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Littlehorn Review · 11:42pm Jan 3rd, 2017

Video Made by Me

Yeah, I know this is two days late, but I've been busy with stuff lately, I apologize.

This week we have another blind review, this time of a one shot that takes us back to before the bombs fell to one of the worst tragedies of the war, the Littlehorn Massacre. So yeah, this week we'll be looking at the fanfic Littlehorn by Recon777.

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The Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle [to chap 7] - Recon777 (Random Recommendations in <50 words #9) [Violence] · 12:27pm May 10th

TThe Story of Everfree - a Narrative Chronicle
Explore the mysteries of the ancient alicorns in a gripping tale of love and vengeance. Delve into Equestria's past to uncover the secrets of the Royal Sisters and the mystifying Everfree Forest. Prepare for an epic journey through myth and legend.
Recon777 · 11k words  ·  35  1 · 354 views


"Darling! Can you calm it down up there? I can barely hear myself think over all the screaming!"

"If I give you foals, will you let me crush the unfortunate in peace!?"

Best lines:

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I made you a thing assuming you like things, and Nyx and Past Sins are still things in 2020. · 5:48am Jan 1st, 2020

Happy New year! What a good evening to go out at night in Canterlot and take a walk in the cold evening air, taking in the festivities and the fireworks and so on. You know who agrees? Nyx agrees. Lets go for a walk with her yes?

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Like Nyx? Like Space Opera? Like entering a whole fully realized universe six years in the making? · 12:51am Apr 4th, 2020

How are you?

I hope you are well. My, the falcon truly cannot hear the falconer these days can it? I hope you are safe.

Switching rather violently in terms of tone and substance. If you read my posts you might hear some allusions here and there to a massive " project".

The Project, which I have been a part of on and off again for about six years, is an Alternate Universe in the truest sense of the world. AS I put it in a comment I just left : ''

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results