• Published 23rd Jun 2013
  • 2,275 Views, 68 Comments

When Worlds Collide - Biker_Dash

Twilight created the portal, and something came through. When it came through, twelve ponies became trapped on another world. Can they survive long enough for help to arrive? And what was it that came through?

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It was hard to believe that it was actually happening. The end result of four years of work was finally coming to its conclusion. Four years ago, Twilight had been studying late at night, and her work had led her to come to the conclusion that there were other universes. It was not until after she had become a princess that she had actually found the proof that they did exist, and from there, had figured out a means to travel to explore them. Two more years of exhausting work had led to turning her discoveries into tangible results.

A month ago, the first test was run. They had sent some equipment through and brought it back. The equipment included various instruments meant to test conditions on the world she had selected, and even included a camera, to show what the place looked like. Much to the astonishment of Twilight and the ponies working with her on this project, they found that the planet was very much like Equestria. The atmosphere, gravity, and even the local flora and fauna were so similar, that one could mistake it for being someplace actually in her own world. Could it be that they would even find sentient life there? Life with intelligence like a pony?

There was one major difference that the instruments did tell her. Magic in this world was there, but it seems that the force of magic was much weaker in this alien universe. How it would affect those who would be going through was an uncertainty, but the weaker magic fields should have no ill effects.

Today, they would not be sending instruments through. Today, they would send a team of ponies to do a quick exploration of their surroundings.

“You seem rather calm today, Twilight,” said Princess Celestia, as she joined her favorite pupil. “I would think that you would be bouncing around like an excited filly on Hearths Warming Eve. It is not everyday that a whole new world is discovered.” The elder princess was very proud of her student, and how much she had accomplished in her short life. Twilight showed every promise of exceeding the discoveries of Clover the Clever or Starswirl the Bearded. It amazed the Sun Ruler that the mare before her could have risen so much in so short of a time. It seemed just like yesterday that Twilight was just a little foal before her bouncing up and down in excitement and joy, having both become her private pupil and having just received her cutie mark.

“That’s because our egghead princess is just way too cool to let her excitement show!” exclaimed a prismatic maned pegasus landing on Twilight’s other side. “Seriously, Twilight, this has to be the coolest thing ever!” Overcome with her own excitement, Rainbow Dash tackled her friend in a hug before flying off.

The now blushing Twilight looks to her teacher, who is trying to hide her mirth with her hoof. A few years ago, she would have been hiding in embarrassed terror at the thought of the princess seeing such things. It took a long while for the studious mare to learn to loosen up, but she had, much to Celestia’s relief.

“Shall we go check and see if the team is ready, Princess Sparkle?” asks the co-ruler of Equestria.

“Yes, I think we should.”

Walking together, the two alicorns approach the gathered exploration team. Leading the group is Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor. Spitfire, leader of the Wonderbolts is second in command. Rainbow Dash will be their primary scout while Fluttershy would be studying any animal life they happen to find while there. Others would study other aspects of this new world, or provide security for the team. Altogether, a total of thirteen ponies would go through the portal. Four pegasi, four earth ponies, and five unicorns. Twilight herself wished to be going through, but that was quickly vetoed by everyone involved. In no way, shape or form would they allow Twilight to take such a risk. And there were risks to this. Who knows what could happen, and if something were to happen to Equestria’s newest princess, it would be tragic for the whole kingdom.

Shining Armor trots over to his sister to report that the team is prepared to go through. Hell, they’re practically chomping at the bit to go. Even Fluttershy, who normally would be hiding from her own shadow, is excited. “Power up the equipment, Twilie, and lets get this show on the road,” he tells her.

“Will do, BBBFF,” she replies. She gathers the unicorns and the two princesses who will be helping her power the portal equipment, and once everyone is ready, she lights up her horn, bringing forth her magic. The others do the same and the power can literally be felt through the air as magical energies reach levels almost unheard of. In minutes, there was a flash of light, and before them was what appeared to be an opening in space, filled with swirling energies.

Looking to his gathered team, Shining Armor calls for them to follow as he cautiously steps through.

* * * * *

Roger Huffington stood near the top of the small mountain. Though small is a relative term at the moment, whereas the Rocky Mountains have many peaks that reached much further in height than the one he was on. That was OK with him, though, because this was one of the best locations for launching his hang glider from. From here, it would be a relatively short but exciting flight down the mountain slope and through the valley below.nine thousand feet of elevation may not be very high for Colorado, but it was plenty for him.

Born an only child, and with few friends, Roger was not one for group activities, preferring things he could do on his own. Running, riding his motorcycle, and hang gliding were his three biggest passions as of late. Today would comprise of a short flight of two, then after, he would ride for a few hours before heading back home. Though it did not sound like a lot, it was what he had planned for on his day off from work at the shop where he served as the parts manager.

