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Search it up before you assume · 11:14pm May 5th, 2021

Context: I do not know Pokémon that well. I grew up with the anime for most of my life, but I had never picked up an actual game. (To be honest I don’t think I even knew it was a game)

Very recently I saved up enough money from my allowance to buy a Nintendo Switch (that’s was very much over 300 bucks) and bought Pokémon Shield as my first game.

Very late into my game play, I (finally) was able to catch the wild Doublade that roamed the wild are. I named her Anne Boleyn.

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New fic out! · 11:18pm Oct 11th, 2021

do YOU like Strawberry Sunrise? do YOU like changelings? do YOU like that weird sort of fic that I write where I can't adequately summarize? do YOU like clickbait summaries because pls pay attention to this fic, I'm very proud of it? If you answered yes to none or more of the above, come check out this fanfic I wrote!

TThe Many Lives of Strawberry Sunrise
Most new ponies feel alone when they first come to Ponyville, but Strawberry Sunrise is far less alone than she thought.
Silent Whisper · 8.4k words  ·  91  2 · 845 views

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