
Viewing 1 - 20 of 38 results

Brilliance · 12:55am Apr 6th, 2018

This is unironically some of the best MLP-related content I've seen.


Back to a more normal posting schedule · 4:55pm Nov 7th, 2021

Hey folks,

I just published a pretty huge chapter in my favorite story, The World is Filled with Monsters. I have a good plan for the rest of the current act, and the rest of the story to follow.

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Peeling the skin back from my eyes I felt surprised · 4:08am Jun 28th, 2016

That the time on the clock was the time I usually retired
To the place where I cleared my head of you
But just for today I think I lie here and dream of you

I've got you under my skin where the rain can't get in
But if the sweat pours out, just shout
I'll try to swim and pull you out

A howling wind that blows the litter as the rain flows
As street lamps pour orange colored shapes, through your windows
A broken soul stares from a pair of watering eyes

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The Triumphant Return · 1:46am Feb 5th, 2018

Almost 3 years ago to the day, I disappeared off this website. Happy to say I've returned! A lot of bad stuff happened to me, depression, a new anxiety disorder more depression, the realization of my bisexuality, and high school. I'm now 19 years old, I still watch My Little Pony, and while my focus has shifted towards art, I still enjoy writing stuff. I'm sorry to all the friends I abandoned. I saw that someone said I might have been banned by my parents, and while that was somewhat true, it

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So guess what guys? · 8:46pm Jun 7th, 2016

This story is getting revised. Remade. Redone.

Yup That's right.

This story is going to be made all better.

But the old version will still be up. The new version is going to be made though. And it'll be WAY better then this one. :)


Gone? · 3:05pm Jun 23rd, 2019

Sorry I've been gone but I'm at Job corps right now so I have little time to write.


A thing... · 3:33am Jul 20th, 2015

If you haven't read it, its from Come Back Dashie.


Holy butts... is it May already? · 3:51pm May 5th, 2018

So first off, clearly my attempts to slow down time have been for nought because its bleedin' May. When did this year get almost half-over?

Secondly, finished the draft work on my latest project. Gotta give it a few run overs with the belt sander before I can start posting chapters. Really hope it works out because it would suck to have spent six months working on a flop.

Hope you like Tempest Shadow because it'll have plenty of her.


Kicking it into gear! · 12:17am Feb 22nd, 2020

Hello everyone!

I know I have been inactive for well over 2 years now and I can post something to make up for it. I'm getting ready to start a new story and I hope you guys like it! Should be out within 1-2 days of this post, or less depending on how fast I can get it done.

I'll post more when I can!



Updates! · 1:05am Jul 13th, 2017

Ok, so the first is; I'm dusting off Summer's Dream and going to finish it. Soon...ish. I've gotten back into the groove of writing again, thanks to two writers (DMDash71 and ShinigamiDad) here and a very talented artist (RainbowJuice) who has done a couple of commissions for me that got the ball rolling on some one shots

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I thought I'd never see her again. · 10:12pm Jul 7th, 2015

Wow she's back. Or well at least this will be the last time I see her. I thought it was that moment a few months ago. The moment when I knew I would let her go to that different school in that different city when I let her go. And now I'm finally over her and I know it's not her fault but she made me remember all those painful days that I've endured.

I guess I'm ok. It's just that I'm confused..


Not Dead Yet · 5:19am May 10th, 2018

Next chapter is coming.

Will be out by next Friday at the latest.

Also, look out for another blog post on Order of the Alicorn, as I'm considering some changes to that story that will definitely have an impact on this one.

See you in hell my friends.


Expect a new story soon?? Maybe?? · 9:18pm Apr 24th, 2018

It's with an OC, and it's going to be an expanded version of an assignment I had as part of my final project, but it's better than nothing :pinkiesad2: Hopefully soon I'll get back into the swing of things, cuz I really want to...


Coming back · 5:34am Dec 2nd, 2017

Well, it happened my old laptop could no longer take it, between the b, v, and n keys no longer working it decided to just start to slow down as molasses whenever I had the work around of the onscreen keyboard, that was why I put Princess exchange program on hold. Now though I have a BRAND new windows 10 laptop with all the keys working and I can start to put what I have written down already onto the site as new chapters, you can expect at least 4 of them to be up on Christmas day, I will be

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Malumpere, you out there homie? Remember all those Teenage Robot RPs? · 3:52am Apr 17th, 2022

Hoo boy, this is me casting the holy mother of wide nets, but fuck it. I remember a guy from here named Malumpere, at least that's the name I remember. I did a fucking huge amount of roleplays with him involving My Life As A Teenage Robot, and while I was certainly a much poorer writer back then, it's still something I remember fondly because we just had so much FUN. A really genuine, peaceful period that went on for a few years. It was a blast.

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Attempting a come-back · 7:16am March 11th

Good evening readers and fans of mine!

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Hello · 5:37am Jan 15th, 2021

Hi. Simple, easy intro to start this... (whoo, here I go.)

I'm going to be abandoning the internet for a while. I need a break from everything I've run into and watched and heard and I'm tellin' society that I'm in charge of my own life. I'm taking a break, in short. Don't know how long, don't know when I'll return, don't know how life will be.

Hang in there, my Fancies. Stay regal and happy, and I shall return eventually.


mmmmm · 6:58am Mar 13th, 2020

hi i check in every few days but i don't really
do much
came on today to find
a new follower! wack how did that happen i don't do anything

but i've gotten into the habit of looking at people's blogs on tumblr that follow me there so i can block them if i need to so when i used that habit here i found

them comforting a homophobe!
mmmmmmmm don't like that

i may have my issues with Ice Star but like
same for terfs and aphobes but like

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I’m back · 6:02am Oct 3rd, 2021

Wow, last time I was on here it was like 2017... time flies so fast it seems and I luckily was able to remember my account login, but still it’s crazy to see this site is still kicking around and active even! Probably not as much as it used to be back in the early years of MLP, but it’s still quite the sight to see. Well guess I should be getting started on fanfics again, I found so much old stuff, new ideas, and good god my writing was terrible back then, probably still is but we’ll see how

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My Thoughts on "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" · 6:33pm Jul 11th, 2015

I was in a god-awful mood this week. I was so pissed that even my inner monologues and conversations with myself were littered with swear words. I was really hoping this episode would raise my spirits. it most certainly did. Here are my thoughts on this week's episode, Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?

Spoilers. You've been warned.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 38 results