
Viewing 1 - 20 of 55 results

A question of format? · 11:57pm Jul 25th, 2017

So The story that I had intended for Broken then healed 2 is nearing the wrapping point. This leaves me with a question. Should I create a new story that is Broken then Healed 3 or should I just keep it all under Broken Then Healed 2 and call it book 2 of the Overall BTH2?

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Rising · 6:43am Sep 19th, 2017

Things are looking up and the situation that spun me for such a horrific loop seems to be resolving. I'll know for sure in the next day or two but I'm feeling more optimistic about things than I have in days. Life will be changing for me though and it will likely mean less time to write per day. So I'll just have to be more efficient about it.

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the future of Broken then Healed and how to move forward · 8:19pm Jul 13th, 2017

The future of Broken then Healed is sort of up in the air. I am going to finish this book but I know that it won't be an end point for the serries. At least in so far as this book will definitely bring up more questions to be answered than it answers and in many ways I want to answer them but to do so the story structure has to change. The stories are growing beyond what I can tell with such strict narative focus on Lilac. Don't get me wrong Lilac will still be a part of the stories I have

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Family Updates and New One Shot to come! · 5:51pm Nov 20th, 2017

Sorry about the wait everypony, but just remembered I never let you know what happened with my mother! Everything went well, she got through surgery just fine (though it took longer than originally thought because of old scars and the like) but she came home the next day. She is doing great, in little pain and walking around. She just can't lift anything over ten pounds for awhile, which means it is on the shoulder's of my brother and me to cook most of Thanksgiving dinner, but that is okay.

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Recovery · 2:07am Mar 13th, 2022

Good news, I’m well on my way to recovering. My fingers have healed and are doing much better, so typing is no longer a burden. Which means I can get back to that massive fic. But what’s this, another stupid idea to write? Why, you bet! While at work, I got an idea for a small follow-up for “I Owe You One”, so if you like Gallus and Ocellus together, you’re in luck. I’ll write that one up reeeeeeaalllly soon.


Update on the hiatus · 10:30am Mar 1st, 2020

Just dashing off a quick note here.

Medically speaking, I'm healing. The back muscles are slinking back into place slowly but surely. Sadly, the meds are still kicking my ass into bed for 10-11 hours a day. So, still no writing. :(

Now that my Workers Compensation claim is in place I can avail myself various therapies such as massage, chiropractic therapy and physiotherapy. I'll be looking into my options to see what can at least get me off the sleepy meds asap.

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Report Penalt · 289 views · #injury #healing #hiatus

Editing...the bane of my existence... · 6:11am Jul 27th, 2017

So after what three years I am finally getting around to editing Broken then Healed...Yeah it has been that long...I added a bit too it but nothing important and as of now I have only done the first chapter. I figure I should let people know but again while it may add a bit padding to the story but only in so far as making things sound and flow better. That and I am more verbose than I was when I wrote those early chapters.


Map of Equestria as I see it for Broken then Healed · 2:30pm Jul 20th, 2017

So I drew a map of Equestria and while it is far from a complete map and is missing many major cities I think it will be important for later for reference...hint, hint, hint.... cause you never know when things might change for whatever reason... the red line is the borders of Equestria and this is but a small section of Equis. I don't like the "offical" map because it is way to small. so here is this one in which it is a sixish hour by train ride from Canterlot to Ponyville

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End of a story and the start of a new one · 3:17pm Jan 2nd, 2018

I am not finishing BTH2 I moved past where I can write on that anymore and what I wanted from it was just not a thing I can do anymore. I had plans and now I just want to write something ambitious as I work on original works. I want something to be easy and be a "break" project from my original work. So in that idea I am starting again with a similar premise though for those who read my other stories will know this begining better. BUt after that it will just be slice of life hurt/comfort. You

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Annabelle's Cutie Mark · 5:16pm Jul 16th, 2017

