
Viewing 1 - 20 of 25 results

To My Followers · 2:22am Jun 4th, 2018

I'm almost certain none of you actually read these, and that's fine given how sporadically I make them, but I felt the need to write this down somewhere you might come across it.

I am sincerely baffled as to why anyone would choose to follow me at all, and all the more grateful that you do despite my dismay, each one of you contributes to my drive as a person and each one of you that I find has left diminishes me.

Thank You, so much:

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I'm Just a Pony, I Get Boxed From Time to Time · 3:16am Mar 6th, 2018


Boxes are very nice places for ponies to be. You're all terribly kind to me and my horse words. Thank you. :raritywink:


Drama Queen · 3:40pm Mar 27th, 2021

In retrospect, the first day stats aren't that bad for me. It's just the first day flood of downvotes is sometimes a little much to deal with. The long tail of these stories is invariably extremely positive, and I'm glad they have an audience.

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My gratitude · 11:45pm Aug 6th, 2020

Maybe it’s because I’ve had a few shots this evening, but I just want to take the opportunity to voice my gratitude to a couple of friends I have made over the past decade in beyond that I do not want to imagine life without.

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Report Humanity · 487 views · #Friends #tipsy #gratitude

Gratitude · 6:33pm Nov 22nd, 2017

Gratitude. A word you don't really hear much anymore. In this day and age people tend to think more of their rights and supposed entitlements, and I'm sadly not an exception. We desire and want more and more. It's difficult to stop and be grateful for the things we have, as opposed to being annoyed about what we don't.

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everyone falls when ideas are landing · 6:01am Nov 4th, 2017

pony with an attitude is a slow burn story. admittedly i have no overall plot in mind, i enjoy free-writing and seeing where the story takes me. if you like it, awesome! it's my very first story. if you don't like it, eh well thanks for reading it. i may write others.


Marathon Pt.2 · 6:49pm Dec 9th, 2020

We're keeping it rolling, everyone. We're into Act 1 and things are going to start heating up in the next several chapters.

Thanks for sticking around and reading! Thanks also for all of your support! If you want to donate to my move or support my writing financially, please visit my Patreon!



Report I-A-M · 178 views · #Patreon #Marathon #Gratitude

Sigh... · 4:14pm Jul 29th, 2017

Welp. This project fell through.

It's safe to say that I have long since lost my will to write. I haven't done anything significant on here in months. I've had ample opportunity to continue, but the mood just isn't there. My drive is gone.

I know how everything ends. I know what I want to be the endings of my stories. I just can't find a way to get there. My transitions from the first to final acts of stories have always been... bumpy.

I want to finish. I really do.

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Pinkie's *Bug* Surprise is popular?! · 4:09am Jan 24th, 2021

I turn around for a second, and when I turn back, one of my stories is in the 'Popular' tab?

...I genuinely don't know what to say, other than "I'm flattered".

Here I am, just a guy who thought "Y'know what? I wanna write some stories!" And now, I'm being semi-featured on a site that I know for a fact has better authors than me?

I'm really touched.

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Thank you for the support · 3:25pm Feb 9th, 2023

I'm surprised my One-Shot got as much intrigue and like as it did.
I even had a few commenters saying they would like a prequel to the events, or perhaps a continuation.

I just want to say thank you :)

I wrote it simply to write an Enter The Gungeon crossover, as short as it may be, I didn't expect to get such an overwhelming like to Dislike ratio.

On the notes of Like-Dislike ratios, I still find it insane that "Restart: After it all" Has no dislikes at all, I'm actually in awe.

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Happy Nightmare Night everybrony! · 12:01pm Oct 31st, 2018

That time of year has come again, and with it a slew of video game Halloween events, as well as town costume contests, free candy (they really should just rename it National Candy Day at this point) and a bunch of scary-themed fanfics art, and animations!

I just want to say thank you for all the laughs and general entertainment everybody has passed around this year so far, and I hope you don't get any cavities!


I am… floored · 1:55am Oct 14th, 2019

Good evening everyone.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's favorited, commented and/or just given me a thumbs up on my latest story. I am… honestly floored by the response to Phoenix-born rising. I had hoped that it would be well received, but I never expected this level of response. I'm honestly… really moved.

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Marathon Pt.3 · 8:16pm Dec 23rd, 2020

Moving day is here, such as it is. I say 'moving day' but honestly we're just going to be moving over the next week and a half trying to haul our lives between two places in the dead of winter.

To anyone and everyone who has supported me through this, whether that's financially, emotionally, or verbally, thank you. Every single one of you who has sat down and read my work, followed the adventures of my girls, and talked about them, has helped me.

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That was not expected. · 1:35am Apr 13th, 2019

Principal Cinch and the Unhappy Mother has reached the featured box.

I was honestly not expecting this. I know it shouldn't be that big a deal, but it still means a lot to me. Especially since it go up there so quickly.

Thank you


Screaming Around the Turkey - Dealing With Differences at Thanksgiving and Beyond · 8:49pm Nov 26th, 2019

As we lead up to Thanksgiving and all the stereotypical conflict that surrounds the dining table, I am mindful of how intensely polarized our society has become. It is becoming harder and harder for people to remain friends, it seems. Recent days have reminded me how grateful I am for the friends I've made over the years, and the lessons we've learned from our own conflicts. I have decided to share some of these lessons with you, in the hopes that it will make your lives and the lives of those

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200 Followers! · 4:46am Feb 6th, 2016

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

just... wow. I mean really, today I now have 200 followers. It's kinda amazing to me that when I first started out, I didn't really expected to even have this much readers that have not only enjoyed my stories, but gave me a reason to keep writing.

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275 Followers! · 11:50pm May 6th, 2020

Took a look at my follower count today and was delighted at what I found!

Thank you guys SO much. It really is an honor to write for you all. It's amazing to know that y'all like my stories so much. Thanks for giving me the privilege of creating for y'all time and again.

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An Open Thank You To FriendlyTwo3 · 4:24am Aug 23rd, 2016

A while ago, I put up an open request for cover art featuring a changeling anatomy reference chart, as I had never found one that fit with my intents and purposes.
A guy known as FriendlyTwo3, and he took to the project like I had never expected to see. And the weirdest part to me, was that, not only didn't he ask for any money, but he said that he was doing it because he liked the idea behind my story.

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Question of the Week #132 · 3:24am Nov 29th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back.

First... December 1st is drawing near and with it the conclusion of the Cyberpunk Equestria Nightmare Night Story Contest, so if you are planning to participate, your time to submit the story to the appropriate folder is drawing to an end. :rainbowderp:

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One Thousand Little Glances… · 3:26am Nov 16th, 2015

As of right this second, I have five completed stories published on this site. That's not a lot compared to many of the other excellent writers I like to check out from time to time, but it's what I've been able to accomplish over the last ten months. During that time, I've hit a number of little milestones, although I did not document them properly so I can't know the exact dates for most of them. That's why I'm marking this one with a blog post.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 25 results