Picking up his glider, he got a short running start before leaping off into the open air. The glider quickly started to descend and pick up speed, which provided the needed lift for his flight down the slope. Soon, the ground was racing underneath him at high speed, bring the drug like euphoric state that only adrenaline was able to provide. Yes, it was very dangerous to be flying only several feet from the ground, but that only added to the thrill for Roger, who found such thrills to be one of the very few things to live for nowadays.

After a few minutes, he is nearing the end of his trip through the air, and he begins to flare to slow down. It is at this point where something very strange happens in front of him. Something that looks like a portal from one of those shows he occasionally watches on SiFi appears in his path, and through it comes some strange creatures. Had he been capable of any further cognitive thought, he might have thought that they looked remarkably similar to horses, though with very unnatural colors, and were rather small in size for a horse. He could not have such thoughts, though, for his mind had pretty much frozen up in shock.

It was fortunate for him that he had slowed considerably before they appeared in front of him. Unable to think, or even react, due to his shock, he collided with one of them at over thirty miles per hour with a crunch of breaking bones, and both him and the creature he had collided with went tumbling through the portal.

* * * * *

The portal had been open for only a few moments, and Shining Armor had just taken his team on through to the alien world. They were just getting ready to close the portal temporarily when Shining armor came tumbling back through, along with something else. As everypony stood where they were stunned, the unicorn and the strange creature half tangled in his limbs crashed into the row of equipment. With a crash, the delicate machinery went flying, shattered beyond repair, and causing the portal to instantly close. In a panic, Twilight rushed over to her brother to check to see if he was ok.

He was not, unfortunately. Whatever it was that had sent him back through had apparently collided with the former Guard Captain with enough force to break his leg and shoulder. Also, when he collided with the portal equipment, he had hit his head hard, and was bleeding profusely from the wound. He would need medical attention immediately.

Looking closely at the amulet around his neck, Twilight feels a chill of fear run down her spine. The amulet is what would have allowed the portal to open back up for the exploration team. Without that amulet, the magic within the portal machinery would have nothing to lock onto, and it would now become that much more difficult for getting them home. Now, not only was the amulet not with the team, but the gem in the center was cracked down the center. It had taken six months to synthesize that gem. And even knowing exactly what to do, it would take another six months to make another.

While she tended to her brother, the rest of her team assessed the damage to the equipment. Several pieces were beyond repair, but they could be rebuilt. It would take a few months, but that was minor compared to the half a year it would take for the gem to be fixed. And then, it would take time to find the exact location that the portal had opened to. No matter how a pony looked at this, those trapped on the other side will have to fend for themselves until the portal could be reopened, and a team sent through to bring them home.

Celestia, as well as her sister, Princess Luna, on the other hoof, were inspecting the strange creature that had come back through the portal with the former Guard Captain. It looked as if it would walk upright, like a minotaur, from its shape, and it seemed to wear a lot of clothing, including a helmet even. Another interesting thing which the two princesses noted was that, unlike a pony, this creature seemed to have claws like Spike. All that mattered little at the moment, though, because it appeared to be injured badly, and would need the services of a doctor quickly.

“Tia, I shall fly back to the castle and bring a medical team and some guards,” the darker alicorn tells her sister. “Let us hope that we can figure out how badly it is hurt, and save this creature, so we may study it.” She then spreads her wings and flies off to Canterlot to gather guards and medics.

Princess Celestia starts probing the alien before her with her magic in an attempt to assess the injuries it has received, so that maybe they might get an understanding later of what fate may be in store for the ponies trapped on the alien world.

* * * * *

“What in Tartarus was that?” asks Rainbow Dash immediately after the closing of the portal. “And how will we be getting home now? Shining had the amulet, so we can’t trigger it to open, and that amulet is what the portal focused on!” Rainbow was getting close to panic, but suppressed it so as to stay strong for the team. Everyone needed to keep their heads together right now, because there was no telling how long that they would be trapped here. She had faith in Twilight, that she would get them home, but, from what she remembered from all the briefings, if the amulet was lost, it would be very unlikely that the portal could be reopened anywhere near where they were. If Twilight and the science team were able to figure out the location, it could take up to a week searching. And with what happened to Shining Armor just now, this world has shown itself to be potentially dangerous.

“Dash, I need you to scout above us and watch for any more surprises, so that they don’t bite us in the flank again. Stay close though,” Spitfire orders. Since Shining Armor got booted back to Equestria by whatever the Tartarus that was that ran into him, the leadership and survival of the team fell to her hooves. Turning to the rest of the team, she issues orders. “OK, listen up. It looks as if we may be here for a while. We shall bunker down in the forest over there,” she tells them, pointing to the trees about a hundred yards away. “Fluttershy, Keep your eyes open for any animal life we see, and watch for anything that might be a danger to us. Big Mac and Caramel, we will need food, so see what you can find for us that is safe to eat. And water too. That will be critical for us. The rest of you will help me get some sort of shelter set up. We have our work cut out for us, so lets get moving, ponies!”

Author's Note:

This is going on Hiatus Status. The reason for that can be found in this blog:
Hiatus Status for my stories