So I had Gaylilmuffinboi draw me Annabelle's Cutie mark and while I intend to put in into the author's notes of the next chapter I figured why not share it early. So here it is:


Grandpa update · 12:41am May 5th, 2016

hey everyone just wanted to update you all on grandpa. yeah hes fine now apparently he had a touch of pneumonia when he went in for his xray last week and the doctors gave him.... nothing for it. :ajbemused: :facehoof: he should be out in a few days

Report DracoBrony · 305 views · #grandpa #update #healing

Doing Better and Laptop News · 3:26pm Nov 30th, 2021

Okay, the pain has more or less subsided, but I’m still trying to be careful, so hopefully I can get back to work, but the holidays are coming up and my parents said we’re busy as all hell right now, and I apologize if I can’t get anymore chapters out any time soon.

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Let me tell you a story · 10:34am Sep 23rd, 2017

So, I've been dealing with the emotional and physical aftermaths of how close I came to doing the big stupid. As part of that, I decided I wanted to write out a story based on what happened. The following is based solely on my impressions of what happened and of those that helped me. It is a stylized novelization of the emotions and situations I went though heavily couched in allegory and imagery based on MLP and Second Life. I've missed a great many of you in this and I'm sorry for that,

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A question of measurements and units · 4:16pm Aug 6th, 2017

I have been using metric measurements as of recent in story because I feel like they are more universal than the imperial system. That and I have a better grasp of numbers for them in part because up or down by factors of ten is easy and imperial system is sort of absurd and I say that as an United States citizen. But I figured I should actually ask. Is that confusing for you my readers? Is my use of the metric system being a distraction? I am about to put a temperature out in the next

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Status · 12:25am Sep 4th, 2020

Hey, guys. I hope you all are doing well.

I apologize if I had been inactive on here lately because I have been terribly sick throughout this week (thankfully, it’s not COVID-19). Even now, I am in the process of recovering. That’s why I wasn’t able to post my blogs in the past two days. Hopefully tomorrow, I’ll be completely better so I can post stuff again. If not tomorrow, then by this upcoming weekend. Until then, I won’t be making any blogs.

Thank you all for understanding.


Sound healing has multiple benefits · 12:59pm Mar 9th, 2022

The therapy of sound healing Santa Cruz CA uses several aspects of music to help people improve their emotional, physical and mental well-being. It provides a passive as well as participatory experience to the patients. For more details, visit:


How use derma heal dark circle? · 11:08am February 3rd

For those seeking a solution to banish dark circles and revitalize the delicate skin around the eyes, the answer lies in the innovative product offered by KBeautyPharm - the Derma Heal Dark Circle Cream. This advanced formula has been meticulously crafted to address the specific concerns associated with under-eye discoloration. The unique blend of potent ingredients in this product is designed to brighten and rejuvenate, leaving the skin looking more youthful and radiant.

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Ponies Keep Me Alive · 12:33am Dec 11th, 2015

This is not a happy post. It's not fun for me to write. And I'm well aware that this will probably not be read, which is fine.

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A 14th Century PSA: Soothing the Soul · 6:22pm Sep 8th, 2018

The camera slowly panned in on two figures. One, a tall human elder in a black monk’s robe. The other, a white earth pony whose black mane was streaked with gold. Answering some unseen cue, the human began to speak.

“Hello. I’m Friar Jacques de Charette from the apparently popular web-series A 14th Century Friar in Celestia’s Court.”

“And I’m First Lieutenant Morning Song from the same series.”

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On My Absence · 12:46am Nov 17th, 2015

You've probably noticed that I haven't been on these past few days. And even before that, you probably noticed that I wasn't answering PMs or comments like I usually do. All of this, as I'm sure you know, is highly unusual for me, and I would like to apologize and explain the reasons for my absence. Before I go any further, I would also like to apologize in advance if this starts to sound like an "Oh, woe is me!" type blog. That is not my intent at all. Rather, I feel that I owe all of you this

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 55 results