
Viewing 1 - 20 of 23 results

Are you serious... · 6:15am Mar 16th, 2016


This is what functioning adults want as entertainment.

Where did we go wrong? Not a lot of things offend me, but the thought of this being aimed at me, or at least people in my age group is sickening.

"Talking hotdogs are funny! Smoking weed is funny! We should make the talking hotdog smoke weed!"


99% - Rotten Tomatoes.

Report Voyna · 239 views · #considering #suicide

Updated my Patreon · 8:01am Mar 21st, 2017

I updated my patreon account and made it look a bit nicer and not so... noobish.

And I'm thinking I'm gonna be needing this to help me survive in the coming months. Things are looking kinda bleak, but alas, I'll survive.

But hey, if you guys like my work, and wanna help support me and grow as a writer, considering checking out my patreon!


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A new username? · 5:24am Jan 9th, 2019

I'm currently considering changing my username. Why? Well, the name Shimmering Thunder actually came way before the character. It was originally just my username and nothing else. But then I started writing The Power Within. I wrote it without a proper plan, not even knowing the name of the main character after two chapters. Then I came up with the plot and I kinda had to use my username because it basically came the plot. Now it feels a bit weird whenever I talk about my OC

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Have any stories you consider old shames? · 2:30am Jan 4th, 2017

Okay, just asking, but do you have any stories that you would consider old shames? Just to start off, I'll list mine:

Agents of S.W.O.R.D (Or at least, one and a replacement...)

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The move is almost complete. · 3:46pm Aug 1st, 2015

Jeez-O-Pete. I am exhausted!

This has been the most stressful move ever, and I've moved to Japan. Twice!

The little things in life that make me smile have been much more noticeable and appreciated:

Ducks, eating at a Penn Station away from my OCD, ADD dad, and the cutest little girl at the U-Haul station doing "The Mario" while saying over and over again, "You can leave; I'll pay for you."


Help an amazing artist · 8:51pm Dec 26th, 2019

An artist that I've commissioned to do work for my stories has some spots opened up for commissions to help pay rent. Their stuff is super well done and their prices are rather fair and cheap considering the detail and designs that go into them. Please consider getting something from them, or share it with someone who might be interested. Any help is good help!


I Was an Open Idiot Once · 2:55am Jul 2nd, 2018

For most of my life, I only knew of romantic love between a male and a female. Ironically, this was because my family was so insanely open to anything related to the LGBTQ+ community, it all just went right over my head. In fact, I even thought that two of my mother's close friends were sisters when they had actually been in a relationship for my entire life. But everything changed on my first day of high school.

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A big problem I have with "Incomplete" stories. · 1:36am Feb 10th, 2017

Why are stories allowed to be "incomplete" if they haven't received an update in a year? Heck, sometimes I come across "incomplete" stories that haven't been updated in three years - just set that to "On Hiatus" or "Cancelled"!

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Yet another update on my writing · 10:21am Mar 8th, 2017

Show of hands, who’s tired of seeing these back and forth blog posts of whether I’m updating or not? I know I am :ajsleepy: Unfortunately, here’s another one, and it doesn’t exactly have good news in it.

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"The Iron Horse" Themes: Automation · 5:34pm Apr 23rd, 2016

I meant to discuss this right after the Applejack arc "Apple Computer" of The Iron Horse, but things got in the way, it got delayed and pushed back, and so I haven't quite had the time to sit down and discuss it until now. However, I consider it to be one of the more important recurring themes of the story, especially with regard to characters like Celestia and Applejack, and, of course, to Turing Test.

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Secrets and (Pinkie) Pies · 10:00pm Sep 24th, 2023

Annnd Act 2 officially finished! Honestly, I'm so pleased I've made it this far. I've never thought I'd actually get around to putting these ideas down on paper (well, computer screen, I guess) so not only getting to this point, but looking further ahead and thinking to myself, 'yeah, I can totally get there in due time' is so invigorating.

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Watching Pone With Frednz [Spoilz!] · 2:20am Aug 22nd, 2016

Pickleless: Oh no, it's a Spike episode? I hope it isn't cringy humor, cause it makes me cringy. I also hope that they don't make the changeling shy or whatever like Fluttershy.

>Both those things happen.

Pickleless: Dangit!

>Spike sings



Do you like Cynewulf's work? · 1:21am Aug 28th, 2018

I sure do! (Though, I'm sure to any blog-reader and fan of my work that this is rather obvious.) Any way, Cyne is assessing interest in printed copies of her work, including short word bois, big word bois, and her original fiction.

There's a simple strawpoll if you don't want to comment, but you can find out all about it here!


Something about me being sick or drunk... · 7:49pm Feb 28th, 2018

is that whenever I happen to be in one of those two states I end up doing stupid or reckless things...

Just like what I'm about to do today. I'll send two new fics today to the approval queue. That way only destiny (coff coff approvers coff coff) will stop me if it's really necessary.

Anyway. these two new projects are old manuscripts I was holding back on my pc. If there are people that really like the premises of both then I will put more effort into them.


Recovery is Pony Horror · 1:41am Oct 7th, 2022

So, in my last blogs I talked about recovering from the hardest burnout I've ever gone through, a debt accrued over seven years. I realized most of that really was the drive to monetize my work. It shaped everything I had been thinking about my writing for years, now, in subtle and unsubtle ways. Becoming financially stable through other means let me massage all those knots and work something out.

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Exposing a scam - Part 3 (I think I won) · 10:29pm Feb 4th, 2021

I think contacting my bank and giving them info on the fake label worked. They say they're going to cancel my package order, hopefully giving me my money back in the process. Not part of it, all of it. If they dare have the cheek to say that first thing, then I'm afraid I'll be all out of nice. I've already been set back dramatically and my buyer is still waiting, so this whole situation has pissed me off deeply.

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Tired · 3:17pm Oct 25th, 2016

I haven't even taken my hydrocodone and I feel exhausted. I'm about to have math long period, too. And the sub is so salty! I have her for the next three months. After that it gets easier. I just don't want to fall asleep during class. Hope your days are going well.


Sometimes horny posting actually works · 8:55am May 13th, 2022

After days of hornily searching, I met an amazing just as weird as me nerd chick in the Reddit BDSM personals subreddit and she lives in LA and she also loves Wikipedia and is a writer and we talked for like 2 hours and she's going to domme my fucking ass in the future and I can't wait but even more importantly, I've made an amazing new friend. Today was a good day.


comment i (kinda) just posted on a story · 12:57am Sep 18th, 2017

Celestia smiled at the little gesture. “You’re right. Like the weasel you are, you’ve worked your way into my heart.”

Don’t scream don’t scream don’t scream don’t scream don’t scream don’t scre

“But… is it… love?”

She drew in a sharp breath. “Yes.”

That same finger now quickly tapped as if he were trying to listen for something within. “There’s love for me in there?”

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dreamweaver stuff · 6:46pm Jun 6th, 2019

so glad to say that
1. very glad i decided to publish The Dreamweaver, and even more glad that so many people like it.
2. As of two days after it got published, it has over a thousand view, 116 likes, and yesterday it had the heat/hot symbol. i honestly don't use the site enough to know exactly what that is or how you get it but i assume it just means the story is popular? also:

  • Number of bookshelves: 322
  • Tracking: 101

i'm so happy, honestly.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 23 results