
Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results

Chapter 7 progress - 15/02/2017 · 5:53am Feb 15th, 2017

Hello internet.

Welcome to the blog. A fanfic blog. ...Ok, that’s good enough.

So far this week, Ch. 7 ‘Snow Day’ is coming along nicely. Nothing much else to report really. :trollestia:

Except for the question - Does eating pizza cause lucid dreams? Because man! Did I have some weird yu-gi-oh style card battle dream last night - but the players dualed by drawing on paper for a judge who’d decide the winner by a loose set of rules. Weird! And interesting!

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Chapter Preview · 8:12pm Aug 1st, 2017

As the town was set on fire, Marshall singled out a stallion dressed in a stonehoof priests robes amongst the terrified crowd and called him out.

"You..." The warden hissed while pointing his blade.

"Kill these blasphemers! Quickly!!" The priest shouted at the once angry mob but Marshall wasn't going to stand for it.

"No! Just you and me. You may be a priest but you're still a warrior!"

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Story Updates! · 4:28pm Sep 12th, 2017

Now that I'm back at it again with my own stories once more, I think everyone would enjoy this kind of post! I'll consistently update it with the order of chapter releases for all current stories and the progress on said chapters. There will also be mystery titles when a new story, short or long, is in the works. So if you're following any of my stories keep an eye on this post for progress made! :twilightsmile:

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Started on the next chapter, and it's already 2k in. · 1:59pm Sep 28th, 2015

Title, and so far I haven't even touched on Applebuck Season the episode yet, so...yay?


Progress report · 10:29am Jan 26th, 2017

Well my writing exercise is paying off. Because I am using the ideas that wont fit in my story and writing another story, still undecided if I will ever post it or not, my writers block is easing off. I am writing more and more for the current chapter and everything. Right now the outline for the chapter is done, but I am not sure if I can fill it up to my average word count. Time will tell.


Discussion for next chapter · 8:01am Dec 6th, 2017

Okay. So the allied forces have completely crushed Dainns army and secured the fortress guarding the border.

Tradition states that the army holds a celebration feast in honor of their victory. The question is: What will happen at said feast?


Working on new chapters · 9:30pm Jan 13th, 2016

Hello, I just wanted to inform everyone that I am working on the next few chapters of Princess Exchange Program, I'm going to try to put them all up near the same time, I wasn't able to post anything for a while because my laptop decided to die, I now have a replacement and am able to do more now than just 2 hours a day at my local library.


Chapter Progress Again · 9:21am Jan 22nd, 2020

Almost 5000 more words. Let's go!
Chapter is definitely going to be two parts, and there might be a interlude in between that'll be a short but long-promised scene.

Soon, friends! Very soon. Got some editing and rewrites to do, for sure, but we're getting there.


Mass Effect Update and Chapter Progression. · 3:35am Feb 11th, 2016

So, I've recently posted updates to chapters four, five, and six. I want to edit the other chapters, but I think it is passed time for me to update the story with a new chapter. That being said I've decided to ask for your help. I am posting a link to my next chapter and you can comment on it and leave suggestions and ideas. I am hoping that with your input I will be motivated to write more. Also I'm thinking of hosting a live writing session in the future. We will see. Thank you,

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Chapter 8 Progress (Update 2) · 6:27am Apr 14th, 2021

Alright, time for another update. First off I want to both thank all of you for reading Harmonious Destiny and being patient with me during these long breaks.

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Progress Bar · 11:08am Apr 21st, 2023

Hey everyone, just in case you were wondering how the next chapter(s) of my story(ies) are coming I have added a progress bar on my profile, it is only visible on desktop, but if you switch to desktop view on your mobile you will be able to see it.

Hope everyone is doing and thank you for reading the three new chapters I have uploaded.

Keep smiling :twilightsmile:

- Ryder a.k.a. rarityxspike


Story Update and Small Personal Rants · 6:55am Jun 23rd, 2015

Hello boys and girls. Just posting this to give you some updates on what I'm doing. The first is that I'm working on "Elements" as we speak, however, the next chapter might be delayed a day. The reason for that is... well, it's due to my own laziness, and I'm terribly sorry. There is a lot of character interaction and changeling backstory I need to cover for the next chapter. I won't lie, though. I feel a little

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New Chapter and More Writing! · 6:50pm Aug 31st, 2023

Fun fact, this chapter that I've just posted was surprisingly fun, and my second most recent chapter. It was also a chapter I did at byootfick in the dead of night, cranking out roughly four fifths of the entire chapter in one go (roughly 4000 words). I had NEVER been that motivated. This is ALSO a chapter my editor and best friend highly enjoyed, which surprised me a bit. He certainly likes my work, but this was much higher praising than I was used to, which made me a little suspicious, but

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Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results