
Viewing 1 - 20 of 669 results

Little Piece Of Advice · 6:49pm Nov 2nd, 2017

If a reader doesn't like a story someone else writes, for whatever reason they see fit, then decide to be a complete <censored> and put a dislike on every one of the rest of their stories, make sure that the stories don't have a low amount of dislikes. The author will notice. While getting a dislike doesn't bother me, I know it happens, but the fact that three of my "low dislike" stories had gotten an additional thumbs down in less an hour seemed fishy. I went through the stats of all my

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Report pabrony · 315 views · #being a jerk

Opening up about one of the good things about the pandemic · 2:24am Dec 17th, 2020

Frankly speaking, I'm thankful that there are no family gatherings this Christmas. No one wants to deal with relatives and/or members of extended families who are toxic, manipulative, and/or close-minded.

I came across a family friend who I think is a nuisance. As soon as the #MeToo movement began, I blocked her on FB and felt the need to speak up about my experience of being a victim of sexual harassment because of her inappropriate "jokes" and behaviour.

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Facebook Dare: Ice Water · 2:15am Sep 11th, 2015

The video pretty much sums everything up, but the question which is most important is: do you want to see me dunk my head in ice water? :trollestia:

Yes, I did say glass water. :facehoof: Yes, it was an accident. I have, for lack of a better term, dyslexia of the mouth. :applejackunsure:

Report LightningBass94 · 336 views · #me #being #an #idiot

Damn you finances! · 8:38am Jan 5th, 2016

All I want to do was binge watch some pastel Ponies on Netflix and my last Payment didn't go through... I wonder if my friend can pay me back tomorrow.


Tumbleweed vs. The Sunk Cost Fallacy. · 11:39pm Jul 1st, 2018

I have done ... very little today. Puttered around, did some chores, restocked the fridge. Typical weekend stuff. Going to go out and be social and see some live theater this evening, so that's nice.

But ... I find myself wondering if I somehow should have been more productive-- which is a fairly common thing for me as of late.

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Nursery rhymes, but with horsefucking · 8:50pm Jul 8th, 2020


Ummm...little sneaky poo. · 7:24pm Jun 15th, 2015

Here is a sneak peek to the new story I made about Chrome.

I promise, it will get better. I am still rusty after so long -_-


Being a Better Writer: Sidekicks · 10:56pm Sep 19th, 2016

The original concept for this post, or rather I should say request as that's what it was, was for information regarding a comedic sidekick. But I've decided to expand on that a little for two reasons. First, dying is easy, but comedy is hard. Really hard. I envy those who can write comedy, like Adams, Prachett, Taylor, or Korman. It's a serious talent. The art of regularly keeping a comedic tone, building things up for comedic beats not just every once and a while, but with

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Ugh... can't decide... · 5:05pm Aug 16th, 2015

Okay... so I have a fic idea I want to work on. It involves sex. It involves clop. It involves story.

What I can't decide is if I want it to be anthro or pony. It's something to fap off to, but I think it might also be something to care about also.

So... thoughts? Or should I just drop this.

Also, I am a dirty, dirty pervert... sigh... stupid head!


I Believe A Proper Explanation Is In Order · 7:12am Sep 28th, 2015


Oh yeah, right. My bad.

Well, uh, people... yeah, it's been rough. On me at least. You guys on the other hand could still be having a rad time. Or something. I'm not trying to put you down here. Just trying to be... real? I guess.

See, one of the main reasons I didn't come onto the site for over a month now was because of my job. But some other things got into the mix as well. Messy, messy things.

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CURRENTLY OFF THE GRID · 12:57am Aug 15th, 2021

Yo! If you're here looking for Being a Better Writer, there are new installments each Monday on the site, going up each Monday morning. I myself am away in Alaska, and am unable to post anywhere that didn't have a scheduling function to it. So, if you're looking for your weekly dose of Being a Better Writer goodness, then hit that link, because there'll be a new post each Monday, and I'll see you all in a few weeks (around the end of August)!

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Being a Better Writer: My Personal Editing Process · 5:49pm Sep 5th, 2016

Welcome back! So, very quickly, first the news, nice and quick: There's a Labor Day Sale. You should check it out. Boom, done, on to the next docket: The Dragon Award winners have been announced, and there are some who are very unhappy about it (guess who?). If curious, check that out here.

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Being a Better Writer: The Keystone · 6:29pm May 23rd, 2017

Welcome back readers! As you may have guessed from this posting date, I had another Monday shift at my part time, hence why you’re getting this today (I’m at the moment writing it up during the early evening of the 22nd, so you’re reading this in what would technically be the future). Nothing too unusual there.

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Being a Better Writer: Connecting with Characters · 8:33pm Oct 18th, 2016

I went out with my buddies to see a movie late last night.

I won't tell you the title, as it isn't important for our purposes right now, but I will tell you that it wasn't that fantastic a film. It was ... I suppose "adequate" is the best word I could use to describe it. But nothing more. The film wasn't exactly grand. It was simply ... a film. A sequence of events, with some action, some attempt at drama, etc.

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The Most-Read BaBW Post to Date · 8:46pm Jan 17th, 2019

Full musing here.

So, I got curious the other day and started digging through site history on here. Why? Well, I can look at stats here on a yearly basis (but not lifetime, for some odd reason) and started wondering about each year’s most popular Being a Better Writerposts. What, I wondered, was the most popular (read: one with the most views) to date?

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*cough* · 5:46am Aug 21st, 2015

Don't mind me...just working on one of two sequels tonight.

Two guesses which one.


Ever Wonder Where All That Weird Spacey Electronica You Hear in the Anthology Videos Comes From? · 2:08pm Apr 27th, 2017

It come from Jean Jacques Perrey's 1968 album The Amazing New Electronic Pop Sound. He was a pioneer of electronic music, the French anwer to Wendy Carlos

But I bet you already knew that, you trendsetter you.

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Just Being a Nerd · 3:37am Jun 23rd, 2019

Okay, I just watched the 13th episode of the 9th season and can I just say that I appreciate the MLP team for including all these theater references in the show lately! I'm a huge theater dork and I fucking lost it when they showed a reference to Wicked. It's one of my favorite musicals of all time! And I more recently saw a production of My Fair Lady and I was so excited when they did a parody of it in She's all Yak. If they do a reference to Beetlejuice The Musical

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Being a Better Writer: Setting Sights Higher · 9:16pm Aug 3rd, 2015

Today's topic, despite its lateness, is one that I feel is important. It's not a long topic, nor do I think it will take much time to discuss, but it's something that needs to be said.

Set your sights higher.

In fairness, that's a good statement ... but it's also pretty vague. So, what am I actually talking about? Let's start with a little backstory.

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Being a Better Writer: Taxes · 9:23pm Feb 14th, 2017

Fair warning, this is not going to be a happy post. A lot of times I try to deliver good news or positive vibes with my posts, but today? Well, today you're probably going to leave unhappy. You'll see why in a bit.

So, you've been published! Your book is out in the wild, selling copies and making you dough! Success! You're on the way to riches, watching with glee and satisfaction as money slowly funnels into your bank accounts or arrives in publisher's checks.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 669 results