
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

Fascist Talking Points · 3:59pm Jun 23rd, 2018

Last night I got in a fight on Reddit with Nazis.

Actual, factual Nazis.

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Report MrNumbers · 1,853 views · #Politics #fascism

When a joke is more than just a joke. · 7:51pm Jul 24th, 2020

Looks like it’s time to stir the pot! It's about time I said my piece on this matter. A lot of the drama going around is centered on a certain white-coated, blonde-maned, blue-eyed pony with a swastika cutie mark. She's become a center of controversy all around the fandom. A story about her got to the front page and promptly got buried in hundreds of comments. And the art pack that our brave free speech warriors are contributing to is filled with images of her. Her detractors hate her because

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The Hugo Boss Question · 6:49pm Jan 12th, 2022

I wonder what Rarity would have to say on the topic of Hugo Boss' involvement with the Nazis in the 1930s, and how his company still thrives today. I thought about writing a one-shot about it, but I feel ill-equipped.


The cobblestones are brown, but our shirts are black. · 8:27pm Feb 1st, 2023

"The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting."

Adán: Personally, I think, you're just overreacting.


To Ignore Something Is to Approve of It · 11:51am Jul 19th, 2020

In my last blog post, I said that I actively try to avoid posting overtly personal things on here. But that's the problem, isn't it? That mentality. "You shouldn't speak about certain things. Those things have a place and it isn't here."

But when you ignore something, you are implicitly approving of it. To be silent about an issue is to say that it is not worth speaking up about.

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Domestic terrorism is not patriotism · 9:34am Jan 12th, 2021

What occurred in the Capitol Hill is the most un-American and the most undemocratic thing those far-right wingers have ever done. Do those motherfuckers not know how to count numbers and which number is the largest? It's 100% clear that Biden won the electoral and popular votes. And the Democratic candidates won the Georgia runoff election. Numbers don't lie!

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the fact that the fimfiction algorithm thinks an old Unsafe Space admins group is similar to a group dedicated to Nazis is extremely funny to me. · 3:38am Jan 13th, 2022

For those of you who don't enjoy tilting at windmills, The Unsafe Space is a very far right group on fimfiction. Several self-avowed monarchists and barely-not-fascists there. Sometimes the libertarians have good points shitting on neo-cons and neo-libs, but then will generally afterwards turn around and say something like a covid vaccine mandate is a worse threat to America than Slavery, the Civil War, WWII, etc. I and a few

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results