
When Zipp chases down Sunny to a lonely coastline with a new lead from the ancient past, she finds herself pursued by a more recent history that keeps her stuck in the present.

Proofreader: Alchemik
Editor: Rego

Chapters (1)

The Wonderbolt Academy is home to many a cadet seeking to enter the prestigious flying team. What it's not usually home to, is a dead body that appears to be struck by lightning. But it gets stranger from there, as a mysterious sword cut is on the body as well. It's up to Private once again to investigate teaming up with Rainbow Dash. But Rainbow's rival Lightning Dust has an interesting thing to say. The murderer, bore a striking resemblance to Raiden Bolt...

Chapters (7)

Shortly after Twilight's coronation and ascension to the throne, Canterlot is yet again invaded by a horde of changelings, yet again led by Chrysalis. Twilight barely escapes the scene with her life. 10 years later, she wakes up not knowing who she is or what role she plays in this world. All she knows from a cryptic note she left for herself is her name and some other information about her friends. With her mentor dead and her friends gone, Twilight sets out on a quest to remember her life, her friends and what happened on that fateful day, for memories are powerful things. They can save Equestria. With the elements and the world against her, she has to be careful, as she cannot lose her sanity again. For if she does, Equestria will no longer have its desperately needed hero.

With renewed writing skills, I will be reworking existing content and eventually plan to finish this.

Chapters (3)

Everypony who is anypony knows what happened at the near-disaster of the Royal Canterlot Wedding. The Changeling Queen Chrysalis captured the bride and impersonated her, invading the capital of Equestria with her swarm at her back, intent on feeding on the love of the loyal captain of the guard and capturing a swarm of ponies to feed her and her hive, wounding Celestia and nearly winning, before being ejected and tossed to her inevitable doom by an immense burst of love-fueled magic. The story is simple, it's straightforward, and it's obvious.

And, of course, incorrect in so many ways.

When you're dealing with Changelings, it is wise to not take anything at face value...

Two interwoven tales of the consequences of the Royal Canterlot Wedding.

Days after the wedding, Chrysalis is brought to trial by the Changelings for her actions, and sentenced to personality death without ever being permitted to defend herself, as the hive prepares for the inevitable war to come.

Months later, Spring Bounty is a mare on the run, fleeing from Changeling capture after being rescued by a pegasus named Papillon, determined to make an escape and seek protection and safety - if any such safety still exists.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Lost Kindness

After Fluttershy ran away, things start going wrong. Will she ever come back? Will Twilight regain her magic? And what is the story behind Empty Sound?

Direct Sequel to Lost Kindness and second book in The Saga of The Beast.

Chapters (7)

My O.C. is caught in the epicenter of a nuclear blast and miraculously survives, now in Equestria he must confront demons new and old, from without and within....

Chapters (18)

Ever the romantic idealist, Luna had always dreamed of a dark alicorn (gag...) to take her away so they could enjoy the night together.
When he suddenly appears, however, she soon learns truths--about herself, about him, about her sister, and about the alicorns themselves--that she would much rather have left hidden.

Chapters (4)

Famine grips the world. Celestia has no choice but to take what the citizens of Equestria need to survive from other countries by force. She forms the Solar Empire. Whirlwind, a Pegasus from Cloudsdale and old friend of Rainbow Dash, decides to join the Solar Empire Air Force alongside Rainbow to fight for their country, friends and families.

But all does not go well. Whirlwind, now branded a traitor to the Empire and Equestria, finds himself on the run even though he was only following orders. Can he outrun the biggest and most powerful empire in the world's history, can he live with himself after what he had to do to his best and only friend and can he restore peace back to the world?

Chapters (14)

When Rainbow Dash is killed in a tragic accident, she is sent to purgatory. Once there, she is faced with the possibilities of everything she ever wanted... Along with that which she feared most.

[A/N: Haven't written anything sad in a while, so I decided to try this out. Will contain the obvious, minus the OC's. Also, I am not ripping off "That Which Makes Up a Rainbow", I didn't even realize how similar the two were until I started writing it. But no, this is not the same story nor is it supposed to be. It's just something that popped into my head.]

Chapters (9)

"The Holy Tome", "The Lost Relic", "Journal of the Heretics"; all are names for the Holy Covenant of the Triumvirate, a history of the tribes which documents the rise of the three powers that ruled the sky: the majestic Sun, the mysterious Moon, and the Twilight which balanced and separated the two in the harmony of their celestial dance. Over 700 years ago the Cult of Nightmare, seeking to overthrow the Sun, systematically destroyed all copies of this tome as they deemed the existence of The Triumvirate, a heresy against their one true ruler, The Nightmare. One copy survived the Purge and ended up in the possession of the Sun. Contemplate these words, passed down across generations, passed down to you.

Chapters (19)