
Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results

No human is limited · 7:46pm Oct 22nd, 2019

Hey guys,

If you don't know a famous Kenyan runner, Eliud Kipchoge, broke a world record a few weeks ago and it had a really inspiring meaning I thought I should share with you guys.

Have you ever wanted to do something but just been like: Nah this is impossible!

Well I have to tell you something.
If Kipchoge could run a marathon in hour and 59mins
well then nothing should be impossible.

Which brings me to No human is limited

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Secrets of a Royal Guard Hardcover Now Available! · 6:03pm Feb 16th, 2019

Hello pony friends!

The long promised Secrets of a Royal Guard Hardcover is now available. Please note you have two options by which to get it. One is limited, the other is at your own pace.

Personalized Hardcover(s)

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Report Anzel · 1,138 views · #Hardcover #Book #Printing #Limited

A simple question with a not so simple, and not so happy answer. · 4:19am Feb 1st, 2018

I propose a question, to any that will answer.

What does it mean to care?

When someone says "I care about you", what do they really mean. I know I've said it, not really thinking about the implications behind those words.

Is it just that you care about the answer to the questions you have?

Is it that you care about the person because of what they can do for you or give you?

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Report EnderHooves · 294 views · #Hurt #Care #Limit

One Thousand Chapters. · 7:04am January 5th


hoo boy.

EWhat If...
A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions. Eight years old and one thousand chapters long. Holy crap. BROKE THE 1000 CHAPTER LIMIT WITH A 1001ST CHAPTER!!!
TheMajorTechie · 147k words  ·  463  58 · 8.7k views

To good to not share · 2:05am Jun 3rd, 2019

This artist was just to awesome for me not to share. Most of you may have seen his audition on America's got Talent but me I only just found him a few hours ago. Here is one of his other works and his youtube channel in general. This man is living proof that your limits are only as limiting as you let them be.

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PONY Legacy Print Update · 10:13pm Jun 30th, 2023

Was pleasantly surprised that more than a handful of folks were interested in a print!

I've gone ahead and set the edition size at 50, which I think should be more than enough to cover everyone who expressed interest, any stragglers who show up later, plus anyone who's interested in it at Everfree.

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Nothing to see here · 6:28am Jan 3rd, 2020

Peeks head out of rock...

Hi... It's been a little while.


... Okay, it's been a long while. Just shy of 5 years apparently.

I'm not going to try and explain away that absence, but the main reason that I stopped - probably - is that I lost interest in the main storyline of MLP.

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Starlight: "I saw death." · 7:53pm Dec 13th, 2021

You can prepare all you want, but lack of experience will betray you every time. Read chapter 66 here. Next Friday: In Bah Harbor, Mane, Starlight uses seduction to fight. Any port in a storm, right?


The Body · 11:58pm Jul 8th, 2017

Biology isn't really my strong spot. I'm more of a Quantum Physics kind of guy. But there is something about biology, about our bodies, that has always intrigued me.

Our limits.

Did you know that the body is actually capable of incredible feats of strength and speed, even without athletic training? I'm talking superhuman stuff. Strength that could lift cars. Speed that could match a rabbit. It's possible.

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Report SvenFoxx · 535 views · #heroes #limits #mind #biology #body #power

I gotta stop making these promises to myself · 12:38am May 28th, 2016

So yeah, update?

I'm currently 7.2k+ words into the chapter. The (un?)fortunate part is, that I'm pretty sure I'm not even halfway done. Curse you, need to flesh out the dynamics! :raritydespair:

So yeah, also, remember when I said this would hopefully stay 3-4 chapters, hah hah!....I'm honestly not going to be able to keep that promise.

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I've got a very important announcement regarding Alfreda and Cell's Multiversal Adventure · 3:10pm Aug 9th, 2018

I can't hold it off any longer. Today I'm going to begin working on how to completely rewrite Alfreda and Cell's Multiversal Adventure, so incase some people are reading this but haven't read it or Alfreda and Cell's Further Wanderings yet I'll keep them both up until Friday of next week(which the next day coincidentally is when I'm getting on a plane to go hang out with my mom in California) and as soon as I can will begin work on it, merging the latter story into it. As for the poll, simply

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Just Why · 5:35pm Aug 4th, 2020

I'm wondering something, this what some might call a Minor thing, why do stories have a Max limit of 5 main Characters? It makes very little sense, a story can have more than 5 main characters as easily as it can have 1 or 2, so why is that limit even still there? Especially with the wide breadth of characters the series and franchise has now.


E3: History · 5:14pm Jan 11th, 2020

As Red Tome and Twilight walk along the main thoroughfare of the convention, Twilight is eager to learn more about the handsome young stallion who has joined her.

Twilight: "It is interesting how enthusiastic you are about the Pre-Equestrian history. What was your primary focus?"

Red Tome: "Ah. Grogar, and his history. It's actually far more indepth than the storybook."

Twilight: "Really? Give me an example."

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Any interest in a print of PONY Legacy? · 4:00am May 30th, 2023

I've been kicking this idea around for a while and decided to actually pull the trigger on it.

I'd like to do a print of PONY Legacy. Unlike most Ponyfeather Publishing titles, this will be a limited run -- each book will be signed by me, hand-numbered, and made out to you specifically if you like. As a limited, personalized book, each copy will be $40 plus shipping. I'm also hoping it can include a soft enamel pin, because I love pins (more on that in a bit).

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Last call for Bronycon items up on Ebay! · 2:19am Aug 26th, 2023

I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items Sept 1st to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP!

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Can we please have some laws of nature, Hasbro? · 6:03pm Aug 20th, 2016

Seriously not only changelings are confirmed to be able to transform into other species, but also fucking rocks? Inanimate objects? Like seriously how does changeling magic work? Are there no limits to what a changeling can transform into? Yet there isn't a fucking magic spell to detect changelings. I feel like so far, "anything goes" in Equestria and we got no limitation or rules to set the core standard.


Last Bronycon items up on Ebay! · 2:17pm Jul 18th, 2023

I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items at the end of the summer to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP! Around Sept 1 is when the MLP items are done. Here's what's left on there.

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It's me, Ye boy. · 6:31am Aug 7th, 2022

Okay... so I might have a little bit of a writer block on my magnum opus..


[Adult story embed hidden]

...OKAY. A big one...

Okay. A complete lack of... motivation or whatever even If I have the whole story roughly written, 120,000 words of pure notes, yadda yadda... and I need to rewrite this shiz with my current skillz anyway.

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Report Fatail · 106 views · #Fatail #New #Fic #Here #we #go #again #Tags #sucks #at #fim #fiction #do #they #where #is #teh #limit #blog

Hero Souls: Awakening Character Sheet - Twilight Sparkle · 5:20pm Mar 18th, 2017

That moment when you realize just how ungodly broken a character is...

So, to help me in my continual work on Hero Souls: Awakening, I decided to create a character sheet listing Twilight's powers and skills, as well as some personality points. It was meant as both a reminder of the limit of Twilight's power, and to help me keep facts straight.

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This Morning, I Didn't Crawl Out Of Bed Until After Eleven, And I Didn't Even Bother To Have Breakfast Because Really, Who Makes Cinnamon Rolls After Eleven? · 6:44am Aug 4th, 2015

Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results