest fan back tomorrow.
When Rainbow Dash woke up in the morning, she had forgotten about the letter.


Rainbow Dash had forgotten the letter for the whole week. She was busy with other things, practicing for her show on Friday, getting ready. Maybe the Wonderbolts would even be there to watch her, and maybe they would finally let her join, but Rainbow doubted it. The Wonderbolts had better things to to then go to small-town shows, even if someone awesome would be performing there.
Now, finally, it was Friday. Rainbow Dash had a half hour to get to her show so for now, she was sitting up in her bedroom in her cloud house, trying to stay calm. She would do fine.
Rainbow got off the bed and accidentally stepped on an old letter she had gotten. For some reason, her eyes were drawn to it instantly and she realized it was the letter from Fran, her biggest fan. She had forgotten to write back.
It doesn't matter though, Rainbow thought. I'm meeting her and her brother after the show.
After fifteen more minutes, Rainbow Dash stepped out of her cloud house and took off, heading for her show. She made a mental note to remember to go meet Fran and her brother after the show.
Rainbow Dash flew over the field she was having her show in, and her eyes widened in surprise. There was hundreds of ponies on the sidelines down there, all of whom gave a loud, echoing cheer when Rainbow flew overhead. There was a lot more ponies here than there had been at her last show. Maybe word of how awesome she was had gotten around! Rainbow Dash grinned happily, and her show began.

The Sonic Rainboom was loud and it echoed throughout the field. The rainbow-colored shock wave spread out overhead in a dazzling glow. Rainbow Dash landed on the field and the fans went wild. The Sonic Rainboom always impressed everypony, whether it was their first or hundredth time seeing it.
Rainbow Dash knew she had to go meet her biggest fan, but the fans, realizing the show was over, rushed out onto the field, swarming around Rainbow Dash, congratulating her, trying to get her autograph, and asking questions. Delighted at the attention she was getting, Rainbow Dash talked, laughed, and signed autographs for three hours. She had forgotten about her biggest fan again.

When Rainbow finally got home, she was as tired as she had been on Saturday. She walked into her bedroom, and saw the letter on the floor. She gasped, remembering how she had forgotten to meet Fran, but promised herself she would write back to Fran tomorrow to explain.
The next day, Saturday, Rainbow got a single letter in the morning from the mail-pony, before all of her other mail came. Rainbow took it back up to her house and opened it. It was from Fran, her biggest fan.

Dear Rainbow Dash,
If you didn't want to meet me after your show on Friday, you could have just wrote back to me and said so. But I think it's messed up how you ignore your fans. I mean, you could have at least given my little brother your autograph! He's only five years old, Rainbow Dash! And what's more, he likes you even more than I do! He said he wanted to be just like you when he grows up! Now, don't get me wrong, Dash, I'm not mad, I just wish you were loyal to your fans. That's your Element, right? Loyalty? Well, that's what I read in Spike's autobiography about you.
Please Dash, just one letter from you. If you don't write back, I swear on Celestia's name you'll never lose a bigger fan than me. Please, Rainbow Dash! You're depressing me so much! Sometimes, at night, I cut myself to see how bad it hurts but it's nothing compared to the pain of not getting a letter from you! Please, I just want a letter from you if we can't meet face-to-face and my little brother is really wanting your autograph! Please write back soon, Dash!
Truly yours,
Fran your biggest fan

Rainbow finished reading the letter. She knew she should have written back right then, but then she remembered that Applejack had asked for her help at Sweet Apple Acres. When I'm done helping Applejack, Rainbow promised herself. As soon as I'm done helping Applejack.
When Rainbow Dash got to Sweet Apple Acres, she found that all of her other friends were there, already at work helping Applejack buck the apples off the trees. Big Mac was there, too, and Apple Bloom and her friends were under a nearby tree, discussing important CMC business, no doubt.
Rainbow Dash went over with her friends and began to help with the apples.
Halfway through the day, Rainbow told her friends she had to go do something.
"What's that?" Applejack asked.
"I have to write this letter to a fan of mine," Rainbow said. "It's really important."
Applejack shook her head in disgust. "Rainbow, ya have lots of fans, but they're not the same thing as friends. We really need yer help here, Sugarcube, ah think that letter can wait just a bit."
"Well... I guess," Rainbow said uncertainly.
Near the end of the day, Rainbow said goodbye to her friends and prepared to take off back to her house.
"Wait!" Twilight said. Rainbow turned, and saw Twilight holding a letter.
"What is it, Twilight?" Rainbow asked. "I've really got to get home, I have to write-"
"Rainbow," Twilight interrupted, "This will only take a minute. I have decided to ask Celestia if you could spend six days in Canterlot as a celebration for your spectacular performance yesterday, and she said yes!"
"In... In Canterlot?" Rainbow asked with her eyes widening. "Where I can show the Wonderbolts my moves and everything?"
"Yep!" Twilight said.
"Oh my gosh, you are really a great friend to have, Twilight! This is so AWESOME!"
"You better get going, though!" Twilight said. "They're expecting you this evening!"
"Right away!" Rainbow said, and took off.

