
Viewing 1 - 20 of 62 results

Multi-Topic Blog: Sometimes You Need To Do Something, Anything Different · 12:52am May 27th, 2023


You may have noticed me launching an anthology recently. Instead of continuing my cyberpunk story, with deadline swiftly approaching. Or continuing my other ongoing stories. Basically instead of anything I'd planned to do this month.

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Cry For Help: Update · 8:36pm February 17th

Goal Progress: 148% Edit: Make that 219%

You guys are amazing. Seriously.

I'm expecting Paypal's collectors to hound me a little more. The left hand and the right hand may not be speedy in talking to each other, and there's physical mail involved in this process, which slows everything else down. But they'll be hounding me while I have a positive balance to show, and that makes all the difference.

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Calling For Help: "Everypony's Teeth Are Bucked" · 4:00pm Apr 14th, 2023

With the state of the world, only a matter of time before I needed to get familiar with how GoFundMe works.

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My Thoughts on BronyCon's Last Convention · 3:22pm Jul 30th, 2018

It's sad to see next year will be the last BronyCon, but I do hope this won't kill the fandom, I believe Bronies and fans of FiM will transcend beyond Friendship is Magic, because I myself being someone who is a Brony and has been in the fandom since 2015 has strong faith that Bronies will never end, even if the show ends, we will go beyond to the G5 show, I am sort of looking forward to G5, and yes, I may have some doubts in G5, but we will see how things go when it starts.

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Guess Who Caught The Plague · 9:14pm Nov 1st, 2023

It's really a case of "when" rather than "if" with Covid, isn't it? And managing to dodge it for almost four years is a pretty good record. That's what I've been telling myself, anyway.

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Can I Collapse Yet? · 8:00pm Aug 4th, 2023

Takes a special kind of day to make me want to crawl back into bed and wait for tomorrow when it isn't even noon yet.

Well. Given that my sleep "schedule" can be roughly defined as "an owl with a crack habit" thanks to rampant insomnia with a side of panic attacks, there are days when I'm still in bed at noon, but let's set aside those minor details.

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Teeth Update: One Procedure Down, One To Go · 11:14pm Jun 23rd, 2023


One Week Later: State of the Teeth · 4:14pm Apr 21st, 2023

See the previous blog post for the situation, and here for the GoFundMe I'm talking about.

So, I've had a busy time this week.

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Blatant LOPE Ripoff Sixteen (Where is Everybody?) · 12:00am Jan 25th, 2017

Wednesday the Ninth. It's starting to feel like summer. The temperature spiked today. Yesterday it was in the sixties so far as I could tell. Today it's in the eighties definitely. And it's not even twelve PM yet. This will be fun, especially to forage in. We have enough pork rinds and beef jerky to hold off for two straight weeks without having to go out. For the early part of this morning, I was once again reminded of you-know-who. She just can't seem to keep her hands off of my ass

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Blatant LOPE Ripoff or Where is Everybody? nine · 7:59am Dec 19th, 2016

June second. Today, Vinnie and I went out together for the first time to have a drink of rum together, and away from the others. It wasn't the best experience.

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Where is Everybody? · 2:48am Nov 11th, 2016

On May fifteenth, I would never have dreamt what would happen during my off period. I came home from the shopping mall and would not be coming back in ten days. Yet something real unusual happened between now (May 25) and then, and my break would become anything but. It was 8:15 AM, and dawn was present. I was up watching one of my favorite cartoon shows from the 1980s, one I enjoyed as a kid, and do even more as an adult. One which furthermore was rebooted. It was on my desk

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Blatant LOPE Ripoff eleven (Where is Everybody?) · 1:19pm Jan 4th, 2017

I hope I can get out of this. I'm still curious about that weird chopper, and want to find out who was behind it, what was controlling it, and what purpose it served. Where did it come from? Why was it here? Would we run into it again? Hopefully Anthony and I would not be so inclined to run away when we saw it. It made no sense for me to be afraid beyond it being mysterious. If Will is any indication, the others save Val (through us) won't be so adverse to it.

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Chapter 3 of Canterlot may be late. · 12:07am Jan 12th, 2016

Good afternoon mares and gentelstallions,

So, like the title says Chapter 3 of Canterlot in Flames may be a bit late this week. My plan has been to post one chapter a week, each week, as long as my buffer allows. I have Chapter 4 in the works, and likely chapter 5 won't be too hard to write (Though it'll be arguably one of the my darkest and likely the one that will justify the mature/gore tag), I am currently reeling for one of the worst weekends I've had in a very, very long time.

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Where is Everybody? twenty three · 4:27am Mar 2nd, 2017

June sixteenth. For God's sake, it would be nice if some equinn-- If somebody would turn up already. It has been three weeks and a day, yet it feels like it has been months. I had to check the calendar, read my previous entries (and count the last three days) to confirm that's how long it has been. I have been hoping somep-- somebody else would make their presence known, yet no one has. Damn.

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Where is Everybody? thirty two. · 6:16pm Sep 9th, 2017

I have no idea how I'm going to go about this. And I'm not sure I even want to try. There's no practical reason to want to feed the world, and to discover it. There's no certainty that there is anyone else out there. For all that we know, that mare may be already dead. For all we know, Alex Chance Torrez has had a very realistic, lucid dream. Or a hallucination from elemental exposure. My own thick skin, and that of the police officer and brother, and of our chatterbox and the

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Blatant LOPE ripoff (Where is Everybody?) Fourth. · 4:28am Nov 15th, 2016

May Twenty Eighth. 28 of May. There may be a day keeping the date will no longer be of any significance. In any case, it's the fourth day and already I feel inclined to forget the days of the week. Keeping track of internet activity has kept me aware that it's Friday. Was it really Tuesday when things were still normal? Was it really around dawn of that day fate decided to play a *cruel* joke on us?

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Blatant LOPE ripoff (Where is Everybody?) sixth · 3:31am Nov 20th, 2016

May 30, Sunday. It's finally clicked. Another day I like to go easy on, and it's finally got to me. I always detested my entire family. I never desired their presence, because they were always there. I never went to them or made any point of paying visits, because they would always come to me whether I asked them or not. What now? I would tell them to leave me alone, and they occasionally would. Now I'll never see my brother, my mother, my father, or my cousins again. I have long since

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Blatant LOPE Ripoff (Where is Everybody?) Eight. · 6:29am Dec 9th, 2016

June first. Tuesday. It's once again Tuesday, and officially over a week since we've been transported minutes to hours into the future except Sweet Stuff and the Hadley's, who will soon follow this time tomorrow or by mid week. I don't know how much longer keeping the date will be relevant, but I want to keep it such as best I can. It'll keep me from going insane, even if it makes me neurotic, if that makes any sense.

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Where is Everybody? twenty six · 12:49am Apr 24th, 2017

Nineteenth of June. After having gone to the coastline I have finally reestablished just how much pollution has ceased. To our knowledge only two vehicles have been in motion in these parts, and only one is combustion based.

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Blatant LOPE ripoff (Where is Everybody?) five. · 6:20am Nov 18th, 2016

May Twenty Ninth, Saturday. Oh, boy, what a Saturday. I never planned on my next Saturday being like this, the end of the world as we know it notwithstanding. Today I finally got to a couple of things I had planned on, but not before a couple of things I hadn't planned on. Recall the frantic lady we met yesterday? She had another episode today. This same morning before we got down to business, I also had a run in with the kind lizard woman. Vinnie. An incident involving a drink. And

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 62 results