
Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results

Here's how I've been doing. · 9:08am May 24th, 2017

A few bullet points here.

So I've graduated from university! Or at least I went through the commencement ceremony which consisted of sitting in the southern California almost-summer sun for at least six hours. One of my final grades is in and it confirms I passed, which is good considering that was the course I felt I was doing the worst in. All final grades are due this Friday, so I'll be able to figure it out.

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mSCt3k notification · 6:50am Feb 28th, 2020

For those wondering, yes, I am going to do riffs for part 3 and 4 of "End of Ends Riff." The docs are all set up and everything. It's just been slow to start due to the setup for part 3 being substantially harder than usual. As I said in my end rant for part 2, I'm pulling out all the stops, and I wanted to make sure I'll be doing it correctly (a.k.a. more effort than the TomTom Boys - as I've resorted to calling them - have ever done). Everything, now, is all set up, and I should be

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Report supercomputer276 · 371 views · #mSCt3k #update

New solo riffing series! mSCt3k's first episode! · 10:15pm Nov 3rd, 2016

I've been contributing to the ranks of Fan/fic/ Theater 3000's 2015 revival for over a year now, having missed one week only in that entire time. Why then, after all the horrors I and many others have faced there, would I subject myself to a second dose?

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mSCt3k: Episode 3! · 7:32pm Feb 1st, 2017

I suppose this is a little late, but I think I like getting this out at the top of the month more.

So here's something a little different: not an obscure crossover. Instead, the first solo riff of 2017 is a FlutterDash fic submitted to me by its author. It accomplishes FlutterDash in the same way all shipping fics accomplish their ship: directly screwing with canon in ways that don't make sense.

Remember comments are enabled, so feel free to leave one!

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mSCt3k: Another Special Episode! · 7:54pm Nov 16th, 2019

Two months ago, the thing I did before got a sequel, and I've spent a lot of time since then hammering it into the ground.

This one is less impressive in many ways compared to Part 1. It's only 52K and 146 pages long. It has four less people at least partially real and eleven lines less on average for each person. But it far exceeds Part 1 in one specific way, and it makes far far worse.

As usual, comments are open.

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mSCt3K: Special Episode! · 11:33pm May 25th, 2019

Three months ago, a document was released. 175 pages long, 64.4K words. The contents of said document were so terrible that I spent the last three months on-and-off riffing it. And since most of my riffing friends were too busy with their own things, I did it by myself. And boy, was it a challenge. I think it might be the longest thing I ever riffed solo; Nintenkingdom the Story was only about 48K. Nor have I ever riffed something of this nature. It's a wild ride, I'll tell you that!

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mSCt3k: Episode 4! That's right, it's back! · 2:06am Mar 1st, 2017

It's not quite the top of the month, but I mentioned crying recently and it just couldn't be held back. This latest episode of mSCt3k takes us on a time-tripping ride through a crossover that insists on sticking to the rails way too much. You'll probably not recognize the other element, but hey, that (hopefully) didn't stop you from reading that Chaotic crossover riff, so come aboard! Reader comments are open!

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mSCt3k: Episode 2! · 10:17pm Dec 31st, 2016

And just in the nick of time! Sorry for this one coming in at pretty much the last minute! Finals to wrap up the semester, Christmas presents to make, dealing with Past Sins and Mykan Jr in the group riffs, you know how it goes.

Granted, I think once you've seen the story, you'll understand the other main reason why it took so so painfully long.

Episode 2: My Little Layton: Puzzles are Magic by sailor sunburst (crossover with Professor Layton)

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mSCt3k Epsiode Y: For Yikes! · 3:24am May 16th, 2021

Hello, everyone! A recent wave of hyperfixation has got me working on a new solo! This still isn't episode 6 (how do my solo riffing projects keep stalling out at episode 6?!), but a "side series" with a special episode number. This mixes something old with something... not exactly new, but few other critics of this author put the focus in the areas I'm capable of focusing, so I'm capable of bringing a new perspective.

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mSCt3k episode 5: at long last! · 9:28pm Feb 12th, 2018

Finally! You won't believe the crazy shit I went through for the last five days- wait I've been gone a year?!

I'm playing, I'm playing. Sorry it's been so long since my last solo. I included the full details in the introduction, so please enjoy this journey into a crossover with something so obscure, the author doesn't know anything about it. As usual, reader comments are open!

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Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results