Rainbow Dash got back to her cloud house and began throwing stuff she would need in a case. She forgot all about her letters.
When Rainbow was ready, she flew off, heading for Canterlot. She stayed there for six days. On Wednesday, all around Ponyville and the surrounding countryside, there was a thunderstorm.


On Wednesday morning, the carriage hurtled down the road through the thunderstorm and rain at one hundred ten miles an hour, heading for the dam. The driver was planning to drive on the dam - but not completely cross it. She had other things in mind. The pony was the pegasus, Fran, and she had had enough. She would show Rainbow Dash. She held a magic shell to her mouth as she drove, a special shell that recorded voice and sound.
"Dear 'I Dont Give A Crap About My Fans'!" Fran screamed into the shell over the sound of the rain and thunder.
"This is the LAST LETTER YOU'LL EVER GET FROM ME! I thought you would write back, Dash! I thought you were better than this! You know that one time when that accident happened in Saddle Arabia, and that one pony could have saved her friend from falling off that building, but she didn't?! Well, this is kind of like that! You could have saved me from falling, but you didn't! Now it's TOO LATE! Hey Dash, I just drank a bottle of whiskey, dare me to drive?"
Somepony screamed from the backseat of the carriage. "SHUT UP BACK THERE, BROTHER!" Fran roared at him. "I'M TRYING TO MAKE A RECORDING HERE!"
Fran turned her mouth to the shell again. "DID YOU HEAR THAT SCREAMING, RAINBOW?" Fran shouted. "That was my BROTHER! Don't worry, I didn't cut him, I just tied him up and threw him in the back! That's right, Dash! Your two best fans are going to die together! All because you didn't send me back ONE! DAMN! LETTER!"
The carriage was rapidly approaching the dam now.
Fran sharply turned the carriage as it shot onto the top of the dam. It crashed through the guard railing, and fell a hundred feet into the river below.


Rainbow Dash got back from Canterlot on the sixth day and before she went to her house, she grabbed the load of mail from her mailbox. Equestria's newspaper, the Equestria Daily was in there.
Rainbow flew up to her house, walked into her bedroom...
"Oh, man!" Rainbow said in alarm. "I forgot to write Fran back!"
Rainbow grabbed the newspaper and opened it so she could read it while she wrote back to Fran. She settled down while reading the newspaper and wrote:

Dear Fran,
Sorry it took me so long to write back. I hope you are well. I'm sorry I didn't meet you at my show, I just completely forgot. We'll need to set up a time to meet, though. I am also sending an autograph for your little brother. I hope he likes it.
Now, Fran, there's something I want to ask you about. You CUT yourself because you weren't getting letters from me? No offense, but you sound a little messed up. You really should get some help before you really hurt yourself. I'm glad you're not mad at me though, and yes, I guess I do need to be more loyal sometimes. But you need to get help with your depression before you do something you really regret. Like right now, I'm reading the newspaper and there's the worst news in here. Somepony tied up her own brother and committed suicide by driving off the dam, and it killed both of them. Please get help, Fran, like this poor pony in the news should have done. Mother of Celestia, this is a sad story. It says the pony who committed suicide was-

Rainbow Dash checked the newspaper for the name and her eyes opened wide in shock. "-you," Rainbow said, finishing the sentence she was writing out loud.
"Damn... I'm so sorry, Fran."

Author's Note:

The lyrics from "Stan" in this fic are not owned by me, the song was written by Eminem. All credit for the song lyrics goes to him.
I would like to thank Eminem and his song, "Stan", for inspiring me to write this story.

I know it was a pretty short story, minus the lyrics, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway.

Comments ( 27 )

Dude :pinkiegasp: that song is sooooo disturbing and powerful:pinkiehappy: It was second only to Kim for being powerful but messed up. That song is the perfect balance of song and anger issues. I will download this to my Nook (reading device) for later reading.....

