
Viewing 1 - 20 of 157 results

The Reasons We Write Fanfics · 11:02pm Dec 28th, 2022

There are several reasons why people write fanfics. But I think that most people who write fanfics will agree that most people who write fanfics do so for the same reason as the people who create the original content that those fanfics are based on. The question then is, why do writers write the intellectual properties that fanfics can be made from?

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The coming days. · 11:29pm Nov 19th, 2015

Yes. The days are back on after a long unannounced break. It too me a while to get my course reset after a bunch of hogwash happened with school, grades, and games. No I'm not referring to game games. Like physical games. Any who, I'm proud to announce that after Day five, Day Six, and Day Seven will appear in order after a little bit to clean them up and write up any information I've left off or screwed up.

Praise be the days everyone. Praise be the days.

Report Groupiegatalo · 252 views · #Reason #Update

no · 11:49pm Jul 25th, 2017

how bout I do anyway



Random thought: what would drive you away/has driven you away? · 9:53am Aug 22nd, 2018

Two blogs in two days? *le gasp* :pinkiegasp:

But yeah, see title. What would make you quit watching the show, and/or quit the fandom? What did make you quit watching the show, if you have?

For me personally, I've mentioned my line in the Writer's Group chatroom way back when, I think. Regular readers can probably guess anyway.

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I just shotgunned this show in one night. · 10:35am Mar 29th, 2017

Junketsu no Maria

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To Explain The Tags! · 5:05am Aug 28th, 2018

So, with the latest of my stories, you might notice that my tags might not be the most accurate. I feel like I should probably explain why that is.

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Happy new year · 7:08pm Feb 17th, 2019

Here to a new year. 1: Before everyone ask where I was frist thing two weeks before Thanksgiving my brother die & Me and my family went to new york for Thanksgiving break. During the time there I ask myself do I keep my idea for fanfic's or stop? And I dedicate I will keep trying to make fanfics.

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Reasons why racists still exist to this day · 11:50am May 25th, 2021

1. They didn't study or finish geography in school

2. They feel offended that others are knowledgeable about countries around the world

3. They were raised to be that way by their parents

4. They can't accept that times are changing

5. They grew up in a community that encourages hateful rhetoric

6. They want to hide their lack of intelligence from those who look different from them

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For some odd reason. · 12:24pm Jul 31st, 2015

For some reason, I enjoy drawing trains with the pony as the engineer.


Sorry for the wait · 1:43pm Apr 25th, 2016

The chapter is undergoing intense editing, I won't stop editing until I am happy with it. I need to do this so I can level up and evolve. Thanks for being patient with me.


First Blog Post! · 4:39pm Oct 3rd, 2015

Hey, so as the title suggests, this will be my first blog post on FiMFiction. So, I would like to get a couple of things out of the way concerning the current story I'm working on and what made me want to write it and such. I've noticed I got a lot of people favoriting it (and I really thank you guys for that, it feels kind of awesome) so I feel I am responsible for letting the people who are interested in my story know what to expect. There will be no spoilers here concerning the story itself

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Family · 11:29pm Feb 6th, 2017


Inactivity Explanation/Excuse · 12:15pm Jul 13th, 2015

So, Those who read my book, you definitely know I've been on an inactivity streak for a while, at least on the updates and writing side. I mean, it's fairly obvious, seeing as I haven't done a blog post or anything until today.

Anyway, why I haven't done so is because I am lacking a decent computer space right now. And printer paper/scanning bays.

I'm spending my time at my father's place for the summer, and it's a complete mess over here.

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Report Memz · 337 views · #Excuse #Reason #Life #Setup

Comission work (for real this time) · 4:04pm Sep 1st, 2015

Allllrighty then~ It seems that my computer has come down with a small case of broken. Viruses and all that. It's is messing up the system. As such, Manga Studio, Photoshop, Flash, and Vegas Pro will no longer run as they should... I kinda need those...

So, I need to make some money to buy a new computer. To that effect, I am doing commissions so I can get that so i can continue drawing my comics. Here are my prices. Credit to Shannon for the format.

Pony and Anthro

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My Own Worst Enemy · 7:47pm Sep 19th, 2016

The next chapter of New Tricks is being written, and it's almost ready to be published from an objective standpoint. There's just one problem: it's clinical, cold and efficient. It's got no soul and no heart of which to speak, just a tangled mess of wires and electrodes that keep it going steadily in one direction with no heed for the wellbeing of individuals who have fallen to the left or right in pursuit of a place in the narrative.

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Explanation · 5:05pm Jul 13th, 2018

So some people have been curious about my story Changling 13.789, so I thought I'd explain a few things.

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A... Minor delay. · 12:59am May 11th, 2019

Just letting you know that I never stopped writing, and there's gonna be a bit of delay on this chapter.

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Report Boltsinger · 213 views · #One Bolt #Delay #Reasons

MLP The Movie (1986), a few comments · 1:25am Apr 1st, 2017

So a few months ago I sat down and tried to watch the original MLP movie from 1986. I was curious about G1 as before G4 I never had any motivation to even bother with it.

In short, it did not go well.

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Satan Doesn't Exist · 11:01am Apr 19th, 2021

This isn't about the literal, religious Satan (although that also does not exist, and one of the arguments for why is related to the one laid out here, it is not the topic of this post). This is about metaphorical Satans. Fundamentally, the Satan of Christianity is the personification of, not just the concept of evil, but the concept of the oneness of evil; that is, the idea that all bad things stem from a singular source. This concept, stripped of religious terminology, reaches far

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The Equestrian Event - Update · 12:09am Mar 4th, 2016

So... Turns out there were a lot of things that I rushed a bit too fast. Such as not being able to understand that every other piece of dialogue contained punctuation errors. Or that there was too much frigin exposition that could ruin other opportunities later in the story. Or that my original plot may have come dangerously close to plagiarism without me even being aware of it.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 157 results