
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

anyways watch g5 · 4:09pm Oct 12th, 2019

No, I haven't seen the episode yet, nor do I plan to. I have... a lot of catching up to do. I think I'm gonna go back and do a massive re-watch of the whole shebang from the very first episode to the very last. I've heard that people are... upset with how it ended, but honestly the show should have ended around season 5 or 6 when every major character's arc was completed lol

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Blargh · 11:04pm Aug 3rd, 2015

I have spent the past three solid weeks working on a single story, and now I am starting to suspect I will chuck it into the toilet. :facehoof:

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What's Up? · 11:32pm Dec 13th, 2017

Well, it's been a while.

You see, I have a reason for that. School has been grilling me real good for the past couple months and my grades have been hovering between an average I would really love to see go up. I've just had zero motivation to write one-shots and a lot of stress to finish writing projects I already have going on.

And if you haven't noticed, I got a new avatar! But this isn't just any regular old avatar. Nyope. I drew it. And I'm friggin proud:

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Report Doctor Disco · 339 views · #blargh

Being Alone In a Fandom of Friends · 1:45am May 22nd, 2018

Hey guys!

So, I had a realization the other day about some things regarding me and my friends within this fandom. But before I get into it, I wanna preface it by saying this isn't a pity party or an "oh, boo-hoo, nobody likes me" type thing. This is just something I wanted to talk about, get off my chest and know if anyone else ever feels the same!

So, as per the usual, stop at this cute picture if you want, or continue on for a look into my soul...

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Blargh-blargh, Blargihty-blargh-blargh blog blargh · 5:47pm Nov 9th, 2015

Fallout 4 is on the way and I'll be starting work at my job soon, so don't be surprised if I vanish for a week or two. (Not that I'm very active writing-wise anyhow :rainbowlaugh:)

My objective is to get chapter one of Imperial Equestria out ideally before Fallout 4 drops. (Tall order, but I remain confident)

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Extra Thoughts on "Mother of Many Faces" · 1:06am May 10th, 2017

I don't know about you, but sometimes even when a story is done and gone, I can't help but continue thinking about it. Pondering what might've happened next and what might've happened to certain characters.

Let me say this early on: this particular story is done and I have no interest in revisiting it or continuing it. But that doesn't mean I can't ponder about it and let you hear my ideas.

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Updates and Strawpoll (Zootopia related.... duh) · 1:11am May 6th, 2017

So the first half of this is all just personal rambling, which I'll spoil if you don't care about, everything else is story stuff.

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2012: The Lemuracolypse - Part Eight: The Summer Shuffle · 8:13pm Jan 20th, 2018


So the site? · 4:38pm Jun 5th, 2017

It’s fast, yeah!

The mobile version is going to be ticking me off for a while. Can’t even begin to figure it out.

The emojis make me cry on the inside. Please, make it stop.

Some of the page stuff and typing thingy blog toolbar whatever looks okay.

But the rest? The new look.

Not digging it one bit. It’s actually really confusing to my eyes and just looks... ehhhh.

Guess I’ll see where this goes?

Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results