A story inspired by an Eminem song? Hell yea!:yay:

That's really cool how a fiction is inspired by a whole song! That's freaking AWESOME!
Maybe I'll try that out, haha :twilightblush:
I'll credit ya, don't worry! And, why the fuck not, I'll watch you too! You're awesome man, I'm gonna be you're biggest fan :pinkiecrazy:

That was very....um..... I don't know how to describe this story. But it was good!

Le me, before I saw the character tags...
:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: :twistnerd: :fluttercry: ERMAHGERD PSYCHO SCOOTALOO FANFIC AHFUCK YES! :raritywink:

Le me, after I read description and saw the character tags...
:rainbowderp: :rainbowhuh: :pinkiesmile: :pinkiesad2: :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:


... Shit... Feel attack. I commend you.

I feel like a douche now. This was real good... I'mma crawl away in shame...

Thought it was kind of lame, not really OC at all. You just switched words around from Stan...


I didn't say it was based off of "Stan" for nothing, you know...:facehoof:

Haha i know, I was just voicing it. It was good I wont deny it. I wasnt sure wat to expect to be honest :rainbowwild:


Oh ok got it:pinkiehappy: I was just saying.

Well be happy! Your the first person ive ever replied to and this is first story ive ever commented on :ajsmug:

Wow, that ending was a bit...
"Damn, I'm sorry Fran."
"Yo, Rainbow, let's go sledding!"
*burns the letter*
At least, that's what I would do. Hell, after I got that recording or whatever, I would probably write back, saying: Bitch, you crazy. Enjoy your life in hell!
I'm evil like that.

This was pretty good. I'm not a fan of Eminem myself, but you played off the lyrics pretty well. Though, in my opinion, I think Rainbow's reaction at the end was a bit too "Meh, oh well." and could have been a bit more "Holy **** what!?. Or maybe that's what you were going for? I don't know, that's just me thinking over here, lol. But it was still a good interpretation none the less. :twilightsmile:

a perfect song for a perfect fic:heart::yay::trollestia::moustache::eeyup:

I'm sorry, it just didn't work for me. There's "inspired by", there's "based on", and then there's just taking the lyrics to the entire song and tweaking them slightly. I could write a story about a pony musician by rewording Bad Company's "Shooting Star", but I'm not going to.

That was a very sad story I have to check out the original song

Hmmm, an interesting idea. I will put this in my "read later" list:twilightsmile:
(I bucking love Eminem:pinkiehappy:)

I hope you make a short sequel explaining the reactions of her friends about that last letter.I really want to see... Uh, the equivelant of it of Applejack feeling remorse about what she said.It was so tide to me!Fans are important,especially when when they're insane.

Ahhh, the Eminem Show... That album was one of Slim's best works other than Marshall Mathers LP... Hold on, "Stan" does not belong to this album, did you purposely mix the album name together? Or else I would call it the Rainbow Dash MLP lol.

Keep in mind that I commented this before reading it, I just read the title. Which confused me a bit.

I thought this cover would be better, because you know, it shows Rainbow Dash getting attention, obviously in front of a crowd (I do know that Stan was not on The Eminem Show though)

5989224 It was pretty good ripoff you did there, even without the cursing and extreme violence like Slim Shady 15 years ago, listening to the song really fits into the story's setting. I even like the sh*t you did with Fran's bro, that sh*t was fad.

5989224 It was very creative of you, however I would want to express my opinion (no offense whatsoever, your idea was excellent, but I just wanted to voice my own since I'm a huge fan of Shady as well):

The MMLP cover has Eminem sitting on the floor, alone, and the color is rather heavy and dark. I would put Fran into that, as if she was miserable and depressed on how she did not receive her response.

Now of course, it should be the star who's in the album cover, but it does not make sense for Rainbow to be sitting like that, otherwise it would not fit in the story, it would just go along with the album, which not everybrony is an Eminem fan.

I had my unicorn friend out a spell on it

should be "put" but it may be an error on Fran part.

things to to then go to

do than

I am going to cry now.

I was so upset whenever i heard that song and inahd almost forgotton the sadness thay song brought untill i say this story ;-;
Oh grow up ya big pussy

Deadpool. Not the time.

Okay i just read it and............. FUCK A TEAR LANDED ON THE FOCKING KEYBOARD. Anyway this was well written, i would have mot cried if it were not.

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