
Viewing 1 - 20 of 71 results

Having Technical Issues · 1:56am Feb 26th, 2019

So, I'm trying to send some cover art to someone, but for some reason I can't send PMs. I also can't seem to post comments, so this was the best I could do. Anybody know what could fix it?


Plausible · 4:41am Oct 26th, 2015

Having some technical difficulties as of last night, so here's a totally obvious distraction.


Baby Steps · 4:40am Jan 9th, 2017

I did some actual words-related work recently. No, it's not a new story. Sorry. I'm taking this slow to avoid breaking myself again.

Three and a half years ago, I wrote On a Moonless Night in a hurry for a fic-prompt-swap-thing. I meant to go back and clean it up a bit. I meant to do real cover art. I even solicited feedback from people. Well, I've finally actually done that.

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Intro to Technical Writing class is gonna be a bitch · 9:30pm Dec 29th, 2016

Feels like I'm back to my high school days where I have an assignment almost daily to turn in. Actually... no even I managed to find time to write fan fiction during high school. However doesn't mean I'll be able to dedicate a lot of time to fan fiction writing as well. I'll be somewhat silent until after March when this is all over.

Fuck college.


I'm Not Sure How to Phrase This · 11:48am Aug 27th, 2018

But I'm going back and deleting From Mythos to Logos and writing a new story in the Lateverse. The new one is going to be this universe's version of Return of Harmony, so Discord's going to be starring as the villain.


The Wild Hunt · 11:44pm Dec 17th, 2020

I wrote a RariTwi fic for a Speedwriting contest last month. Afterwards, I realized that it works better as an original fic, so I filed off the serial numbers and expanded it a little. You can find the story here:

Description: "An old evil returns to torment the kingdom, and a young princess discovers that not all is as it seems."


Silver Glow's Journal--writing process blog · 8:35pm Jul 1st, 2017

Alrighty, kids, here's a blog about Silver Glow's Journal that I meant to publish quite some time ago. DreamKitsune had a bunch of followup questions and while I sent him a PM with the answers, I also meant to make a blog post, 'cause I figured that he couldn't be the only one who was interested.

So here's some insight into the process.

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Hexennial · 12:56am Sep 27th, 2017

In case it wasn't clear at this point, doing something special on the specific day of my sixth Fimficversary does not appear to be in the cards. That being said, I am working on a few things that will hopefully see the light of day come this weekend.

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If · 9:42am Jul 20th, 2018

Sometimes, I make the mistake of looking at my stories here and their comment sections, and I get that old itch to make pony stuff again. I had a lot of fun doing it, after all, and I do love to entertain. I still have a lot of trouble getting any creative work done, of course. I haven't even had any real interest in it for quite a while, now. But even beyond that... well...

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Writing Stream? · 4:27pm Sep 20th, 2019

Howdy folks.

Recently I've been tempted to try streaming a writing session for some original story stuff, mainly first-drafting, particularly after a recent-ish thread on TWG where the general consensus was that it was an iffy idea (if there's one thing that makes me excited about trying something it's when a lot of people think it's a bad idea).

Thing is I'm pretty much a complete beginner to streaming, and was wondering if folks had any general pointers or suggestions.

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To Dream is Divine Update, 4/13 · 3:48am Apr 14th, 2021

New Words: 1,655 (26,139 total)*
Chapter Worked On: 10, 11
Chapter Finished: 10

So, I'm back-ish. Most of my life has come back into shape enough that I finally felt comfortable enough to start writing again. It took a bit of time to get used to my new keyboard, but now that I have, it's super nice to not have to worry about sticking or dropped keys. My last keyboard was getting on almost a decade old, so it was probably due for an update.

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Amending Fences Synopsis Off Till Tomorrow · 7:45pm Jul 4th, 2015

For some reason it didn't record, and in turn I haven't seen it, so until tomorrow when it's on-demand I can't take care of it.

Sorry everyone who is for some reason interested in my ramblings...


Has that bug that's preventing people from replying to comments been fixed? · 1:39pm Oct 10th, 2016

Because about a week and a half ago I attempted to reply, but all that happened was that I got this generic error message when I tried to post it. I mean honestly, if you're going to give me an error message at least give me some detail on what went wrong.


Weekly Update · 3:58am Oct 1st, 2018

Getting much closer on finishing the chapter. At 13000 words now and while that won't be the end point, I have made it so there hopefully won't be another 13000 words until I'm done. And surprisingly that partially came from Starlight taking a strange turn and becoming emotionally drained and depressed at what happened to her town so the hype battle I was expecting to write a week ago turned into something shorter and different. Not that I'm complaining since the arc as a whole has had a ton of

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Kinda Bad News · 2:32am Aug 13th, 2016

My main laptop's cooling fan broke and now I'm scrambling to try and keep it cool so that I can backup my files before moving over to a secondary laptop while I wait to get the fan on my main fixed.

Which sucks because on my other laptop I don't have all my art programs and stuff. I'll have to wait until the unlimited wifi kicks in before I try downloading photoshop and stuff again. And possibly Skype.

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Website no longer works on me browser... · 3:09pm Jan 28th, 2020

So I usually like to type up my stories on a Windows xp machine with Opera 34 it was outdated for a long time but the website worked fine until recently: now it's kinda broken... Help plz... I really like my old computer...

NV I had my system clock set to a wrong month..., I am a dumb as a mule but Dell Rustback is back in the saddle :eeyup:


It crapped out on me · 12:07pm Feb 6th, 2020

A couple days ago, I was running sound checks on a few of my guitars. When I went for my Custom Shop Fender Stratocaster, it crapped out on me.

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How to fix auto read on mobile · 11:12pm May 28th, 2022

Hey I’m just asking this because right now I’m currently away from home and my computer is not good state so I’m using my phone.
And I’ve noticed that auto read dose not work that well and only reads one sentence. Sure I made it work a couple of times but those only happened on accident.
I tried exiting out of the tab and opening it again, and logging out and back in.
So is there a way to fix it?


Wherein Murphy Takes His Due · 8:02pm Oct 16th, 2018

So... no sooner do I get back to work on Consequences when, surprise surprise, my computer decides my headphone jack no longer exists.

Normally, this wouldn't be a major problem, except I need the headphone jack to work to jack the speaker I use for hosting trivia nights into my computer. I've tried all the possible software reasons and now have to conclude that something is physically wrong with the jack itself.

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So I'm a girl now, apparently. · 9:33pm May 25th, 2019

So I see this filter for Snapchat roaming the internet recently, as something that apparently portrays the user as the opposite gender, and I'll admit, as someone who's always been mildly curious about what it would've been like to be born female, it seemed intriguing enough for a quick check. What would I apparently look like in the double X club? Short answer:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 71 results