
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

Would you like to be a pony? · 11:55pm February 19th

Just curious, but if reincarnation was genuinely a thing, would you like to be reincarnated as a pony? If so, which type? And would you want to retain the memories of your previous human life?

Report Goldfur · 520 views · #Reincarnation

Reincarnation-Verse Group Rules · 5:20am Mar 29th, 2016

1. Keep discussions focused on the thread topic. I personally love just shooting the breeze with friends, and fully support the right to do so. But if the discussion isn't about the thread you're in, then please migrate said discussion either towards the relevant threads or PMs.

2. No non-Reincarnation-Verse threads. As much as I would love to turn this into social group rivaling Facebook... let's be realistic.

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Aha! My Next Fic! More RariTwi · 4:33pm Jan 4th, 2017

Inspiration I say!

I know what's next for what I will write about.

The title will be "Reincarnation"
Rarity has found that she has passed on to the afterlife but refuses to wait around for Twilight to die of natural causes. Instead she chooses to go on an journey through the Underworld, accompanied by DEATH to find the River of New Life so that she can be returned to Equestria. On her journey she will face dangers and tests, can she overcome them?


An idea for a story that has been stuck in my head · 7:06pm May 4th, 2020

For me it's basically literary junkfood, but what would you all say to the idea of a story about an Evil God being reborn in Equestria?

The premise would be along the lines of 'What is Evil, really?', Who decides what is right and wrong, and how does the kind of thing we humans deal with on a regular basis compare to the paradise of Equestria? What we consider normal, a pony might consider the worst of evils.

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Ideas on reworking! · 4:04pm Nov 3rd, 2020

Been thinking of reworking my story for From Nirn to Equus to where Shade's actually reincarnated. Been toying with some ideas and I think I shall be rewriting that story sooner than later! Let me know if you still want the old version of where it is now or if you just want me to post over the whole thing. The premise is the same, just have to get everything changed up a bit about the story.


Progress · 6:01pm January 9th

I wrote about 1200 words today on the next chapter of crystal reincarnation, so hopefully given a little more time to finish up my exams, I should have that out within the next few weeks :twilightsmile:

Come hell or high waters, I hope that you'll like it. Be merciful to me though folks, It's been a minute since I was actively writing, and I'm honestly a fair bit rusty. Still, I'm sure you'd rather a somewhat rusty update than no updates at all, so I'll keep at it. Wish me luck friends.


Progress, close to next chapter · 12:51am January 13th

Wrote 800 more words on Crystal Reincarnation today :rainbowdetermined2:
On top of that I also went through what I've already written, fixing spelling errors and making sure that it was coherent and consistent with the prior chapters. It's probably still not gonna be a masterpiece of any sort but I'm beginning to like it, so I think you might as well, I hope.:twilightsheepish:

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Reincarnation · 2:01pm Nov 15th, 2018

I have an idea for an anon romance fic that makes sense when you read the sequel. So how it goes is anon shows up in ponyville or were ever in Equestria he is writin in and find love in a pony he meets they date for 3 months before he meets her parents for some reason the father asks anon to please not date his daughter anon says no his wife tells him that he can’t decide who his daughter dates and the father reluctantly leaves it alone then after the fic ends after anon and the pony mare have

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Reincarnation or Immortality Audiobook read by Fussbudget! · 12:20am Sep 2nd, 2017

Huge ginormous announcement everybody!

Fussbudget has recorded an audiobook for my novel Reincarnation or Immortality! I've listened to it and it's awesome!

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MARS: Chapter 10 Update! · 10:02am Oct 18th, 2021

Heyo everypony!

Okay, so surprisingly, I've written almost FIVE AND A HALF THOUSAND words for the next chapter without realising it... :twilightoops:

so before I publish it, please let me know in the comments if I should post it as one, entire chapter, or split it across 2 or three chapters!

You have until next weekend to let me know which you'd prefer, and why. :raritywink: :twilightsmile:


MEEP MEEP! I HAVE RETURNED! New Updates #WhateverNumberUpdate · 9:16pm Sep 27th, 2021

Heyo everypony!

I am writing this lovely blog to inform you, that despite all the crazy stuff that's happened in the past year, that I am indeed still working on my EqG and Anthro fanfictions for you amazing ponies, bronies, readers and writers alike! :twilightsmile:

I would also like to give a lovely shout-out to everypony who's been favouriting and commenting on my works - it means a lot to me! :heart:

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Chapter Update #whateverItIs · 4:27pm Oct 11th, 2021


First time novel writing experiences · 3:07am May 24th, 2016

Guys! I wrote a novel! :O

I know this is FiMfiction and there are novel writers everywhere, but it's downright strange to have an actual novel under my belt. So what did I actually learn from this once-in-a-lifetime experience?

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[Analysis] Equestria is Magic: Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow, the Rightful Heirs of the Equestrian Throne · 12:47am Sep 16th, 2021

Since we learned about Sunny's and Izzy's full names, I am noticing a connection between them. Both of their names refer to celestial bodies, "Sunny" and "Starscout" to the sun and "Moonbow" to the moon. That connection made me curious and I wondered what that means and if the two of them might be related (especially considering how Izzy's name doesn't seem to refer to her special talent, which I predict is

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Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results