
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

I'm just blogging this story by someone because I think it's unusually good fimfic, a standout. · 12:09am Nov 27th, 2023

EThe Piper at the Gated Lawn
Snails has a secret: a secret power only he can wield, a secret batch of knowledge only he can grasp, a whole secret world over which he rules as an absolute monarch. Secret except, y'know, it's right there on his flanks...
AugieDog · 6.1k words  ·  54  2 · 533 views

This story provides Snips and Snails a great backstory, interesting personalities, an entertaining and very convincing first person narrator character voice, and quite a fun and often funny plot.


BUCK it, I'm blogging someone's story just because I think it's fun and good and well-written. · 2:09am Oct 16th, 2022

Edited to add: In view of the second seven chapters that were added to the story after the first seven, this story still has many good qualities, but some of the additions are not exactly 'fun' in the most direct sense. I still recommend it as an interesting AU, though.

When a story that is imho good and more fun as a story and better written than most stories just doesn't fit the demographic and gets an amazingly low number of reads...(at least so far)

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I found the new(ish) story "Requiem for a Friend" interesting. You might too. · 1:45pm February 16th

TRequiem for a Friend
Octavia Melody struggles after Vinyl Scratch's untimely death.
Math Spook · 13k words  ·  32  2 · 314 views

imho, this story does some lovely things with music, friendship, realizations, and personal growth.


Signal Boost: If You Could Read my Mind · 4:53am Jan 26th, 2021

Y’all have one of those moments where you know there’s something you should have did but didn’t and you only remember it a day later and then wonder how you forgot in the first place?

Which is an appropriate enough segue into our next Not-A-Contest story:

TIf You Could Read My Mind
Cozy Glow only went into psychology to learn how to better manipulate those around her. Instead she learned something about herself. The road to redemption is a long one, and she's amazed she's come this far in all honesty.
AlwaysDressesInStyle · 5.4k words · 2.7k views

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results