
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Summer Sin '23 Clopfic Exchange Is Coming · 2:12pm Jun 4th, 2023

(Or should that be "cumming"? Bad pun, sorry not sorry.)

Anyway, the Summer Sin Celebration is a yearly clopfic exchange event, in the 'Secret Santa' style. In other words, once all the participants have signed up, they are randomly matched so that everyone writes, and gets, a clopfic based on a prompt they gave. It's a mature-rated version of the Jinglemas story exchange, only in summer instead of at Christmas.

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Summer Sin '24! · 7:50pm Last Thursday

Summer Sin Celebration, a yearly clopfic exchange even in the 'Secret Santa' style, is back! (In other words, once all the participants have signed up, they are randomly matched so that everyone writes, and gets, a clopfic based on a prompt they gave. It's a mature-rated version of the Jinglemas story exchange, only in summer instead of at Christmas.)

Enrollment ends on May 31st 11:59 PM EST so there is still time to jump in!

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results